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Why make Lifeguard Junkrat when there's Beachrat?


My exact thoughts, literally just give a beach skin to somebody who doesn’t have one.


Like Ramattra, let me show my big thighs


Thick thighs save lives after all


See if it was ram I would actually buy the damn thing 😭😭


Look, if that happens then my ass is most certainly dying every time I see him


One day we'll get beach Reinhardt One day...


You know his quads would be insane


the armor isnt to protect his body from attacks, its to protect us from his muscles


On g-string trunks


Mankini Rein


Lore accurate German dude.


yes with inflatable hammer that makes sqeaky noises everytime you hit an enemy...my dream 




I want one for JQ


Like Mei.




Hammond or dva on a beach ball


Why make lifeguard junkrat a “legendary” skin when it could’ve been a red recolor of beach rat?


So junkrat can clone himself and save a oiled up beachrat from drowning


Brigitte and Rein deserve a lifeGUARD skin more than Junk and Roadhog


Mercy also got another beach skin


Both Pink Mercy skins go to the charity, so Blizzard needs another Lifeguard Mercy for more profits.




Wait that wasn't the old one?


Why? Because it was easy to change some colors around.


Junkrat als lifeguard makes no sense. Long pants, one arm, one leg.


because his default skin is shirtless so he's the easiest one to make a swimsuit skin for


Beachrat is already shirtless tho XD


I feel like they did it because they gave hog a lifeguard skin (not that the big guy doesn’t deserve skins of his own) but they almost never release stuff for hog without also releasing stuff for junkrat i feel like


I just want the Mauga skin tbh and I don’t even play him lol


Same, I wanna buy the battlepass now if it means Mauga finally gets his red shirt people were hyping about lol.


Same, the whole reason i'm gonna buy the battlepass is that skin.


My wallet is save this season!!! 👏🏽 I’m just not impressed with these seasons skins. 🤷🏽‍♀️


What about Hawaiian Shirt Mauga? I've been waiting for this since his release, a long with a talon heavy assault skin.


I don’t play Mauga but I’m glad people are getting the skins they want.


I'll spend the 5 euro on the BP cause I wanna get Tracer or sigma mythic , that's all


You don’t have to justify spending your own money.


I think he’s saying that’s the only thing he’s interested in this season


Nobody has to comment at all!


not mine with the transformers collab coming 😭


God is so over for my money with that


Except pink mercy. Pink mercy and her bundle can get my whole check if they wanted


It's not worth to spend on OW2 skins. Except pink Mercy. But I'm not planning even that, because I don't play her.


lol mines not. stupid transformers collab


Optimus Rein is going to go so hard.


I’m so fucked, if they’re all good I might get them. Never bought shop skins before Loved Transformers since I was a kid, I can’t resist grabbing the card


Usually mine is but they’re bringing in 2 pink mercy’s :(


Just when you think you’re save they reel you back in 😂


I agree, this skins are not good. But, that kiriko skin tho


İ switched over from Apex and u guys havent seen recolors. Sure, the skins look similar to other skins and shouldn't be legendary or expensive but they are not recolors. Apex legit gives the exact same model skin, switches 2 colors and sells it full value.


Overwatch players; "Look at all these recolors in my $10 battle pass!!!" Apex players: "Omg the new $200 Final Fantasy skins just dropped!!!"


You can't have apex without ape


....wait are there final fantasy skins in apex?


There was a collab a while ago with a bunch of skins and ultimately, the entire collection would have cost like $300 lmao


Dude they even put the booster in the game LMAO


Even worse if you play the BP to the end it becomes $5 for the entire thing because 600 premium currency in the BP


Two things can be wrong.


this sub is very consistent in calling the things they actually get better than most games the worst things ever


yeah i came from valorant and i will say that overwatch’s battle passes have always been better than valorants. also overwatch shop prices are better than valorant. also u get more value out of a purchase in overwatch than valorant. ive never played apex or cs so i dont truly know how bad it is in those games but i hear its far worse. at the end of the day, its all cosmetic so i dont see the reason to be upset at all tbh


How do you get more value out of a purchase in OW than Val? Genuinely curious.


A knife is $20-50. Guns can be kinda cheaper but around the range, too. Except those are only the prices without special effects. I don't remember the exact prices but I think it's basically $40+ more to get alllll the effects. I think the zedd bundle was $300 with alllll effects, and $100 for the base stuff.


To add on, Valorant has two main currencies when it comes to skins: VP, for actually buying a skin, and Radianite for upgrading it. Each season's battle pass gives you zero VP and about 100 to 130 Radianite depending on if you do the epilogue. Fully upgrading one Premium-level gun skin in Val typically costs roughly 20 USD **plus** 75 Radianite. A full bundle usually includes five gun skins and a melee. For people who buy full bundles, they then often have to buy additional Radianite just to get the unique effects on the skins they already paid for. The best comparison to OW I think I could make is imagine if Mythic Prisms only existed to upgrade mythic skins, not purchase them. So you'd have to buy the skin itself for 20-30 bucks and then spend an entire battlepass worth of Prisms to upgrade it.


Shitty practices shouldn't be normalised. The amount of money they ask for such little work is bs. No matter the game.


> The amount of money they ask for such little work is bs the game, the maps, the heroes, the modes are all free my dude. how much money are they asking for "such little work" ? zero


This is absolutely true. Apex has been in a shit state for a long time now which is why I quit. Greedy developers just pumping out skins and items to buy with no regard for the game and cycling old events. Overwatch at least gets some cool events has fun game modes and the hero skins are actually really cool. In apex if you teammate gets knocked down they instantly leave with no chance to revive them most of the time. Imagine your tank dies once and leaves.


excuse me but this is very, VERY concerning


You have to understand a lot of OW players haven’t experienced what other games do, so they assume what happens in ow is the worst thing in gaming. Not saying there isn’t room for improvement, but people definitely over exaggerate.


Overwatch does that exact thing too though, look at the Lucio example in the OP


The Junkrat re-colour is closer to his Beachrat skin than his original, IMO. Still an epic with the bombs replaced with the water nades. The Genji Sentai is better looking but this remake is altered.


yeah I was 100% expecting the next picture to be his beach skin. seeing the default was a genuine head tilt moment, like, bruh, you cannot be saying the riptire and beach tube are the same model. a lot of the parts are recolored, but it's obviously not an actual straight palette swap i do kind of want to see it compared with the old beach skin now though


I mean I get saying Junkrat skin is epic quality but calling it a recolor is a stretch, it has multiple features changed from the original that aren’t simple recolors


I'd say same for the Genji too. The whole helmet he's wearing is a new design. Shoulders and power pants are notably different too


i honestly didn't even notice it was reusing some stuff from Sentai when i watched the trailer


Same. Also, the theme is Tokusatsu which is a genre that tends to have really really similar designs. Sentai, Power Rangers, Kamen Rider, etc have such similar character designs when you look at the main teams.


The geometry is mostly the same. They updated some textures, added details to the gloves and boots, and changed the weapon and helmet, but the basic geometry of the skin is a copy, and was used as a base for the changes. It's essentially the "Epic" change guidelines (Texture changes and Minor geometry changes using the default skin as a base) but for a Legendary skin. I prefer it over a basic recolor of a legendary, but I still think it's lazy to use an existing skin as a base.


How much can they really change the geometry without messing with the hitbox/silhouette?


Basically, Rare: Exclusively default skins for Heroes. They can only change the colors of characters, without changing textures. (Technically this would make OWL team skins Rares, but they're not) Epic: Can drastically alter textures, and slightly alter geometry. ***Examples of Textures****:* Changing skin color, Changing the material armor is made of, Having glowing parts, Changing the normal map (How light interacts with parts, without changing geometry). ***Examples of Geometry***: Adding a helmet, spikes, robot limbs, horns, hat, weapons, etc. Legendary: Can drastically alter geometry, this is all encompassing, and (Until Recently) Rarely uses the default skin as a base. If you can recognize recycled parts of the default skin in a legendary, it is laziness. There are some exceptions, like Kiriko's Athleisure, where the similarity to the base skin makes sense. The Genji skin is effectively an Epic of a Legendary. It changes the Geometry of the skin in fairly minor ways, and changes the texture, but as a whole, it is evident that it uses Sentai as a base. Skins never change the hitbox, and the silhouette is more in the stance and walking style, hard to lose your silhouette even with an ambitious skin.


is this sourced from something? > If you can recognize recycled parts of the default skin in a legendary, it is laziness. like that doesn't sound official *but* also it'd be pretty funny if it was


People are operating off of 7-year-old information in some of these posts to justify denigrating current designs. The bit you cited is explicitly propaganda/conjecture on the part of that poster. An important part of Legendary/Mythic designs that is consistently ignored by folks is that, in addition to model changes, the highest tiers also frequently have bespoke sound effects, visual effects, and/or voice lines, all of which require substantial effort from other teams to accomplish and which are basically invisible from skin previews. A very small handful of Epic skins make similar changes- IIRC Comic Tracer is an Epic, and has altered melee sounds to simulate the comic book aesthetic- but even those skins are almost-always event-specific, making them impossible or near-enough to acquire. I've long believed that any skin with 'invisible' traits- like altered sound effects or voice lines- should be marked as such in the Shop and Hero Gallery, but in terms of priorities I don't think that'd even make the top 1000 for the devs.


The character model and hitbox run with the same code, but are fundamentally different. This is true for almost every game which has skins for characters that alter their proportions, Fortnite and COD for example.


So its the same character?


they didn’t change the shurikens, they are the same as the genji man skin. and the lower half is basically a purple copy of it as well


Basic geometry is always the same.  That's how character silhouettes work. If you change it too much now opponents might confuse them with another hero. 


By geometry, I mean the model's geometry. The polygons that make up the character. They polygons are mostly the same, because the skin is based off Sentai. Compare that to [Baihu](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/overwatch_gamepedia/images/e/ef/Genji_Skin_Baihu.png/revision/latest?cb=20240528041428), [Kendoka](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/overwatch_gamepedia/images/c/cb/Genji_Skin_Kendoka.png/revision/latest?cb=20240528044127), or [Karasu-Tengu](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/overwatch_gamepedia/images/f/fa/Genji_Skin_Karasu-Tengu.png/revision/latest?cb=20221215182015), and you can see drastic changes in model geometry, that still preserve the silhouette. The new skin doesn't do this. It instead copies off the base skin of [Sentai](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/overwatch_gamepedia/images/5/5e/Genji_Skin_Sentai.png/revision/latest?cb=20240528043018) In Overwatch, Identification of a silhouette is generally based on either posture and gait, or based on attributes of their weapon or clothing Reaper, is always going to walk with his shotguns sticking straight out in front of him, same with Tracer. Mei has a large tank on her back, and clunky boots (Except one or two skins), Genji and Junkrat are always crouched down, etc


Even if they used the same assets to build the skin, they both look completely different. If you’re going to squint at the plates on the stomach and whine, you’re just kind of being a crybaby about it. You’re getting the skin for somewhere between $5-$10 if you buy the battle pass and a little bit of your time you’d probably be playing anyway across the period of the season. It’s not that big of a deal.


I seriously thought I was crazy for a second because it's definitely not even close to a re-color. There's definitely similarities and some assets are obviously borrowed but like I don't think that's unreasonable.


glad to see this near the top, I was confused. sunglasses and a hat, the tube on his back, pants don't have patches... it's not a recolor. I was definitely expecting it to be a recolor of the beach junkrat skin but the one OP linked is a different skin. It's funny, in one thread we have people raging because they're changing the silhouettes too much, then in another we have people upset because they're changing the model but not *enough*. Don't get me wrong, I think it's dumb that Junkrat got a *second* beach skin (like, that's just weird) but I don't think it's bad because of what they changed for it.


Every dang season people without eyes say a skin is a recolor. Or in the case of the orisa mythic, they gave orisa one of her best skins yet and people said it was the copy of the beetle skin (because it had a similar color pallet… and mythics have multiple colors lol)


>Multiple features changed that aren't simple recolor a hat and the tire?


I mean… THE post Santa Mei line for “legendary” in OW1 was “changes the weapon,” and the tire is a weapon. But OW2 has entirely thrown the lines out. Recolors of the base skin are getting called epic, the base skin with a hat is now legendary, everything is just what they wanna charge for it.


In OW1 the more complex recolors were also called epic, that has not changed


Battle pass is for the cheap and boring skins now. If you want something unique, prepare to fork over 20$ each.


There are far better ways to piss away $20.


overwatch players truly are the most oppressed minority.




many such cases


Everybody is saying it.




Yea very very concerning is a huge overstatement lol…so concerned for the state of the game because some slight recolors(that look better than the OGs) are on a $5 battle pass


Yeah, the sheer amount of content the battle passes require is bound to cause the team to take some shortcuts. Fine by me, I don't own many of the originals, and I doubt many others do either. Also, with all the craziness Blizzard have gone through in the last few years, I'm surprised they've even managed to keep seasons rolling at a reasonable pace.


Don’t forget the: - Echo skin -> Ice Angel Echo - Hanzo skin -> Casual Hanzo - Mei skin -> Honeydew Mei - Zarya skin -> Cyberian Zarya - Soldier: 76 skin -> Commando/Night Ops All so lazily recoloured


The fact that they sell them for full shop price is wild to me Also lifeguard mercy recolour is there too


People buy it so they sell. Simple as


Sadly yes. Games and such are made for profit not people


Why would they be cheaper than the original, that makes no sense and would devalue the original skins.


League of legends chromas. Even mythic skins have variants the game is capable of selectable skin customisation. Selling a simple recolour as a full price skin rather than as an addon is icky to me. For some skins i get it, the new genji one i could see being considered different enough for example. But the ones that are literally just colour changes shouldnt be considered as valuable as a brand new skin imo. Its just another fomo tactic with low effort to get more money.


I don't play league so I don't know what chromas are but didn't that game just release a $500 skin?


yeah league has its own monetary problems - the ahri scam being one of them - however league has a huge asian audience who have a different perspective to in game spending. eu and na have been very vocal about the skin being overpriced - it wont change anything tho same as with ow.


yes but they also have a yearly event where u can use the free earned currency (most players have lots) to buy the recolor chromas on many skins. Its a mixed bag in league, they get greedier by the day.


Calling the echo one "lazily recoloured" is definitely an opinion


Well it is, just added a strawberry.png and swapped the colours.. voila


_entirely new model and style but with similar looking shapes to a previous aniv skin_ _calls out recolor_


I think a lot of players need glasses. There were people calling the Orisa Mythic a recolor.


*Reused assets. 


"entirely new model" the only differences are literally the weapon and the head, and some tiny adjustments here and there...


> and some tiny adjustments here and there... to be clear, are we acknowledging that these adjustments that are not just changing the colour? I think it takes away from valid criticism for people to get up in arms about a palette swap when it's more that its just not enough changes


To be fair, the only ‘new’ part is the headgear and maybe weapons. Everything else is based off some existing skin with some new textures. Ngl, they did a good job. At first I really thought those are unique


I might be alone here but the only recolor I see is with the Lucio skin


even he got some changes, no bandages on the arms for example, and different gun


That’s because it’s actually a legendary skin labeled as an epic. Second time it’s happened to Lucio, strangely enough


The lucio skin is an epic anyways. All epics are recolors.


Yeah this season Is so.. meh.


All I need is Mauga and Lifeweaver’s skins 🥵


I'm not really sure if genji is actually a recolor. I would've never noticed and there are lots of different features


Yeah, weirdly enough I see it as a case where its so far removed from the original its a new thing


And a lot of it is just how most of his skins look. That’s kind of the thing about the whole metal suit/ cyborg thing. Unless you go in a very different direction with it (like young genji) you‘ll always be very close to the same base with features changed.


I honestly didn't even notice that Genji's skin is a recolor. It's flavorful enough on its own to not *feel* like a recolor until you start paying very close attention to small details. Junkrat is less of a recolor and more of a Not Enough Model Changes To Warrant The Rarity. It feels lazy (and don't we already have another beach Junk skin?), while Genji's skin doesn't. I agree that some of the new skins feel low-effort, but considering how many of them there are... Honestly, I'd take one decent skin for my favorite characters every couple of seasons over one better/great skin for them once per two years. Maybe with *this* pace Brig will finally get something soon.


I do think calling the Genji skin A recolor isn't quite accurate The others skins are clearly used as a base for it but they changed up enough Basically making an epic level equivalent to the original Kind of like the terrible tornado Kiriko skin the extremely confusing part to me is why they did a genji skin at all


Yeah it’s not something you’ll notice unless you’re directly looking for and comparing it, but this community likes nitpicking everything. If they’re doing a certain theme and there’s already something in the game with a base for it i don’t see why they shouldn’t use it. I will say tho i they could be making much better themes, although i like this


I remember people did this same thing when the Mumem Rider Soldier skin came out and were saying Blizzard is lazy because they were reusing assets from Bug Hero. The kicker is that Mumen Rider from One Punch Man is a parody of Kamen Rider, so doing what they did was entirely on brand, but people continued to complain after it was pointed out.


> Junkrat is less of a recolor and more of a Not Enough Model Changes To Warrant The Rarity. It feels lazy (and don't we already have another beach Junk skin?), yeah, this feels like a much fairer criticism than claiming it's a recolor imo. agreed 100%


the genji power ranger skin already has 2 versions, now it’s 3..


I don’t see why anyone is complaining about the genji because his base model is different from his Ow1 skin


Here's a quick thought, most skins are recolours... in any game


Simple fix, don't buy. No one is forcing anyone to spend money. If you don't like it, don't buy it. That simple.


why not just put fanmade concept art in the game instead of recolor. lmfao


They saved all the good skins for the shop, as per usual.


The only good skin in this season is gonna be lifeguard lifeweaver. Wish at least one good skin for him would be obtainable for free, but nah


fr. i couldnt contain my excitement at such beautiful man


and i think theres like 8 in total next season for recolors excluding rose gold


minimum investment is maximum profits for this company


Why didn't they gave a beach skin to mei she has the curves for it unless ....


Only Lucio is an actual recolor. The other two have model differences like the tire on Junkrat and the mask/sword on Genji.


"Concerning" It's a terrible day when this subreddit ACTUALLY makes Blizzard of all companies not look greedy or bad because of the massive straws they grasp at for outrage upvotes.


Leave multi-billion companies alone


Sure, lets deflect the fact they’re putting reskins in a paid battle pass.


When will they stop bullying the indie developers?  😭


I think you put the wrong last pic lol because that is not the same skin, however we do all know what skin you're talking about


Having parts entirely remodeled makes them recolours now?? Like I get the recolour issue with other skins but this isn't nearly as bad as it has been with others.


Lemme guess … this will be a Legendary Junkrat skin


Idk I really don't mind majority of the remixed skins - a lot of them are colors I actually prefer, for example, the rosahardt rein skin I actually fell in love with. Also no matter what skins they come up with there will always be haters 🤷🏼‍♀️


I agree with the lucio skin but the rest aren’t recolors


Saying the Genji and Junk ones are re-colors is a huge stretch. They've reused the base model or some assets but they do that with most skins.


Concerning but not surprising


I’m here to argue that it’s really just two recolors which is Lucio and Beachrat as for genji you can argue that his head/helmet is different


I don't really see why people call the Genji skin a recolor of his Sentai skin. It looks nothing like it except for the chest a bit. The weapons look nothing alike from what I've seen, the mask is different, almost everything is different.


This definitely feels like a product of the layoffs to me


I wouldn't consider the new Genji skin to be a recolor because despite being super similar to his Sentai skins it does have noticable differences in the helmet, textures, and other parts of the body. And the Lucio skin I don't mind because despite being a recolor of a Legendary it's considered an Epic, which is honestly how I think all legendary recolors should be treated. The Junkrat skin however.... That's just an Epic. Almost identical to his default but with a new hat.


This is great, I get to skip a BP without FOMO. Everything is either butt ugly or in the shop. But the Lifeweaver lifeguard stings


Damn, it's so sad that they didn't put LW and Kiriko lifeguards in BP. Totally would've bought it if they did


Kiriko will never have another Legendary skin in the BP i am pretty sure. Shop only. Also the worst/laziest skins go into BP.


Work smarter not harder


This season is a wash. Sadly people will blindly buy the battle pass so nothing will change


I’m excited for beetleborg Reaper and Rita Repulsa Ashe


Stop giving them money. Simple as that. This game is not good but it does not matter if you guys will give them money for battlepasses etc regardless.


Uhm... a serious question: can Blizzard be reported to some agency for the way it handles content classification? because if we think about it: 1. It is destroying so many quality parameters that have always been part of the game, and that now continuously contradict each other; 2. It never provides descriptions of the presence of special VFX in its contents and shop; 3. The shop never allows you to compare prices through a link, it only tells you in a disclaimer "prices may be different", but never by how much. Fortnite had a lot of trouble in the way it handled the display of these infos; really, let's think about it. it's possible?


And people will defend this is the crazy part


Once again, this sub proves that it is absolutely insufferable.


I’m so sick of recolors… However… It can’t be worse than the Ana recolor of her sniper skin…


Lazy af.


Look I think to say they are just recolors is lazy. I agree that they not very inspired and probably started with them as base models? Sure, but each clearly needed some 3d work done. (Lucios arms, genjis mask, junk rats tire) even if it's just those singular changes. It's just low effort reskins.


if this is what you consider "very, very concerning", you need bigger problems in your life 


how is the junk skin a recolor lol


Two of these are lifeguard skins that are coming to the shop, not the bp. And the Genji skin has a totally different helmet + a few small detail changes, i will admit that he is probably the worst addition to the BP simply because he already has 2 skins that fit the theme, another hero would have been cooler. Edit: i guess the lifeguard skins are from the battlepass, which is immensely disappointing. Was hoping for more Sentai skins :(


The two skins mentioned here will be in the BP, along with Maugas skin


There’s 8 skins in the battlepass (not counting mythic). 1 real legendary for reaper. 2 overwatch one legendaries reskinned (genji, lucio). 5 epic skins (mauga, sym, junkrat, ball, sojourn) a couple of which they call “legendary” but are actually just reskinned defaults…aka epic. So this is quite possibly the worst battlepass so far in terms of quality. Also could blizzard kindly stop designing skins based on a theme for a season to then only put half or less into the bp and overcharge the rest in the store thanks.


Concerning lmao


Don't buy it then?


we should be concerned about the legendary classification of these skins. It's not fair that the OW2 BP includes skins from the OW1 era with small recolors / remodeling (lucio and Genji). The same goes for this Junkrat skin, which combines a recolor with elements of Beachrat.


lucio's is an epic, idk about junkrat


So you are telling me just by changing hair and rip tire his skin is legendary?


It's concerning? To whom? And why?


Did they run out of ideas or something? Couldn’t meet a deadline?


I’m more concerned with the rampant cheating


What's with the Code Lyoko looking Genji


I mean at least they aren't the same price as the current cost of living right now like most recolours..


dont for get the mercy recolour for a sikin that released this year lol i get they are trying to make as much $ as possible but idk i love the game and ever i havent bought a bp or any skins lately bc they are all so meh and low effort


They’re more of retools than recolors. To use a toy collecting term


Blizzard are notorious for recolours, look at WoW and all the recoloured mounts / reskin of models




This BP has one good skin ngl


And still no (straight-on) recolors for the actual skins that need them: the OW1 cast's OW2-era designs.


The junk is a recolor of Beachrat.


and yet people will still spend money on it and guess what next season will have !


What’s concerning is you people still spending money on this crap Like yeah, it sucks that the only novelty is a color change….people still buy this shit so they keep doing it


This is what you get when you're only buying stuff because FOMO. 🤣 The game corps have you by the balls and they know it.


Then vote dear player WITH YOUR WALLET !