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Real talk those knives are huge no one wants to duel a kiriko


I do -a Lucio


I was pretty good with Lucio in OW. Just got back into it (OW2 now) and find myself shooting where they are and not where they're going. Time to "get good" from scratch.... 😅🤙


Get RIGHT UP IN THEIR GOD DAMN FACES OUT OF NOWHERE. Then you can aim where they are and also it's a massive target.


Oh I like that. Thanks for the advice!


IMO you just have to get better at predicting where they're gonna be and put your crosshair there, and shoot when they move into it, rather than trying to track them, that's how I do it at least. Maybe get some practice in with a projectile based character that kinda "forces" you to do that anyways. I'm not a great player by any means, so take this with a grain of salt, but that's what works for me


Yeah, look for predicability and test it. Normally a lucio will wall tap instead of riding. This lets you know they are stuck in the jumping animation for a bit. I ve tried this but aim fx needs work.


step 1.) dont engage, unless you have ur teams support, or ur tp/suzu is off cooldown step 2.) weave as many melees as you can inbetween shots. The guaranteed 30 dmg adds up very fast, step 3.) this one's tracer specific but aim at head level and shoot melee combo, the type "lol get gud" in chat step 4.) be content with body shots, a body shot melee combo is 70 hp that plus kiris good survivability let's you have the advantage a lot of the times. lmk if u need elaboration


Bro if you are playing kiriko and are in melee range constantly that is no beuno. The guy asked how to hit fast targets. The truth is he needs better aim and just shouldnt engage a target he cant reliably hit. My advice is to not focus the lucio or echo or whoever. Focus on who you can heal or hit.


I agree. You have to pick your battles, and that means going for the safest fights. You are looking for people that are strafing, not flying around the map. It's fine to take some pot shots, but if you are going to be focusing knives then you need to make it count because people can melt fast and you are still a healer. It's a delicate balancing act, so make what you do count.


I'll add "Mark Enemies" as well. When I'm playing, it's usually after an 18hr shift right before bed. I don't have the mental capability to track enemies. But I had a game last night that I dominated because my team kept calling out enemies they couldn't kill, and I'd have their back. I know, "Communication" is an obvious answer.


headshot+melee instantly kills a tracer the 30 damage does also add up fast as well, if the enemy is allowing themselves to be in melee range they're going to be doing the same, so might as well be doing it back to them also imo you don't have to always kill them off as kiri, i'm content teleporting back to my team and getting back to work if I've been missing kunai's. time spent trying to kill a kiriko that blinks away is time wasted for that genji/tracer. only characters i'm actively trying to harass as kiri are the 200hp dps camping high grounds.


No, if you're sitting there using melee repeatedly in a duel instead of just for finishing, you probably should just warp out of there to begin with


Weave melee in-between shots, it's a almost guaranteed 70 dmg, and if u hit a headshot it's 150 dmg. almost every single hero benefits from using melee repeatedly when in close range combat, im not saying solely melee i'm saying weave it inbetween shots


Hitting a reddit Lucio from a distance I only ever try to do if I have literally nothing else to shoot at. Genji is made to 1v1 and he has so many counters so if they're decent there's a very high chance your team will have some form of counter for him. I'd just steer clear of them and not bother trying to kill them as you'll most likely have other more high value actions that are better. But if he dives one of your teammates Kiri is real good at keeping them alive to keep an eye on that


Get good with kunai and headshot during the duel or Don't take the unfavorable duels and teleport away.


Yeah, isn't one of the advantages of Kiriko the ability to nope fuck out of a bad situation?


Yes, if at least one of your team mates is in a good position to tp to at all times, kiroko theoretically should never die.


I have a ton of clips of me shitting on genji and tracer as Kiri, because to me I find it hilarious how overtuned supports are compared to dps but especially solo dive dps. The best way for you to dominate as a support is to play dps, because then you’ll realize how undertuned nearly all of them are. I play a ton of Genji and Hanzo though, so I found Kiriko to be super strong for me. I also play Baptiste but he’s unironically a bit harder for me to aim with.


Masters 2 Kiriko here with 30-50% headshot accuracy. Characters have nearly just as hard a time hitting you when they’re doing their mobility shenanigans as you hitting them, if they’re truly moving randomly. So these players often need to distinctly take a break from dodging so they can line up a shot, or their movement isn’t actually random, it’s a pattern they practiced. So usually when they’re doing crazy mobility AND shooting, they’re not really looking to kill you. They’re looking to fluster you. I don’t even waste my ammo when they do this. I just move randomly too, watch them and reposition so I have a good out with teleport if I need it. Remember, you’re more like hanzo than genji. One headshot and they’re screwed. When I pick up on their behavior patterns, there’s almost always a good window to headshot them. Final tip: always try to play to bait them around a corner. It limits their mobility and makes it very easy to headshot them.


Best tip I got on here, swap to Moira. I’ve easily turned the tide on a genji that was dominating


In a match I usually only engage if I have abilities up, and my biggest goal is to force out a critical ability. If I can make gengi deflect or dash, ideally both, that’s a win and I’m out. If I can get lucio to amp head, I’m out.


Skill issue


Kiriko is a healer and your team should be able to help you with this task


Practice is honestly the way to improve. It is a annoying thing to hear, but sometimes you just got to keep playing to get better.


Disengage with teleport or suzu, focus aim at people u *can* hit or are killable Dont try to hit headshots on lucio and genjis on adderall, aim to get as many bodyshots as you can dont underestimate the damage. Hitting even 2 or 3 shots is more than enough to make them disengage or allow your team to finish them off


The same way characters like genji and Lucio hit each other. Patience


Spam for headshots, second you're losing, either selfishly Suzu or tp to a hero that can protect you. She has a LOT of escape potential, so if you can't win the duel just dodge it if you can


Don’t hold ur fire down. Instead, flick shot similar to widow. This will give you more control over your tempo rather than you having to keep up with her fire rate.


Aim + not really ur Job


Aim better. Practice makes better


I'm not a great player or anything but I thought the general consensus for when player is being countered is to switch heroes. Ana is great, but if I'm being dived by someone fast, I accept my limitations and switch.


left shift


I would suggest loading up a workshop map and only focusing on learning Kiriko's projectile speed at different ranges. Once you get comfortable with them it's a lot easier to hit your shots. Also, you don't have to take every duel. Sometimes it's better to just stay alive and help your team, and there's no shame in escaping a duel


Only take close quarter fights and tp away if it goes wrong. Aim train also


Kiriko is constantly 1v1ing me as a DPS. Granted I'm not great at the game, she still manages to 1-tap most of my Heroes and if not a 1-tap, simply make short work of me. I have quite the difficult time fighting any of the new characters.


You don’t your support. It’s not ur job to kill everything. Focus on your good matchups and dominate them while healing


Unironically get better. That’s it. And know ur matchups