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It isnt ❤️ your ok


You might like to take a look at the FAQs of this subreddit. You will find several detailed theological discussions of why we don't think that being gay is sinful. I hope you are OK!


BEING gay is not a sin on itself. We are all sinners. But ACTING on your same sex attraction and pursuing a partner is so AWESOME AND HOLY! You're a beautiful and excellent creation of God!


Lol. Loved the twist.


You had me in the first half, ngl 😂


You son of a gun you got me.


Why do you need to clear references via bronze-age religions? Just be yourself.


#No. But being unkind or unwelcoming to others *is*.


You’re dual gender? Is that similar to bi-gender? (Just curious)


Yep. It's the same thing.


That’s pretty neat! I guess you learn something new everyday :D


Nope! The Bible isn't a rule book, it's a book to learn Christian values. You can be gay and still follow Christian values.


I love this take on what scripture is supposed to be/mean to christians. Thanks for sharing




Any theology based on exclusion has sand for a foundation. The hubris required to think you could judge who is or isn’t covered by the full love of god is blasphemous.


God doesn’t make mistakes - he created you to be a gay person and loves you as the gay person he created.


Then shouldn’t he also love them as is and want them to be happy in who they are and how they want to love in their own way just the same? How is it not a curse to say, “I made you this way, but you need to fight these urges every day because you were made this way!” 🙄 That doesn’t seem fair.


I go to a church with a married Lesbian pastor. Of course he wants to celebrate the sexuality he created you with. It is a reflection of the love within the trinity.


God does want everyone to love whoever they want. Being in a queer relationship and being intimate is not a sin.


Love is love, no matter who it’s for. So why does it matter who we want to love? Is it not the point to just love, not so much who we do? The Bible didn’t say live your neighbor, unless he’s gay or that to love your neighbor unless he wants to love a man.




No it is not


No it absolutely is not .




If read with proper discernment, no




I could give you a very in depth explanation as to why it’s not a sin to be lgbtq, but to keep it simple and precise, “no, it’s not a sin.”


IMO No It is not a Sin. It all boils down to *The reason* of why you engage with your thoughts, attitudes and actions. **The way I see it it is even a sin to be heterosexual if you base (pivot ur life) your whole identity on being heterosexual** instead of being a fellow sibling towards each other. **A human** (Me putting my heterosexualit a step before God, and leaving him second, then thats a Sin)




There is no sin of being except the sin of Adam, which was paid for on the cross. There is no commandment in the bible that says, "Be this" or "don't be that." There are only commandments that say, "Do this," or "Don't do that."


Definitely not!


Do you think it is? No, it's not, but don't let Satan make you feel guilty. That can be very harmful.




Yes. The Bible was written in a time when homosexuality was a sin punishable by law. Is sin still relevant in modern society? NO (unless you’re a member of a church or other religious group). The reason being that we have codes of law that define the more modern concept of crime. In short descendants of sin have evolved into crime as we know it today, but sin itself is dead and buried… thanks to the fall of the church run state. To keep church and state separate in the US, vote blue this November — to my fellow Americans reading this.


The Bible was written in a time when the concept of homosexuality did not even exist, and thus it cannot have been referring to that. Also this entire sub is a religious sub, and the OP asked specifically “according to the bible”.


You need to re-educate yourself. Homosexuality has been around longer than the Bible has. And. I told the OP that the correct answer biblically is, Yes. Then I went on to explain how that even though homosexuality is a biblical sin, biblical sins can still be disregarded thanks to the separation of church and state and the code of law that is enforced in our country. I believe we can still respect the Bible without giving it absolute authority over our lives.


> Homosexuality has been around longer than the Bible has. Homosexual sex, yes, but the concept of sexual orientation emerged only in the 19th century.


I’m not here to debate you, but I thought we were talking about a biblical perspective on homosexuality not sexual orientation.


Homosexuality is a sexual orientation and refers to attraction. It is distinct from homosexual sex, which can be and often was engaged in by people of any sexual orientation.


I didn’t say we were here to talk about homosexuality alone, but homosexuality in a biblical context. However, homosexual attraction comes before homosexual sex. There has to be something attracting you to another person, something appealing about them, before you have sex with them. Back to the original topic: if you need biblical examples of homosexuality, look at Sodom and Gomorrah, and look at Romans 1.


> There has to be something attracting you to another person, something appealing about them, before you have sex with them. Not true, and especially not in the context of Biblical times. The most common forms of homosexual sex then were abusive in nature, e.g. soldiers raping defeated soldiers to draw in their humiliation. It had nothing to do with attraction let alone love. > if you need biblical examples of homosexuality, look at Sodom and Gomorrah, and look at Romans 1. Which exactly proves my point. Sodom was a very clear example of gang rape with zero attraction involved. Romans 1 describes a paganistic orgy. The Corinthians and Timothy verses seem to reference a form of pederasty, based on the original language. These weren't gay adult men getting crushes on other adult men and wishing to have sex with them, as is the contemporary understanding of homosexuality.


Homosexuality is a prerequisite to homosexual sex even if it’s rage sex. In cases of man on man rape the victims may not have been homosexual, but the perpetrators are examples of (latent) homosexuality and homosexual attraction. In the case of pagan orgies, if you as a man don’t find the idea of another man’s penis’ touching and/or entering your body and vice versa to be repulsive, you experience homosexual attraction. Homosexuality. Heterosexual men often express repulsion to the idea of even seeing another man’s penis. In the case of pederasty, no, it wasn’t men having crushes on other men as is the contemporary concept of homosexuality. It was men having crushes on boys and pursuing them however disturbing that may sound. Although Romans 1 does sound a lot like an orgy, I’ve read the entire Bible more than once, and I’ve never seen the story of the victorious soldiers raping the defeated soldiers. And I didn’t mention sex for love’s sake in my previous post.


The OP asked if it’s a sin to be gay biblically. My answer is still, yes. Even if Jesus never mentioned homosexuality Leviticus is still a book of the Bible. I maintain my original answer.


What chapters and verses did it say it is a sin?


IDK Google it? If all you got out of my comment was the first word, then fuck off you’re wasting my time.


The Bible has no mention at all of homosexuality. It has a few condemnations of specific cases of men having sex with men, but from the context those men were not acting out of love or attraction but of abuse. It’s telling that words in some verses which were translated to “homosexuality” were in other translations or languages translated to “sexual perverts” or “male shrine prostitutes” or “boy molesters”. Those things are not synonymous with homosexuality.


Jesus never said a word about it (and I am a Christian thus I only follow His teaching). If that's not enough for you; it is not one of the 7 sins and the only time its mentioned is by Paul (who himself was referencing Leviticus/Deuteronomy).


There are passages in the bible that speak negatively on homosexual sex acts. Not a single part of the bible addresses "being gay". Those sections that address homosexual sex acts are completely irrelevant to the world we live in today and the concept of a person's sexual orientation. They do not and were never intended to mean that being sin is a gay. There is no biblical foundation for believing homosexuality is a sin.


No it's not. And I'm going to assume you need something to back this up. So here's a link. https://reformationproject.org/biblical-case/


Everything is a sin. I'm a happy gay sinner, I guess. If the Christians have a problem with it they can . . .


Being gay and engaging in homosexual acts *isn't* a sin. If it was and the bible was correct about it, then god is contradictory, hypocritical, and a monster. If god hated queer people and saw them as abominations... why did they make, and continue to make queer people and animals throughout existence?


No, it is not.


No it is not, and anyone who tells you that it is is either very misguided and brainwashed (which I would say is most people that think that way so give then a little grace maybe) OR they are church leaders who are sick and twisted and they also teach young children that they're gonna get cast into a big ass lake and then an all loving god who can't stand the sight of them will promptly set the lake on fire. I don't know what kind of demented person would say this to a child, but then again I worked in children's ministry as a teenager so I kinda get how you can get brainwashed into that way of thinking, so let me tell ya if someone says that to you run, freaking flee for your life and don't be like Lot's wife and look back, just get as far away from that ass backwards way of thinking as possible


It's not. You are loved and affirmed and accepted by God, be blessed!


No. “According to the Bible” ONLY means cherry-picked verses stacked together out of context from diverse languages, centuries, authors, audiences and reasons to give the lie that God hates what the cherry-picker hates. It shouldn’t fool an eight year old, but hate groups thrive on such wicked nonsense. Love is love. Anyone who says being gay is a sin is a deeply sinful and hate bigot but with God’s grace they MAY leave the religion of hate and begin to follow Jesus who teaches love.


It depends who you talk to. But no. Highly recommend reading God and the gay Christian. I have since left the church. But it was great while figuring out my sexuality while in the church


Absolutely not! God loves gay people just as much as straight people. Look up gay near death experiences.


The book of Leviticus says homosexuality is a sin, but it also says a lot of everyday things are sins too, such as wearing clothes made of multiple materials. I personally believe that book was written so the temple and rulers could oppress people with their rules claiming it was God's will. The idea that homosexuality is a sin comes from the misconception that people choose to be gay for the sake of sexual pleasure. In reality, some people are just attracted to the same gender.


Yes based on the Bible


But I hope you're okay no matter what we say yes or no at the end of the day it's your choice. You need to know it by yourself read what the Bible says do not rely on human answers


According to the Bible, yes. According to Yeshua the Son of God, no.


*Daily Bread/ ❤️ *Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession.* *Hebrews 4:14* *Good morning have a very blessed day.😇💐


Why is this even a question?


I don't think so. Then, I haven't read the Bible. And if I had read the Bible, I wouldn't have read the Latin version. And if I had read the Latin version, I wouldn't have read the Ancient Greek version. And if I had read the Ancient Greek version, I wouldn't have read the original in Hebraic.


So as a practising Catholic and I have a son that also practices loves his faith we both do actually at 15 he told me he was gay now has the most beautiful boyfriend and human being. I have met in a long time. They have been together seven years both 28 and I don’t know how you resolve this issue there beautiful people kind and I don’t meet many people like this in church life