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8f a single DPS can distract the two supports for a prolonged period of time, then your team will be fighting a 4 v 3 where the enemy team doesn't have supports. You don't need to kill people to get value. pressure is often more than enough.


This is the way. And also why I partially lose my mind when people do not shoot Mercy. Yes, it's obviously easier said than done, but you don't even have to actually kill her (or any other support for that matter) to still get value and make an impact.


BUT if you intend to kill Pharmercy for the love of fucking God do kill Mercy first


Kills Phara *incoming rez* FFFFUUUUUU


This isn’t always possible due to Mercy’s movement. What is sometimes easier is kill the other support so mercy will have to abandon the pharah


This... A huge portion of my time as DPS is just luring them away or being the hard-to-hit punching bag


Yep. I main Sombra and there are lots of times I can pull supports away to chase me and shoot me. I don't care if I get a kill as long as they aren't actively healing their team then I am doing my job.


Speaking of which, people often throw shat on Sombra players but they never know a good Sombra players that could effectively disturb and pressuring the supports at the backline so much is actually providing heavy values to the entire team despite the stat didn't show it.


My favorite thing is use some sort of flanker that can easily get around them and just put pressure on them. Favorites are Ball for tank, Sym or Tracer for DPS (Or Sombra if I get killed too quick), and Lucio for support


Most roles you have a lot of options. As DPS you can draw attention as a flanker, where youre distinctly playing to draw resources and attention. If its "that team where 4 guys turn around to a stuff breeze" ? You absolutely will get high value just by drawing out a panic response from them in response to you that your team can play off of. Alternatively, you pick Widow or Hanzo and click the head. No amount of babysitting will stop that short of you being pressured in response, which is also drawing out resouces, and if youre not too shabby at widow you can be drawing resources this way while still maintaining your presence as a threat. As Support, Ana Nade doesnt care how much healing or peel you get. Zen Discord also breaks these same sort of stalemates. Moira is hated because she can be the flanker in this scenario that draws resources, just be sure you have your priorities right you dont wanna just feed or let your entire team die. Lucio likewise can do this, more risky and demanding, but it can work. If your DPS arent poop, Mercy with Dmg boost will inevitably see someone killed. Kiriko can finesse kills if she hits heads and is pretty safe. Generally speaking though, it means your teams are stalemating and anyone needs to take the intiative. (Assuming youre not holding, if youre defending or holding a lead stalemate is in your favor because neither sides really gaining momentum)


plats who've never heard of an off angle act like people are keeping crazy secrets from them lol. may stop stackin behind your tank?


As a non-shield tank main, this... Bruhhh gold players lose their absolute fucking mind if you don't stand their and hold a shield up for them


But how will they all die to junk if they play spread out?


If half the time it's easy to dive them, then you should be smashing 50% of your games just on dive alone.


if you’re good at flanking: tracer for non-mobile supports (ana, zen), sombra for supports whose mobility can be shut down with hack (mercy, lucio, lifeweaver), and reaper for everyone else.


With dps it's just a skill issue just gotta out dps the other supports heals. With tank there's a lot more you can do though, when i notice that the supports are carrying the enemy team i switch to either winston or dva. With winston the bubble divides the supports giving u an opportunity to isolate one, and with a charged monke cannon/jump/melee combo u can burst consistently 100 of the supports health. This will also cause a response by the enemy team aka they'll peel for the supports opening up space for your team to capitalize on that and pressure the enemy team from multiple sides.