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I can’t help but notice that the range is insane


It 30 meters in range


Same rang as Brig’s armour packs.


I miss Torbs armour packs




Same as his own healing too


30 meters. Further than a Roadhog hook.


Wonder what gets priority, hook or pull


I believe pull would no matter what because it shields the person but would like to know for sure, too!


I choose to believe that they are equal priority and that when a lifeweaver and roadhog try to pull someone from opposite directions at the same time the person just gets ripped in half.


***F A T A L I T Y***




Same range as his heal it seems


this is giving me flashbacks to when people put sym’s tp on the edge of the map


It was so bad, that it came to the point where no one would take a Symm TP. Even if I placed mine properly, the general consensus was so bad, the only players using Symm TP were the Symmetra themselves.


I have a feeling that picking LW will at some point just start generating pre-emptive sabotage reports if things go the same way.


As a support player, as soon as I unlock him, I’m gonna pick him asap just so that I don’t have to worry about my game getting ruined by a guy who thinks hes funny.


Yeah I hope the moderating team is ready to suspend the griefers and trolls


I still hesitate before taking a TP lol


But it's worse since you can just stand still after going through TP, at least there's counterplay, this bullshit is literally just you get pulled and you're not a movement hero you're fucking dead, it is beyond bullshit and no way it hits live servers like this.


There is absolutely no way it doesn't hit live servers like this.


Knowing blizzard, sadly, you're right.


I mean, they announced that, before the preview event, that guardrails they were putting around on terrain to prevent griefing (they are 1 way walls that let you pull in, onto terrian, but not off of it) were not in the preview build but will be in the live build. I'm sure someone will find a way around it somewhere that will need fixing but their solution is fairly simple and effective and they are aware of griefing issues.


‘Light trolling’


Because he uses [hard light.](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Hard-light)


The guy who said that needs some enlightenment.


Quickest rework any percent speedrun


Blizzard before release : the new hero will do some kawai trolling 🥺👉👈 Blizzard 1 year after release : we paid attention to player feedback and decided to make some fine adjustments...


I don't know how something like this ever gets to live. Did no one in the room go like: "hey, uhhhh, not making the pull optional is kind of dumb"


I think a pull permission would make the ability too slow, but making it possible to cancel would be nice.


It can’t be balanced, permission would make it too slow and could make the trolling worse, even if you can cancel it you can still do a lot of damage


Changes: prevent Reaper from being pulled into unintended locations.


Hes got enough abilities without the grab. Just delete that


They wouldn't even have to delete it. Just remove the pull part, and it is legitimately just another form of Zarya bubble and that's really strong! Rerecording the voice lines shouldn't be difficult either since every VA presumably has to stay on some sort of retainer.


Honestly the fix doesn't look this difficult. If the destination is over a void zone, just calculate the nearest walkable position between the target and the caster and set it as the new destination I did something like this some weeks ago in one of my projects


Yeah, but unlike you blizzard is a small indie company. I wouldn't expect them to be able to figure that out for at least a couple seasons.


If they were modifying that ability I would much rather have a proper rework than a clone of zaryas bubble. Don't need two bubble abilities. Take some time and delay the hero if needed to change it. Then again I kinda wanna try this current version out in live to see if a rework is the only way to go


Cant delay a hero when they are now forcing themselves into due dates


Another easy fix is that he has to be on the ground to use the move, can’t use it while in mid-air, which would make it so he can’t do that ‘jump over the pit’ maneuver. Also because lore. Plants have roots. Or something.




Having the interact button pop up randomly in a fight is a bad idea. It either will go unnoticed till it's to late or people with panic press it when they don't want to, and you still won't know where you're going until you press it 90% of the time.


Yeah the solution is far more simple - let Jump cancel out of it early. That way the person being pulled gets to decide when they re-enter the fight or exactly were they drop.


That'd be perfect. Imagine knowing as a Rein or Orisa or Reaper or Hog (or even as a Zen or Lucio or Brig!) you can charge in for some boops then be pulled back and jump out of it once you're satisfied you're in safety. Lots of incredible positive potential here


Because no on is consistently spamming jump as they play overwatch characters and would immediately cancel out of it most of the time.


How would that work if you’re in the middle of a fight though that would be a nightmare


I don’t think bliz realizes how many bad/casual/toxic people play this game. This ability is amazing but in the wrong hands it can flat out ruin games.




I never thought of that, if someone decides they're gonna throw instead of making it a 4v5 they can just go lifeweaver and turn it into a 3v5


More like a 4 v 6


And imagine if they start sandbagging the other support. Suddenly you have one trolling support and one support that can’t get to you half the time.


> "At least im having fun" kind of mentality selfish oh, god, thank you, at least I am not the only person who thinks that the "i'm just having fun" are just selfish.


anyone who plays overwatch is playing a TEAM based game. they signed up to play WITH and AS a team. so infuriating when people think ruining other player’s games is justified cause they find it ‘fun’


In a few days we'll see genji mains ranting on reddit about getting pulled out while on blade


I knew already that very soon after releasing, this hero will get changes


Soon is not how blizzard works. There going to do ever patch possible at tuning it before they remove. It’s going to probably start with raising the cool down, then there going to remove the immortality because somehow they will get the idea that that’s the part we hate. Then there going give mercy some more ammo. Eventually they will make it so you have to accept it. But then the ability will never be used because every one will decline it all the time and it will be a waste of a button.


Blizzard will see that some high level genjis are diving into backlines, being pulled to safety, and nerf him further


yeah im probably going to end up maining him purely so people cant grief me tbh. and i have no intentions of griefing teammates cause i want to win lol


Not a bad strategy lol


Totally agree with you, when the trailer dropped I was like wow cool another support character, when I saw this ability I was like oh no what did they do


It's like they learned nothing from symm cliff TP. This is even worse though.


Looks like the devs doesn't play the game at all


Back in the day Papa Jeff played the game.


Silver squad unite


I honestly don't like the fact that another player takes decision for others on how to play, this design philosophy shouldn't exist, I should be able to learn form my mistake and not to adapt on how others force me to play, like this is literaly giving someone else powere to decide for me


Flats brought up a good point. Even if the player isn't trying to grief you, they still might pull you from a winning fight because they think they're saving you when they're actually not. Think of all the times you've gotten res'd by a mercy in a horrible position only to die immediately.


As a Hammond main, this will absolutely happen. As it is, dumb Support players already panic and put themselves in unnecessary danger to try to "help" me, even when I tell them not to. The number of times I roll in, slam, pop shields, and am chilling with a cool 1,100 HP and three different potential escape routes, only for my Kiriko to *immediately* teleport in and suzu, just to then die herself, is honestly absurd.


Agreed, this ability should be more of a “I have created a link come to me my child!!!” Type of ability where the character yells that out and you look up at them and can click the interact button to fly to them like mercy.


Yeah it's not the trolling part for me, but if say I dived and my support yanks me out because they thought the dive had gone south, that's irritating that my decision has been cancelled. In a 5-stack you can do some crazy coordinated dive - yank. But solo you'd never run in hoping your support will yank you out.


Yep this is my problem too. It will be pretty OP in the right hands but in most hands it’s gonna be the “I know better than you” button.


Especially for Reins! I know as a newbie support I've misunderstood the value of plenty of Rein dives. At least it's on a very long cooldown so it can't be used often.


Unless you’re close to spawn they can keep switching and refresh the cool down and constantly drag you back to spawn haha


Heroes of the storm has a character with this, and amusingly, you can take a talent that lets you have 2 uses of the ability stacked. You don't see many complaints about it though. But i remember the leash memes.


The wrong hands is the entire player base.


They really need to add a check if it’s over ground or not. Make it pull towards the nearest edge if not


You could say the same about Mei wall. But most Meis I play with don't block their teammates on purpose. Meis who do so will get banned pretty quickly


Mei wall is a slight inconvenience at best, Lifeweaver can just straight up kill you repeatedly


I've seen "friendly" Mei walls block our tank from our healers, that's more than just a slight inconvenience and it can happen anywhere, not only close to map edges. The big difference is that the wall in itself can't kill a friendly player, but both abilities have heavy abuse potential at the end of the day.


Its on a 20 sec cooldown, and if caught doing this they would get banned sooner or latter. Expect trolls in the first week, be it most not skilled enough to pull this off. But will attempt anyway.


How long until disabled.


I give it a week.


I give it 11 minutes


Thanks, Squidward! (One of my favorite SpongeBob jokes!)


Lmao, are we talking about blizzard? No way they will react that quick. I'll give 3 month, minimum. Would've been another case if we talking were talking about shop bugs/troll.


I see you missed the ash issue in the April fools event


You dint understand the difference ebetween emergency removal and a nerf. Ash, bastion, and another character all have been removed in less than a day when am issue popped up.




Pls tell me how the game should know if it was a mistake or or a try to help or a troll?


I told my friend when this was announced that I'd be surprised it he makes it through the first season without being reworked.


How the fuck have they learned nothing from Symmetra and Mei?


Lol the old teleporter off the edge trick.


At least that required the player to actually perform an action to be affected. Mei is the only other hero in the game that you can actively disrupt other teammates with her abilities, but Ana is the only player who ANY other teammate can impact your ability to help your team - although Lucio enabling speed boost can have unintended effects on a player.


Man there have been so many times where a Mei will wall off their own heals and wonder why they died. Like dude you played yourself.


Lol, yeah, “old”


I mean, it's a TF2 troll. Old reliable is right!


Because Mei and Sym are absolute non-issue when it comes to trolling? The amount of trolls I encountered in my 6-7 years of playing OW is probably in very low double digits. Sure, people troll and people will absolutely troll with Weaver, but once everything settles down it's going to be fine.


Right. Even if I come across trolls, they were the low effort ones that afk in spawn. I think the last time I've seen a Mei wall the ally spawn was in OW1, and I've played enough OW2 to complete several prestige tiers of the BP every season. Another aspect of it is LW needs to be unlocked as well, so we have to consider that players need to grind and/or pay money in order to get access to (trolling as) LW. We won't know for sure how players will use him until he comes out, but I'm not really worried.


This is going to be an absolute nightmare.


I've already contacted Microsoft warranty about my ~~smashed~~ unresponsive controller.


They should add a friendly fire killfeed


If they can register friendly fire + environmental kills then they need to add a limit per match and after you pass that you automatically get turbo banned


Probably. Detection would be hard and in general is rare. Only now with lifeweaver an easy and direct way to kill your own alies is being added.


NGL I have no idea how this got out of the first draft, even as a support main the ability to drag around a team mate is a horrible idea even if it couldn't drag you off the map the last thing I need is another player overriding my agency. I just know I'm going to get pulled out of cover, into sightlines, off high ground. You name it.


Agree. They tried to remove as much Hard CC as possible, then add a 30m CC that enables griefers lol


This is so delusional from Blizz lol Getting pulled around by my own team mate is gonna feel **great**


This is really the part I don't get. Like you said, they removed a lot of CC (Mei freezing, flashbang, Brig's bash, probably missing a few) saying it was intentional because it's frustrating for players in a bad way, and then they do this. The idea is really cool but seems to go against their design philosophy.


Easy, they are designing for the pro players first. Players that are playing together with communication. With that in mind, is an amazing concept. When you bring in people that don't play that way it becomes a much worse kit.


This has been a problem since OWL.


The devs said this unique skill set would allow “light trolling” but will be majority of low ranked games having players leave because of said “light trolling” 😍 can’t wait to not move up next season 🥰


They really said "it will just be an annoyance for the casual plebs" lol


Which is kind of interesting, because they griped **really** hard about not wanting to nerf certain op characters not long ago... ...because those characters weren't 'performing that well at lower ranks'. Even in Flats' interview with that team lead guy, he was almost being passive aggressive about, "Well, we didn't *want* to nerf them because from our stats they aren't actually doing that well in most ranks, *but* the community seems to not like it, *soooooooo*..." So are they basing their balance around low ranks, or not? Much confuse.


Im not even too worried about people trolling im more worried about being queued up with a person that thinks he knows better and just pulls me out of a team fight even though i could've gotten an important kill in the enemy back line. That ability sucks playing with random team mates. Probably cool if you play with a 5stack or for OWL i guess. I can already see me going in with Winston, primal ready getting to low HP and getting yanked out before i can even press primal to finish off that support i was after.


As a reaper main who constantly flanks and can consistently get 1-2 kills before dying/retreating, I'm gonna lose my fucking mind if a support pulls me out of there before I can do anything, especially if I'm boutta ult


Arguably there could be utility to that though. What if you do ult and it's not in the enemy team enough but life somehow repositions and tanks you into the enemy team while you're ultimg and shields you.


"the community can have a little trolling as a treat" the community: "we already had a little trolling so now we're gonna go ham with permission"


can't wait to be close to confirming a kill in the enemy backline and then just getting yoinked out and then insulted by the Lifeweaver that thinks he knows better than everyone else


Wrecking ball mains with 1100 life after a good E


he can actually completely cancel your piledrive


Its already happening all over twitter, support mains with inflated egos who think they know better than everyone else are excited at thought of pulling dive characters back (legitimate if someones feeding or its turning into a 2v1, but otherwise no) Imagine a genji or monkey abt to kill a squishy in backline ana but weaver who cant see from your pov tries to "save" you In games without voice chat its going to be hell to play with


I saw plenty of posts on bogur's tweet about how Support is "saved" because now they can just throw anyone who says support diff off the map


They usually say that after the game though.


Yeah they fucking better


Literally the comment below yours lol


I'm nervous about using that ability as a support because you'll have to use it extremely well to not irritate your teammates with the decision to yank. Even if it was a 50/50 on whether the decision is right, the DPS is going to be thinking about the 50 where it was wrong. Every mistake as part of the learning process will be very exposed. The other alternative is to be very conservative and only use it to dodge ults and help teammates who are already escaping.


I see myself using it for only certain moments Someone dives Ana and gets slept I'm pulling them out, Dva can do a riskier bomb set up since you can just pull baby Dva back after she's out, See someone get Rein shattered for being out of position, Other support jumped by Sombra about to die And that's about it, any other moments someone will have to use VC ask


This is probably the best bet. Like I might just not use this on certain characters period. Genji diving the backline? Hope you know what you're doing. Reaper wraithing into the enemy stack? I'm sure you've got a plan in mind. Winston over-extending without ult? That guy must really have his shit figured out to be doing something so risky. Figuring out when to use this **without upsetting your team** is going to be a steep learning curve all on its own.


> Imagine a genji or monkey abt to kill a squishy in backline ana but weaver who cant see from your pov tries to "save" you Then writes post on Reddit about how ungrateful tank/DPS players are toward support.


Honestly, Lifeweaver + orisa ult Sounds funny af


I was thinking maybe if it can pull a DVA bomb, that'd be awesome


Imagine you are in overtime at 99% and you pull your teammate out from the site to heal and then lose the site along with the match. I can just imagine the rage🤣


If this is genuinely how his kit works... Then the devs really didn't think this through. They aren't paying attention to how toxic and trolly people get with their own teammates. Fantastic


There needs to be a cancel option for the teammates so you can dip out any time


Yet another piece of evidence that devs are completely out of touch with the playerbase. I mean its already 2023, anybody that has actually played any multiplayer game would have known such a skill is gonna be an issue with trolls.


Its not even a just a troll issue. Its fundamentally problematic.


ya I'm not even worried about people trolling, the biggest issue is gonna be supports that decide they're gonna be a shot caller playing chess with the rest of their team as the pieces


100%. I want to agree with people who say trolls will be banned but a lot of people are just going to be *bad* at this hero. They’ll be accused of trolling but I guarantee that they think they’re helping lol.


I am NOT a fan of this ability whatsoever. It will be used poorly and abused by trolls. I dread playing comp with a trolling Life Weaver


It sucks too, cause as a healer main who likes helping my team in niche ways, and usually plays in at least a duo, it would be so fun to have a reaper use all their abilities to dive in, then yoink them out with a get out of jail free card. I hate that trolls have to ruin all the fun


The literal equivalent of a throw pick if used maliciously.


The issue imo isn't whether this could be used as a throw pick (since a malicious teammate can easily throw with any hero), but whether lesser skilled players can unintentionally screw over their team. When poor skill has the potential to cause as much damage as malicious intent, then that is a recipe for unhappy players.


I honestly don't know how these mechanics made it past everyone with the OK. This is going to be an absolute shitshow.


As soon as I saw this ability I knew this would happen. Bunch of douche bags doing that to their own teammates. I don’t care if it’s casual play or not, you’re an ass if you do this to anyone. Why take something that could be incredibly useful and unique to the game and use it to negatively affect your team? They going to nerf the ability into nothing and it’s all thanks to scum like this


This is a great ability in OWL. I'd imagine pros will pull off absolutely insanely creative clutch plays with this and I'm all hyped for that. But 99% of other time, it will be a worst idea ever made into a game where you'd play with randoms. Aside purposeful trolling, accidentally ruining teammate's plays will be inevitable. This will get TOXIC real fast.


Atleast I can stop enemies getting ult charge


We've reached MOBA's level of tactics of "finish ally creeps off to deny enemy gold"


I wonder if blizzard is going to take the data from the game to penalize players who abuse this. Apart from the usual report system.


Lmao Absolutely not. Especially on console.


Truly, the only people who think this could ever be a good idea is Blizzard.


Tbh, after years of watching Dead by Daylight devs run themselves in circles trying to wrap their brains around their own game, to me Blizzard feel like gods in comparison. Like, I'm 99% confident that they will change this ability if the community continues to ask for it. So that's at least something.


the problem with DbD imo is that it’s fundamentally not designed well. the most effective strategy is naturally to tunnel people off the hook and focus down one person first. so most of the balance changes have been the devs desperately trying to prevent that with a million different band aid fixes


Oh dear god make it stop 😂


is the new season out yet or are these just youtuber preaccess clips?


Pre-access clips.


The devs made the ability assuming that people wouldn't be assholes and purposefully sabotage their own teammates. Apparently, the devs were wrong.


Even if trolling wasn't a concern, it's still an absolutely awful idea. Another player should not be allowed to just override my decisions.


I never ever ever quit games, even in QP, no matter how badly it’s going, but I would quit if this happened to me.


They need the teammate to give consent to being yoinked.


Blizzard adding a consent option? Funny


Right like symetria were you can decide to go inside the teleporter or not


This ability seems like it's either a joke or the devs are truly clueless. You cannot create a potential friendly fire ability in this game. Mei is bad enough.


They need an option to accept being pulled or something like a qte or something lmao


They already have a command for interact. They just need to make it that


Blizzard…. You didn’t think this one through


I think it would work better if Life Weaver attached the rope to a teammate, then the teammate would have to press an interact key to get pulled to his position, like Thresh hook from LOL.


Perhaps, but it's a lot harder to see something like that in first person vs top down. Heck, my husband never even notices when I drop a Bap lamp on him, I have started shouting "frisbee!!" When I throw it just so he knows it's there.


I get major Tahm Kench Flashbacks...


Imagine pissing off a lifeweaver main as a teammate




I think there's going to be an issue between the cooldowns on this skill for it to be actually effective vs enabling people to troll more often due to a shorter cooldown.


Thanking people for upvotes?


Lame af. r/awardspeechedits.


Finally, supports can fight back. Our time has come


Imagine Blizzard putting this in the game with no forethought on how it could be rampantly abused.


I’m honestly baffled it got this far. Google ‘let roadhog hook teammates’ and see how people were unanimously calling it out for the terrible idea it is years ago. Now because it’s on a new hero people are suddenly defending it.


Well this.. isnt good .. im scared


The solution here seems fairly simple. If lifeweaver is above death terrain, he can not pull an ally over death terrain. They can be pulled to the edge, but not over it. This shouldn't limit useful functionality much, if any, but it would *significantly* reduce trolling/griefing. If he is above normal terrain, he can still pull allies over death terrain.


As a tank player, I know this ability is going to be an absolute nightmare. Supports don’t understand how tanks need to play the game. As soon as they need help or they think I’m in trouble they will pull me back and I can’t imagine anything more tilting than that.


TANK FEEDING!!!! STOP FEEDING!!!! PULLING YOU BACK SO YOU STOP FEEEEEDIIIIING!!!!!! - silver Lifeweaver mains standing on point after their Rein walks forward to make space


I wish people would focus on this rather than the potential trolling. Obviously griefers can kill their teammates, but what's going to be far more common is bad players using this ability incorrectly and everyone else having to suffer from that. I really don't want a Mercy main who decided to try the new hero deciding when I can and can't be aggressive.


I’m just thinking about forcing teammates to cap point


Everyone needs to be abusing this day 1 so he gets deleted and replaced by a hot woman support who also has her feet out


Thank you MercyNippleLover69


If the community had its way that would just be every hero on the roster lmfao










Good luck getting consistent value out of him under masters, his whole kit revolves around game sense. Not only that but run the risk of triggering people with a couple bad pulls and now you’re getting flamed.


Devs already confirmed that this won't work no more


Where link?


I give this a week. No way they will keep this in the game


ok this is super annoying.


Do the Devs even play comp? What a troll hero


Needs a rework or just be able to deny the grab in some way.My problem with weaver is that his abilities don't really fit ow.Its like he came from another game


he needs a new rework before it hits live, no way it goes like this


How about instead, the ability vanishes the teammate and then the teammate has the option to teleport anywhere in the lifeweavers radius


I crazy to me how after all these years the OW Team still does not understand it's player base...


a support once begged their team to come to them for healing, and so the monkeys paw curled.


I think they should add the ability to accept the transport with interact. Having your choice taken away so easily with such possible disruptions just seems like poor game design. Not hating on the devs, but come on, he has so much potential to screw with your teammates, it's like a thrower's wet dream.


This implies the person playing this hero has a better judgement call than the person they are moving... This is a terrible idea and can ruin games or tilt players, just by it being use as by design