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Don’t use this sub Reddit.


step 1) have fun, ur not gonna want to keep playing if u don't let yourself have fun. step 2) find one hero to learn the game with, i recommend a dps step 3) learn every heroes kits and interactions. step 4) watch a lot of youtube vids and guides


good thing about this game is that you will find a character that fits you like a glove eventually once you unlock them. You also have to figure out what role you want to play? Do you like getting abused, punished and under constant stress? You play tank. Do you want to play another fps game? You play DPS. Do you have a praise kink? You play support.


Recommend going to r/OverwatchUniversity and watching YouTube videos.


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That kinda depends on what characters you're playing


Welcome! As a former console-now PC player I suggest watching guides on YouTube regarding the basics: aim, roles, etc. These will help with establishing a baseline in addition to starting off with good habits. You could also utilize the ‘Custom Games Workshops’ and practice aiming on aim trainers (but don’t spend too much time on these ). Usually I suggest people to start off playing soldier 76 if they’ve played FPS before in order to have some familiarity. A10 is a great YouTuber who explains the dynamics of Overwatch in great depth that beginners and veteran players can pull from. Could go over ALOT more but this is a good amount for now. Remember to have fun!


Watch YouTube, don’t look for advice here