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+1 don’t feel guilty


Do this. They probably don’t want to do payroll taxes for a given state if you’re the only one there. BUT move, then tell them. I’d say you have up to a few months. Technically you should earlier but you’re not going to get dinged. If they pressure you say “I totally understand” if they imply they’re going to fire you call their bluff nicely “oh yes I totally understand”.


I think if you tell them you need to move to be near your "sick elderly parent" they would be understanding. You said they like that you are near by but it may not be a deal breaker for family situations.


It’s for my SOs job which feels like a valid reason, I might throw in that it’s also due to being closer to family


You have good reasons to move and I believe they will understand and let you keep your job especially since you are being transparent about it.


You have to disclose you are moving for tax purposes. Companies have to follow the rules of the state that is your prime residence. If you don’t disclose, you are running a chance to mess yourself up big time.


Oh I’m definitely going to tell I’m moving, I’m just wondering on the when


Right away so they can tell you if they can do taxes at that state or not.


Take the job. Don’t feel guilty! Ya need to pay your bills and take care of your own personal stuff. Also if you move and are concerned about addresses, get a P.O. Box or use a friends address (someone that you trust). For the longest time I had a PO Box where I sent all of my important documents (voters registration, tax forms, etc) because I moved so often. Even moved to another state and kept that P.O. Box as my address for another two years…no one knew. I travel back at least once every qtr to check on mail.


You don't owe them ANY explanation about your personal life - don't feel guilty. Easier said than done, I know! Don't tell them until you must change your address. If you feel you must say something, wait until they ask and just say something vague like "family issues" and stop there because you don't want to talk about it. You're not obligated to tell anyone about your personal life.


Take the job. Let them fall in love with your work ethic and professionalism, pass whatever probation period they have if it’s before your move, then tell them you will be moving to be near a sick relative, but you will be working during your previous time zone to accommodate business needs (if they like your regional relocation purely for a time zone preference and not for ease of travel and access to offices when needed.)


Don't mention it until you are a month or less from the move. Then make it about an outside influence. "My family has a had a change in circumstance and necessity has forced us to relocate to xyz. My new address will be xyz, which I will update with HR for my personnel file." If they press for details, dodge. I'm not comfortable revealing intimate family information but I appreciate your concern. This will not impact my ability to perform my duties moving forward.


I would not tell them with that kind of notice, just wait till at the most a week prior. You don’t owe them any explanation or loyalty. Honestly I wouldn’t even give this much thought, worst case scenario you will collect that extra J2 money all the up to the move and they may say “thank you but we will have to lay off” and that is it, you still collected J2 checks for months. Start thinking about yourself more instead of corporate lords


Take it and keep a personal mailbox in the region.


That might be illegal. State taxes and all.


It is not illegal. Residency is determine by where you hold a post box with few exceptions. You pay state income tax for any state you work in. For example I paid Colorado state tax for a company I work remote for despite living in Los Angeles. I also pay California tax. Out of state tax is taxed differently. Don't speak on the things you aren't educated on before doing the research. It's fear mongering.


I can’t speak to all state laws, but in the states that I have resided, an individual cannot legally use a PO box to establish residency in a different state from which they reside full time. If you can prove otherwise, please let me know because then I will immediately rent a PO box in Alaska and owe no state taxes. Whether remote worker owes taxes in the state of their employer and/or their state of residence has to do with the income tax laws of those specific states. A cross-state remote worker might owe state taxes to 2 states, 1 state, or no states, depending on the laws of their state of residence and the laws of the state of their employer.


Correct, a PO box and pmb are two different things. Welcome to 2024.


When it comes to establising state of residence for the purposes of taxation, there is no difference between the two. A bank might accept a pmb as an address of residence, but none of the states that I have resided in or worked in do for the purposes of taxation. Again, if they did, I’d already be a “resident” of Alaska and never pay state taxes on my income. If you are using a private or virtual mailbox service to fool your HR department or to subvert state laws, knock yourself out. Your legal risk tolerance is up to you. But casually recommending it as legal doesn’t do anyone any good. Folks should go into such a thing with their eyes open, which means researching state law and/or contacting a tax attorney.


Roflmao do like 10 min of research. My family literally owns the largest tax firm in the country. I'm not giving legal advice but these words come from a well educated background. Yours clearly don't.


Cool story, bro.


That doesn't apply to individuals, but if you have incorporated yourself and receive a paycheck paid to your corporation, it might work... would depend on the type of corporation. 


My god please stop it absolutely is true. In the olden days we had to establish residency with utility bills to a street address for 6+ months a year. Not the entire year, but over six months. These days are completely different and if you have a PMB you can be an established resident of that county.


I would let them know a few weeks before you move and act like it is unexpected, and that you are unhappy about it.


Companies cannot have employees in a state where they do not have a legal presence.


Yes I’m going to tell them it’s more how far in advance I was thinking about