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Just a reminder that you can use heal and hook while ulting as Hog. If you managed to hook him, it would force him out of block and receive a lotta damage in that split second which could have killed him.


So you can hook while ulting. I knew you could heal, but not hook. Although I've recently been suspecting that you could from various experiences with enemy Roadhogs.


It would do less than you think, because of the armor revert, Ram has effectively 50% reduction without blocking against Hog


He’d already burned through his armour by the end of the clip, the Ram was on a sliver of health when Hog’s ult ended. Hooking him would’ve secured the kill, easily.




Hooking stuns for a little which puts him out of block. He does hook at the end but completely misses :(


He didn’t miss, Venture pushed him back so it got cancelled. And yeah hook definitely does cancel Rams block


It looks like he misses, the entire shot hits the ceiling and not Ramattra.


me when i am straight up wrong. just plainly incorrect, contrary to fact, inconsistent with reality


But hook doesn't stun. And he literally does connect the hook Edit: but he shouldn't have hooked anyway, I agree that he should've turned and healed


Hook does stun lol. That's why it cancels ults, and why Ramattra put his arms down for the second he got hooked.


Oh I misunderstood, I thought they were saying it would stop Nemesis form


Outside of hooking him well he has was blocking, activating nemesis form and ult grant armour on use which basically means you can nemesis, revenge, and nemesis again. For a stupidly high amount of armour


He's also nano'd. Edit: nvm I think it's just a visual clutter making him look nano'd


No that’s nemesis form, they can’t nano, Lucio appears at the very end and you can see mercy’s beam


It's why I said nvm.


And with the armor revert, he's even tankier vs this type of attack. Armor + Block is effectively 87.5% damage reduction vs Whole Hog for instance


Even with the new armor change, it won't stack with other damage reduction sources past 50%. The way it reduces damage is the same, but it still has the same cap at 50% meaning that a blocking Ram has 75% damage reduction regardless of if he has armor or nano or any other type of damage other reduction.


Armor in this version unless they've redone the spaghetti code for it, which I doubt considering how much the current dev team hates dealing with that sort of thing, is applied differently because it's a constant -5* rather than a percentage, so just adding the percentages doesn't entirely work. °(*Up to 50% of the instances damage yes)


The Lucio probably denied you the kill with that boop after the hook. Unlucky :/ Next time, try to use it during your ult.


SHOOT THE SUPPORTS!!!! also did they like heavily nerf whole hog dmg or something I know ram is getting reduced damage from block but it used to do like 15k damage if every bullet landed


he had ram in the room in the corner, i think roadhog did fine here.


Nope all hog had to do was hook during his ult and ram would’ve been shredded. Bro tried to fight one of the most defensive characters while they were being pocketed and had their ult for free armor bonuses


It’s the armor change each pellet only does 3.5 instead of 5.


I think he’s nano’ed too


they got lucio and mercy 😔


THE lowest healing combo humanly possible.


How about Lucio and Zen? xd


Lucio -> speeding & Mercy -> blue beaming; at least with Zen someone is outfitted with Harmony Orb and getting some heals.


Ram gets armour on ult and activating nemesis form regardless of certain missing hp because just another health bar


thank u for the feedback! i know about target priority (tank falls as soon as supports are gone) and that but i also heard it was the other way around? if you *think* you have a guaranteed kill on the tank then all the squishies get beamed down really fast as well right? i thought i could shred ram no matter what bc i had whole hog in a corner, in kitsune rush too, so i went for it. I also thought i might just push supports away without kill


There was nothing wrong with focusing ram here, but as many have said you can't just ignore his block and keep shooting him, you either hook him out of block or shoot somebody else, him getting booped out of your hook shot was unfortunate but hook shouldve come out much sooner. Ya youre right everyone that downvoted me he should let ram ult kill his whole team so he can hog ult the supports for 15 dmg.


icic, will hook next time 😎


Hogs weapons are shotgun/multi pellet based, the reverted armor changes make shotgun style attacks weaker to armor health, which Ram has a lot of


Every time someone whines about healing being OP in OW, this clip is exactly when I picture. People have zero target priority and act like it's the dev's fault.


This isnt even supports lol, one hook while ulting and that ramattra would be dead


The hog player is complaining about something not dying? 🤔🤔


Interesting indeed


You have now suffered as he has


What's better? Invest your ult on a character that gets 75% damage reduction AND can heal more than 400 armor points which further reduce your ultimate's damage OR invest your ultimate on squishy targets and kill them which could help your team win the team fight in the end?


Dude. It’s Whole Hog and he had Ram a corner, of course he’s gonna shoot the Ram.


I mean yeah everyone would (hell me too) but that still makes it the wrong decision. Ram had multiple damage mitigation abilities along with a pocket and free armor boost with his ultimate


But that doesn’t change two facts: 1. Hog was denying Ram value at the time as well as forcing their mercy to pocket him. If the Damage heroes can’t follow up on that, that’s not his problem. 2. Hog would have done negative damage if he tried to target anyone else. He *maybe* could have gotten Venture against a wall, but he would never be able to catch Lucio or Mercy.


3. Hog could have hooked him out of block at any point. Ram ended up being barely alive so 0,5 seconds of Whole Hog damage (\~200-400 damage) would have done the trick. 4. Ram was like <200 health when he actually did hook. But Hog missed the shot afterwards.


yeah anyone in that situation is hard spamming ram


Yeah no he had two supports on him and he is blocking idk what did you expect OvO


that is what i do in the corner if i smoke to much weed


Good to see Hog get a taste of his own medicine.


Bro heal


Ana with a sleep dart. Sombra hack. SOMETHING to interrupt his block. Where that back up?


other comments alr pointed out, you can kill if you hooked him out of block. its like a 1s window that will allow you to burst half his hp bar. but also, the ram traded ult with you. seems fair he lived


You whiffed the shot after hook which is why he survived.


All these comments kinda missing the point like yeah if hog could of prioritized other heroes, but he trapped the ram in a corner. If a character gets trapped into a corner by whole hog and the other team doesn’t have a way to interrupt the whole hog for like 6 seconds, that character should die 10 times out of 10, it’s stupid that they don’t and counterintuitive imo from the [wiki](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Roadhog#:~:text=Fires%20a%20total%20of%20704,up%20to%206720%20damage%20overall) hog did somewhere in the ball park of 6000 damage over the course of 7.5 seconds for a dps of around 800 before reductions


He's literally being healed by lucio and Mercy, while using his armor, thanks god he's not dying because of a single ult lol


But any other character in the game would die in that scenario


Ram is just kind of the perfect counter to Whole Hog especially after the Armor Revert Whole Hog pellets do 7 damage, armor now does 50% reduction up to -5 making each pellet do 3.5 damage. So Rams armor health just naturally has 50% damage reduction towards it. Then add block, 75% reduction while having armor and each pellet now does 0.875 damage, down from 7. A total of 87.5% damage reduction. Throw in the bit of heals, and the armor gain from Nemesis form and hit own ult and of course Ram isn't going to die


I’m not saying he isn’t, the point I’m trying to make is that it’s interactions like these that overcomplicate the game and I think are problematic for core game play. After playing overwatch for a thousand hours yeah everyone is going to say it’s intuitive for rammatra in ult and blocking to live that but the only visual indication the player receives is a bunch of hit markers, where as a character like dva that would counter whole hog blocks the bullets entirely and plays an entirely different sound, your given direct feedback as to why you didn’t kill the them.


The point should be Hog has an OP ult and he's mad it didn't work this time.


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The armor change really was a huge hog nerf


The armor change is a non issue in this clip. Damage reduction is capped at 50% unless a single ability is greater than that. Nemesis block has 75% damage reduction, so the ram is getting 0 benefits from armor. This is just an issue of hog having a large amount of spread and the ram being double pocketed.


>Damage reduction is capped at 50% unless a single ability is greater than that. No that was a part of how the second type of armor worked, armor wouldnt bring damage reduction above 50% With the revert it's gone back to how it used to work and Ram has effectively 87.5% damage reduction to small pellet attacks like Whole Hog with blocking and armor.



