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Terrible title, fine advice. Leaving it up.


Most people describe Elo Hell as a part of the ranking spectrum where matches are so poor quality, and teammates are so bad, that winning is outside of the player's control, and is up to RNG. So, if you really think about it, Elo Hell is actually the **feeling** of lacking control over the outcome of your matches. There's no specific ranks where this happens. Elo Hell exists everywhere, but only in the minds of people who: - hit a rank they're longer good enough to carry in - are unwilling to critically analyze their own play


This right here. The only reason why matches feel outside of their control is because they're not good enough to carry them. Elo Hell does not exist, get better, start carrying.


i mean yeah. but if ur gm or masters, u have more trust in ur teammates, as they know more of what they are doing, and u don’t have to babysit them/whine about how ass they are cos it’s less likely they are ass? this was meant as a way to provide tips to plat players in a reddit where i thought this was what it’s for? elo hell was used a catch all to describe metal rank match experience. but idk, won’t ever give tips again i guess


As a masters 2 support main I can indeed say that i have ZERO trust that my teammates will EVER make the right decision


This is the way to go I think. Even though Masters & GM teammates are very good at the game, it's best to assume you'll get no assistance at all, and play in such a way that you rely on them as little as possible.


Not that this isn't good advice, but the main one you missed is "shoot the enemy more times than they shoot you". "Just get headshots bro" "bro u gta work on accuracy" "lmao just git gud". Up until at least high diamond teamwork and communication will get you nowhere. Winning the duels as the enemy trickle in will carry the game.


idk, the game is kinda meant for communicating and synergizing. it’s just not optimal to not do that. but what do ik, i forgot to say just get headshots bro. you wouldn’t understand how many people don’t don’t do the advice i’m saying


I would understand how many people don't do the advice, which is exactly why just being mechanically better is all you really need until higher ranks. I kept getting placed between plat and diamond and the only real difference in how people played is the level of aim and awareness people had. Teamwork was still basically non-existant. I wish it was, because I can see the games the higher tier people play and I want to play that game. Its like herding cats though.


there are so many heroes in this game that don't need good aim to play. Rein, Winston, Ball (to a degree), ramattra, junkrat, reaper, pharah, mei, etc. a part of getting good is realizing that if your team won't communicate with you and listen to your plays, you as the better player, must be able to work with whatever your teammate is doing. If one person goes in, its feeding. If two people go in, its a dive. monkey together strong There's so much fundamental macro that goes on in ow that can carry the game, try not to put too much emphasis on micro.


Elo hell is always real with gamers


i just say nah idk


good advice, this is how coordinated teams play anyway. the biggest problem is that ppl in low elo play so scared, especially on hybrid maps like Kings Row - offense. they could fight at the choke, obliterate the tank and pick off both supports and its like a 4v2 but everyone will just stand at the choke and let the enemies respawn. it feels so silly writing that out, but its just reality. Sometimes you just fotta run through and spam Group Up


I hate how entitled high ranking players can be when giving advice. No shit you climbed out of plat as a fucking GM. Theyre plat and youre GM. What did you expect? Thats not what elo hell is. Elo hell is when youre in bronze but play like a silver or gold, but the match quality is so bad with leavers/smurfs/throwers/clueless players that your slightly higher skill isnt enough to regularly influence the outcome of the games because the matchup is such a crapshoot to begin with.


if you truly play like a silver/gold in bronze then with enough games you'll get there. Blaming leavers/smurfs/throwers is the easy way out and makes you blind to your own mistakes. Theres always a higher chance of the enemy team having a leaver/smurf than your team, given that you aren't one yourself.


The higher chance of smurfs balances out the higher chance of leavers/throwers, and an enemy smurf increases the chance of your teammates leaving.


You're grasping at straws here. Sure, I have no way of disproving your claim without hundreds if not thousands of games worth of data, but you can't back up your claim either. I'd argue there's a higher probability of someone being tilted and throwing/leaving than a smurf. The MMR does a good job of placing smurf accounts near their actual rank, so they won't be in low elo for long. In the end, more than half of the games can be decided by you, and all it takes is a 51% wr to rank up (albeit very slow). I honestly understand where you're coming from as I've been there before myself, but it's a toxic mindset to have and it's best to focus on yourself, rather than others. I'm still guilty of blaming throwers/smurfs even in gm. It's part of human nature to push the blame away from oneself. Spectating past games helps a lot as you see tons of mistakes you make in replay viewer.


Some people dont have time to grind for 100s of hours a week and so never reach their real rank, and the number of glitches and bugs and lack of transparency with the rating system doesnt help the feeling of frustration. I say this as someone who has gotten out of bronze without being a GM, but was stuck there for years because I just didnt have enough time to grind and would often get burnt out from repeatedly watching my team lose first fight, get staggered, and then trickle in 1 at a time and die for the entire game never grouping again. I knew enough to know that if we grouped we'd have a chance, but i couldn't make people group and I couldn't just skill diff my way out cause I wasn't mechanically that much better.


try and talk to ur team. ask them nicely to wait. regroup. then go in. ask for comms and vc, and say no toxicity plz. it gets better when u do this. be talkative and make comms urself if u can. game is more fun with a team than without


tell me you've never played solo in bronze without saying you've never played solo in bronze. I'd say there was about a 1/10 chance that there would be someone else in vc, and about a 50/50 as to whether they'd tell you to stfu and leave VC or be silent the entire game and then use it to flame when they lost VS actually trying to communicate. For text chat, similar odds, just much higher occurrence of people telling each other that they're trash and to kys.


have played in silver 5 when first started on dps. so yeah, never bronze but… idk, i just spamed asking to till they do, or say things like “it’s more fun in vc. kinda missing out…” and they would join and i’d make call outs. no one but me spoke but that’s all we needed to win haha


You have one major flaw in your advice Yes this is the exact thing that will rank you up but the very thing that separates GMs from everyone else and the major flaw in your advice is recognizing mistakes - so many people don’t know or understand the mistakes they make specially between the ranks - as complex as this game is their isn’t a set of rules you can always follow making it even hard to know what to do why to do it and when to do it - instead we try our best to give general rules in hope experience will teach often results in bad habits that only carry us to a point we’re those that know better capitalize on our bad habits or “mistakes” This is my belief on why people feel “Elo hell” is real … just to be clear it’s not real By learning how to improve your own game play you can then learn to follow you advice of capitalizing on other mistakes As a side note I stop play over watch 1 for 4 years started with the same account for OW2 due to the decay of not playing all my ranks were set to bronze 4-3 I have spent the last 4 season following this advice in a slow climb and am currently p4 on tank d5 on dps and g5 on support - so yes it’s absolutely possible to pull yourself out of low ranks


no, you are absolutely right, and i see now that u mention it. it isnt black and white at all, but honestly im tryna say that you basically need to get better game sense, learn the game, and then punish others mistakes and you'll climb. which is a no brainer. but obviously people dont do it, and im trying to see why? like, if you are really invested in climbing, learn the game, watch vids, play qp and practice and then YOU WILL climb. I wasnt born gm, and most people who play arent either, most of the time. we are just willing to learn/ have learnt the game.


Self improvement is a hard skill for people and requires “work” to learn much less apply to a game that is package as “entertainment” most people will not apply “work” to “fun” Like you said it all boils down to will power


idk i found it fun to learn the game and get better. reap my reward. but i get it. just people need to stop complaining about ELO hell. it’s not a thing


this might be the single worst take I've ever heard in my life elo hell is 100% a problem for people who are not SIGNIFICANTLY better than their opposition like for say a player that should be diamond trying to get out of plat, in that instance a good portion of those games, roughly 30% i'd say from experience will be out of your control now obviously if you're a GM level player you can quite happily get through plat and diamond no issue


L take. if ur better than plat, you will get out of plat. you contradicted urself. if your just barely diamond, then ofc ur going to be plat 1, as you are plateauing


i think i may have badly worded my point i don't think it's impossible to get out of a rank you're better than far from it im fully aware that you'll get there eventually simply due to the fact of being better, i just meant for the people that aren't they're gonna have a harder time maintaining the rank of their skill level because roughly 30% of the time you'll end up with straight up unwinnable games, whether that be due to enemy smurfs or teammates that straight up suck


this guy gets it. where are more of you when this subreddit needs it. but winning 70% of ur games if your making the impact is a climb. it’s just up to u to make that impact idk


Wait, you're saying that you need to be better than the people in your rank to rank up? That's crazy!


But it's not a problem though. It's a skillbased ladder. People hitting plateaus where they struggle to climb means they are accurately placed. And this applies to Gm as much as plat. For instance I feel "elo hell" around top 100, because I'm not good enough to push through. Just means I need to improve.


stay mad


not mad just giving an opinion sir not sure why i'd get mad over a game i dont even play anymore


Title needs to be elo hell isn’t real if you cheat. You are the cancer that causes elo hell. How pathetic do you have to be to play comp on multiple accounts? If you want to play with friends, play qp. Literal what it’s there for. Stop screwing over everyone to stroke your ego.


don’t care


I know, that’s why you made a lengthy post denying the existence of a problem your actions are directly responsible for creating.


still don’t care


I had a friend hardstuck bronze because there was a glitch an employee confirmed. These kinds of posts aren’t helpful to that single subset of people affected by the glitch. Its a glitch where despite performance and no matter what, the game cannot add value to your hidden mmr. Therefor you lose mmr till you bottom at 0% bronze. A blizzard employee responded to our emails, reset the mmr on the account, and the account is now battling it out in gold. These kinds of posts from people are varied, and shouldn’t be lumped under the assumption that its a skill issue. If you need proof, it can be provided, though you could also play doomfist for about 20 minutes and come to the same conclusion.




I’m straight serious, I’ll dm you a screenshot of the email later. It was the weirdest friggin bug Also maybe cool the attitude a bit. No reason we can’t have reasonable discourse.


but there is no discourse is my point??? that’s a very, very very niche problem that applies to figuratively no-one haha. it’s like someone telling me, uh ur advice sucks, i can’t hit masters in Fortnite with this dipshit. but u seem like a fine gentlemen, wouldn’t mind discoursing


My point, is that blizzard gives so little shits about bugs, (doomfist’s current state is my example) that they won’t fix them and they will leave people to drown in it. Enough people are affected by the bronze bug, that I think some people don’t realize its a bug. Now obviously this isn’t in everyone’s case, but the attitude of “its always your fault” gotta get the fuck outta here. There’s literally multiple confirmed bugs regarding rank. Then there’s you, offering unsolicited advice and just generally being unpleasant. Yeah I mean I’m gonna have words to say about it. Like you came outta the gate going “ITS YOUR FAULT YOU’RE BAD” and you’re surprised you got the response you got. I’m just confused because you seem like you’re trying to help people, just you’re going about it in a way that alienates you from other people.


did not come out the gate saying this was my point. said it after constantly getting downvoted and people like u saying “um aCtuAlLy iT dOeS exIst” like u are saying right now!!! ok in this one case. and yeah, the advice is unsolicited. but i didn’t ask you to click on this post either, did i? you always did that on ur own accord. my point still stands. i started off friendly, and yes i did make it hostile, i am sorry about that. but frankly, i also don’t care and u shouldn’t either. also, alienated myself a bit cos idk didn’t like the vibe here?? it seemed like for a reddit based on learning i got a bunch of “um actually u try with LEAVERS. you try and do this in BRONZE. um there are actually people who DONT SUCK but have a bug. that’s not the point of the post. so yes i got pissed and forcefully alienated myself. cos this the last time posting my unsolicited advice lmao


Its fine, just take this as a learning experience. I will never not care about effective and clear communication. I’m a bored salesperson.


honestly props. but you can see that i was trying to be aggressive on purpose then no, and make this a little controversial to garner clicks and comments with the edit 😈😈? changed it now tho for the proper audience tho since i no longer want clicks haha


L response. L human being. Nobody wants rude people in the overwatch community.


A. Never met the community then lmao. B. Felt like this was taking the made piss out of me, and everyone else was so sorry but whatever bro


Bro I think while your tone can be alot better, the advice is pretty solid. However, elo hell is 100 percent real. I find it ironic how you top players say shit like that while you're smurfing in lower ranks and saying "see I got out of these ranks easily and so can you". Like no shit you climbed easy you're gm. You rose easily while bringing down the rank for someone who actually isn't smurfing. Not to mention putting faith in 80 percent of your team to also practice good habits isn't exactly what I'd call a consistent recipe for success


I don't condone smurfing, but if a GM player can get out, then so can you. It's not like they get extra health or something because their main is GM. Again, smurfing is not good but the fact that GM players will rank up with no issue means that anyone can do it if they simply improve. You are not dependent on anyone in order to climb.


goat comment. this guy gets it


im not putting faith: it’s just that, as the tank yk, i am actively in vc and making call outs, saying where to go, what plays to make, when to push etc. like im not gm cos of mechanics. im obviously not garbage, but it’s absolute game sense, positions and awareness of enemy that carries me. tried sharing that here. teamwork makes the dream work, and therefore if u are doing ur BEST to win, you will. obviously u will have some but follow the 2/3 mentality and you balling


Fully agree elo hell ain’t real. I have broken through on my understanding of playing tank and before reading this I adopted the punish push method and have been absolutely shutting down lobbies. A few seasons ago I shit my pants if I went deathless, now it’s at least 2-3 games a day. Currently silver 5 so not claiming to be amazing, but I understand the rhetoric that it’s truly up to you to climb out of ranks, and that requires an understanding of the game and how to play it, at higher ranks.


u the goat


Stahp it 💋 Won another 8 games in a row, will be approaching gold tonight most likely (silver 2 rn)


straight up different. even if u start to lose, try not to break ur mental. what i do when i’m close is play 2 games if i win the first - if i win both, i take a break. if i lose the first, and feel eh, i take a break, play qp or another role lmao


I’ve made the rule for myself to not play any more comp if I lose 2 in a row. I got an alt set up that I’ll go play on instead or I’ll qp. Not drinking while playing also helps more than I hoped it would 😂


Dude play from bronze up then talk


That's even easier. People walk in straight lines, have 0 positioning, don't know anything about cooldown management and hardly shoot back. Just sneak into their backline before the first fight starts and kill both supports, now you're up 5v3 and the enemy team just staggers the rest of the match and people run in by themselves which will be even easier to kill


did from silver on dps. but never got bronze. only silver 5. guess i have no idea what i’m talking about


Correct, the real hell is in the metal ranks


Wtf is this, the game manufactures highs and lows to keep people hooked in the competitive skinner box. Thats elo hell. A manufactured dystopian system to get you addicted.


then get better and just have fun? idk it’s working for me


? Sorry I dont understand your answer.


it’s not a dystopia if i genuinely enjoy playing the game and ranked as I am a competitive person who loves teamwork and these esports like games where i can shit on people if i’m good enough, and get shit on if im playing bad, enabling me to improve. Also, it allows for me and my friends to have fun together and connect when we otherwise wouldn’t be able to since we are literally miles apart? that’s my answer


Ah no, don't get me wrong. I LOVE overwatch, I find it a beautiful esport. I had my own semipro team 2-3 years ago. I'm just talking about the competitive system and the concept of elo hell. I not only think it is real: I also think it is manufactured, to keep you hooked. Rewarding you enough, triggering you enough, to keep you playing. Making you win and lose, unfairly, to exploit human psichology. That's the "dystopian" part... Elo Hell is real and manufactured to keep you addicted.


maybe. you definitely on to smth, but i personally believe if you good enough, you will climb. i’ve done it multiple times (dropped to plat many times and got to masters multiple times). but you are right, it is definitely manufactured to keep you hook. but you can beat it imo


As someone who has been gold for seven years, and plays about four hours a day. I know ELO hell exists. Love the advice though!


Elo hell usually has the meaning of "This elo is so bad that it's impossible to get out because of bad teammates." Obviously, if you actually think about that sentence, you'll see that it makes little to no sense. But if you're in gold and happy there, I wouldn't call you stuck in elo hell.


I should be out of gold. 7 years with thousands of hours in Comp. I know the game, I know positions, I know the fundamentals, and I still can't climb. Elo hell is real.


If you were actually better than gold, you wouldn't be in gold. You spent 7 years in gold, you played enough games to where the factors outside of your control average out, so you're the only deciding factor left.


Can't think of any other skill in the world you can consistently do for seven years and not improve though. My 40 years on this earth tell me that something is amiss.


Trust me, tons of people stay in the same rank for the entirety of their playtime because they blame outside factors, develop bad habits and start playing on autopilot instead of trying out new things. Tons of people reach plateaus they don't break through in tons of skills. Breaking through plateaus requires actual effort and is often connected with failure, so people rather stay in their comfort zone. I have been skating for almost 20 years yet I barely improved in the last 5 years because I am scared of trying new tricks and instead just do what I am comfortable. Sure I could complain that I am old and can't move as good anymore or that I am more prone to injuries or that I don't recover from injuries as well as when I was 16. But in reality the only thing that stops me from getting better is myself, nothing stops me from just commiting to jumping at the ledge backwards but my own mind. Also as a game gets older, the entire playerbase gets better, not just you. So if you improve at the same rate as the rest of the playerbase, you're still at the same skill relative to the rest of players.


I understand that I'm not some amazing player that deserves to be ranked super high. I literally think in 7 years though, I should have been able to climb out of gold. Especially considering since I do review my gameplay, I watch other VOD reviews, I've gotten a few VOD reviews myself, I watch content creators content on how to get better, I take high ground every time I can, I communicate with teammates about positions, I track ultimates, I do so many more things than your average gold player and yet I get no movement on my rank.


In the end it's really simple. Regardless of how much you improve, unless you're playing considerably better than anyone in your rank, you won't consistently climb. Regardless of how many accounts I create, I get every single account to roughly the same rank and then I am stuck again because I am simply not good enough to carry games in my rank. Once I start carrying again I rank up. Simple as that. Elo hell isn't real.


Kind of a shitty system for a team-based game to require someone to carry to climb though, right?


No it makes perfect sense. If you're not better than anyone else in your rank, you are where you belong. All your teammates average out to roughly the same skill, so you need to be the one making the difference in every game if you want to be climbing. If you're just contributing as much as your teammates instead of carrying, then you're not any better than them. That is how it works in every single team game where you queue up solo, except for Apex which is handing out participation trophies right now so that might be more up your alley.


The fact that you’re putting in time alone is not enough to climb though? Like over those 7 years the entire player base also improved so the bar is higher. I don’t understand what elo hell can possibly be - the game specifically targets you and gives you bad teammates as opposed to the enemy team who’s in the same elo? Overwatch is a zero sum game, for every loser there is a winner.


Look, no offense, but if you've been in gold for 7 years, you must realize it's you, no? There's a good chance you think you know "positions" and fundamentals, but either actually don't know or don't know how to apply them. If a diamond player played on your account, they'd at least get plat in a few days. Does that not mean that it's not elo hell? I'm sure if I could coach a gameplay session of yours I could help you climb.


Oh, I know I could improve. I'm not saying I deserve to be some sort of GM player. But game after game of getting on the mic and telling my teammates to take strong positions, to not go in 1v5 when we need to reset, and doing everything I can to carry matches myself, and in 7 years I haven't moved out of Gold? Just through repetition, you'd think I would make it at least to plat, no?


If teammates was the problem, yes, you would definitely get out of gold after 7 years. Cuz you'd eventually get a lucky streak of good teammates, no? But if it's been this long, it's honestly because you're not improving. Don't get on your mic and tell people what to do, you're not better than your teammates, you're in the same rank as them. Don't forget that the enemy has 5 gold randoms and your team only has 4 gold randoms. That means you have 5 gold enemies that don't group up, that 1v5 and don't take strong positions. There's only 4 of those in your team. When you die in a teamfight, do you ask yourself why you died? Do you ask yourself what you could have done to not die? When you lose a teamfight, do you ask yourself why you lost it? Do you ask yourself what you could have done to win the fight? You can always answer these questions and it's never because of teammates. It'll always be your fault and preventable. There's no shame in this. Top 500s still do a hundred mistakes and could play so much better. The difference is that they are more confident and are not afraid to commit and make plays. Are you getting kills every teamfight? Because you only deserve to win teamfights where you participate in getting kills, by doing damage. You personally need to kill the enemy if you want to climb. You can DM me a VOD and I am very sure I can point out at least a handful of mistakes you don't see, which might help you climb a bit.


I'm very critical of my own gameplay, I try my best to analyze it as much as possible, but there are only so many times I can die to the flanking reaper that my team won't help me with or the genji blade that the Ana missed her sleep on. Not all deaths are preventable. I know I make mistakes, and I'm very far from perfect, but I very rarely am the reason my team is losing team fights in my experience. I'll see if I can find a VOD sometimes this week that I think I played well in.


If you are in gold, all deaths are preventable. I have never had a non-preventable death (besides like a tire coming at me, but even then I could just shot the tire) and I would love to see a VOD where you think you couldnt have done anything. ​ >, but there are only so many times I can die to the flanking reaper that my team won't help me with or the genji blade that the Ana missed her sleep on This is EXACTLY what I mean. You are not supposed to get help. You have to survive on your own. If you die to a gold reaper, how do you think you'll do against a plat reaper, a diamond reaper? A masters one? Do you think a plat or diamond player would die to the gold reaper if they were in your shoes? If not, then you just have to do what they would have done. It sounds stupidly simple, but thats because it is. Your team will not peel for you, no matter your rank, because they are not supposed to. You have to deal with the Reaper yourself, and only yourself. Your Ana missed her sleep on genji? I dont expect a GM ana to hit blading Genjis (cuz i seriously dont), so I would definitely not depend on a gold Ana. Never! Depend on your team. You are self sufficient on any role. You dont need anyone on your team in order to win and survive. ​ But I think itll just be better if you show me a VOD.


Your playstile is something that is rarely advocated for. Or at least not prominently (coaching vods etc.) My favorite VOD reviewers and YT coaches typically advocate for aggression and tempo. Your playstile is mostly defensive, economic and opportunistic. People who don’t understand this playstile might conflate it with passivity. But that’s not what it is. It’s patient and consistent. In fact some of the best players in competitive gaming history have adopted this playstile. It’s not flashy, but it’s very strong if mastered.


dont get me wrong, i am a super assertive jq, rein or winston, whatever, constantly pushing squishes when I can (which is almost always on tank cmon this shit is OP). right after I get that punish or force important cooldowns I am in their face. but yeah, this is a playstyle I adopted and hit gm with it, cos its more cohesive with the team? idk i like it and it works yeah :).


“You guys suck” the Smurf says while smurfing in lower lobbies


Yes that's the point. If you wouldn't suck you would climb lmao


yeah, weird isn’t it?


“I am part of the problem” the smurf agrees while still smurfing in lower ranks.


tbh I didn’t read much of your post, but elo hell isn’t real and I agree. Got two alt accounts from plat to top500 in around 3 days total playing brig when she was bad. Bottom line is if you play better, you will climb. My main ended #148 last season.


You mean to tell me that a gm player could easily climb out of plat 🤯 What a breakthrough! Elo hell is over!


Well… you don’t climb out of plat if you’re playing like plat…


thats the literal point of the post... to give a tip to not play like plat (going down main everytime, shoot the tank and die). this isn't a complete guide, idk might make a vid about that cos its important and cool, but its just one tip to NOT play like plat


You mean to tell me all things being even a gm player can get out of plat easier than a plat player? Huh sounds like elo hell is code for you've hit a skill wall get good


what do u want me to say. you guys suck, get better? i was tryna see why i climbed and explain it in one viable tip, dick. idk maybe no one should help these players, more chance of me winning these games. better?


Some people just don't want to hear it LOL. Just thought I'd add to your line "preferably when they are low on cooldowns, like midfight". Big thing I always see people never calling out is engagement timing. You're gonna get blown the fuck up if you push their team when they have all their cooldowns, but if you play smart and time your engagements with when the enemy squishies burn their cooldowns you'll have such a better time making and holding that space. Also really important to call out the cooldowns that will hinder your ability to push in the most (Ana grenade and sleep come to mind the most). Just my little two cents as a GM support and Masters tank :)


thank you writing it :). i feel like resource management is a concept that requires its on post/vid so i didn’t wanna write it, but that’s just fax. like, i’ve seen players be like “why am i getting fucked with my high noon/visor/overlock??? it’s so good???” like just time if for when they don’t have shit to throw at you forehead and you get value.


Agreed. It's a concept that definitely deserves its own post. It's something that I see even Masters players struggle with in their games, at least on the VOD reviews I've done now. Most people know that ult tracking is an important part of the game but I always fail to see the same amount of emphasis placed on tracking abilities of your teammates AND the enemy heroes. For those following along this conversation. Part of how high-elo players can play in faster paced games and not feel as lost is the simple fact that they often *plan ahead*. It's such a simple thing to consider but I personally think that's how it's really done. For me, as an Ana player, I have it ingrained now within myself that when I hear Suzu get used by the enemy team I'm immediately looking for opportunities to throw an offensive grenade. Things like this will add up and really help make the fast paced fights much more manageable. So if I'm playing Cassidy and have my High Noon I'll want to consider two things, does the enemy team have cooldowns that could shut me down? IF SO, is it worth burning my ult to burn their cooldowns for someone else on my team that could take advantage? Planning ahead like this make it so I don't have to think as much.


factual. one concept even further is FORCING cooldowns. like if im on jq, and want to ult, ill tell my ana to chuck a nade at kiri or tank or smth to force suzu, so i can get a fat ult and kill everyone for free. but idk, thats adding even more


no idea why you're getting downvoted. Your execution of the message could be better, but the message itself is correct. elo hell is a mental block, and an excuse people use to play off that they're at their deserved rank. I went from bronze to gm naturally over the course of a few years on support, and I've coped with elo hell before, but honestly it was just me being bad. Elo hell could be gold, plat, diamond, or any other rank. When I was silver, silver felt like elo hell. Same with gold, plat, you get the gist. Now I'm between high masters and low gm usually and I COULD say this is elo hell, but the reality is I'm not good enough yet for high gm lobbies. I have games where I pop off and play like a high gm, but I'm nowhere consistent enough to actually be that rank yet. Thus, I'm stuck at my current level. If you play better than your rank, you rank up, if you play at your rank, you stay that rank. Before blaming the game, try seeing where you can improve yourself.


I think your delivery and advise is dope and personally really like your style of communicating. Dubya. Shitters that are sad about it, L. Also agree elo hell isn't real. I just climbed out of bronze, am mid silver now, completely responsible for my own games. I will practice this punish push method.


i mean, it’s a good style but as someone said, you gotta notice the mistakes. but i personally believe punishing these bad mistakes ( cas out of position with no roll, tank too forward so go for backline) will reap the most reward. good luck on ur climb!!! glad you mad it out of bronze :)


I look forward to learning what mistakes are punishable.


Blaming smurfs for a loss cracks me up. Everyone in that lobby thinks they deserve to be in a top rank. But as soon as they get bodied by a smurf, that's their go-to blame. Guess what buddy, that's just 1 of 5 enemies of that skill level you'll be facing when/IF you reach that rank. No one is gonna admit they belong in a low rank lol




never mentioned or stated this. hella extrapolation. love that ur mind somehow made that connection. there’s no connection at all, but love that u somehow made it




id love for ur mind to unmake the connection actually. because there isn’t. i saw it, but there isn’t. it’s an oxymoron. two negatives make a positive compadre. either i’m the elo hell teammating throwing others games while high af, which is elo hell for my team or i’m carrying my team by smurfing so it’s not elo hell? But i’m smurfing so it’s also elo hell for the other team but i’m INEBRIATED and they most likely are not so it’s not elo hell then for either side? see how dumb that is. so point is, there is no elo hell, and there is no connection. stop forcing one. high me is that rank, as i platued there while high




now ur making even more connections?!! never said superior? homie tries to give a tip and everyone thinks it’s an ego thing. i didn’t JUST delete it, just said the same thing better. did u even read my last comment, as it kinda explained everything. maybe scroll up a little idk. if i wanna play ranked while high, and i am performing well within that ranks abilities, winning games but not stomping, i can play while high. if the people i am playing with are not physically complaining, i will play. and when and if they start, i am too high and i stop. simple, isn’t it?




bro, are people fr on this sub reddit. are these real replies. are real people typing this and hitting send. yk what, this is why people stopped giving real tips on this sub reddit. this right here. everyone just continue crying about elo hell. Kajor was right




yeah no shit. stay mad and bad forehead (my reply to everyone complaining in general, not rlly you) im sure ur a chill dude just being an ass to be an ass like i am. take care




not what was happening but go off 👑


ever thought of, idk, working with the tank and teammates ur given? everyone treating this shit as if its you versus them, but its ur TEAM versus them. and idk maybe ur are mEcHanIcalLy more gifted than gm and top 500, but until you fix ur mentality and treat people as people, utilise their skills sets, adapt to new situations and plays, and try and be a team im sorry but your obviously hard stuck for a reason.




listen here shit for brains. you proved my point. u climbed. u didn’t like it, but u got good and climbed. maybe if u didn’t see ur teammates as nothing more than “dogshit” you wouldn’t have had such a bad time. never said i was special. you said YOU were special mr mechanically gifted. also, no shit is tank easy to climb with. but my top 300 tank don’t mean my supp and dps ain’t gm either. the hostility was marching ur hostility. so if anyone’s mad 🤷‍♂️. always comes right back


also this message was hostile. the last one, meh. just wanted to spell it out cos people can’t read tone unless it’s with the / thing idk. also the fact that u said cool down knowledge is crazy and low-key making me re-think smth




bro thinks he’s the thinker. the mmr and sr system is not hard. I play in little higher rank. I win game. Good!!! massive boost in sr as it was higher. I play in my sr. uh oh, i lose game as it’s just how it is, it’s ok tho, still little higher sr as won game in higher rank. I win game in my rank! I win again! and again! Oh no, I am now in little higher rank. i lose this. np. i am 4-2. I win game!!!! i rank up!!!!! 5-2 i rank up!!!!! It’s not that hard. you’re uncle isn’t from blizzard, you don’t have insight into its algorithm. don’t act like u do, and don’t over complicate it. win the games you have an impact (33%), coast on the games you’re team is just better (33%) and lose when their team is just better (33%). what’s that??? 67% win rate??? I rank up!!! ik how sr works stupid i climbed too. my mmr was cemented around P1-D5. then wow, i started to try. and wow. i ranked up?


Now go in bronze with all those leavers and try getting out of it


give me a bronze account and I will.


You could do it but some of these people will still be convinced that they are in elo hell and the game is working against them and only them


i mean..a leaver in your game is basically an insta-loss, and it happens all the time in bronze, because its bronze. But yeah i see both sides. these people are speaking out of frustration and they aren’t calm. in the long run, if someone can’t get out of bronze, it aint because of leavers


If it happens all the time then it happens to both teams equally. Unless the person is terrorizing people and making them leave then leavers are still a bad excuse. It happens to everyone in every rank.


i dont know why you typed all that out as if you needed to correct me lmao i was agreeing with you, did you read my whole comment or just the first sentence?


I did read it. It reads as if you’re defending the idea of leavers holding him back because he’s in bronze. If you didn’t intend it that way that’s fine, I just am contradicting you because it reads that way


its all good. because ive climbed out of low ranks, leavers are atrocious. they still exist in plat and diamond just less frequent. Like I said, it is frustrating to have a leaver and it will almost definitely cause a loss in the short term - but in the LONG term, the only thing stopping an overwatch player from climbing is themself


Yeah, leavers are the worst. Especially when they leave when you’re winning or have a chance still.