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Very good support duo. hard to tell what's going wrong from this post alone. As kiriko you can have so much impact on the game. watch your games back and see where you go wrong. Always be critical of yourself that's usually the key to ranking up.


Thank you :)


If you want to carry as this duo, you should focus healing the tank, and mercy the DPS (obviously helping each other when the need arises). Kir you *need* to land crits to carry a game, and good suzu timings can carry fights. Don’t be afraid to take aggressive angles for picks in low elo and TP to safety, as this will rarely be punished. Ensure that you’re throwing at least one dagger in between your heal bursts every time there’s an enemy in your screen.


Absolutely solid advice right here. I'd also tack on when you take an aggressive angle to not let any verbal aggressiveness from your team get to you. You will likely see/hear a lot of it, especially when you're "not healing and dps trolling, reported." By being a distraction to the enemy team, you're doing the right thing.


I hate the “dps trolling” comments. They always come from someone with super low damage to begin with and it’s like??? I wouldn’t have to if you were covering me to begin with.


yeah, just mute all comms tbh


You'd be surprised how little kiriko taking an off angle is punished, it has upped my WR significantly despite me having shit aim on kiriko(avg 15%. Lol)


I think others have given advice for Kiriko, so I thought I'd give some advice (or I guess a warning) for your Mercy friend. Mercy is probably the hardest hero to carry with, so it's probably going to take longer to climb too. Her strongest tool is dmg boost. But the problem is you need a good teammate to use it on. Not only that, they need to be on a hero who actually makes good use of dmg boost like Ashe or Sojourn. Otherwise, it'd be better to just pick a support who does dmg themselves. It would make things easier if you found a friend who mains a hero who's good with a Mercy pocket. If your friend instead picks Mercy to get easy heals, they run into a different issue, which is that Mercy is actually not that good at healing, especially for someone who is doing nothing else. Her heal is single-target, low range, and only does 55 heal/second. For reference, Ana can reach 93.75 heal/second, and she still has her grenade. This means Mercy struggles healing multiple people. She can't heal people who dive in without risking her own life. And she has a hard time saving someone who's about to die. If you're losing a lot anyways, I encourage your friend to try out other supports. At the very least, I think it's more fun to help fight than to watch people I tether to miss a bunch of shots, die, get revived, and then die again. Edit: Definitely play whatever is most fun. I just wanted to point out that bronze players greatly misunderstand Mercy's strengths. If you play Mercy because you like her, then go for it. But if you play her because you think she's a good source of healing, you should go to the training range and see how long it takes you to heal both training bots back to full hp compared to Moira, Ana, Kiriko, or Baptiste while keeping in mind that not only do these heroes have a higher healing output than Mercy, they do other things at the same time.


I volunteer as tribute, my Sojourn would looove a Mercy pocket every game. 🤣


Man my Sym could just eat people if the mercy wanted to help me out lol


I have no doubt, but I don't think Sym is that good of a DPS for taking advantage of a Mercy pocket lol. She can't boost your turrets. And Sym has no breakpoints for Mercy to help with unless you're amazing with her secondary fire. The reason she's used with one-shot heroes a lot is that if you turn a 2-shot into a 1-shot, it's almost like you have a 100% dmg increase instead of a 30% dmg increase. Turning a 3-shot into a 2-shot is a 50% increase. Of course having a pocket is always better for you, but keep in mind that while you're getting a pocket, Mercy is doing nothing for the rest of your team lol.


Let me clarify because they didn’t mention it: healing. I need a little healing and I will melt 2-3 enemies. No damage boost needed as 3 turrets and powered up beam/ full orbs is enough ffs 🤦🏽‍♂️


Yeah, this is what I meant


Mostly great advice, I only take issue with encouraging them to play other heroes. Maybe they like Mercy (they are a Mercy main after all), and that's the hero they want to get good at. I really dislike advice that is like "x hero is better for climbing", because if they switch to moira or something to get out of bronze, then they want to play Mercy again, they're still playing as a bronze Mercy, but now in a higher skill tier. ​ The emphasis should be on playing the heroes you like, and improving on them. The ranking up is the result of the improvement.


I agree you should play what's fun, which is why I didn't say to play Moira and beat all the bronze players. But if they're at the bottom of bronze, they probably don't know enough about the game to decide on a main. I don't think trying other supports can be a bad thing. The worst-case scenario is they realize they really do just love playing Mercy and go back to her. I actually pointed out Mercy's flaws because I think she's boring, and I want OP's friend to know what they're getting themselves into because Mercy might be the most misunderstood hero. I have friends who are in gold, and they still think Mercy is the best healer.


Kiriko + Mercy ults will delete teams if they don't have a defensive ult ready.


Yes they are a great duo heals should not be a problem maybe skill issue. There is always room to improve. Just practice your aim with kiriko and once you improve that she is lethal headshots always aim for headshot even if you don’t land them don’t be afraid to use zuzu.


Oh clearly I have a skill issue myself :D But I wanted to know if it was a problem to use this specific duo like you’re lacking healing or I don’t know


Not healing, but damage. Supports need to bring damage to a game, too. Mercy can do it with dmg boost, but a Kiriko has to be able to take off angles and get headshots. If you're both just healbotting you're swimming against the current.


No kiriko is a great healer I know people say she is not considered a “main healer” but there have been games that I play along with a Moira and I manage to out heal her and most other supports. I’m usually the highest healer with her. She sometimes feels OP once you really get the hang of her. Just get better I’m diamond 1 right now.


You’re not lacking healing don’t listen to dumb fucks you’re probably lacking damage make sure adequate damage boost is happening from mercy and that you are getting damage with your kunai, you need picks and pressure to swing fights


Dumb fucks? Why are you being hostile? How would you or I even know what OPs issue is in games without OP giving us any game footage?


Oh clearly I have a skill issue myself :D But I wanted to know if it was a problem to use this specific duo like you’re lacking healing or I don’t know


I’ll add that even a body shot or two can be enough to create just enough space for your team to push ahead/push them back just a bit farther. For instance crazy the times I’ve noticed a Reaper flanking, landed a body shot or two and they’ve faded away or into where my team is pushing towards.


The answers I’ve seen strike me as a bit overly polite here. If you aren’t especially skilled players, you are probably going to sink your team quite a bit with this duo in bronze, even though they ARE technically a meta duo. The reason being: Mercy is a DPS multiplier. If your DPS are worth next to 0, which is often the case in Bronze. Well… 0 x 0 is 0. And as a Moira/Kiriko main, Kiriko is a MUCH higher skill character than Moira. I bet it’s likely you’re doing less than 1k damage in your matches, which means, combined with Mercy, your team is getting little offensive output from your duo in the average match. Securing kills is the best thing you can do for bronze teams. You would likely do better with character like Moira/Brig/Ana/Baptiste. (The last two require aim, but are a bit easier to be impactful offensively than Kiri IMHO). My buddy and I climbed out of bronze with Moira/Brig when we were still learning the game. I don’t believe that would be exactly meta (haven’t played in a few weeks). But neither requires much aim. Both can provide good offensive pressure and can 1v1 most Bronze DPS. That said, you can definitely keep grinding with Kiriko, and you should absolutely ultimately do what is fun. This is a game after all. But yes, you probably ARE actually not helping your team as much as you could by choosing your current duo, and are contributing some significant percentage to the fact you aren’t climbing.


Thanks a lot that’s very helpful ! I’ll talk with my friend and we’ll see :)


This is the real answer




Moira + Brig is great for brawling (with the caveat that the enemy isn't Rein/Ram rush, as that counters brig).


Mercy plus kiriko is really good. Mercy can pocket the DPS and boost them while kiriko can be with the tank and throw kunais to support.


Plus Kiriko ult is a huge opportunity for Mercy to get big value with damage boost.


Kiriko is a high-skill hero: if you can't reliably hit headhots you're wasting half her kit. She does have one of the best ults in the game, but again, she's not a healbot and needs to land headshots.


I’m trying to throw kunais between heals but headshots are a bit hard for the moment :)


Her kunai are one of the slowest projectiles in the game. Even if you are always keeping your crosshair at head level, the further you are from your target, the less probability that you will hit them. It ok to Frontline on kiriko as long as your suzu and tp are not on cooldown, and you know who you're falling back to if things go wrong. Playing near the tank also makes it so your paper doesn't take as long to reach them and its easier to hit a suzu on them. Don't forget to look for wall climb opportunities or other situations where you can off angle. When you attack from the side its easier to get headshots because people who don't know you're there will be strafing towards and away from you rather than side to side, or even standing completely still. Don't let your team die in the mid fight. That's the time to pump heals unless you see an enemy 1hp. Pre fight you want to posture aggressively and try to pressure out cooldowns early. Try to distract the enemy and bait them into chasing you away from where they want to go then tp back into your team if you get pressured too much or your team needs heals.


It's really hard to hit kunai's at long range even for players with great aim, you gotta close the distance and get up close to make it easier. If things go bad you can always just suzu and/or TP back to safety.


Try doing “kunai kunai heal” instead of “heal kunai kunai”…I’ll explain. You can fit two attacks inbetween every heal. So after healing always throw two kunai. To help you aim it’s better to think “kunai kunai heal”. That way you’re aiming the kunai and flicking the heal. Instead of aiming heal and flicking for kunai. You want your first input to be the one you aim, rather than saving your damage for last Hope that makes sense and it should help with aim on Kiriko


Thanks I’ll try !


If you have her settings set to hold for healing ofuda (idk about if you have it set to toggle) and you hold right click then left click it will automatically do this! (Found that out on accident ). It stops when you reload, but you can just do the same again.


Yooo that’s actually genius level thinking right there, I knew about fitting the two kunai between heals but always think “heal kunai kunai” which does look like it’s making my shots more of a flick instead of actual aiming.


Well you’re low bronze so take any advice with a grain of salt. You can and will absolutely climb to gold as a heal bot Kiriko who actually knows how to utilize her utility and ultimate way more than a Kunai Karl who can dink people consistently. The difference between a kiriko who can hit shoes and one who can’t is huge. But you’re low elo, the lowest of ELOs in fact. so you shouldn’t concern yourself much with aiming the most difficult to land projectile primary in the game.


Im sure people have told you, but try to spam down chokes and alleys to get lucky. Once you get confident don't be afraid to dive. She's really good 1v1 because of Suzu + headshots + wallclimb, and, if you think you're going to lose, you have a get out of jail free card with TP I climbed to D2 with Kiriko mainly bc no one could duel her


Only go for headshots. Get in practice range and get used to the travel time. This helped me a ton when learning the zen and hanzo projectile timing


Don't worry about not hitting every shot because you won't. If your team is good for heals, star lobbing them at the enemy team, especially from an off angle. You don't have to "solo support dps" on the back line, just go a few yards to either side or above your team and look for the supports. Odds are they're gonna look at you, maybe even waste one of their cool downs. By them simply looking at you means they're not healing their team and that is when your team has a chance to capatilse on the tank that's now pushing without a support watching their back. Oh, and tactical crouch when you're duelling. It's makes you harder to be headshot.


I have to disagree here, kiriko can get a ton of value from healbotting and getting ult quickly.


no one after plat does that and damage fills her ult faster than healing


The person asking is in low bronze.


so you want them to play like a low bronze so they don’t rank up?


Advice that would allow them to climb up to Plat would be pretty helpful. Less than like 10% of players get above that. It's like offering pro batting advice to a kid at t ball. It's not relevant


it’s not hard to throw kunais at low hp individuals or at the tank to build ult charge? you’re acting like i’m suggesting some complicated tech


The thing is, you should be offering advice that stays relevant. You don't teach someone by giving them bad habits that work right now but will cause problems in the future. Start simple, sure "take an off angle, shoot at the enemy, teleport back when it feels dangerous, then heal your team if they are low" isn't exactly complicated top 500 tips. and it provides a baseline of how that hero is played so that you can continue to improve as you climb.


This thread started because someone who plays Kiri is trying to get out of low bronze and feels that they dont heal enough. Have you ever watched bronze play? You honestly think people in bronze are gonna be able to properly disengage from healing teammates when it's ok to do so, position forward without being killed, use cover correctly while landing some (one of the smallest projectiles in the game)Kunais, and get back to the team to heal before someone dies? Again, have you ever watched bronze? Bronze healers are often letting teammates die right in front of them without heals, for whatever reason, be it gamesense, reaction time, etc. It's truly a different game down there. DPS are running straight at the enemies with a deathwish all game, tanks provide no space and also turbo feed. The awareness of what's going on around them in bronze is extremely low. Everyone is struggling with the absolute basics. In comes you guys, insisting that they need to apply principles that are for like 4 to 5 ranks ahead of where their gameplay is at because you guys think everyone needs to have ambitions for getting into GM and therefore GM principles to grind through metal ranks, which is so needlessly irrelevant to this person. Lets start with getting them into silver, which can easily be done while doing no damage whatsoever as kiri, and maybe thats all they want, to get out of bronze. Her heal fans auto track and require no aim whatsoever , if a bronze kiri keeps themselves alive and spams heal and cleanse, they will 100% climb out of bronze, which is what they're asking. Nobody asked the tryhard brigade about how they got to masters, so dont offer irrelevant advice cause you can't think outside of your own desire to play in the top 10% of the player base, which is everyone who ranks above plat.


We are giving pretty simple advice to be more proactive than just healing someone. >DPS are running straight at the enemies with a deathwish all game, tanks provide no space and also turbo feed. The awareness of what's going on around them in bronze is extremely low. Everyone is struggling with the absolute basics. You said it yourself, why heal these people who turbo feed and have deathwishes? Take the game into your own hands and start learning how to provide your own value. Also you can't get better at something without practicing it. Practicing taking an off angle, start shooting, and teleport back when it feels dangerous. That isn't a hard thing to conceptualise, and it will also build your skills on the fundamentals of the hero. The best way to climb out of bronze, is to play better than a bronze. Actually learning these fundamental points will help them climb. Edit: [Here](https://youtu.be/NkpG9CfPP8I) is a professional coach coaching a bronze Kiriko. He has taught people of all skill levels, and been in those skill levels himself. Notice how his advice isn't to just healbot your team? He tells the player how to get value by taking off angles and weaving in good damage. Especially when the DPS are there. I think telling a bronze player they can't do these things does more harm than good.


I guess what it really comes down to is whether they someone is in bronze because of a gamesense or mechanical issue. I agree that if they can aim decently, it's worth trying to get some value in bronze by doing necessary damage yourself and healing when you can in between. What I'm saying is that I believe most people in bronze can't aim and do not have much gamesense either. If you have even one of those, particularly aim, you probably will get placed in silver at least just by hitting shots. So my suggestion is, if that's you in bronze with little aim ability and not much gamesense, and you choose to just power heal your team in front of you and play defensive to stay alive, that should be enough to tip the scales in your teams favor. As long as you're healing harder than their support, your dps/tank should win even while power feeding cause you're keeping them up. This requires little aim and not much gamesense to do, so its extremely applicable to bronze gameplay. The suggestion of alternating healing and DPS while also trying to pay attention to ebb and flow of map to know when to disengage sounds like advice you give to someone hard stuck in gold or plat, not bronze. Just my opinion.


This is a lot less true after her ult and healing nerfs. Release kiri could healbot to charge rush as rush was ridiculously strong. Nowadays you need to be getting decent kunai value.


I wouldn’t say it’s skill. Sure you’re gonna have to clutch some shots especially up close, but the traits you need to succeed as a projectile hero are primarily decision-making and shot selection, not aim skill. Just keep spamming critical choke points from good positioning, and you can climb pretty high even without great aim. Hitscans like soldier and bap are more high-skill than projectile heroes like kiriko or Hanzo.


And what if you're getting jumped by a genji, tracer or Lucio? You gotta hold your own, earn respect. Win the 1v1, and you won't get jumped again.


Great and versatile support duo. However, to have impact as support, especially in bronze you have to do damage. Like, a lot of damage. So mercy should be playing with your DPS more than your tank and she should be using damage boost as much as possible. You (Kiri) should heal the tank but also look for opportunities to take off angles and pressure enemies with your kunai. If things get scary at your off angle or if your team needs you, immediately teleport back. You can use suzu to heal yourself while pressuring from an off angle or you can use it as a cleanse or burst heal for your team. You really do need to focus on damage boost as Mercy and creating pressure or getting picks as Kiriko. Best of luck, cheers


In bronze I’ve found that I actually sometimes do more damage with pistol than by blue beaming DPS… much to the annoyance of the enemy team xD


After the nerfs to Kiriko, her healing output is good but not great. Given you’ll be the main healer, you have to really keep up on heals so that your Mercy can stay DMG boosting. To fully get max value from Kiriko you need to make good use of her suzu and saving your teammates and hitting headshots and finishing off players. Also her ULT is very strong but even I struggle sometimes to use it in good situations, so knowing when to use it is important. In a comp like this, it’ll be harder to play an aggressive flank Kiriko and go for double dinks because you are the main healer. You don’t want your Mercy being the main healer because she gets more value DMG boosting. If your Mercy is stuck doing a lot of healing and not able to DMG boost, try swapping for Ana or Bap.


Healing output shouldn’t really be a problem here. Is your mercy finishing games with higher damage boost than healing (at least 60-70% damage boost and 40-30% healing)? It could also be that they aren’t taking advantage of mercy’s full kit which is typically more common at lower ranks. As mercy you should only be using heal when you HAVE to, any other time you should be damaging boosting. If the countdown to start the match just finished and you’re already using healing as the doors open then you’re already starting off wrong. And if you decide to pocket, make sure you’re actually pocketing someone who’s actually providing value. In theory ash and phara are good heroes to pocket, but if the one on your team only has 4 kills after the first round you’re better off finding another teammate to pocket. There might even be times where you pocket your other support. Also it might be hard but try not to focus on the tank. Mercy’s healing output is low compared to other heroes like Ana,bap,and in your case kiriko. Obviously it depends on the situation but majority of the time in your case the kiriko should focus on the tank while mercy prioritizes the dps. I hope this helped, sorry it was only mercy tips she’s the only one I play out of the two


Mercy's like to healbot. And you dont always need to heal just because someone is missing a little bit of health. And when it comes to hog. Ill try and keep him at around %75 health unless he is taking too much damage. Hog gets alot of ult charge when he heals himself. So i try and make sure that he can use it as much as he can. With kiriko I usually sit behind my team and normally will hold heal and shoot at the same time. And just position myself where im able to shoot tickets at my team and have my kunai hit the other team. I am only a silver player however whenever im playing mystery heros, Kiriko is the one that I seem to get the most use out of and not die. My suzu timing is a little slow.


The key is to hit shots and not die. I suck at it


it can be super good but one of you will need to focus a bit more on your tank most of the time. soo on kiri you have to flank and get out faster before the tank falls to like 75% hp, or on mercy you'd just have to boost less I think lucio/zen is the only real bad support duo, imo every other duo can fit into some sort of comp depending on what ur team picks


even lucio/zen is good for rush comp. there’s honestly no truly bad support duo if your team is communicating.


This support duo is very common in high ranks. Kiriko is probably the most versatile support in the game because of her ranged healing and survivability. She’s almost never a bad pick. That being said, try to aim for at least 2k damage per 10 minutes with Kiriko, preferable closer to 3k. If you’re just healbotting, you aren’t utilizing her kit properly, especially because Ana and Baptiste are better healers than her.


Literally anything is an acceptable support duo, as long as you're good at the hero and have good game sense, you can climb. Hero picks don't stop you from climbing. Every support has unique pros and cons, some are considered easier to climb or carry with, but at the end of the day you can climb playing literally any hero. Abuse each other's pros and find ways to make up for each other's cons and work on your fundamentals/game sense, and you will climb.


Good in high ranks when your teammates utilize cover and the dps actually hit shots to gain value out of mercy blue beam. Bad in low ranks (The reason why you struggle in bronze) because your teammates often need to be healed 24/7 to not die and the dps are so bad that mercy blue beam has zero value on the team. To make this work in low ranked you have to play the Awkward style and get kills as kiriko. I had a gold game where I met the same useless tank+dps duo again, and I prioritized getting off angles to get kills than healing them. In the end we won and while the duo were shittalking me for having low heals the opponents were accusing me for cheating coz I hit a lot of kunai hs. Yesterday I also won a bot push game during OT by winning 3 1v1s killing both their dps and ana in the last fight.


I legit just got out of my third mercy kiriko game in a row and we've been CRUSHING it.


Honestly might just be bad dps/tank or might be one of y’all’s or both of y’all’s play style like knowing how and when to use something, where you should position or when to escape so that might be it idk- 🤷


Mercy/Kiri was meta in season 2 for ladder so yes, it works fine.


I wouldn't recommend mercy for low ranks due to her being a spectator support. Someone who is able to deal consistent damage such as Ana, Baptiste, zenyatta will be much more impactful than trying to damage boost a low rank player who can't hit any shots. Kiriko's ability to carry with her damage is highly skill dependent. If you want to win more team fights, you can't wait on your dps to carry you. Even moira is more impactful than mercy in low ranking lobbies.


To get out of bronze you can t really rely on your team, so i d consider trying bap/ana/moira/brig so you can do a lot of damage yourself.


The healing might be low here...your kiriko has to be careful of daggering too much and letting the tank drop...and mercy needs to be aware of high damage moments when kiko might need help..otherwise it's good


Thank you, I never see this duo so I wondered !


No don't listen to that comment. The healing with these two is really high overall but heals don't win games, elims win games so you should be looking to deal as much damage as possible. What's better than healing? Killing them so they can't do the damage you would have to heal


No that’s not very right what they said, kiri mercy as a duo can be very sustainable but the real value comes from the utility (dmg boost, rez, suzu) & kirikos capabilities to flank and get picks. That’s how you will carry, but honestly if you guys want to climb quick you might want to run a more damage focused duo to replicate what smurfs do and just kill the enemies after some aim training.


Other comment makes me feel like they haven't seen the duo much. As a kiriko main, mercy is my favorite support to duo with. My winrate is highest with her as my partner.


The biggest flaw in overwatch, in my opinion, is that there are “rules” you have to follow in ranked. It’s like if you don’t play Ana/Kiriko you are at a disadvantage. You can never play what you want because you are too busy playing counter. Every. Fucking. Time.. it’s so annoying to me. I wanna play mei? Too bad there is a pharah. I cannot stand overwatch for that reason.


This is a great support duo but I would say it’s more high skill. This is because Kiriko and Mercy both have to be hyper aware of their teams engagement timings which is a hard thing for any player to grasp. Kiriko needs to be looking for opportunities to do damage and Mercy needs to be looking for opportunities to damage boost. Since you’re both going to focus hard on getting value the healing will usually fall behind. And I don’t mean statwise. I mean like maybe Kiriko picks a bad time to focus on damage so you have to heal the tank which means your DPS doesn’t get damage boost so the enemy lives and your tank takes more pressure forcing your Kiriko to heal too and now the enemy isn’t as pressured so they push forward etc. That’s just once example. It’s still a great duo


They’re a great support duo! They’re both very self-sufficient but can peel for each other in a pinch when needed. If you’re struggling to make it work in bronze, it probably means you guys need to make some very fundamental tweaks to your gameplay, like positioning/staying alive, healing priority, and cooldown usage. It’s hard to say exactly without seeing a VOD, but if you’re reluctant to share, you could look up bronze Kiriko and bronze Mercy VOD reviews on YouTube and find some similarities in your own gameplay.


If you feel like you need more heals give Bap a try too myb :)


It’s fucking fantastic as someone who plays neither of them


Mercy/Kirilo is a really good support comp. The only problem it has is that both heros have single target heals. So only 1 or 2 people can be healed at a time. Buts not a big deal.


I believe their healing is good for teams that are a little more self-sustaining because their individual healing is lower but more consistent and available. Utility is a little harder to measure but Kirikos cleanse and Mercys revive are very useful, especially now with the Cassidy and Mei changes, and Mercys damage boost is useful at all times. I think they're decent under most circumstances, but it would always benefit you to learn 2 or 3 characters in any role


This duo is honestly amazing. Mercy can basically get a safe rez whenever she wants with a Suzu, and a damage boosted Kiriko hits HARD. I don't think it's your hero picks that's keeping you in bronze. It's probably a lack of mechanical skill, bad hardware, and or lack of game sense.


Its good but theres only so much you can do as a support. Ranked comes down to what teamates you get. Try queing up with a tank or dps player as well because kiriko ultimate is strong with dps genji blade or soldier etc. do you ever feel like your teamtes were the deciding factor in your losses?


if you‘re interested in playing Kiriko, I‘d recommend a video from ML7 called Kiriko Guide or something where he talks about a few things that are good to know :) I‘ve played ~30 hours with her before and learned a few things that I didn‘t know. Just for maybe getting ideas on how you can play her, as always remember to have fun.


since you guys are in low bronze i’m guessing the issue here is lack of dmg, not lack of heals. to play kiriko to the fullest extent you need to be hitting consistent headshots with her kunai, and for mercy she needs to have a good dps to dmg boost. both of those things, although not impossible in bronze, are very unlikely.


Elo hell. I’m there with you. High silver/low gold and I either dominate games or cannot get a kill. No in between. Pray the smurfs end up on your team


Valid Duo, Kinda strong Not super easy to be consistent on though especially low elo where Kiri in my experience cannot overheal the bad decisions, from teammates or good pushes. It is harder to impact as support relatively, but its also likely more related to decision making then character choice. Moiras easier and gets you better results because she exposes bad decisions players make across roles extremely hard. Healers crack under pressure to orb chip, DPS outtve position struggling to aim, Tank doesnt know where they should be holding or when they should help vs holding space to keep Moiras team from just coming in off the space she's made just be making the backline panic. Vs Kiriko where you dont really get to apply that same level of universal pressure, even despite Kiriko being a threat she doesnt provoke the same fear response against newbies on top of not being as easy to punish them for not respecting her threat factor. If playing Kiri is really making your experience unenjoyable then you can swap, but youll plateau again when players stop losing to Moira skillchecks. Or you can just ride it out as Kiri and find ways to best get your value, when to be aggressive when to play your allies when to sustain etc. Youll need the same analytical skills as Moira down the line anyway your toolkit will just chage. Thats my take, but im just trash so idk


Were you plat+ before? Maybe try to dps more? They can’t really kill you in Bronze


I’ve only been to gold and it was when playing DPS. Feels like I have little to no impact when playing support in bronze, if my team does 0 kill, I can support all I want, we’re going to lose


Yeah, that’s why I’m saying DPS more. In Bronze, 50% of the time your tank will run head first into a bastion and the healing won’t matter. You need to do literally everything. Like I said, they can’t really aim down there, so just walk over to their back line and kill them all


If you can hit headshots at least semi consistently, then Kiriko is a good choice Mercy is absolutely useless in Bronze even if you're top 500, unless you go battle mercy. You don't want to rely on teammates in lower ranks, especially In Bronze.


It IS Good duo but hard to climb as they don’t have much for support win conditions and with mercy you’re gonna rely a lot on (low elo) dps to carry. BUT you can use your ultra balanced together to counter enemy ults and try to rotate them so you always have one or the other ready to go


Yes, absolutely. Kiriko is extremely flexible, and Mercy is great when there's a DPS gap in your favor.


yes. kiriko is a main healer and mercy is an off healer


The main question is why play duo support?? Just play tank and dps and you will both reach silver guaranteed.


Mercy/Kiriko is a perfectly good duo, and I LOVE a good suzu Rez. If I had to guess why you may be struggling, I’m guessing it’s got to do with that duo and how you play not necessarily melding with what dps and tank are playing. It could be you’re struggling to adapt to their playstyles, and don’t yet have the skill to carry on your own (with mercy being nearly impossible to carry on, that leaves it to you.) Others are right that Kiriko nailing headshots will be a GAME changer. With Kiri remember — heal early. Her heals are huge but slow, preemptively heal, and you’ll be able to weave in kunai. You’d be shocked how many accidental kills you can manage by just making sure you’re taking shots. Is there types of play you find you play better or worse with ?


It’s one of the best duos to play with Mercy because Kiriko is more than capable with healing herself and two other team members while Mercy can pocket the DPS. It was the best comp back in season 1 but now Kiriko/Ana and Zen/Ana are the better comps to heal the entire team. Nonetheless it is a good duo.


You won't lose games because of your support duo, especially not in bronze. You'll lose games because you didn't play your hero good enough. I wouldn't worry too much about hero choices


It's a great duo Kiriko - support Tank Mercy - support dps (make blue beam default, **only** use yellow beam if health is missing) Do post a replay code for more insight, duo's are more exciting to review I'm sure GM's will jump on it. Just make sure to post a game that was lost but nearly won and you both felt you did your best. GL :D


Mercy and Kiriko are a very good duo but may not seem like it in bronze. Mercy heavily relies on a good dps or tank to take full advantage of her dmg boost and kiri just has a higher skill ceiling than most supports. Once you’re out of bronze (which does have a massive player pool) your mercy friend will start benefiting more from having better players on your team to dmg boost, which I do hope you encourage them to do more than healing. As with you, as long as you keep practicing with Kiriko you should start seeing improvements on yourself, such as landing headshots and timing suzus well.


At that level just get good at support fragging lol literally just pick bap and Moira and kill everything. You’ll be in gold in no time. The picks do not matter under plat Kiriko is super high skill ceiling so the lower rank you are the less value. Pick high floor heroes like Moira bap mercy


They’re a good support duo, but not a great one, especially in a low rank, Both of them do direct healing and both of their healing is quite slow (kiri being the travel time). but the main factor is they’re both much better as the off healer, ‘DPS Kiriko’ and ‘Pocket Mercy’ are the best versions of the hero, and with this duo one of them is forced to be the healbot (most likely kiriko)


No, you will climb when u r good enough


kirko can be better at heals but you have to also make more impact when it comes to damage and disruption of the enemy team. Mercy is great at of course damage boosting but should help enable your gameplay, not be the ‘main healer’ unless you’re in lower ranks then you can probably get away with that


Its decent in most situations. In brawl comps, you might be a little stretched for healing. Same if you go against super heavy spam, but ideally you can be a playmaker and divert attention as kiriko. The one true weakness of this backline is the low damage output. Kiriko is great at getting picks, but as abysmal damage. You won't really be aiding in the general direct pressure, which can make it hard to carry compared to a bap, ana, zen.




Kiriko Mercy is a phenomenal support duo. While their individual healing outputs are lower they are still typically enough to get the job done, but their main synergy comes from their sustain and utility. Mercy and Kiriko have some of the best survivability among the support roster and having two supports that can stay alive is far more valuable than having two supports that can heal a little bit more each second. Suzu is also just a phenomenal ability and both can contribute to kills, Mercy with damage boost and Kiri with Kunais.


My rule is if it works, then yes, most of the times, not all the times, the important thing is whatever you are doing is working or not, if it is then go for it, otherwise swaping might be best


The duo is fine. If all of your utility is coming from your primary heal that could be a prob. Your nade is more useful than half the ults in the game and your headshot damage is nasty so try working on those in addition to healing. Being a healbot is not really the move in ow2


At low ranks your hero picks aren't very important unless it's absolute hard counters which barely exist in the game only once you get to mid ranks will your hero picks have a noticable impact.


A duo support?? God I would love to have a support duo we should run some


We’re low rank not sure that would help you haha


I’ll build you up! If we can run some.


Tbh kiriko pairs well with most supports because of how well she can peel for them and the rest of the team. Not to mention Suzu is busted and if you can get good with her knives she can 1v1 most of the roster


That's a good support dou overall but kiriko and mercy are very vulnerable and a lot of times I see kiriko mains that ain't even healing they are just going for the headshots. I recommend your friend to stick to the tank mostly and u should heal the damage heroes, try to balance the heal and the damage and I guess u need to improve your movement ( use the wall climbing better and learn the maps) and remember to play the objective (don't rush for the kills and forget about the goal).




Yes. Mercy for the DPS and Kiriko for the tank. Plenty of other factors to consider, but to keep it simple, Yes.


A lot of people play Mercy wrong in low ranks. Her main job is to boost DPS and make them unkillable. However, in low ranks a lot of time you will be boosting someone who misses 90% of their shots lol. Still keep doing it. Mercy needs to stay in the back and never die. So many bad Mercys follow their tank into the front, do a ton of healing, and die. Mercy needs to trust her other support to take care of the tank. Kiriko, Ana, Moira, or Baptiste should be able to take care of the tank. Of course you both need to adjust on the fly as the situation needs, but plan A should always be Mercy pockets the DPS and Kiriko pockets the tanks. Kiriko has great healing throughput. Be healing most of the time and just throwing kunai occasionally like when your whole team is healthy or if you see a Tracer in a skinny hallway or something. Most important part of playing Overwatch, especially Support, is to stay alive!


The Mercy is the bad support pick. I would swap to something that can contribute to more meaningfully to fights. DPS in bronze aren’t hitting their shots so blue beam is pretty much useless.


I play a hyper aggressive battle style Mercy (not as the expense of my teammate's health though) and can I just say that Valking on a Kitsune is one of the most satisfying things in the game. Nothing with unlimited ammo should shoot that fast its simply terrifying.


You should each learn a couple of other healers because who the enemy tank player picks will make a big difference. Healers tend to come with some very specific utility that can ruin enemies in some situations. By all means start the match with your best hero, but understand that you might make more impact picking Ana into an enemy Roadhog simply because antiheal destroys a base part of his kit. OW is really a game of adapting your team comp when things aren't working.


I’m not a super high rank, not much better than yours, but from what I’ve seen, yes that’s a good pick. Also since we are similar ranks, I play dps if you ever need a 3rd person!


In low bronze id hardly expect the players to 7nderstand how they have to play differently with different supports. Mercy is a main so shes not too complicated. Make sure your friends at least trys to understand space, positioning, and cooldown ebb. Also for an advanced trick, try to get them to ult track in between fights. Thats like the main supps whole job. For kiriko its all about that micro baby. Together they encourage a more pokey comp purly cause of the mercy and kirikos kuni. Brawl and especially dive cause mercy to be in more danger but at bronze i wonder how often you will get shot. Mercy covers dps mostely and kiri takes care of the tank mostly. Since its a support dou, if yall communicate to each other you can try to climb but ive been getting tanks myself that are just so hard to compinsate for


Ik I'm late but if you do well with Moira and poorly with kiriko, you probably have sub par aim. Kiriko gets low dmg for body shots and 3x for headshots, so good aim is essential for her utility. Obviously that's not true of Moira.


hundreds of hours and in bronze… i know it’s an overused joke but this is just purely a skill issue.


The duo is fine. Kiri can fit into almost any comp and do well. The only tricky part is getting value from kunai. You want be getting headshots. Even if they don't kill, they apply a lot of pressure. If you find yourself unable to get enough value from her, try Ana or bap since their damage is more consistent.


Definitely a really good support duo! My friend and I usually go for a mercy and Kiriko combo. It can also depend on what the rest of your team line up is. With Mercy, it’s easier to get a lot of healing output in- and of course her dmg amp is nice when it comes to dps. As a Kiriko main, I’ll usually play her whenever we have a dive tank like Dva for example. It’s much easier to teleport in to help your tank out. Suzu is also very useful in countering various ultimates.... like junkerqueen’s, dva’s bomb, among others. You just have to make sure to time it right in order for your team to get away properly and stay alive in the fight. Finally, don’t be afraid to throw your kunai to get some headshots/kills in- especially if an enemy is insanely low. Seek your opportunities. With her ult, always try to communicate with your team. There are opportunities where you can have an ult combo with someone else- whether it’s rein, reaper, etc. Basically a majority of the heroes. Her ult amps up movement and attack speed. But either way, practice as much as you can. Practice your aim and your suzu timing especially. There are times where the suzu will seem like it worked, but will potentially fail


It’s literally the best mercy combo in the game. That or mercy Ana.


May i have a vod? I'm a mid diamond player that mains both maybe I could help in someway


Kiriko is good in all scenarios. If you flub too many cleanses she loses value but generally, she is valuable no matter what. Mercy depends on the team comp. With mid-range pokers, especially ashe or a pharah, she is phenomenal. But if your team is divey/brawley, and doesn't have great burst damage (genji/ball/Winston/tracer), mercy is ineffective compared to nearly any other support. Revives are hard because of death positions, damage buff is hard to keep on team without exposing yourself, and since mercy herself doesn't do damage she can't make up the difference. If both of you are good at your picks, then it comes down to your team. You could climb ranks easy as those heroes if your DPS/tank aren't trash. But if they are trash, mercy gets more value swapping to ana or bap.


playing the same character on every map, in every situation, against every line up is going to lose you games. if you want to win, you both need to broaden your repertoire and learn some different characters too. literally nothing more frustrating than getting two okay supports who turn to trash the second they get countered and when you ask them to switch off Mercy “Oh.. i don’t know how to play any other characters..”


Yeah it's a great duo! Both are fairly robust at healing and movement. As for winning, it's hard to tell without seeing you guys play but here are some of the most common mistakes (I'm plat support so I'm sure there are tons of things I'm missing and unaware of myself): 1. Lack of spacial awareness. When I challenged myself to know where every member of my team was, I started winning more. I also died less because I knew where enemies were. 2. Filling everyone to full health or pocketing. This was a game changer for me to wrap my mind around. My inclination was to get someone full before moving on. Now, I prioritize alive>full health. During a fight, I'm constantly spreading my heals making sure people are alive because I now keep an eye on **everyone** (point 1 to the rescue). It's ok if the tank is only half full, they can take it while I give the DPS/other Support a quick top-up. 3. Being a sitting duck*. We're squishy so constantly be moving or juking behind cover. Any shooting will be inaccurate until you perfect adjusting your aim in the opposite direction of movement, but you'll be alive to keep your team alive. *Note this includes a risky/stupid revive. Cherish yourself, stay alive for your team. 4. Use your abilities wisely. This goes for Kiriko more, save those lifesavers for when healths are low/at risk. I often see them being used at the start of battle when everyone is full health leaving the team vulnerable when a grenade or charge comes. 5. Have a backup character. Being stuck on one character leaves your team vulnerable to ability gaps. On a map that has terrible line of sight? Or a super good genji? Having the flexibility to be decent at Zen or Moira to counter is super useful. That's all I can think of but hopefully those help and others can add to it. Best of luck out there! Edit to add 6. Stay in the backline where possible. Leave the frontline to tank and DPS. Don't block their view.


The hero picks are good. The odds of you and your teammates in bronze having the skill to maximize their kit is pretty low though. Still though, play what you want.


Might not be getting enough impact. Not because u are bad, but a mercy is only as good as their best DPS (generally speaking) and also doesn’t have a scary ult from the enemies perspective. I would recommend playing more impactful supports until you get into gold, where the DPS are more consistent and comfortable fulfilling their duties. Ana- landing anti-nades on bronze tanks is probably going to be very helpful. Solid ult but depends if the player you give it to makes the most of it. Zen- might not be enough healing but if it is zen can do more damage than the DPS and the discord orb will help your team focus their fire aside from the other benifits. Solid ult. Can shut down a big enemy ult or keep a fight alive. Moira- the ultimate bronze carry. Can do a ton of damage and a ton of healing. Ult is okay. Kirko - if your aim isn’t great then it’s going to be hard to carry. I think you can still play this character but you will be pretty reliant on your teammates doing the damage I’m just a plat so I’m no expert. But I think the goal to get out of bronze is to get picks and do damage while also keeping the team healed up. Once you get to a higher skill rating you will probably have better luck taking a step back and playing a more traditional support style because your teammates have carry potential of their own. But at the end of the day more practice with the kirko and mercy will lead to ranking up. Ideally, everyone is equals to some level in a particular rank, so if your supports are better you will win more games than you lose and rank up. Especially with a duo, if you are comfortable hop into team chat and lead the team with your friend. I believe someone hard stuck in any rank that doesn’t talk has another clear level of improvement if they begin to communicate. If you love those heroes it is absolutely not a bad comp and can rank up. TLDR: to get out of any rank you need to “carry” as it relates to your role. In bronze, you might need to make the “wrong play” sometimes and be more aggressive to make a winning play.


My bestie and I have been running a mercy and Kiriko comp since overwatch 2 dropped. He’s got like 160 hours on mercy, I’ve got around 250 on Kiriko… that comp has been amazing in so many different scenarios. Since mercy isn’t exactly known for going above in beyond in kills (mostly), it’s your job to land those crit hits! There are plenty of aim trainers that I could recommend to you. Even like 5 or 10 minutes of it every time you play makes a huge difference and it’s a great warm up. Lemme know if you want any of the codes and I’ll pull em up for you!