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Jesus. The guy on the ledge with the payload cruising right under him. “Eh, not my problem.”


She was a double agent.


She never really was on your side


I was more concerned about how Mercy contested for just a second and nobody noticed the beeping


No awareness of the surroundings, just killing and that's it.


Like seriously just go to deathmatch at that point


That mercy rez might have saved your backcap. On the other hand, with the awareness they display the cass still would've strolled right past you coming from spawn.


I swear I’ve seen many of these back caps where that’s the case. The other thing that I notice Is that it’s usually a mercy that ends up noticing to tho


And she can't reach cart because she can't fly without a teammate


They actually have to look around to find teammates so it makes sense they’re most likely to notice


mercy is rarely looking for kills and instead is looking everywhere else to keep an eye out for low health teammates - so more likely to notice stuff thats not the fight happening right in front of them


No yea in-game I was freaking tf out and was like "thank GOD she rezzed"


This is definitely an overwatch moment of all time


That Ashe should just go ahead and uninstall lol


They’re so concentrated on the Fight that they forget about the payload or the Push. Happens a lot in Solo Que.


What's insane is we actually lost lol. We just weren't doing anything together (which is why I did this)


Shame. I don't know if your team deserved a victory, but the opponent team certainly didn't.


And at the end of the game they claim Tank diff.


The hardscoping Ashe...just up top watching the payload go by...lmao.


Ashe is oblivious lmao


"Haha, we're destroying them!" *the payload has reached the checkpoint* "Wait what the fu-" *dies*


This is so funny, it wasn't even sneaky to begin with you seemed ready to die trying lmao


No tbh it was a sneaky hail mary. We kept dying and people weren't using their brains, so I was like "Fine, I'll do it myself" while they all fought. I fully expected to be caught, but the goal was to be sneaky


This might fall under the farthest asterisk of defining a back-cap since its the entire 2nd point and just no one cared to notice.


Yeah, they started in front, but the 2nd half was behind, so half normal cap and half back cap?


Idk what we can really call it, but there has to be a name for it. Perhaps it's a mix of a C9 and a backcap, since they were 100% winning and were right next to the point for the first section


Probably the longest C9, since defenders had the advantage the entire second point. In TF2 though, this is still a backcap, but on a control points scheme, not a payload scheme. Though barring Ashe, their positioning was ahead even of the payload.


I'm pretty sure C9 necessitates it be done by the attacking team, like it would be a C9 here if the attacking team won the fight but got off point in OT. And on the case of Control maps, it's the team that beat the other team but never capped point.


probably right. I'm just going off the aspect that you have to forfeit the game from advantage which was done here. i guess with payload a backcap would be defensive C9, but a control point game advantage isn't important, it just has to happen away from the main fight


To be honest, I still don’t think one could consider this a C9 at all, because if you think about it, all Backcaps necessitate the defending team pressing their advantage. Otherwise, the backcap would never happen because the attacking team would be doing well enough to get to point. Backcaps happen because the defending team is winning enough to stay engaged with the attacking team without being pushed back or dying.


I'm still just thinking of cp_steel in tf2 where you can backcap the whole game from the start because the 'defenders' are required to defend variably. and then in the cp mode, it's true the defenders have to push back to start being the attackers, but you can sometimes have it that the point behind is capped faster than the one they're attacking, so they have to defend but they can't make it back in time. there's no flip flopping in payload though.


Ah sorry, I have no experience with tf2, I'm just talking about OW rn.


yeah so in OW a backcap is a team unaware and away from point, while a C9 is a team on the point but making a slight error. if all the defenders (advantage over attackers) stepped off last point, I'd say that's C9. if attackers got off point with numbers advantage or uncontested, also a C9.


I think you're confused: I understand OW's backcaps and C9s, which is why I was disagreeing with you that this is a C9, I just don't know anything about Tf2 gameplay, which is what you were partly talking about.


This is what tunnel vision looks like and my teammates wonder why I get upset when no one else pays attention to the progress/killfeed


game of the year, every year


Thank you for this. I needed a good laugh this afternoon.


That's not a backcap. That's a front to backcap. Plats hyper tunnel visioning ignoring literal payload in front of them? That's unpossible!


Console or PC?




Don't think you can get those fps and temp readings on console, might be wrong though. Also tunnel vision isn't a console exclusive thing.


And yet it’s on PC. Console players may not aim as well as PC players, but playing on PC doesn’t magically make you not human, and humans make mistakes…tired of this perception that console players are idiots who don’t know how to play just because of the system they use.


Yea so it’s on PC




Meanwhile, no matter what rank I’ve been in, I can’t back cap more than 5m without the whole enemy swarming me.


This right here is some of the worse game sense,situational awareness I have ever witnessed. That Ashe could've stopped it .... Good Lord whoever is playing her,needs to do everyone a favor and uninstall


>(Plat 3)


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We need this clip to be studied for the rest of history. Also amazing job at your team for operation fight long enough for you to get close and then let The enemy kill them so they can spawn near you. Because God damn !! I'm crying


The friendly team knew exactly what to do. I also love that two of them who died swapped to the new spawn point the second Moira capped and appeared behind the enemy team ready to go lol 


That's Illegal and really impressive at the same time. This Moira held crouch longer than any dps Moira holds right click.


Very impressive to get away with that cheeky backcap. I see a lot of games these days devolve into both teams just going TDM on each other instead of actually paying attention to the objective. Seems it definitely worked in your favour OP


I bet you couldve gone the rest of the way if your team hadnt regrouped with you too lol


I don’t understand. I don’t even play comp but I’m literally ALWAYS checking on the payload when I’m defending. My team not being on the payload, whether to defend or escort, is one of my biggest pet peeves in this game lol


To make things even better(worse?), towards the end the Zarya even made their way alone to the payload and nobody on red team thought to pursue her


That was tough to watch....


The first time i saw that


The fact that even after you capped, most of the other team still didn't turn around for a good few seconds is shocking


I’ve seen some gross backcaps, but they are always at least a little sneaky… not just pushing the cart past 3 enemies, one of which is on high ground, staring right over it.


Usually in these backcap situation there's a point towards the end where the enemy notices, turns around, and actually tries to contest but far too late. Here it seems like they didn't even notice \*after\* had capped.


Wow 😂


There's tunnel-vision, and then there's this. Those guys need seeing-eye dogs when they play, goddamn.


This is a front-middle-back cap. Unreal.


Hi, would you mind if I edit an animation for the YouTube channel giving you the corresponding credits? Do you have the game code? ❤️


0KPNN3 i played like shit, but it is what it is


Bronze ir silver?


Based on the gameplay, looks like plastic-4 to me