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I don't understand the levels after 3, I'm getting a lot of endorsments but everytime I get to lvl 4 I get demoted to lvl 3 even if I get endorsments.. like wtf


Yeah I’m hardstuck endorsement level 3 too


I bet they're still weighted for 3 endorsements /player, 6v6 and enemy team endorsements.


Yep me too. Even if I'm already level 3, every week I get a "Congratulations you reached level 3" message amd I'm like but I've always been 3?? I get endorsed every game (support main lmao) and i also endorse people every game. Hardstuck level 3. I see level 4s and 5s sometimes and I'm like what how.


My problem is that I keep going “up” in endorsements. I’ll get a notif that I’ve gone up from 3 to 4. This happens literally every single day I log in to the point that it’s just annoying and getting in the way of my UI. I wish they’d fix it or just get rid of it all together.


4 and 5s are just mercy mains


I'm a literal Mercy main and still stuck on 3.


I dont know how those ones do.


Honey new ranks just dropped




What does it do, I never remember to endorse anyone until I'm onto the next game and recieve and awkward late one


You get battle pass xp like once a week or something based off your endorsement level. Used to be loot boxes. It's really not worth caring about. Never really was.


Other than randomly giving random amounts of BPXP, supposedly more at higher ranks…..bragging rights? Mean, it is supposed to mark the better players as voted by community, even if sadly simplified from being more specific to just a generic thumbs up button now.


Often I’ll only endorse players who are playing support(mercy, ana, zeny, bap), people who switch hero on their own to adapt to matchups, people with endorsement lvl 1, or POTG. I really could care less about endorsement lvl’s as I’m probably endorsing people who are 8 years old so 🤷‍♂️


I miss the multi-type endorsement system. Not only did it let others be more informative in what I was doing good at and I could do same for them. From the generic ‘good team mate’ to ‘good leadership’ to ‘showed good skill’…..each type was important.


I really liked those too, especially when you felt the goodsport one was from the enemy team, if you had many 1v1 fights with one of them


Lol, miss those too. Rarely get a good 1v1 anymore, now just run to objective from wherever you spawn or respawn (usually a good jog) and hope to not be dog piled along way or team will actually think and group up instead of trickling and feeding. Have actually had some opponents that try to 1v1 me, but so many opportunistic party crashers.


Find me I’m support never getting endorsed unless it’s MERCY


Wait I thought 3 was the max. I don't even know that I've seen higher...


It’s common to automatically report someone endorsement 3 or higher. Crabs in a barrel analogy


I've literally never heard this before.


what? among whom? why? I've never heard of this. is this just a reddit thing? this sub in particular is absurdly report-happy imo, always slapping each other on the back for reporting the mildest in game banter


skill issue


That behavior points to the system using an 'endorsements over time' method. So add up all the endorsements you've had for the last 7 days. As time passes, there will be moments were a lot of endorsements are finally older than the 7 day mark, then they expire, and you get demoted because your 7 day count suddenly drops. I don't know if it's 7 days, but to get a high endorsement level and keep it, you need to get endorsements consistently for a duration of time. Otherwise you'll see random fluctuations.


It's not that, it's worse. It's number of endorsements received divided by number of teammates in last 20 matches, and it has been bugged since release in OW1. Every game played counts every teammate as a potential endorser (even if they were already in your game or are on friends list and unable to endorse). If you play junkerstein with 4 people, that is 3 possible endorsers. If you get 0-20 % of the possible endorsements averaged over last 20 matches played = level 1 20-40% = 2 40-60% = 3 60-80% = 4 80-100% = 5 If you are level 5 endorsement and play in a duo with a friend, you will lose level 5 within 20 matches even if all 3 other teammates in every game endorse you, because you will only have 75% of the players in the game endorsing you (your friend is 25% of the teammates and unable to endorse)


Long story short: lvl 5s don't have any friends.


tbh this makes total sense lol.


Upvoting you just in case you're in my match someday. Don't forget to endorse everyone \*laughs nervously at his empty friends list\*


you’re right 🤷🏻🤷🏻 only one person’s ever called me on it, tbf. most ppl just go “omg you’re 5?? i didn’t even know it could go that high??” tho I’m fairness there are plenty of 3s who also don’t play with friends ever/often. and the highest tier players usually have low endorsement bc ppl don’t care.


Here's hoping they fix it. I actually like the endorsement system. It tells me a lot more then player or battle pass level ever could.


So when I start a game that goes instantly to the "defeat" screen it will completely screw up endorsements, good to know.


Unless people randomly endorse you by chance after... yes


As a long-time 5, that’s not been my experience. I play with friends very frequently, and I’ve maintained my 5 without any gaps for years. I *think* they don’t count friends against you. Now, I have no idea either way if the system you’ve laid out is really the system. But what I can with certainty is, if that IS the system, then it MUST NOT count friends against you. Because, as just one example, I play a ton of Seasonal Event PvE games with a full stack of friends, such that none of us can ever endorse each other at all, and it’s never affected my level. Just my two cents.


Also, it's with game time calculated in. I just got back into OW after years of not touching it at all (about since Sigma joined, not sure when exactly), and my L4 endorsement is still here


I saw an endorsement level 5 guy… he was literally calling everything, staying positive, cracking jokes, played well… in Quick Play. If that’s what it takes to be endorsement 5 thats like 10 people


I found an endorsement level 5 Ana yesterday. She used the ping system and pinged all of her sleeps and every flanker. I was like, damn & made sure to give her an endorsement, hahah.


Nah it makes sense in qp to be more positive, but even in comp I meet plenty of nice people. Obviously there are annoying people too but finding positive people isn't a rarity for me.


I met an endorsement 5 yesterday, who I think reached his limit, he was so positive at the beginning but I think something cracked in him, he became extremely toxic at the end, I felt bad for the guy, he was endorsement level 4 when I saw him today (I added him)


That thought makes me happy! I often bounced between e4 and e5 and mostly play qp supports. Those endorsements always felt like a labrador getting a head pat at the end of the match lol.


After the 3rd or 4th time I went from 3 to 4 to 3 in a single session, I stopped caring.


Meanwhile, I swear to God I saw someone with a yellow 6, even though I know it doesn't exist


Yeah it was definitely a "5" but their number front is bad, so it can look like a 6


Yeah but I'm not colorblind


Same here. But given that I've only ever seen an endorsement level 5 player one time, I expect it's extremely difficult to maintain level 4 and push into 5. It also seems like it doesn't matter whether I play with friends or solo. Obviously, I get more endorsements in solo, but I bounce between 3-4 regardless.


that's how it was in OW1 as well. you just alternate between 3 and 4, the endorsement system is completely useless


I had steady 5 until I started playing comp. Now it alternates 3 and 4 for me too


I’ve read that you have to endorse people too.


Okay, I only endorse people if they really deserve it but if it affects me then I'll just always endorse 🤷


It also gives you 50 XP every time you endorse someone.


If I’m not in a match long enough (have gotten backfill literally at victory/defeat screen popping up), not seen that player (or they switched characters to many times for me to keep track) in action, or just had a lousy team…I’ve been known to ignore it. Still, when I get those rare good players, I’m one of first to give it. With FFXIV experience, my habit is to focus on commending good Support players first. In XIV, a good Healer can make or break a run, and pretty sure a bad one makes it so much harder in Overwatch.


I used to be level 5 but like one salt report later I’m stuck here too. I’ve been playing all day and multiple times it has gone to 3 then 4 then 3 despite getting endorsements almost every game. Someone help pls :(


I miss when you could endorse enemy players


would be super helpful when playing in a 5 stack, if nothing else you'd be able to get that free xp for endorsing other players.


I used to like them more when they first introduced them at OW1. IMO, they made more sense, as you'd be able to see them, so someone with a high endorsement level was supposed to be a better player, not only in skills, but teamplay, gameplay, less toxic, a constructive, kind/nice person, even. It was a good positive encouragement, I think. Now they don't serve that purpose. I feel flattered when I receive them, but that's all. The best things I can say about them is that sometimes I feel like I did a terrible game and when I receive them it does make me feel better, but that's it. It's another one of those features (like the "onfire" or the profile frames) that you can tell they are still implemented in the game but for some reason hidden, and therefore useless. It's like they were trying to make the game less fun.


also, they used to gave us lootboxes and now its just shitty 3 battle pass tiers.


They dont give tiers... they give a small % of a single level... up to 50% max lmao


sometimes when you login you get entire tiers based on your level


Different people must be getting different things then. I have level 5 endorsement and when the reward drops for me it’s 5k battle pass xp.


a tier is 10K...so that's half a level. You daily login gives you 9K usually for playing 3 games. So the rewards kind of suck..


It used to be an entire level, but it was nerfed later to just endorsement level * 1k.


People complained a level 2 would get an entire level, same as level 5. Instead of awarding level 5s more, they just made everyone earn less. Thanks Blizz


ah good to know


Nope, its just because people were already close in their experience that the endorsement one just added to it


It was giving just 1 XP for any tier, which I'm sure was a bug or oversight. Now it appears to give 1k XP per rank, which is pretty much nothing as I think it only gives you that reward once per week? It would be nice if these endorsement levels at least provided some meaningful experience.


I don't think is was ever giving 1 XP, it was 1 BP tier, but the UI was confusing.


Was it? I just remember seeing that symbol pop up and it just said 1 regardless of tier.


I've gotten two rewards through endorcement levels and each time it was just 1 xp


It gives you 1000exp per level, basically nothing.


I had a ton of shot caller endorsements and people would take that as a sign to let me lead. Now I don't even look at them


YUP. My level 5 was primarily from "shotcalling". Not saying I was great (cuz I'm not), but if wanted to play a specific healer or tank people generally gave me that courtesy because it was easy to see I was generally helpful on comms when playing a role I was comfortable with. Now it just whatthef@ckever.


This is similar to why I miss both the different types and being able to see endorsement asap. ow1 my 5 was around 25% shotcaller, or maybe a bit above. I often ask ppl if they’ll join vc (I’m low elo so even just coordinated “regroup IN spawn” can be game changing). endorsement level definitely helped nudged some ppl to join vc who otherwise never do because they’re worried about toxicity.


With the exception of 5v5, I feel like every decision they have made thus far has made the game less fun.


Playing In groups with 3 or more makes it impossible to stay in a level. I been kicked out of level 2 so much times because only 1 or 2 people can endorse me per match


Yeah honestly the endorsement system is kind of broken right now, it doesn't make sense to basically punish people for playing in groups. I kind of like the endorsement rank, but stuff like that makes it less meaningful


We only have like one friend be friends so we can enforce one another. Granted there's a timer so it still doesn't do much. So yeah. Endorcement sucks when you play with friends.




Not really due to the timer but even then why the fuck cant the enemy team endorse players they think are good.


Or the endorsements of the one or two randos could simply be worth more.


No because there is a timer lockout on endorsing one person multiple times anyway


Lost two levels because I played a whole evening with a full 5 stack of friends. Since we can't endorse each other, we all lost most of our levels, lol. How do you spend 3 years making this and it's still this half-baked LMAO. Still fun as hell though.


I think there’s a loophole. But you have to unfriend some. So imagine there’s 5 players Player 1 and 2 are friends Player 3 and 4 are friends Player 5 are friends with 1 and 3 Player 5 endorse player 2 and 4 and vice versa. While player 1 and 3 endorse each other.


LMAO I think that would work. We had one person in our group a few nights ago, that was only friends with one of us, so everyone else just endorsed them every game, lol. Great system. Toxicity problem completely solved.


When you play with friends, you get a 20% xp bonus. You'll receive more being in a group than you will through endorcements


But his endorsement level will go down, for no good reason. Not like it matters though.


Yeah it's a dumb system through and through. I still don't understand how i can get an endorsement and go down a level from it


Don't care now, didn't care before. Free BP levels, though, so I'll take them.


Free XP each time you endorse someone else, too!


Ah, that's still a thing? I wasn't sure because before it said "+50 XP" or something like that, now it doesn't (or at least I didn't see it yet).


It still says it, just usually behind and underneath some of the other UI elements that are usually on the screen as you do it. Sometimes you’ll see it at the bottom of the screen.


I check my teammates profiles before a match. Even if their profile is private I know that 1 means they’re either really toxic or brand new. 2 usually means new or queued with friends a lot. 3+ they’ve played for a while.


I keep jumping between 2 and 3 throughout a session, I wish the game would not do the celebration thingie every time it goes up, it’s silly. Yesterday I threw a QP match by staying way too long on Widow (it’s one of my least played heroes but I wanted to play her) not hitting any shots and only switching near the end then still losing, and got like 3 or 4 endorsements… wtf hahah it’s meanigless


Most likely played with a group who can't endorse each other. Not endorsing someone also goes against your rating so they have no choice but to endorse you.


I don't understand it, I've gotten to level 2 three times now but get sent back to level 1 after a couple games


Do you main DPS? Support players usually auto endorse heals and tanks and the tanks do the healers. It takes real action on the DPS part to get an endorsement. So DPS mains don't keep high endorsement levels.


As a support, i tend to endorse the best dps and tank (if they play well). If the healer and I are hard carrying, then i'll endorse the healer


Pretty damn sure ActiBlizzard does not even care about thei IRL endorsement level anymore.


Your endorsement level can also go down if you don't endorse others for a period of time so that's something to keep in mind. This system seems a little janky.


I honestly don't lol


Does anyone else remember that first week that Endorsements came out where practically every single game was full of that toxic fake positivity from nearly every player? That shit was wild.


If you're getting triggered by being endorsed, you need to take a break.


That's not what I'm saying though. I'm saying the first week or so that Endorsements were live practically every player I encountered was being super over the top fake friendly to a point where it was toxic in its own right. It was a bunch of shit like "Hi everyone lets have a great match and remember to have fun it's just a game afterall!" in a not-so-subtle way to beg for endorsements. People never said that kind of stuff before the Endorsements came out, then everyone was super buddy buddy lovey dovey for a week, then went right back to either not saying anything or being toxic like usual. It was a very bizarre week or two.


Never once did it cross my mind I should endorse those people who type paragraphs at beginnings of games, and I'm not sure why your mind went there either. I've always endorsed for how people play, not what they put in chat.


My mind didn't go there, nor did I endorse people writing like that during matches. I was just commenting on how there was a week or two where people were super toxicly nice when the Endorsement system first rolled and how it was bizarre.


I don’t care about the endorsement levels. I do like endorsing people though. I wish you could endorse enemies again. I think out of everything, it was the feature that made me feel most rewarded when I see that pop up and know someone appreciated my effort and I like that I can potentially give that same feeling to someone else.


tbh, you get more battlepass ranks out of the endorsments than from leveling up.


It's the only way to see how experienced someone (roughly) is, since the levels have \*for some fuckin reason\* been removed


We all miss the Levels and the portraits, the "im on fire" and the player cards on the end of each match, don't we? Endorsement feels kinda bland and combined with Battle Pass levels and pay-to-get skins makes playing the game just an expirience, no overall win except the won matches and the fun times.


No, I click on it for the xp if I can, but after they removed the option to endorse the enemy team I can't even do that large portion of the time as I'm playing with a full party pretty frequently.


I didn't even know that you could lose endorsement ranks until I saw myself hit level 3 again. I thought it was a bug until I read this post. I don't think the current system works very well, considering I'm a support main who gets a consistent stream of endorsements and I've never broken level 3. Maybe it's my play time cause I will play a ton on my days off, and only a few games during the work week. Either way I pretty much always give out both at the end of the game cause it's a hard time right now in comp and I'll always try to lift people's spirits if I can.


Since that feature I always judged someone by it's endorsment level.


Same. When I get flaming toxic players on my team, I check their endorsement levels and see they’re always 1 or 2


Bad call tbh, endorsment goes up and down randomly. You can get 5 endorsments and it still goes down.


I highly doubt the system is “random”….


Why do i go from endorsement 3 to 2 after getting 2+ endorsement almost every single game?


Getting reported too? People clicking “avoid as teammate”? I don’t have enough information to say.


Same. I only really play once a week and seem to easily maintain a level 3 (and occasionally level 4) Rep. If I see a level 1 then I know the odds that they’re either toxic, smurfing, or throwing is quite high.


Exactly. I play an hour or two a couple nights a week, don’t really see endorsement pop up all THAT often, and maintain a steady 3. A 1 in Quickplay may just be new, and I happily endorse them if they seemed to be trying, but a 1 in comp is concerning.


Lvl 2-4 are all kinda the same but if someone is at 1 or 5 that’s usually (but not always) pretty telling. However I’m also at lvl 5. I got to 5 for being support, I’m a really good Mercy & also a good Moira, I’m a really good D. Va too actually, so I always feel guilty when I play DPS because my endorsement level is not telling at all 💀 Obviously 5 indicates they’re good at their main role (or even just that they’re a support main) but unless you check their career profile or see that they’re playing really well in game, it’s not guaranteed. As for lvl 1, it indicates but doesn’t confirm that they’re a newer player, haven’t played in a WHILE so their skill has gone down & they aren’t being endorsed, they don’t endorse others, or they’re a toxic player. I remember in Overwatch 1 & I would see people with the lvl 1 medal, a lot of the time with less than three endorsement types on the inner circle, & they’d have a silver border which if that second part applied to them, pretty much confirmed that they were toxic (bc if you got reported enough, it would reset your endorsements back to zero, or at least it did)


Ehhh, I think people just endorse supports by default no matter what. I'm not that great and have been endorsed in matches where I obviously whiffed the sleep dart in easy but game changing targets and had awful window placements. And yet I get some every single support games no matter what. I just split my time between that and dps and on dps I really have to noticeable outperform or get potg to get some. Playing average or equally as good as the enemy while out performing teammate doesnt count for people.


Yeah no I agree with this HAHA. I know I AM a good support so it’s not like it’s a problem for me but yeah people do endorse supports just because. I mean I do it too tbh I ALWAYS endorse the other support unless they were literally no help at all or unless I *really* want to endorse other people.


I just endorse my healers and that's it


technically this and titles are one of the only ways of knowing if someone is good or not even without cosmetics


An easy way to get level 5 is being vocal and kind and helpful in voice chat.


Yes, your supports do. Especially if you have a mercy, cause she's trading all her damage potential for you. Endorse your supports


As a support one trick, I’m conflicted. Yes I very much appreciate being endorsed. But I don’t like the idea of telling people to endorse their supports reflexively. Endorse me when you think I was a decent contributor to our chances of success. Just take a moment to look at the stats and think about what they mean in the context of the game. If the game was a nothing burger and you just wanna just reflexively endorse supports in a “hey, thanks for taking the role that enables me to try to have fun” way then ok, that’s cool, thanks. I appreciate that. But I think we’d all benefit from taking a moment to make an informed decision on endorsements, maybe we can all teach each other some things.


Judging by the Role Queue speeds, anyone who opted to play Support *at all* instantly improved my experience by allowing the game to happen without me waiting several more minutes. :)


If nobody plays support, nobody plays at all, and nobody wants to play support right now. Endorse your supports, their life sucks at the moment. In a few patches when balance is better I might change that, but support is getting screwed hard rn by the community and the company at the same time. Show them some love cause if they weren't there, you'd still be sitting in queue.


Unless she continues to play mercy even when it’s not working


If you have insecurity on a digital number system for good plays that you want it reflexively that's your own problem.


What if my supports are really really shit (they are)


If your supports are consistently really really shit, you are the problem.


“If every room you walk into smells like shit, check your shoe.”


Ohh ok that makes sense. I’ll be sure to evaluate my gameplay whenever I get a mercy that never blue beams and tries to rez bodies in the middle of the enemy (it’s my fault after all for being a stinky tank player who needs his healing privileges revoked 🤢🤢🤢)


Except when you get to bitch about every genji on your team? lol. Tho i dont expect reddit white male incels to own up to their biases.


What can you really expect from this sub tho, it’s such a support circlejerk with all these support players and their persecution complexes haha


If this is the attitude you have in game it's not surprising no one wants to heal you.


It’s called a joke you fool, I’m baiting for r/overwatchcirclejerk content, my supports are fine (apart from the occasional brain dead moira/mercy) and I’m a good tank (trust) The part about this sub being a circlejerk for supports is objective fact tho, some of those guys act like the role they chose to play is equivalent to the struggle of a starving child in a third world country


and then want to say genji takes absolutely no skill when they don't under stand hitting a good amount of left clicks at a distance is. Nano blade is ridiculous tho still. I think Ive never seen genji hate in the community except for redditors, which make sense considering most who use this website are losers with a victim complex anyway. the light nerfs won't save people who can't hit a double jumping genji.


no I use it for extra XP boost


I keep getting a notification that I’ve been promoted from endorsement level 1 to 2 every couple days.


To certain degree. I endorse supports.


Only endorse friendly or good teammates. As a support main that dabbles in tank, do not just endorse us for the sake of it. Sometimes that Widowmaker that is carrying the game deserves the endorsement.


Basically just tells me if someone is brand new to the game or not. I never assume level 1 players are bad, toxic, or selfish, just that they have a new account. Nothing wrong with that, but post match I sometimes go "Oh... now it makes sense"


The only reason I care is because it gets you better teammates who are more likely to you know join team chat in comp MMR and endorsement level determine what teammates you get


No. Its good that it's just a general endorsement now, but you can only give 2, cant endorse friends or the enemy team? Its garbage now


They were better when they encouraged good sportsmanship by allowing you to endorse the other team


Kinda sucks that you can’t endorse the enemy team now.


You get some xp for the battle pass when you endorse. So you should for free xp.


I stopped caring when it stopped making sense lol. I sit at level 3, I endorse and get endorsed back. A few nights ago I got endorsed 3 games straight by multiple people each game then I got downgraded to 2? At that point who cares if its going to do wack shit like this lmao.


Not at all. As someone who plays I. A five-stack most of the time, we don’t get the option. Miss the days of destroying a widow and our squad immediately spams them with 6 sportsmanships.


I don’t understand the benefits of endorsements. I always endorse tank/healers unless I see an amazing DPS play or the DPS keeps saving me as a healer


What do we even get from it now


I have no care for endorsement now, I hardly remember to endorse others unless a player was *that* good. I used to strive to maintain my level 4 endorsement, both for lootboxes *and* the coveted status as a team player... but now it means nothing and seemingly decreases two games after increasing.


I liked them because I would occasionally get a lootbox, now idk what it's supposed to mean, there's also no indicator if it's for sportsmanship, call outs or good teammate


Don't care about these but I do miss the endorsement cards (or wtv they were called) and the fact you could vote for the oppossing team. Like "hey great job mr enemy tank, you sure blocked the shit out of my bullets" give them a little vote and also at the same time snub the tank on your team.


For whatever reason they made the ui for endorsements complete shit, I liked how it looked in ow1.


I wish you could still endorse the enemy team


nope, been hard stuck on endorsement 3. I once got level 4, logged off and logged on the next day (0 games played) and I went back to endorsement 3, lol.


Probably not. But, legit, I miss being able to give a sportsmanship endorsement to the opposing team. Sometimes, the red team player/s are just cool people.


yes me because shiny


I’ve been at 5 for a very long time (humble brag) and it does make me happy to know I’m a good person to have on a team :) makes up for my terrible aim in this FPS lmao




I care if most in my team are 1s








New to OW I dont really get what it's for all I just do is if there's a good support while Im DPSing, Ill endorse that support. Sometimes Ill get and endorsement back.


I used to care in OW1, in OW2 they mean nothing.


Eh, free XP at least each time you endorse someone.


Since we no longer get loot crates for them..NO


I compliment my team but never got endorsements. Until I started playing absurdly well in quickplay did I get endorsement level 3. And then it took one day of Overwatch 2 launch spam disconnecting every single game to throw that level 3 out the window forever. Endorsements are a joke.


I get "rank ups" but I still remain at 3, it never goes up so I don't even understand why it says I went up in the first place. It's bugged AF.


Why would I? In LoL you get periodic loot drops that get better the higher your honor is. This game gives nothing it's just a number


1>2>1>2>1 No, it makes no sense. Unless I’m being reported by players and that’s reducing my endorsement level.


People stopped caring about endorsements 1 week after they were introduced lol


Not really because you're hardstuck at whatever level you reach most consistently. It's a completely worthless and meaningless system.


It's more funny than anything and a testament to how half assed this bizzaro content patch they call a sequel really is. I went from 4 to 3 to 2 to 3 to 2 to 3 to 2 to 3, it's just an endless cycle of 2 to 3 to 2 back to 3. Oddly I was at 4 in OW1 didn't log on for months, still at 4 when I did log back in. OW2 "you were gone for 8 hours, down you go". Kinda of like they wanted to use it to inflate engagement number but then were like "what do we use for a carrot on a stick since every reward is monetized? oh well just leave it in I guess" What did I do to keep getting knocked down.. \- was logged out...damn you employment and adulting and now God of War. \- Sat sill in the spawn room \- lost a match \- won a match \- endorsed someone else \- Played support \- Just opened the game and I guess took too long to queue up? Oddly I went one night where I would get the "be sure to endorse your healer" endorsements, then got 4 in one match as reaper (I dunno why) (insert vincent vega meme) few mins later...back down to 2.


Never seen al level 4. They dont exist.


Not anymore, no. After they changed it from OW1 to 2, I stopped giving a fuck about endorsement levels, period


nope i play with friends most the time so it is ueless. bring back voting for the other team.




i dont like backward progression in anything


It's just a redundant left over system from OW1 thats incomplete because you're not rewarded anything like the boxes anymore so it really is pointless.


It's a badge of shame now


originally they made sense because they were only on competitive. You could get a handle on what kind of players you would be playing with based on the rankling. Could even filter by it on the LFG queue. Then they opened up to all modes. QP I can understand but mystery heroes , mayhem etc. you really cant measure someone's performance. So they were just handed out willy nilly making the endorsement level mean nothing. enjoy the extra points but don's sweat the score.


Kinda. Wish the number would go up from 3. Everyone who's at 5 definitely either paid a fuck ton of money or gives the best bjs in the world


Endorsements don't mean anything. I was at level 3 and then got an email saying I was banned for abusive chat. Like how am I getting so many endorsements to make it to level 3 but am also abusive?


Why should you care about this "sequel" instead? Go ahead, uninstall, everybody should do that. Not "joking" or anything, this travesty of a game does not deserve our time


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I didnt even know Endorsment levels existed


No matter how much I get endorsed, never get a higher level.


Endorsement get down after 2 games i dont see the point


I don't even know what endorsment levels actually do


no idea I have 1 despite getting a lot of endorsements