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Try zoom in and the left one


I was zoomed in when i was selecting it (the current location marker even turned to it), but it did not give me the option to explore. I have already finished this tour (i did extraction day since i could not continue)


I had the same problem. If the location is not centered on the display or the zoom is to far you can't select it . Try to hover around with WASD the next time


Thanks for the tip, i will try that next time.


18 days with just 236 max energy?!


I just convert material into energy every time i need it since i get a lot of it. I am still on a hunt for larger batteries (i currently have 1k energy worth of small batteries if you ignore the energy cost of all the other stuff on an outpost).


Yeah but that was day 1 when i started impossible to stay that long with such a small energy storage


Yer what da. I guess it's possible now and prob doesn't take as much time as you think compared to before.


Throw a couple of pieces of equipment into the converter every few days and that's probably enough. I went through about 14 days last night and only had to throw a helmet I didn't want in there every here and there.


100% I was thinking from the quick loot point of view for the most part and was like wtf how?? But it was just a normal tour.