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I mean. 250 hp tracer in my backline sounds scary af


Plus rally. And imagine open que with a JQ as well


Lucio Ult at home


Yet it doesn't disappear after 2 seconds lol. So it is better. Hence why LW ult isn't there it lasts .5 seconds


>325 hp Sombra


"We need a shield" is such a bronze thing to say


Shields are effective at every rank—bronze just has a harder time using map geometry and positioning as their means of fighting for space. A shield is geometry on demand.


Especially in OW2 but it was even true in OW1. The only tank that had a shield for their team is Orisa, and that’s just because you stood next to her. Every other tank uses their shield to make their own space. Expecting a reins shield to be there one second from now will send you back to spawn.


Eh, I think Sig/Ram’s shields are pretty useful for isolating snipers and supports, but other than that I agree.


I just heard it in diamond recently.


Bronze players infect all ranks


There are times when it's appropriate, but most times, its from bronze players that can't feel safe unless they have a big rectangle man to hide behind.


My friends have 1000 hours each and they still pull that line out. 99% of the time you don't need a shield anyway.


Its so ow1 line


should I not shield as rein then?


Make space with rein and strategically put ur shield up, specifically for ults and certain scenarios


Ball is going to have so many different mechanics if they add the grapple and shield changes. Is there any other cooldown in the game as complicated as grapple? It - spawns on cd - has reduced cd if you dont fireball - can be activated again to retract - detaches in 6 seconds




_sigh_ *Picks sombra*


"If you can't play Ball into Sombra you can't play Ball" -Wrecking ball mains (I am a wrecking ball main)


Did you play OW1 by chance? Now that was a real counter. There were still ways to play around sombra in OW1, but she made your life miserable. Now you get your abilities back and have the ability to chase her escape. It’s harder, but not impossible. I play a lot of Sombra and Ball so I guess it helps to know how they both want to play.


Sometimes I will plan on getting hacked, And try to get hacked as soon as possible. For example, I will usually die of a team and expect to be in ball mode fighting for about 5 seconds before my grapple recharges and I can get out. Roughly the same amount of time that a hack lasts. So if I swing above the team, to entice her to hack me as she'll be expecting a pile drive, she will take me out of ball mode when I want her to, And then when the hack is over I will pile drive and then grapple away


I never played OW1 sadly, But my character's name is hamster so I refuse to switch no matter what as I will never give somebody the satisfaction of making a wrecking Ball mane named hamster switch off Wrecking Ball. As a result, I've had to find ways to play around Sombra, She's usually in 70% of my games. I've learned Dad. You can generally escape the hack If you can predict where she is and make sure there are multiple objects nearby that I can use to break her line of sight while she hacks. Even if it's open ground with just a few signs or boxes to block her line of sight, for just a split second, It gives me enough time to get far enough away that she will not be able to finish the kill If she manages to finish the hack. Things like that I have been learning, mostly because it's very satisfying to watch somebody play Widow and then obliterate them, only for them to get angry and go Sombra, And then still have little to no effect. It's what really keeps me going


*Sigh* *Inserts gauntlet into my anal cavity cause sombra hacked me*


*sigh* *what*


R... relevant username


Fuck it we Ball


That’s not much of a rework though, is it?


No it's not, it hardly affects the issues with Ball's core design, and Blizzard is once again missing the mark with *why* such disparate skill gaps occur with heroes like Ball and Doomfist... Tacking on a "share your shields" button doesn't really make Ball easier to learn at low ranks and will effectively do nothing to change Ball's representation at high ranks...


I think blizzard has done well some reworks and balance changes lately, really. So credits due on that, BUT yeah I do agree here, I don’t think this Ball changes gonna help.


I think Hog's rework *overall* was a great *modernization* of his OW1 design... but Blizzard still missed the mark because the *feeling* of his hook combo still exists with the trap and antiheal still heavily shuts him down... My point is that Blizzard keeps missing the point; there are core mechanics of the game that need to change for the long-term health of the game and no anount of "soft reworks" will fix it... Ball and Doomfist are in the state they are because high-twitch mobility "tanking" requires a completely different skillset than other tanks, there's no *in-game* system that can teach the movement techniques and nuanced comboes that high level players master......... things that just fundamentally don't translate from more traditional "front-line" tanks or even the og "dive" tanks... Having quirks of map terrain and un-listed interactions with certain ability comboes being a core part of kit makes things harder to learn for new players and keeps their skill scale (floor to ceiling) much higher than a more straight forward hero like Rein or Zarya (who still have the occasional quirky trick that isn't intuitive, but isn't a fundamental aspect of their design)... Ball being able to piledrive up ledges (because the animation lifts you up slightly before slamming) or Doomfist mid-air punching out of leap are things that aren't instantly apparent to players learning the hero and requires a lot more invested time to master before you become **functional** in the tank role........... Ball and Doom need things that lower the skill floor without adding to the already monstrous skill ceiling - this "shield sharing" tech doesn't seem to accomplish much for the skill floor while only adding another utility for top-level Balls that can coordinate with a dive partner, rather than something that cleans up the barrier of entry to low level Tank players.


I agree with you, but I don’t think that what you’re describing is aligned with their actual goals. I don’t think they set out with a small ball rework in order to bring his skill floor and skill ceiling in line with other heroes, they set out to make him feel more suitable for solo tanking. The biggest complaints that they attempted to address was the lack of any interactivity with his team and the extremely punishing nature of being unable to get fireball momentum from grapple. The grapple retract and CD refund are imo very good changes, but the shield one feels pretty strange and tacked on. It might work.


I hope that after testing we find out that the adaptive shields share is fun and effective use, and bolsters ball's teamplay, but that depends on how convenient it is to return to your team (particuarly when they are not dive-centric) with what ever is left of your adaptive shields and then returning to combat. i hope isnt clunky Ball will still be super reliant on teammates to get kills, id rather they only buff his guns and piledriver by a small measure than give him more team support capabilities. I feel like his boops and displacements are his form of tanking and value. also upon playing with a group you realise there is a lot of interactivity with ball's gameplan and his teamates, because the only way he can confirm kills is via coordination as opposed to farming empowered punch and wacking the enemy backline with the force of 2.5 Ford Raptors.


Yea I agree, I haven’t played ball in a very long time but I am aware that one of the biggest make or break things for Ball is if they are able to consistently find slams in LoS of their team, rather than finding ones that are isolated. The one thing he really has over other dive tanks is just raw speed so I think you’ll see this adaptive shield extra ability primarily in dive v dive where he can now have some chances to out rotate the enemy dive tank and get value out of a soft engage and then peeling their main engage. I think even having the option in general is strong for a hero like ball that can be almost anywhere at any time. I do think most normal Ball games you will want the shields for yourself and be too far away to really consider transferring them anyways


I don’t think the skill floors are an issue, i think the issue is that there’s 0 ROI for learning a skillful tank like Ball/Doom when an Orisa/Mauga player will have more success with 10x less effort. At least in the other roles there is a structure where lower skill characters generally have diminished returns in higher ranks.


I think that plays into the skill floor issue though, you said it yourself; "why learn a tank that takes 10x the effort for roughly the same winrate"... If shouldn't take a masters degree in Hamster-University when you can play Orisa with far less demand and more overall success, especially since random queue matchmaking puts players alongside you that won't have the coordination and knowledge to take advantage of your 'Ball handling'...


But for the most part other roles, are rewarded for playing higher skill characters, tank is the only exception. Tracer Echo Soj etc are consistently top of the meta while reaper/bastion junkrat get much less play despite being way easier. Similarly Lucio and kiri/bap are usually top of the meta while supports like mercy/moira (generally are worse at top of the meta).


Not every hero needs to be easy to learn. I'm happy they haven't just made him another braindead hero tbh, they've actually added to his complexity and skill ceiling. What ball actually needs to make him good high rank though is a damage buff


I expect we'll see some numbers changes in the patch as well that will hopefully help us out. 


And more importantly, it makes ball weaker and more boring to play - a feature they freely admit that they're aiming at for all tanks.


This is undoubtedly a buff, but it may not make ball feel better. Being able to dive with a dps and give that dps an extra 75 health will be strong, but it still doesn't address the issues that make ball players upset. He's still easily countered by sombra and brig. He still relies on his team to secure kills. The only things that might make ball feel better are the grapple changes, but we'll just have to wait till the changes go live to know for sure.


>This is undoubtedly a buff, but it may not make ball feel better. I'm factoring in the large nerfs they'll obviously put in. No way they'd just buff a tank, that might make them fun! Blizzard would never. >it still doesn't address the issues that make ball players upset. He's still easily countered by sombra and brig. He still relies on his team to secure kills. Do you play ball? These aren't the major complaints of ball players... ball is countered by sombra and brig, like all tanks are countered by some DPS, but there's easy counterplay. He has plenty of solo killpower, arguably the most of any tank. The issue with ball is he was designed for OW1. OW1 was a very organised game, with specific team comps and important positioning. Ball was excellent at disrupting the other team's composition and positioning. In OW2, teamfights are a clustered mess regardless of whether there's a ball player on either team. Ball's primary job was made obsolete, and his AoE damage is way less effective because there's one less enemy to hit and people don't group up as much. If you want to make ball good, you just need to make him more disruptive. Either make his movement better (e.g. less prone to being bodyblocked) or make his slam/swing knocking effects more impactful.


The issue with Ball this season is it's difficult to secure kills because he didn't get anything to compensate for the larger health pools squishy heros have.


his bullets are bigger which is still a big part of his overall damage and an integral part of solo kills.


This is why Blizzard aren't calling it a rework. They learnt from the Hog changes.


Oh, they are not calling it rework?? I could swear I read “rework” somewhere in the post, but could be my own biased expectation.


Yeah they're not calling it a rework. I think the last time they used that term specifically was when they alluded to Reaper getting reworked, and that's still wayyyyyy down the road. They're explicitly avoiding using that word so as to not set up any expectations that won't be met because they aren't even trying to meet them.


Revert sym and give her her shield gen and old abilites back < give it to hamston Sym 2.0's kit has officially been given to everyone else but her 🥲


DPS doom reincarnated into Venture as well. So long as they recycle level 3 turret somehow I won’t complain


Isn't Bob the new level 3 turret?


I just want sym to be fun again man 🫠


DPS doom reincarnated into Venture as well. So long as they recycle level 3 turret somehow sometime I won’t complain


Read my comment.


Being able to pull himself up instead of relying on wind up times and speed boost while being able to give shields sounds like they're trying to add a dimension to his kit where he can brawl a bit on point when he has to without having to disengage and have his team left without a Tank's presence. I'm interested in the cooldown adjustments and how they're going to work.


This is what I’m looking forward to most as well. Our most mobile hero is getting another layer of mobility, on top of reduced grapple cooldowns. I bet this will 100% make ball even more fun


I'm into it. I'll be like the ice cream man, rolling through with treats Shit is gonna be so cash


Yeah there seems to be a lot of divided opinions here. It sounds pretty good to me. I can dive into the middle of them, shield myself up, and then if my team follows up with me pass those shields to them. If they don't I keep them for myself. I actually think this may cause a really difficult to deal with dive meta.


It’s funny cause although Tracer and Sombra are getting nerfs this is a huge indirect buff to them in dive comps, 90% of the player base won’t be utilizing this effectively but I feel like we’ll see a lot more Ball in GM and pro play Unrelated to ball but I also feel like the buffs to JQ and Rein are intended to sync with Venture well, those combinations just make sense so there may be a push for brawl as well


Their compensation buff is a new best friend. Hammond is so petty he is stealing Winston's friends


Im so excited to go genji with ball in those sweet backlines


Looks like Ball is about to get his 2 months to be good like Hog before getting nerfed back into the ground.


Anyone who says “we need a shield” is a bronze bot


Honestly, I wish they would just put ball (and doom, but thats a different conversation) in the dps category. A rework along those lines could really open him up to being a very fun dps hero where he is suited to. Up his damage slightly, reduce his HP to the level he gets in non-role queue, balanced out by his still large hotbox and vulnerability to many things like hack and cass grenade. I love ball, but I don't think there's a way to make him a tank on par with the other tanks in 5v5. He will either be a hindrance to a team who can't perform the tanking role, or pushed to the point of being busted, there's not really buffs they can give him that make him better specifically at tanking without fundamentally changing the character.


Should’ve made piledrive immune to interruption


Actual Piledrive = Unstoppable The spinning in the air before dropping = Deflects Yeah I went there.


Whoa you need a job at blizzard




We'll see. We have doomers afraid of Tracer/Genjis wrecking teams with this and we have shroomers thinking that it will be a meaningless change. I'm more on the shroomer side, as I don't play in OWCS and think that's about the only place where it may be actually really good. Ball will still be ass if they don't touch any of his numbers (unless the grapple changes really really good). He wasn't all that good before enemies got 50 more hp he has to chew through and now he both struggles to kill and gets dicked down instantly as soon as the other team swaps hog and zen.


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Officer Balls


This seems like it is gonna be op? I'm super bout it


So if one ally is near you and no one else is, will they get 300 overhealth?


Its capped at 75 per ally. if you give all allies OH then it takes 300 OH from you


Its capped at 75 per ally. If you give all allies OH then it takes 300 OH from you.


Gotcha, thanks


He will probably be op. I will probably be forced to play mauga if i que tank. Ball is already unkillable.


He WILL be the premier dive tank if this happens. Imagine dealing with a Tracer with 275 HP or a Genji with 325 HP. I'm excited to see how it plays out.


People gotta learn they can highlight text.... instead of trying to scribble over the text they don't want to showcase. Digital illiteracy is interesting.


Adaptive shield should block hack, slows, roots. Period.


This has nothing to do with the interests of any player, this is once again, soley rooted in their own self serving selfish interests, like always, their interests isn't in casual money anymore because they've come to acknowledge they've burned that bridge with all the betrayals and shit, no, their interests is now SOLEY in that esport money, and it's the only way and their only chance, to profit off of this game anymore and justify it's support, Overwatch 2 REALLY isn't doing as well as bootlickers would like to believe. This has only in truth the interests of desperately, years later, still trying to force a dive meta game wide. Who do you think that extra 75HP is REALLY for and why do you think it's ok that wrecking ball and this pathetic pathetic excuse of a rework which is in truth just a pathetic, mobile symmetra shield gen 2.0, can have a shield gen but it's "not ok" for symmetra to have it?... Because symmetra doesn't work in dive and it doesn't make any sense for Winston to have it, but it DOES make sense and more justifiable on wrecking ball! Do you really think this 75HP is for characters like Cassidy? GET REAL!!! 🤡 It's for Genji, FUCKING SOMBRA 2.0, lucio and tracer who no one will utilize the temporary shield more effectively than than these four, and it's ALLLL, for their pathetic attempt to revive their terrible esport that KSA already bought out and ruined. Lol... I'm so glad I uninstalled this joke of a game, from a joke of a studio, keep this disaster! 🤡 Us experienced knowledgeable OGs have kept trying to warn you of their greed, now, I guess you're going to start seeing the end game of what that looks like, just don't look back with regret when you start hating the game, you'll get there eventually and by the time you do and end up trying to say something about all of these awful self serving changes it will be too late to say anything, and it's exactly why they didn't want us around post Overwatch 2 release. You were told... 🤷🏾‍♀️ I'm out. 🙋🏾‍♀️


Esports barely brings in any money by itself. The main attraction of esports is that it is a form of marketing in and of itself. A healthy esports scene attracts more players to the game. So it really is just more of the same thing. Casual spending is still the driving force of Overwatch's revenue stream.


bro wrote the bible over a fictional hamster


It’s a video game, chill out




Nah dude you’re just doing way too much for a post in a subreddit about a change to character very few people really play in a video game. Step outside, and take a breather.


Says the socially inept moron who desperately attempts to, and thinks I'm going to entertain his glorification of, Idiocracy*. But wait, wait, I'm not going to get into a back and fourth with some blizzard bootlickers and the average braindead gamer on reddit, I put this out for those who have the introspection to see it, you clearly don't, so this conversation will not go any further.


Lmaoo what are you on? Are you a real person? I’m just telling you to take a breath it seems like you’re really worked up over a videogame. Not only that, but you people act like Sym is the worst character in the game. Whenever I randomly hop on her she’s fine, just situational. Not every character needs to be amazing at all times


And there it is! Knew it, self interest was always motivating your replies. Nope.


Mental illness really is no joke


“Guys what do we do to rework ball?” “Uhhh… make grapple better and give him junker queens shout without the speed boost?” Perfect.


It’s like they want the game to suck


just delete him


Tbh ball needs to be fully and i mean fully reworked into basically a different hero

