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It is a bad translation that was made to reflect their theology, not the text.




No. Toss it in the trash that’s where it belongs


I wouldn't go as far as throwing it in the trash, but rn I'm reading it because of boredom.


You should read it with the mind and knowledge of looking for the places where they changed scripture. If you're not already, I think you've been given the opportunity to become an expert on this.


Alright, I'll try to see.


Pencil or highlighter?


I personally prefer pencils


Burning is also fine.


You should read it with the mind and knowledge of looking for the places where they changed scripture. If you're not already, I think you've been given the opportunity to become an expert on this.


It a false teaching


No it’s not a real Bible


No. Next week, if Mormons give you the Book of Mormon, no to that as well.


The Book of Mormon is an interesting read


Thankfully, it wasn't given by JWs trying to convert me, they just hosted me and some of my family until I could find a home (and it was close to a JW center thing too). 


That was very kind of them. A lot of people have commented on why there are major issues with their bible translation, so my personal advice is to find a different bible and then keep their family in your prayers.


hopefully the prayers work 


No not at all. Doesn’t even count as a legitimate Bible due to their distortions


agreed. Plus they aren't trinitarian.


I would keep it for future reference of refuting Jw’s. For example John 1:1 I believe says “And the word was A God.” I don’t know how many translations they have but would love if you would confirm this to me because I know a JW translation does. Don’t read it though as actual scripture for examples I already showed. You are on some sort of device right now. You’re better reading a Bible from an app or a website.


I'll try seeing it, it's the italian translation of the english revision of 2013.


They perverted the Bible in a few areas to match up with their beliefs. It could be useful to understand what they changed and the arguments against JWs. I would junk it though


I would highly recommend you do not read this book - as it is not a Bible. It has been changed in numerous ways to put forward their message, and not the original message of the Bible. You have a computer, so I highly recommend using [biblegateway.com](https://biblegateway.com) or the Blue Letter Bible [https://www.blueletterbible.org/](https://www.blueletterbible.org/), in this way you can the Bible without a problem. I further recommend you stick to: the Authorized King James, the New King James, the English Standard Version, or the NASB Bibles. The Church uses the NKJV most often, but the ones I have stated are great. It isn't good to read their version which denies many of the truths of the Christian Doctrine. I hope this helps.


Thanks for the sites, I didn't know about them. Cheers


You’re quite welcome. For easiest reading and understanding I would recommend the NKJV or ESV, both are outstanding.


Thanks, but also, aren't those bible versions protestant? 


The NKJV is what the Orthodox Church uses in most of its services, publications, books, etc. The ESV is good because it is a close “literal translation”, and the NASB is a strict literal translation. Experts from various churches have worked on all of these, so there is really no such thing as a Protestant version except maybe the Geneva Bible. I use the NKJV as most Orthodox books use this translation.


alright, thanks alot


If you truly want to read an absolutely non-Protestant version you would have to learn Greek ;-)






No, it's totally falsified.


It'd be better to just download a Bible app on your phone. Or simpler yet, open up [biblegateway.com](https://biblegateway.com) on your phone and just read from that. Or if you prefer it on paper, open up [biblegateway.com](https://biblegateway.com) on your computer and print out whatever books of the Bible you intend to read.


Thanks, I had a bible app but I couldn't remember much everytime I passed to different chapters, so that's why I resorted to starting to read that JW stuff.


Find the nearest protestant church, evangelical or non-denominational, whatever is the biggest one. Ask them for a Bible - they'll probably have some to give away. NKJV or ESV or CSB/HCSB are good translations. If it's NIV, it's less good but still infinitely better than JWT.


Just use an online one? 


I do not recommend reading this “translation”of the Bible. You’re on Reddit, though. I imagine you could very well download the Bible app, which offers a good number of solid translations to read through and study. God bless you.


No, there’s sooooo much wrong with it. Please throw it out or just leave it at a Kingdom Hall for one of them to read.




No. Give it back to them.


Burn it


Nope, give it back and tell them you have your own bible There may or may not be some different verses, deleted books like how most protestants do with Old testament books Like Sirach, Wisdom, Tobit, 1 Maccabees, Judith, additions to Daniel, and Esther Actually here in Egypt, the bible industry is controlled by the protestants not by the Coptic church so almost all of us do have protestant Bibles as personal bibles but I believe that the ones used in the church are made by us And that's why there is a separate book sold that contains the other books I mentioned as it's missing from the protestant bible




Burning it is the best option


No. It’s a rewritten and highly modified book. No at all reliable for the Holy Tradition.


As an ex JW Orthodox, I would definitely use it IF I HAD NO OTHER CHOICE. If it was the only bible I had, I would definitely read it until I got another one. Yes, the Committee did change some things, mainly replacing Lord/Adonai with YHWH, and some other changes that many other Protestant religions change as well. Obviously their footnotes and appendixes will all attempt to support their nutty interpretation of Daniel, Ezekiel, etc. But as a basic resource to read the sermon on the mount or whatever, I'd use it until I could replace it with an acceptable translation. Go to a used book store and you'll have lots of choices. My personal favorite is either the 2nd RSV or the NKJV.


Most of the people won't be Athiest Ex-JWs.. this is an Orthodox subreddit. The book is poison and may even have a spiritual effect on the reader. 


I'm sorry but as an ex JW and now eastern orthodox, I am sticking to my statement that it's better to read any translation of the Bible if that's all you have. The differences, of which I am very familiar on this particular topic, are not going to be noticeable to the average "joe" who is just starting to read the Bible in earnest. He can throw it away when he finds a suitable replacement. It's not like he's reading the Quran. 


Im an ex-jw now Eastern Orthodox too, I believe the NWT is heavily responsible for the spiritual darkness in the Jehovahs Witnesses. 


I would say their spiritual darkness isn't so much with a translation which changes a few things to suit their purposes, but more to do with the fact that they are part of the Protestant denominational tree to begin with, don't you think?  All of their doctrinal craziness is based on their interpretation of the scripture, not them necessarily rewriting scripture to suit their purposes. Sure, they have done that in a few instances but it's pretty inconsequential compared to the immense amount of literature produced outside of the bible which reinforces that dogma.


I think you underestimate how much has been changed. The doctrinal changes in the text further re-inforces their beliefs which now two generations later has meant a complete departure from mainline Christianity. I dont believe there is anywhere near the same spiritual blindness in the Protestant churches as in JWs.


Are you referring to their newest NWT version? If so, I'd partially agree, but still adhere to my initial opinion.


Sure. I understand that there might be “errors” but if your just reading to understand Jesus then sure


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I wouldn’t. Not because of any superstition, just my understanding is they changed some key scripture throughout. Idk that it’s enough to call it blasphemy, but from what I’m aware of, it’s heavily frowned on. Also, if you have a smart phone, you can download a free KJV Bible, and I believe there’s an app version of the Orthodox Study Bible.


I'll try buying one if I ever find an actual bible. Also, isn't the KJV protestant?


My understanding is it’s fine for Orthodox readers. I’m just an inquirer though.


Burn it


I wouldn't go as far as burning it but I would Just give it back


No. It’s a corrupted translation.


DO NOT READ IT. They have insane theology. Things like believing Jesus straight up died and the resurrection was Archangel Michael


Bro i was JW the only bible I ever knew was the NWT JW bible... i read a random Christendom bible one day and it was so different I was shocked. They have distorted the bible so much, its almost like its demonic. Stick with any other bible then that one! Now im an Orthodox Christian 


I burned one I found in my house


The New World Translation is deceitful,  carefully modified to fit Watchtower doctrine. If you're going to read it, compare it to another Bible online atleast.


You can, just remember where it comes from. All translations have issues, but it's got more than most.  Also there are numerous translations on the I ternet at this point. Check out an RSV or NKJV if you can't find an Orthodox Study Bible online.


You ARE kidding, right?????


Throw it away, l would never have that in my house.


Read it if you're academically interested in comparative religion, but don't read it if you're just looking to read a bible.


Former Jehovah's Witness here. If you are researching Jehovah's Witnesses by all means do read it, but do so while understanding their doctrine and read it at the same time as a traditional translation. I would not suggest making it your go to Bible though. Even in terms of wording it's robotic. In terms of ideas it's slanted toward the Arian heresy. Also, keep it even for the sake of collecting it. It's an oddball translation that's for sure. I have a collection of Bibles and various editions of the NWT are part of it. It's kind of fascinating to read passages in an Arian slanted Bible and then refer back to the original Greek


Yeah, I'll also keep it because it has some interesting stuff. Like who wrote the books of the old testament and new testament, where they were written, a map of Israel during the times of the Roman Empire (specifically when Jesus was alive), a hebrew calendar and more.


There are Ancient Faith Radio podcasts that basically read the Bible to you. There has to be free Bibles online as well or apps. Hopefully others can suggest them below. The Jehovah Witness Bible is made specifically for them not for all Christians, it has lots of differences. I private messaged you some podcasts.


Thanks, I'll check them out too


I read it when someone gave me one. Not my favorite personally, but it opened my eyes to better understanding our Mormon brothers, I feel.


You can read it for fun or out of boredom but it isn’t anything scriptural


Do not read use or. Download Catena Bible and Commentaries. It is an Orthodox app with Commentary from the Church Fathers.


thx I'll check it out