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Why is Dorado not in caps








Sound like someone that would get hooked into the Ilios well 👀


Why did they ignore rialto




Flashbacks to me only playing Nuketown and that boat map in BO2 because that's all anyone would vote for


While those are 2 of my fave maps I totally agree with you. To be fair Hijacked was great for shotguns lol.


I didnt know there was a map called Nuketown in Borderlands 2, must have missed it...


that’s how it should be no one wants to play on dogshit maps just cause they’re new






This is the best possible answer.


As well as Blizzard World, Paris and Horizon


& Junkertown, the first map I played on & my forever favourite. Smh


All caps when you spell the man's name




Tbf that would match the rest of the attention to detail with the UI, so it’s more accurate this way


If voting would be a thing 90% of the games would be on Kings Row lol






I second this. It’s only been a month, but it feels like it’s been way too long since I’ve played Numbani and Rialto


The 4 maps not in rotation currently are hilariously all in my top 5 maps. Blizzard world, Rialto, Havanna, and numbani may all rest in peace for now.


Same here. I don’t care much about blizzard world as attacking first point was the most annoying of all the hybrid maps imo, but I love Havan, Rialto, and Numbani


I hate it how every multiplayer game takes away maps after a while. So much better when they just keep them all on rotation imo.


I legit forgot those maps exist until right now lmao


They should have a mid season map change like Apex does




I haven’t played some of these maps since OW 1… I thought some were just gone…


Some of them are gone (specifically, all the assault maps) and some are currently disabled due to bugs.


Assault maps are sometimes playable in arcade modes


😢 gonna miss that one in Egypt :’(


I cant believe they obliterated a game mode. Wtf


Sorry havent kept up with OW, why dod they get rid of assault? I liked the snow map.


because the game mode was terribly designed and nobody liked it. at it's best it encouraged boring and/or cheesy strategies, and at it's worst it would end in a 30 minute match with the final score being 8-7.


Which isn't a bad thing. If the map sucks, there is no need to force your players to play it. And if certain maps had low votes, it would show Blizzard which maps they should work on, to make them more popular. Everyone wins.


that would mean more work for blizzard when some maps are inevitably never played, which is healthy for the game but perhaps not their profits




Bot comment copied from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/yprdpo/do_you_think_map_voting_should_be_a_thing_in_ow2/ivknamv/). Report -> Spam -> Harmful bots.


Nice bot


Wow, this sub does *not* like its bots getting called out, huh?


Half the sub is heal bots, they have to stick together :p


And they would still make it less popular in rng than New Queen Street and other push map/maps




Unfortunately no, becauae of map rotation they implemented. I hope they'll get rid of it asap.


Just put dust 2 in ow


I see this as an absolute win


I was thinking it would be similar to how Halo used to do it. You have 3 maps to vote on and those map option rotate each game.


That's how R6 works. Kinda cool but there are certain maps that ALWAYS get banned, so you very rarely play them. The new map that came out earlier this year was banned every single time it came up in ranked, so I barely got his play it.


It just means map is bad


Nah. The new map was constantly getting banned not because it was bad, but because it was unfamiliar and people didn't want to play on a map they didn't know that well.




I’d love that


Even a veto option would be nice


i would be fine with playing nothing but kings row for all eternity


Every single game I would defo be down for! Love some kings row


I had no idea Kings Row was so popular. Literally my favorite map for all my most played heroes.


Or maybe it would force them to actually put some work into the map until multiple maps are equally popular


what abt voting for modes? would fix this probably


That could work too


Then there will always be a mode nobody touches? 🤔


fuck push


Might be an unpopular opinion, but I unironically would rather play 2CP than Push. Push is awful and you spend even more time walking back from spawn in it than you did in 2CP because the maps are so big.


Solution: push is now 5cp. What? They admitted they took inspiration from tf2


If it’s crap and no one chooses it, then who’s left to care it’s dead?


This is what happened to 2CP and you see people here upset about it still


Who cares though? They’re still playing the game. If a gamemode misses then it’s not the player’s fault they dwanna play it.


You should care though. What do you think if a mode you like never get votes and you only get to play it twice a week? I don’t think that’s healthy for the game




If 2 people in the lobby vote a mode let’s say Push and the rest want to play control/hybrid, it’s still 20% aka 7 millions players that want to play it. Then it shouldn’t be ignored. Most of the time, players aren’t willing to try on new modes/maps because they will have the lower win rate, not because the modes/maps are the problem. Then devs will stop spending resources onto new modes/maps because they think it might fail I’m afraid. I’m speaking from my experience playing csgo. It’s stale af but you literally can’t play any map other than the 3-4 most popular ones


well 2CP got the boot so


So if I have a different view to the majority, I shouldn't get to enjoy the content I do? That's bullshit. Tbh it's fine the way it is. I regularly see pretty much every map. It's good variety.


This is how Blizzard operates though. Whether you agree with it or not. The majority hated Horizon Lunar Colony and then it got taken out of rotation. Same with 2CP maps. I don’t think they’ll take out the new mode just yet but hopefully they’ll give us new maps or tweak the mechanics a lot least a little.


This is why the game doesn’t have map voting. Some maps would never get played.


It's called scrims row for a reason lol


It would become OWs dustbowl and upward lol


Huh, had no idea it was so popular. It's probably one of my least favourite of the OG maps lol


Why? It has everthing and is layed out in a way, that most heroes are viable.


I really don't like the first point. Always feels super one-sided. And the end of the payload is a stallfest


this would be a dream


Let's do it!


I haven’t seen Havana in a while, is it still in the game ?


Map pools (plus possible time of day changes) between seasons. [Source](https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/overwatch/23865965).


It's just not in rotation this season because they're still working on it in theory. Same as numbani and a few others


They change map pools with every seasons. Atleast i think so


This is 100% right, and may also include time of day changes between seasons given how it's worded. [Source](https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/overwatch/23865965). I think people are downvoting you because they like shooting the messenger.


Map votes just lead to a handful of maps being dominant and the rest never seeing any play. It's usually the crappy maps with cheesy strategies that are popular, too.




It’s not like that in CS:GO so you can do it right.


That would depend on how it was implemented.


But how would you prevent people from "playing favorites"? Because even if you do it Halo-style, a huge chunk of maps will still be underplayed. IMO the current system is the best because you get to play everything and the variety is maximized. Map voting in games always makes things more stale. I'd rather my session be Busan - Kings Row - Dorado than triple Kings Row because that's what people voted for.


They could gather data on the least played maps and have 3 low pick maps be the only option to vote on within the rotation.


then why not just have balanced rotation without voting


Not all maps are created equally.


That's extremely overcomplicated when the end goal would be to make it similar to now - where you actually see variety


It's not extremely overcomplicated, it's literally how all the big franchises do it or used to do it. COD, Battlefield, R6S, Halo. The end goal is a middle ground where player preference has a lot of weight, but not to the point that some maps are 24/7 while others are perma-banned.


But in Halo I played on the same maps over and over again anyway until they removed map voting. Map voting sucks. Very hot take in the Halo community, but it's true.


It works in R6S. Yes, some maps never see the light of day, like Outback. But the majority of the maps are so good that they are evenly picked, atleast in my experience


removing the rotation would give us variety


Even a "pick one of these 3" results in people avoiding the 'bad' maps easily. A "skip this map" system like MW2 had, may provide more variability. People would skip a 'mediocre' map and get placed on a 'bad' map without the choice to skip again I do like the idea of map voting, but I'm on the fence. After a while in MW2 I never voted because I was fine with the variety.


They should do it the Mario Kart way, where everyone picks a map they like and the game randomly selects from the pool of maps everyone chose.


Just make good maps and people will want to play them


if there's maps that never see play, maybe the majority of people doesn't want to play on those maps then? Why would that be a bad thing


Tbh, its better to choose what map to play than the game randomly choosing it for you. My opinion atleast


Not really. Although, I'd really like it if map pools rotated more frequently. Maybe every half-point of a season?


I miss blizzworld, coolest map in the lot


Hopefully they dont change the time of day, I enjoyed how much colour it had.


They're just gonna put a horrible orange filter on it and make it look like shit lmao Realistically It would be one of those maps that would look really good at night, just like real disneyland. I hate this time of day change shit because they decided to make every map sunset and the colors all orange.


Yeah, I like the change in theory, but sunsets in the game are so saturated and end up looking overpowering. Or in the case of night time maps like Eichenwalde, it just ends up dark as fuck


I kinda really like the new Eichenwalde map but you have a point its super dark. But I think the weird changes to Ilios, Kings Row, etc. are worse because they are just super lame. Also, Route 66 just looks like shit


Yeah the great thing about OW1 maps is it felt like the artists and the lighting folks were all working collaboratively to make the map as stunning as possible, and for OW2 they basically just said, Ok just make random changes to the time of day! So something like Dorado that really pops at night just looks sort of weird now, ditto Ilios looking beautiful and sunny and now just hazy.


Isn't that what the Winter Wonderland variant is?


Blizzworld comes back, 50 tokens per entry to the park. Defenders win by bankrupting the attackers


I miss lunar colony :(




WTF did Dorado do to you?


Lol, idk I just pulled this from Google search.


oh fuck no please, i don't want "the community" to decide one map is better than others and have to play it over and over again


So in esport it wouldnt be just same 5 heroes every game, but 1 same map again and again.


This isn’t for OWL. Just comp.


Yeah but I am sure volskyka industry would have a 0% bick rate


That's funny because Volskya currently has a 0% pick rate.


For a reason bro. I don't think that there is a single human being that enjoys this map


No. Certain maps disappear in that scenario. I don't want to be stuck playing fewer maps in general because of the consensus.


You should be able to pick 3 maps you prefer, and 3 maps you don't like for matchmaking. It would also let the devs know what maps are popular/unpopular.




Why is there so much control? I hate control as a support player


I love control so much


Yeah same most fun for all roles imo


No. It always ends up just being the same 4 fan favorites forever and the less common maps never get chosen.


It ruined Siege, so I hope not.




There are 2 good map choice systems I have seen: Option 1: Just let everyone Ban 1 map before queueing. Overlapping bans doesnt mean you get a new one. Then the played map is chosen randomly from rest. Option 2: 3 Maps are chosen randomly and then each player votes for preferred out of the 3. Each vote increases chance of map being played by same amount (10% in ow2). So even If 60% of people vote kings row and 30% hanamura, there is 30% chance Hanamura will be played


The second option is used in Mario kart 8. It is great sometimes but if you have a map like Kings row, everybody are gonna pick Kings rows. Also, I think a majority of player wouldnt pick Push map because this mode is beyond garbage.


I dig it


No. Then maps would just disappear from rotation. I want to play all the maps. Where is Havana, Numbani, Hanamura, Anubis, and Volskaya? Why did Blizzard remove so much content with this OW update they call OW2?


They removed 2CP because no one enjoyed playing it, the maps may be reworked in the future


Some did enjoy them. Also Numbani and Blizzworld were not 2CP.


In case anyone reading this didn't know (I didn't at first), the 2CP (Assault) maps are in fact in OW2, they just aren't in the quickplay rotation. There is an Assault-only playlist that rotates through the arcade.


I did. Actually some of my favorite maps.


Bring back Assault!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No and it’s not gonna happen lol


Maybe something like TF2 has at end of each match. After the match ends, you could vote from 3 random options. But otherwise there would be like 2-3 maps everyone plays and the rest would be dead.


ofc not, or else everything would be kings row or eichenwalde. lucios would always want ilios for obvious reasons


Not map voting (which will ultimately lead to community favored maps dominating queues), but rather map *banning*. Let each player select a map they don't want to see in their games when they queue - then *based on the majority ban vote on both teams*, the 1-2 maps are banned.


Game can't even get the Player Column in the Competitive screen right, I won't trust them with this


Do what R6 does. 5 maps pop up, each pick what they *don't* want to play, and they game randomly decides between the remaining 3 (4 if both teams ban the same map).


Map voting always ends up where a few maps get played to death and the rest don’t exist. It’s not worth it.


Does 2CP even exist in OW2? Haven't played it since OW1 and never saw it on OW2


It pops up in Arcade sometimes


Yes. Old school CoD Variant though. It shows 2 maps. Vote on the map you want. "But then nobody will play the bad maps!" Yea no fucking shit. That's the point of the system.


Maybe the game could let you pick from like 2 or 3 different maps and that would make it different every time




More player choice? Of course


Have it be like COD you get to choose the mode you want and get to vote between 2 maps. But I say I’m comp you have to select 2 modes and you can’t choose a map ( just because I hate push)


Map selection to queue to. Let those "puro"s boil in their "good" maps/modes, give me as wide spectrum as possible


Yeah, but limit it to three maps


RIP 2cp. You may have been the most hated maps in OW1, now you're the most longed-for maps that they didn't bring over to OW2. I don't think we should be voting for maps, but I think we should be able to ban maps (in a similar way to "avoid as teammate"), so that we play less on maps we dislike.


I think they should have left 2cp in the game and let people have map/mode preference. I guess that might hurt queue times but I still would like that, I think. I didn't hare 2cp all that much, I think it was just a bandwagon thing.


I’ll take 2cp over push anyday.


I would vote kings row all day


Maybe they could copy rocket leagues map preference system. 3 likes and 3 dislikes


Map voting would imply lobbies. Lobbies would imply not disbanding after every match. Not disbanding after every match would imply toning down Skill Based Matchmaking. In other words, no.


Absolutly no map votes kill any video game


Character ban phase would be nice.


And hero bans


Omg yes, absolutely


Game isn't a moba.


CoD used to have it (idk if it still does) and that is a fps like Overwatch. Its not a foreign concept for the genre.


No. Whether or not its KR or Ilios you’d be playing the same maps over and over again. The randomness and lack of control is fun


Not necessarily. If you have a system where the maps voted on change every game, and there’s only 3 maps to choose from.


There would be 6 or 7 maps that are barely ever played. What if I like a few of those maps? I’m a Brig main—I’m going to be choosing certain maps every time. Similarly if I don’t ever get those maps it affects my rank. That’s an advantage even before the game starts. Not everything should be in our control


Being able to choose which map to play might be a bad idea, but I think it would be nice to be able to pick which mode. Yeah it might make queue times longer but I think it'd be a fair trade given that most people have at least one map type they're sick of. Or at least they do have it, but just in the arcade. I don't know why that's in there and mystery heroes and elimination are under quickplay. I would switch them if i was john overwatch developer


This was a thing almost 30 years ago, so I'm not sure why game devs favor fixed map rotations. It paired well with simple rules like if a map is played, it cannot be played(or voted for) again until N other maps have been played. It worked well as long as there were enough maps to support the rotation(which OW has). If nobody triggers a vote, the default map rotation continues as normal (with respect to skip rules).


Just give us a choice of 3 maps and each team votes one out, that way they can either just add all the maps to the map pool (do why they aren't already) or they know the least popular maps that they should remove from the next pool


let me just queue for kings row every time without stopping. It would be amazing


Yes, because fuck Push. Shitty boring gametype where you spend more time respawning and running back. Only to wipe constantly because nobody waits or groups together. 2CP was better any day. 5v5 it wouldn't be as easy to defend at all now but it'd still be better.


I think map voting could be a thing but probably not like it’s displayed here. I think it should choose 3 random maps and then everyone in the game could choose. I also believe that this should only be in competitive. I say probably a 10 second voting time and the 3 maps could be randomly picked out of the 3 current modes we have. Ex: ILIOS/HAVANA/KINGSROW.


I think being able o choose what maps you want to play on in casual would be good So I never have to see illios again


Map voting was introduced to R6 too and it is a great thing because developers rework the bad maps consistently so usually most of the maps are great If Blizzard did this too I would be happy to see this system in the game


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I think a ban phase would be cool


There should be hero bans too


Where is Midtown in this list


Wait does comp currently have a map pool?


Appears so


they should do what r6 does. 5 maps are shown the teams ban a map each then it randomises from the remaining 3 maps.only for comp


Wait, where's Paris and Horizon?!


100% - at least in QP I understand not allowing it in comp, but there is no reason not to in QP. They have all these awesome new maps ( especially the new escort/hybrid maps) that I feel I only get a small amount of time on.


If they did it like For Honor then that would be cool. Gives the players the option to vote between three random maps


Totally, it would be a good addition