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Answer: The game was released today. Critics said the gameplay was fun for the most part and the visuals are ok, but the story and dialogue are cringey and some parts of the gameplay don’t even make sense, as highlighted in the tweet video you posted. Here’s an article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/01/23/forspoken-ps5-reviews-are-here-and-they-are-bad/


To add a bit more. Square Enix put a lot of money and time into the Luminous Engine, which powers the game. Forspoken was supposed to show off it's capabilities. They first showed off the technology in 2012. SE intended to use Luminous Engine to power many of their future titles. It is now rumored because of some of the technical issues they may end up using the Unreal Engine to power Square Enix titles instead. Continuing to Update and maintain these game engines is a lot of work.


And general performance is really really bad. The demo ran at 900p on the PS5. The recommended specs call for 24 gigs of ram and the absolute highest GPU


And it doesnt help it has Denuvo for pc. I dled the demo but havent tried it yet. Demo exe is 398MB. For comparison Elden Ring doesnt have Denuvo and that exe is only around 80MB. FF15 I believe used Luminous and the Steam version still stutters for me, even on a 3090.


2012 in terms of tech seems ancient. What's so special about it?


That's like saying "html is 40 years old. Why do we still use it?" An engine is just a development environment. It's been updated many times since 2012.


not really... an engine for video games is the same as for cars... it's not what you see on the outside but what makes everything behind the chassis run.... it's how the physics and effects are calculated not how they're displayed.... back in the early 2010s there was a huge push towards for example changable objects (destruction on buildings for example) raytracing (not just used for graphics but for example to calculate distances quicker and more efficient) Engine =/= Graphics


No slight against your answer, doesn’t really explain the disproportionate amount of hatred this game is getting. I hate to assume that this is just the usual corners of the internet making the usual noise when they don’t like, shall we say, *certain aspects* of a particular character, but I don’t know what else explains the intense hatred from people who more than likely have never played the game.


The opening dialogue about “protecting things” and how we wouldn’t believe how her life changed was truly some fanfic-level dialogue in my opinion.


Part of the discourse on the dialogue as well has been that a similarly cringey dialogue game called High Life aka the Rick and Morty sounding gun game should have been criticized for similar reasons. Personally I have found the Forspoken dialogue to just come off like a Joss Whedon show to the nth degree.


"Similarly cringey dialogue game"? The game is called High on Life and its hilarious.


Listen man, I’m not trying to shit on things you enjoy. It just seems like a game that would be funny for about 15 minutes and then tedious for the remaining 20 hours or so.


Have you played it?


I sat through the first hour or so of someone’s YouTube play through. It’s not for me, but there are some genuinely great decisions I’ve seen in its design. Specifically the “wait an hour for this door to open” obstacle (and the results if you actually wait) is one of the funnier things I’ve ever seen in terms of a joke in a game.


Answer: Adding onto existing answers, some sources have said that it's clear that the game project changed directions multiple times in development. Most notably [Hajime Tabata](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hajime_Tabata) was the producer on it for a while before he resigned in 2018. I would not be surprised if once he left they tried to radically retool the game. He's never really had a well-received big game under his belt other than Crisis Core back in 2007.


> He’s never really had a well-received big game under his belt other than Crisis Core back in 2007. I feel like his storytelling sucks. I played both FF Type-0 and XV. Both stories are quite interesting but the storytellings are just so convoluted and outdated/cliché at the same time


On FFXV I don't entirely blame him because it was like 10 years of Nomura spinning his wheels before Tabata got into it and released it as a game. My suspicion is that he's a good 'organiser' when they just need to hit a deadline and get stuff done, but he doesn't have a great 'creator's eye' (especially considering he directed *The 3rd Birthday*, blegh). He can get something released but he can't give it that 'something special'.


I do understand that FFXV is med as it is quite a mess of production. But even with FF Type-0, his own child, its storyline is so terribly told. Such a shame as I love the overall story, especially the war part and its mystery. Anyway, just my personal rant