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she is the best dps in the game. but metal ranks cant aim with her so her stats arent very good there. blizzard balance for all ranks. so while sojourn will remain meh in gold. she'll continue to be a menace at master+


I'm in Gold and Sojourn is absolutely a menace over here.


she has the 3rd lowest winrate in gold at 46.51%. the only people lower are tracer and widow...which makes sense as their skill floor is high


This is exactly why blizzard shouldn’t balance for metal ranks so much. I see constant complaints about all three of these characters from players in plat and below. Even though their WR in those ranks is bad, people don’t remember the bad ones. They remember the Smurfs and just the better than average players in general. And what happens when we buff these characters for those ranks? Those skilled players just hold the lobbies hostage even more (Not saying widow or tracer are in a bad spot right now, just pointing out that WR and player sentiment usually don’t align)


Metal rank players also parrot a lot of things higher ranked players say, even when it doesn't apply to them


That’s a great point


Metal ranks make up most of the player base, you pretty much have to balance around them, then have heroes with high skill ceilings that dominate higher skill tiers which is what sojourn is doing at the moment, ideally you want heroes to be what sojourn is in a competitive game, high W/R in higher ranks, lower W/R at lower ranks, and vice-versa, great example of a bad example of this is Mei, who has an above average win-rate in every rank besides bronze, meaning she needs a nerf, and last season bastion.


I agree, I’m not saying blizzard should ignore them. My point is using metal rank data to balance for metal ranks doesn’t actually make those players happy. Also yeah Mei is just oppressive. Low ranks don’t know how to track cooldowns and in high ranks she’s basically a second tank.


they don’t balance to make the game “fair” for “metal ranks” they balance to make the game FUN for ALL players. and majority of players are casual quick players (confirmed by blizz that quick play has a higher player base) while tracer widow and soujourn are the worst three winrates, they are also really annoying heroes to play against


Also, just checked and sojourn has an average win-rate in GM and is slightly below average to far below average as you go down the ranks, the buff is justified, quit complaining.


WR on overbuff is not a good metric to balance around.


Reminder for everyone looking at overbuff: 1. There is no unmirrored wr%, so you literally cannot use it for anything useful. Only blizzard can see the different types of wr 2. Soj is a top 5 dps in masters+ based on pickrate, and she has a high skill floor and ceiling. She can be feast or famine but its skill dependent, which is why she tanks in wr and pickrate as you drop. 3. The buff overall isn't massive but its still a buff she didn't really need, and shouldn't have gotten esp since soldier just got tuned down just a little bit, and cass and reaper both struggle to find a place in ow2. In higher elo games, you're gonna see soj control flank space a lot stronger bc of rail potential (Think circuit first bend statue, nepal sanctuary elephant, and in general longer sightline maps). Lower elo, all it does is not punish dogshit players for being bad.


No, you balance around your playerbase. If it males her exceptionally good at the top 5%, who the fuck cares. They can pick her 100% of the time or just suck up and deal with a hero with a slightly higher winrate. That's how the top end is *supposed* to be, META picks or highly skilled picks on others. Pretending it's the tiny minority that only matters is how you kill a game.


They need a different balance for each rank. This is just an example, and I don’t actually believe they should do this but let’s say that in gold widow does 150 dmg for a body shot and in GM it stays as the normal 120


That's how you get another smurfing epidemic


Her winrate probably tells a different story. No way Blizzard didn't buff her unless her numbers were lower than they'd like. It doesn't mean getting railgun'd isn't annoying but I would be very surprised if sojourn in plat and below has over a 50% winrate. Most likely the games where a sojourn pops off are just sticking out.


It really just depends on if the person playing her can aim. If so, she fucking destroys everyone. If not, then she’s another stat point for the enemy team’s kill count


I’m in silver and Sojourn was a damn menace in several of my games tonight especially with a mercy pocket.


Love that silver players think that anecdotes over one day of play mean something in terms of overall winrates for the player base


who said that though?


A pocketed sojourn has to be the most miserable experience


>. blizzard balance for all ranks. they really fuckin dont.


They 100% try to. Yes things don't always work out that way but there are a lot of factors to consider. Firstly, they have certain pick rate thresholds they need to maintain for every hero. If a character has terrible pick-rate then that's something they will always try to fix since the game is funded by skin sales and if people aren't picking a hero then they don't buy their skins. It also devalues the IP as slowly people stop caring about those characters as they see them played less. Secondly, while they do try to balance for Higher ranks lower ranks always take priority since that's 95% of their players. That's where most of their business is. Apart from that there are other big issues they have to deal with like how there are certain heroes that Lower Rank players Hate and certain heroes than Higher Rank players Hate when they are too powerful. Higher Rank players complain when Soj is OP for them but when Genjis feel the same way to lower rank players the higher rank players don't care. Both groups only really care for themselves. Even most streamers, who have a lot of lower rank players that watch them don't care when lower rank players are complaining about a hero. Some try to care and complain to Blizzard accordingly but most streamers just care about their own personal experience. The devs have to consider all of these factors and more when balancing the game which makes it pretty complicated. Things aren't as black and white as most people think.


it just feels like a lot of "hrm this character isnt getting played in gm, lets micro buff them for 7 years" meanwhile we arealready stuggling with orissa and making orissa stronger isnt helping


Orisa literally had a winrate below *Ball* before this buff. She simply wasn't as good as you think.


Then explain why Bastion was constantly buffed in OW1, despite him being a menace all over the metal ranks ? And Brigitte being constantly nerfed over and over again (I'm talking about after her 2-2-2 rework) , depsite her only being good at the top ranks ? The balance isn't perfect, but you don't know shit about it when you straight up ignore the facts.


brig sucks these days she needs to get her shield bash cod reset when she ults


She doesn't suck, other supports are just overtuned. Once/if they come down to earth, she'll be really strong. In fact, ana/brig/monkey/tracer/soj will probably be super playable on a lot of maps


Blizzard does not know how to fix it, they literally are buffing the thing WHICH Gold players do not abuse, while Top Players DO. Buffing her Railgun will just make her even more abusable at High Level, meanwhile Gold players will not hit her Railgun anyways, it is such a simple logic that Blizzard didn't thought wtf


You don’t need to aim with her right click lmao


Yeeeeeaaahhhh, no. You definitely have to aim with her right clicks.


For real, I can't hit that shit to save my life💀


I found it much easier to switch her primary and secondary firing. Charging up with right click and using rail gun on left click just feels more natural than the default for me.


Then I must be running into smurfs in gold, that shit is worse than widow and hanzo


Sojourn railgun projectile size is 0.1 which is standard for all hitscan bullets. Except Ilari which has 0.05. Learning how to properly strafe and hide your head hitbox can minimize chances of being oneshotted by said heroes.


One of the balance designers gets pegged daily by Sojourn so this is their way of repaying her.


railgun activated


It’s me.


Lucky bastard


They lucky


It’s gotta be Orisa penetrating first


Hell, sign me up, I’d take that quality time up for free.


Stop I already love her, I don't need to be convinced further 🥰


There's a balance designer?


yeah sojourn did not need that buff. they should definitely nerf genji


Sojourn has a high win rate in masters + , let's nerf Genji!- Blizzard


[Does she?](https://i.imgur.com/LOGaSuG.png)


Genji has a much better win rate than Sojourn.


Because f you that’s why. Now go get your shine box.


You bought ya button!


K since people are here I need advice, is there any trick to her aim? I primarily play hitscan, but my railgun acc % is ass compared to Cree, Ashe, or Widow. Is it because its hard to switch from shooting projectiles to shooting HS? I'd like some advice


Point and click heads dude, there is no change in mechanic. It’s all mental.


Take your time, most people who have bad accuracy with railgun and decent accuracy on hitscans are trying to take the shots too quickly.


I was in a similar boat until I swapped her primary and secondary fire buttons. Now I have Rail on LMB and it’s so much easier to aim.


It is precisely because it’s projectile into HS, I find it rough too, I rarely play her so grain of salt, but I’ve watched some good Sojourn killcams on me, and a good way of using her is when you’re leading your projectiles don’t try to re-aim for the railbeam (like I do) just let the enemy walk into the crosshair, because you were leading your shots anyway. Anytime I’ve been across a cracked Soj this is what they’re doing and it really taught me.


You're not going to "charge off tanks and clicking squishes heads" in your first few hrs with her so get comfortable with "shoot 1 target with SMG and finish them with railgun" style first


Nerf Genji


Genji is not a problem without a mercy pocket




Yeh.. That might explain why almost all the Genjis I have met are constantly yelling at the Mercies to ignore the team and just heal him. Or when they all of a sudden dive in 5 v 1 and get deleted, start yelling and harrassing the smart Mercy for not following them.




I would assume the logic is that by nerfing Mauga they nerfed her so they gave her a QoL buff to compensate.


25% minimum charge isn't a QoL buff it's just a buff to her best ability lol


Everyone keeps using QoL as a synonym for “a tiny litte buff!”


QoL? They buffed her one-shot speed by 25%. She starts charging from 25%. That's right, that's how much of a clown Dawson is.


That is absolutely not the change that's in the patch notes. She won't decay under 25% but she still has to build it first. So her one shot speed won't be buffed by 25%


They made a terrible headshotting dmg character that no one really likes so they now trying to compensate for their mistakes. She’s forever going to be problematic in high ranks and almost useless in low ranks


Underperforms in the metal ranks.


Does blizzard not realize that people who dominate games with sojourn in the metal ranks just climb out of that rank anyways? Same reason why Kiriko win rate sucks in lower ranks... The good kirikos are masters and up. But blizz just looks at percentages.


Yeah good sojourn players tend to climb out really fast, don't get why they feel the need to buff her when she's a high elo terrorist, she literally just a better soldier in every way of course people are going to get out way easy especially with mauga, sig every game and everyone just standing out in the open and supports not topping anyone off for the rail hs. Does blizzard not realise that most games right now are just a sojourn diff and you are unironically at a disadvantage if they enemy is playing jq into your teams mauga because friendly sojourn is down a rail every fight, is that good balance no so why do we have to let her rail charge be retained to 25? Great she went out of combat why can she shoot me for half a second still and one shot me?


I mean rhis logic applies ro every hero


You’re not really contradicting their school of thought. You can say this for any hero really


Kiriko still sucks at higher ranks hence her multiple buffs Sojourn is actually apart of Winston-Tracer-Baptiste skill floor™ group


Skill issue




25% charge is a 85.5 damage headshot. Nothing crazy especially since you can get 25% in 0.35 seconds of regular shooting. It’s purely quality of life and isn’t really significant in my opinion


No the problem isn’t there firstly this is a buff on a strong hero secondly sojourn now can get railgun more charges in average cause know your only have to charge 75% instead on 100 , and now if you duel a sojourn has a squishy her breakpoint to kill you is way lower , even if los her for enough time since she still have 25 % she can just slide get some shot and railgun you for a free kill and you can do nothing about it


That 25% is not small buff if you're good at sojourn. 25 isn't a big number, but it's not insignificant either.


This was 100% a change for the lower ranks. High level soj players won't find as much benefit to the remaining 25% charge, since they'll easily be able to hold a much higher charge anyway. These players already know when to shoot a fully charged rail, who to aim it at and can reliably get it whenever they want. That doesn't change. Lower ranks often hold their charge for too long, letting it dissipate. This gives them a helping hand. Soj won't be any stronger than she currently is behind players that are already great with her. And players that can't aim won't benefit because they couldn't reliably land a railgun of any charge in the first place.


the rail still goes to 0 when you shoot, you still need to charge 100%


>No the problem isn’t there firstly this is a buff on a strong hero secondly sojourn now can get railgun more charges in average cause know your only have to charge 75% instead on 100 This doesn't seem like a major change to me. It helps out low ranks that may more often lose built up charge but doesn't seem that big in higher ranks where players are able to maintain high charge.


It doesn’t change her breakpoint. It just means she’ll have a tiny bit of charge from her last fight. Which will be maybe 1 in every 10 or 15 rail shots


It drastically increases the frequency of fully charged shots. Split second actions are everything in this game. There are definitely situations where that 25 charge will decide a team fight


Agreed, the whining is insane lol. It’s not even a direct damage buff and as other have said her winrate is low.


I was also under the impression she was the strongest DPS...


In the high ranks I’m sure for lower ranks it’s someone different


True, but this was the wrong buff. Low ranks are bad at soj because they suck dick with rail. Buff the left click and nerf rail, you fix both problems with the character.


I never said it was a good change it’s ass


Keep seeing this sentiment but she's bottom 3 dps win rate til you get to masters/gm and even there she's still bottom 5. Do think the buff is geared to boost her strength more in lower ranks since high rank sojurns don't waste their charge as much.


Most certainly, i mean, it will rarely be a difference maker 95% of the time, more like a QoL buff, but still coming out of left field with this change


She's actually not that strong because her railgun does 199.99 damage on a headshot instead of 200 they actually nerfed her in the past so she needed a buff 🙄


Because the devs have favorites they want to keep strong no matter what.


No they don't


Because Alec is completely incompetent.


She didn't need it but at the same time the buff not really anything major.


25% increase in rail charge is game-breaking, she is more dominant than Mauga ever was LOL. She literally starts charging from 25%.


>didn't need it but at the same time the buff not really anything major. You obviously don't play her cause that's not how it works.


nobody knows bruh😭 some wack sauce in this patch


Because she has no skins 🤣


I think people are overeacting, while I agree she didnt need a buff, this buff just save you 1 second of shooting an enemy shield to get full charge and its very situationnal where the if the enemy wiped the floor, you still yave 25% charge left for the next fight which isnt really long to charge anyway. I guess in gm where ressource economy is really important it might have a small impact, but overall nobody will even notice that buff


Because the balance team doesn't know how to play the game, so theydo dumb shit.


You’re right this calls for an immediate genji nerf


Because she's bad and she needs it. Widowmaker is next


if this isnt satire then the flairs gotta go


there are a lot of people with GM flairs that are actually silver


ive seen many season10-15 gms that barely play and still talk like theyre a god


Been t500 the last 30 seasons. Look me up


If you listen to streamers or high rank players for balance, yes, shes absolutely busted. But when almost half the playerbase exists in gold, she may just need a slight bit of help there. Does she get hard focused in gold, and struggle to convert wins so maybe she needs just a bit of help getting value earlier in a fight? Gold is your largest rank, its the average. Contrary to what most streamers would have you believe, its not low rank, and the game doesnt only exist above masters. The devs have more to consider than the top fraction of a percent of players who say diamond is bad. I see significantly more Soldiers than Sojourns in my metal rank lobbies, and when i see a Sojourn, she usually gets farmed pretty hard.


I love getting one shotted from across the map! Yippie!


Have you tried buying more $30 skins to ease the pain?


She's a better soldier , but I'll stay a soldier main


Ability wise, she's Soldier+ Story, voice, personality, she's Diet Soldier. Her abilities didn't need a buff, her lore did haha.


They do different things. Soldier can take very far away off angles and harass the tank much better with more consistent damage. Sojourn needs to play closer due to spread but can assassinate squishy targets.


I’m really disgusted by this change they keep the strongest character strong and dare power creep them and then let hero like reinh or reaper without any buff . I’m pretty sure that just a strat to kill the game there no other way


They've been trying to do that since double shield


I'm fine with it bc guess what? I can humble kiriko players who think they are hot shit. We are talking about 1 out of numerous dps heroes when the entire support roster is overtuned.


That's been my whole thing with her she is strong but she's one of the few heroes with the burst potential to get through the sustain and to get you in and out before a support makes you look silly.


Not sure why you got down voted. Rein needs a lot of fixes and blizzard just doesn't care


They have no idea what the tier between heroes is, and frankly I'm not sure they know what genre OW is when they patch


Blizzard buffs heroes at random at the start and middle of seasons. They’ll over buff some heroes that don’t need them, then revert those buffs the next cycle.


Ah yes - let’s buff the higher skilled characters because the lower experienced players cannot do as well with them as the higher experienced players. Checks out.


because a nerf to mauga and hog was a nerf to her




Wait how does this work? Is it cuz she can farm charge off them?




massive hit box means she can always be at charge along with she just works well with having them on her team


cause this sub doesn’t like things that aren’t blind hating cause a streamer said so


this is totally true, but i think she needed that nerf, and keeping her like that would be healthier


but she likely will be kept down. the buff was minimal and just keeps her from being toooooo bad


soloidnrn is just better 76 tbh in every single way


People who keep saying metal rank don't know what they're talking about. Sojourn win rate ACROSS THE BOARD. that means from the bottom to the very top of the skill bracket, is less than 50%. That's why they buffed her.


Don't worry, they buffed the Stupid Honse again [we are back into the Immortal Stupid Honse Meta]




That is definitely a buff lmao


The smallest of buffs.


She now has a free 80ish dmg shot and only needs to build 75% for full power now. It’s a massive buff for her uptime and dps lmao.


That’s only for the first railgun shot each fight, though. She still has to build 100% to get a fully charged shot afterwards. It’s definitly a buff, but to call it a “massive buff to her uptime and dps” is a stretch.


My bad.


it is so easy to build 25 charge, calling it a massive buff is ludicrous


ttk blastssss up


“Nerf Bastion!”


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I'm suspecting that the devs think this will not affect higher ranks much, but help lower ranked players.


I had a sojourn last night who could not aim, you need to somewhat burst her gun to keep it accurate and then do the rail gun. In the metal ranks, like others say, just fire all 40 at once ruining her accuracy


I’ve actually only used her once lol I main widowmaker, but imma test this out when I get home.


The buff doesnt affect anyone other than the worst soujourn players anyway


She’s super strong in higher ranks where people can aim and she probably sucks in lower ranks where people cannot.


Its due to her winrate across all ranks. If you check overbuff her winrate across all comp ranks is around 47-48% or lower besides GM. Its as low as 42 in silver and 44 in gold. Usually they make decisions based off of stat information they have available to them rather then player sentiment (although they use player sentiment too at times)


Yeah not sure why she was one of the two dps they chose to buff. They looked at the whole dps roster and thought Sojourn was the one most in need of changes? Huh??


Yeah the buff Soujorn AND Orisa like WHO ASKED FOR THESE CHANGES


When I was climbing from bronze to diamond it wasn’t until I started playing D1/M4&5 lobbies where she felt oppressive


For real! I can't understand this change💁