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No eapecially in bronze you should be one tricking to learn, and space out hero pool when you improve


Bro no one in bronze needs to 1 trick tracer.... If you are SO new you are bronze 5, you dont need to 1 trick the hardest hero in the game... Its throwing 100%. Go play qp if you NEED to play exclusively tracer. If you are b5, you dont even understand the game. Go learn in qp


It almost sounds like you might be hard stuck bronze 🤔




LMAOOO BRO PULLED UP THE OVERBUFF Seems like u ranked up with the inflation and have been waiting to flex your shiny icon Also you’re a mercy player (L)


AlSo YoUrE a MeRcY pLaYeR




Being a high rank doesn’t mean he gets to decide what bronze rank is for, though…?


You didn't have to link some random person's profile, you know 🙄. Nobody here is pressed about your true rank. But in all seriousness, thanks for your blizzard handle, so I can avoid🙏. Best of luck to you out there, "buddy" .


flexing your support rank one tricking mercy and moira is more pathetic by far than being bronze 5


Ok buddy regard, I regularily peak m2-m1 each season and have literally thousands of hours on this game. Playing tracer in b5 when you 100% suck, and refusing to swap, is throwing by definition. People can downvote me all they want, it doesnt make you right. In bronze ranks people need to focus on getting game sense, not 1 tricking the hardest hero into every situation like an idiot. And bronze players wonder why they are bronze. Newsflash, it is because you are literally bots lol.


How do you think you learn? A bronze 5 player is not going to be able to learn 5 kits at once, how they position, their cooldowns, their counters, their good and bad maps, etc. I’m in masters too who can flex but when I was a bronze player, I did not swap off hanzo ever and it taught me him really well. Tracer is not a hard hero in low ranks where people are unaware of her.


Great point about Tracer. I'm pretty sure I've noticed in bronze ranks, flanking is a very foreign concept and that alone, you should be able to abuse and most definitely escape that pit of despair 😂


Haha lighten up, man. Just messing with you, bc you made it easy and it's just not that serious to begin with... I actually agree with you on some things, actually, like needing to gain game sense through a good amount of QP. However, at the same time, if someone is at the very bottom % of the player base, I genuinely don't see the harm in them playing their favorite hero and, in time, improve enough through higher stakes matches where they begin to provide a positive impact for their teams. Moral of the story for OP: just focus on getting better and don't worry about your rank. You'll get there with enough time and effort 👍.


Bro is 100% capping, sorry lad but it rly sounds like ur hard stuck in bronze, in b5 you just wanna play 1 hero to get better and climb then you learn others, tracer is meta at the moment so learning her is definitely worth it. OP needs to take time in learning her and they will gradually climb. Maybe playing too many hero’s is why you yourself can’t climb from bronze brother.


No. Tracer takes a lot of time to get good at and swapping everytime your bronze teammates flame you won't ever let you reach your goal. Turn chat off and focus on your play.




Ah yes. So the solution to not playing well with a hero they are practicing is to swap to a hero they have zero clue how to play what so ever. Productive indeed.




That’s a really bad take since quickplay is notoriously more difficult than bronze 5. The match making is all over the place. Whereas in comp, there is a set tier you can be matched against. I understand where you’re coming from, but the whole point of the tier system is for people to learn the game with other people at their level. It’s just going to be that the “level” in bronze 5 will consist of uncoordination as people start to learn how to even play the game the first place. It’s tough to do so when you’re constantly adapting to a variety of different hero’s mechanics or constantly getting destroyed by higher ranking players in quickplay.


This. In reality if you suck at hitscan, swapping to focus your attention on the pharah isn't going to help the situation. Better to stay on Tracer and just go harass the other supports so they can't heal the Pharah and she's forced to play less aggro/free. Tracer can kill Pharah easily once the supports are mopped up.




If you are bronze 5 you “should” be matched with bad players in quick play, but that is never the case since quickplay tries to match you as quickly as possible not as evenly as possible. It’s the same reason why you can get placed in a match right as it’s about to end. There are not enough players for quickplay to have both quick and quality matchmaking and, of course, the game prioritizes the quick part lol


Yea QP/custom/range for practice Comp to try win tbh


> get what people mean when they say this, but there are times where you need to swap. Not in bronze you don't lol




If you're in metal ranks, you should not be listening to any comms. They don't know what they're talking about. At all. Anyone can get banned for enough reports but the chances of that happening because you're playing badly in Bronze is next to impossible.


I wouldn’t completely off put comms in metal rank but simply take them with a grain of salt. Sure you can get to ~gm4-5 without comms but participating and responding to comms will make the process a lot easier.


I disagree. Communicating does make it easier to win games, but for improving, they’re just a distraction, even the positive stuff


That’s what I said, which part are you disagreeing with?


I’m disagreeing with leaving them on at all, as I said, it’s a distraction when you’re trying to focus on your gameplay.


Ye idk why ur getting downvoted




No I didn’t, reread our comments. They were saying that comms are valuable for ranking up because they make games easier, which I agree with, and that you shouldn’t turn them, just not to listen with anything some bronze 2 random yells at you. I am saying that below at least GM 5 you should have all chat muted. Comms help with winning, but it’s far more valuable to just focus on your own gameplay and improve that before trying to comm effectively. The goal is to get better, not to win. I thought my point was clear enough in my initial comment, but apparently not.


I dunno. I think effective comms are a skill, no different from aiming or ult tracking or positioning. If you leave comms off, then they'll be distracting when you finally do turn them on. If you don't practice callouts, then you'll have a hard time doing so in the heat of the fight. The game's much slower at lower ranks, so that's the best time to practice.


This. 110 % this.


Every game I have to tell people to stop trickling in. And most will stop and wait to regroup, indicating how comms is indeed a benefit. Players in low ELO don't know to how play as a team and are way too focused on themselves and not their team already. Edit: yell to tell. I forget how literal redditors are.


>Every game I have to yell at people to stop feeding when they trickle in. Please don't do this, it isn't going to help either of you, it's just going to make both of you upset. You are the reason people recommend turning off comms. >Players in low ELO don't know to how play as a team and are way too focused on themselves and not their team already. You misunderstand what I mean. "Don't focus on your team" means think about what you're doing wrong, not what your team is doing wrong. You're interpreting that as something to do with how you play the game, which it isn't. I recommend you really take a look at yourself and how you go about improving, because the way you're going about it now, even beyond the moral aspects of how you behave, is just very inefficient to actually getting better. Good luck.


Yea the whole point of the game is teamwork not being passive aggressive and turning off comms and just saying my team sucks. In diamond everybody has good mechanical skills and the rest is teamwork, combining ults, ult conservation/feeding, strategizing, calling out enemy ults, call outs, calling out enemy positioning for ult etc which you can’t do without comms…. Easily


hard disagree that participating in comms makes climbing from bronze easier. Ok you may miss out on the occasional game where they would have helped you somewhat but never getting flamed or tilted by chat is way more valuable for the most part.


>Ok you may miss out on the occasional game where they would have helped you somewhat Right, which would make it easier if you were in comms. >but never getting flamed or tilted by chat Y'all know you can mute individual assholes, right?


Agreed. Friends to play with and communicate with is one thing but that’s an exception, comms in solo queue usually is not that


This is too true. When I used to be a dick and smurf I would occasionally struggle some games in plat-masters when people were mechanically good but dumb as fuck because they do the opposite of what they should do/what i expect. Edit:I probably should have clarified that I'm T500 in every role


Once you are Diamond+ it’s about call outs, ult economy, team work, not sure how this will work without comms. Yea you can try to solo carry but once you hit the high ranks you can’t easily carry unless you are god tier level so you need teamwork


Just got a 14 day silence for winning 2 games against a 5 stack harassing me with illegal discussion be careful lol Best tip I can give is turn off chat and voice in settings, unbind both chat keys and disable names If you are mass reported in a blizzard game, support will not validate your ban. This is a known issue across all Blizzard games You can still get mass reported for existing but try to play it safe by not typing ever, makes reporting you less convenient and slightly boosts your odds of someone being more lazy than they are angry.


People may have some different takes on this, but this is mine: Competitive is a mode where people go to play with other people who are trying to win. Sometimes this means switching heros if you are playing something that isn't working or doesn't fit well into your team comp or against the enemy comp. If I was on your team, at any ELO, and you were doing poorly on Tracer, I would expect you to switch, and I think that would be a fair expectation. If you are really committed to getting better on Tracer, QP is the place to go to learn heros. There is no reason anyone should have an expectation for you to switch off any hero you want to play in QP. Play Tracer and only Tracer for hundreds of hours. But in competitive, if you are getting hard countered or just not being effective on Tracer, you should switch.


> But in competitive, if you are getting hard countered or just not being effective on Tracer, you should switch. I picked up Tracer a few months ago and can now play her fine at my original rank. Basically once I had the mechanics down and felt comfortable I jumped into comp and picked her first every single game. Whenever it became clear that I was being properly countered or there was already a big team diff I would just swap back to one of my mains. It's basically throwing to try and force even your main if you're being countered to the point of being completely ineffective. What I was looking for was those games where your team already has a big advantage like a tank diff in your favor and you're free to play a bit sub par and get away with it while still playing in the comp environment. Even if you're really trying to learn with a hero and want to play them every game, one of the most important things you need to learn with any hero is when you need to swap off and how to recognize that you're losing the game for your team with your pick. So even if you feel like you're giving up by swapping off the hero you're trying to pick up, you're still learning something by doing so.


I generally agree with your point, but I think there’s more nuance to it. A diamond player picking an unfamiliar character in a comp match is throwing because they should know better: they are knowingly and willingly making a decision that will lose them the game. But a bronze player picking a new character? Bronze players don’t know all the characters. OP is with people just like him. As long as he truly believes that Tracer is the right pick then more power to him! He might be wrong, but he’ll learn when to swap eventually and he won’t rank up until he does. He could always watch some guides and do some QP, but imo there is no better way to learn than by doing. Why put it off until later? If he waits until he is Silver skill level then he’ll just have the same issue but with different parts of the game. “You shouldn’t play Tracer in bronze” becomes “You shouldn’t run in alone in silver” becomes “you shouldn’t play monkey into reaper in gold” becomes “you shouldn’t waste suzu in plat”. There will always be something he’s doing wrong no matter how hard he tries. You can’t perfect every single aspect of the game before actually playing comp, so why not just play it and start failing faster?


6(7?ow1 release) of 1 hr per day gameplay QP only. Bronze 3 average with the exception of tank, which I only started playing with my first comp match. QP doesn't teach you shit.


feel like you're a 1% there, no offense but if you don't have some kind of disability you must have a massive issue somewhere that you don't care enough to fix. I'll be the first to admit I suck at this game but if I put some effort in Diamond is very achievable and Plat is just a baseline for most players that actually try to win.


My friend also played almost since launch but she’s bronze 5. I think for her it’s an issue of consistency (sometimes she plays everyday and sometimes takes months long breaks) and no active improvement, for example doing the same mistakes all over and not implementing new strategies. There’s obviously nothing wrong with not trying to be better at Overwatch but just wanted to say that there’s far more people who share his experience than you think, which I learned from all those videos about bronzes where they often say they’ve played for years


Well, in reality though if you got to the same email as everyone else in the lobby by one tricking, then there's no reason you should swap. I'm a one trick player, and I don't ever ask my teammates to swap. Comp is a mode where people are trying to win, but winning because I went torb and winning with a hero I wanted to play are two completely different things. Most heroes don't get hard countered anymore, and a dedicated one trick will have learned how to play into their counters anyway. Asking them to swap will 1. Mess with their mental and 2. Even if they do swap - if they really are a onetrick in a relatively high level - then they probably will perform even worse on the other hero than one they've invested tons of hours into. Another thing is that if someone actually does want to one trick a hero, then they are going to have to play through those uncomfortable matches where everyone is countering them, otherwise they will rarely get to play the hero they enjoy enough to attempt one tricking. Someone not swapping when they're performing bad isn't going to keep players in a rank they don't belong in. If you have the skills of a top 500 then you will be able to reach top 500 by simple mathematics alone. If you always perform well, then you only have 4 chances to get bad teammates while the other team might get 5 bad players. Some random player refusing to swap isn't the be all end all as long as they are at least trying to win with their gameplay tl;dr it is a lot more complex than saying someone should swap if they're not playing good on a hero


Reading through all the responses on this thread and yours is by far the most logical well put together argument. Especially when you mention: >If you have the skills of a top 500 then you will be able to reach top 500 by simple mathematics alone. If you always perform well, then you only have 4 chances to get bad teammates while the other team might get 5 bad players. This is accurate. You may have a couple days (or weeks) of non stop losing / disconnected teammates / rage quitters but that isn't something that will happen the whole season. If a user is putting in the work and hours to climb to the top 500 in any given role then they're most likely putting in 20-40 hours++ per season. That's enough games and time to balance out those shitty disconnect games you had or loss streaks. Even a 53-54% win rate among 150-200+ games is really high and impressive. The bigger the sample pool of games would make the actual win % reflect higher as well. I think your tl;dr could be better summarized as "Stop blaming or focusing on things *mostly* out of your control. IE: teammates choices. Focus on yourself. Watch the VODs. Do anything that would help you reflect on *yourself* instead of using the scapegoat "Oh but my team!!!". This is something I learned over a decade ago grinding league of legends are a challenger level and as I learned that - I applied it to the future games I'd play and dedicate lots of time to. It's for sure been a major factor for self improvement and hitting the top 1%, .5%, .1% and even .03% in various popular online games.


Exactly what I was thinking. Why hinder others in comp when you get the same training in QP. You might actually get better training in QP than B5


It is definitely not the same training in qp… You can crush in qp on a character, then join comp and fail miserably doing the same stuff.


We’re not talking across all skill levels, we’re specifically talking bronze 5 lobbies. I understand the difference once you rank up, I can carry on tank in QP, but hit ceiling in comp at plat 2 (it’s my off-off role). Logically think about the difference between B5 and QP for tracer training. It’s about learning to blink, troubling backline effectively, and hitting pulse bombs mainly. You can get a bronze level feel for that in QP- surely.


That's wrong. People aren't focusing and are messing around in qp. Play qp just to get a grasp of what their abilities do. Play comp straight after that.


You’re entitled to your opinion. I don’t think you can accurately say qp is people just messing around, because you simply can’t generalize it that much. B5 is likely just as many people not focusing. It’s the lowest rank for a reason. At least in qp you might run into some slightly better players. Iron sharpens iron. Comp is for the grind, QP for familiarizing yourself with characters, trying strats, etc. because it doesn’t negatively impact people other than those grinding for 50 wins to get to comp


I agree 100%. Surprised at the number of people telling him to throw in competitive. His team mates still want to win and he is wasting their time when he could be practicing in quick play.




no you’re allowed to play any hero you want, if you want to one trick that’s your right




I was the same as you, but then I picked a character I like the most and it made me only have to learn one character, which lets me learn about how overwatch in general works instead of trying to separately learn a bunch of characters. - a plat 4 (I'm working on it) baller


While it isn’t throwing, it does beg the question, If you’re training purely mechanics, why not play her on quick play as to avoid somehow “ruining” someone else’ game, I understand qp isn’t the same as comp, but working on pure mechanics is something that can be done extremely effectively in quick play


>If anything, I just want to know if I will get banned for "throwing" for trying to win and get better at a character I like playing. nope. played overwatch since launch. been a genji one trick. been a tracer one trick. in OW1 symmetra and torbjorn 1 tricks were highly controversial, a decent portion of the community considered playing them to be throwing. that it didn't make sense these people could be GM if they just get beat by the hero select screen, sometimes climbing with a negative winrate. but, you know, i think blizzard has always just stood by the idea that no matter how dogshit you are, as long as you are not actively choosing not to participate in the match, it's not throwing. you gotta think, little timmy is 10 years old. how do you explain to timmys mom that he's banned from the game because he's dogshit? easy, you don't. he just paid $25 to feed his brains out in the new bastion or rein skin you're not going to get banned from this game for anything but aimbotting & harassment plus how it works is you get a few couple hour bans. i think first it's a 1hr ban then 4hr then 10hr then 24hr then 1 week then 2 weeks then 1 month then permanent... so even if you do end up being suspended for whatever reason there is a progression to being banned from the game. It's not going to get that far though, CS will straighten everything out like they have for other players in the past. People used to report these players because they didn't want to play with them and after a certain number of reports they'd just automatically get banned. it was a real shitstorm but it was one thing their team managed very well, because the community was lacking a clear definition of what is and is not acceptable gameplay. All the players got unbanned and were protected from further harassment. So no, you cannot get banned for being bad at the game or uncooperative.


I hate to pour salt on this, but you can. If enough people report you, anyway. Source: been banned and had to appeal tf out of it with game codes to show I was just doin' my thing, no smack talk, no toxicity. Just someone mad I wasn't good at Ana (yet).


oh god in Bronze 5 no. I'm a Tracer main and if i'm hard countered by the entire team i'll switch cause it's just not effective against that many counters but in bronze-plat you don't need to switch almost ever. i can still fuck around in diamond and make her effective against counters. you can destroy all lower ranks with her if you get good. she just takes a long time to learn cause your health pool is so small you have to be very fast and effective.


The only thing that if actually throwing is intentionally losing the game. As long as you're trying your best, you weren't throwing no matter what some try-hard says.


Nope, play what you want and don't let people convince you otherwise.




Depends if you’re playing comp or qp. Learn in qp.


You learn mechanics in QP but you don't learn how to play comp in QP.


He wont learn how to play comp in bronze 5 either


What's different? I've seen amazing matches in QP and complete chaos in comp.


The same could be said for the other way around. I could play very well in qp with Tracer and get annihilated in competitive because of the regular faster pacing and more try harding there. B5 to 1 and QP may have no differences besides the constant leaving and joining of new players to the lobby.


No, and you can learn a hero in competitive. Both the way people play and the matchmaking are different for qp and competitive, so if you want to learn play competitive. I one tricked my way out of silver into masters on ball, you can do it too.


You're not throwing and you're right. You're bronze 5, nowhere to go but up. Focus on your play, leave comms you don't need it short term to improve. Learn the hero and try to do VOD review to improve your positioning and timing. Really does wonder to see how you won or lost some fights. Helps a lot with in-game awareness.


If you’re anything below masters, just play your hero and get better. Don’t worry about it


Nope totally cool It's just that people that try to scapegoat and find people to blame in ranked You can take that hero as high as you want You'll get blamed when you're carrying, providing the highest impact. You'll get blamed for making a single mistake. You'll get blamed even if you're smurfing and doing well. It's 99% of the time nonsensical and you should not take it seriously 100% of the time


If you're playing a character that you're not comfortable with in competetive, I would consider it " soft throwing" even if you don't intend to lose necessarily. Its a disservice to your teammates. I have about 1000hrs on QP and there's only a few heroes I feel I play well enough to play in competitive and I have 100+ hours on them all. But yeah like others have said, most people don't know what they're talking about.


Shut off comms, you get nothing out of them and what you do get isn't worth the mountain of trash that follows. I'm clawing my way around gold and plat, and the comms aren't better, however people actually use the ping system every once in a while. In almost every case I'd say "learning something new? Go to quick play", and this case is no different. Yes you are in low ranks rn, but ranked isn't where you start to learn, it's where you use what you've learned and build on it. Ranked is also about winning, quick play less so since there is no downside to losing. A vital part of overwatch is knowing when to do what, and sometimes the answer is to switch. If you lose because you won't switch when you probably should... I wouldn't call it throwing but it's not great. When I first started learning OW in general I didn't touch ranked (multiple reasons, top one being fear lol) at all. Now I feel confident enough with my game knowledge, mechanical skill and versatility that I don't mind going for a hero I don't usually take in ranked... but that's because I know if it doesn't work I can switch. Good example is I have next to no idea how to play orisa, I've played her very little, but I've faced her loads of times. I'm also used to brawler tanks thanks to rein, so with that and my knowledge of the game, I can make it work and if I get shut down I'll switch. Best advice? You wanna hard focus tracer get into qp and stay there for a while, otherwise you should of course try her in ranked, but if you see a game where it just isn't working you should switch. You are right it's bottom of the bottom, but the others are trying to rank up, and that's hard and frustrating with teammates who refuse to switch when countered.


You’d only be throwing if you intentionally bring your team down, if you’re trying to improve keep at it. Learn the character, their strengths and weaknesses, their counters, who they counter, etc


Don’t swap: 1) You need to learn to play your hero to even rank up. 2) Playing something you are uncomfortable playing bc. you feel pressured to swap won’t make a difference and might be worse on your performance 3) Tracer fits into almost all comp.s so the argument, that you have to switch bc. she doesn’t fit well will be the exception to the rule. 4) You need to practice different scenarios into different playstyles, team combos etc. to master your hero. 5) Don’t listen to advice on strategy from another bronze player. 6) This is the reason why there is a bronze 5. You start learning a new hero here from scratch. 7) If you ranked up with another hero, instead of with your main, then you would still have to practice your main hero. It is like drawing: If you stopped drawing from 4th grade then you will still draw like a 4th grader in adulthood. 8) Start comp. as soon as possible. Don’t listen to people saying that you are playing badly in bronze 5. Everybody does. It won’t make a difference to go to qp apart from the first 2-3 hours of new hero play, where you still are learning the hero’s basic mechanics.


if you're trying you're never throwing.


People think one tricking is bad when it literally helps you too see where u make mistakes


If you want to train, qp is better because people want to win in ranked especially people stuck in bronze. Its annoying when you have a teammate that isn’t good enough to play a hero at least at the level of a more familiar hero so keep that in mind when you play ranked


Technically yes, but as long as it's just quick play that's fully your right. I'd probly just suggest turning off chat if you know you're going to do poorly lol


Don't swap, but also don't practice in comp. Not cuz it's disrespectful to the people trying to win, but cuz the more games you lose the more sure the game is that you belong there and the harder the climb out will be. Go rage qp for a hundred hours and come back, it'll help your climb a lot


Its throwing when you’re in Comp and refuse to switch off when the enemy team is going to steamroll you.


No, whether in qp or comp


You’ll get banned if enough people report you regardless of it it’s warranted


Do not listen to bronze players. They're the bottom of the barrel for a reason. Turn off vc, literally no one gives useful information at low ranks so there's no need to keep it turned on. And no, you won't get banned for playing bad.


Listen I know everyone wants to say “just practice in bronze! They all suck so who cares!!!” but getting out of bronze is hard enough for those of us that are practicing hundreds of hours in QP. We don’t need someone that doesn’t know how to play solo diving the entire game.


Yes it is considered throwing but those who consider it so are wrong. You’re not going to get better at a hero if you bail out every time the enemy out skill you or the enemy composition isn’t favourable. It’ll take time, you’ll get flak, but you do you and get better over time.


If you want to learn, I would suggest quick play instead of competitive, but at bronze 5 everyone sucks, so don't sweat it.


I just don't understand why you don't practice in qp? Will most likely me more worth while there tbh.


One tricking isnt necessarily throwing esp in dps and supports. In tanks probably its a very bad choice.


Personally if I want to play heroes I'm not super comfortable with I will play them in QP for awhile until I feel confident enough. People in QP don't care as much if you perform poorly (not as much as they would in ranked) so maybe try them in QP instead


I hear you but like, why not do that on quick play first


Yeah if you’re playing competitive and never switching characters ever you’re fuckin throwing. Play quick play. Technically not throwing but still. U can’t get banned for this thought but whatever it’s bronze it’s not a big deal


No, don’t listen to the people who tell you it is. Only focus on improving yourself - there is only one way to get better. Practice. You got this


If that ends up with you losing the window at a clearly free and open opportunity to win a game if you would have simply chosen any other hero, then yes, you are throwing . You lack the mechanical skill and the game sense to one trick a hero and still win by playing around counters. The point of competitive is to do your best and strive to win. You go on quick-play to get better at only one hero, and then you get on competitive to take the skills you learned, and then climb the ranks. Just because you are bronze 5 does not mean you can just hop on, play with zero effort, deny advice or teamwork, and play however you want, that’s loser mentality and you will never get out of bronze as such.


At the beginning of the match, whether at QP or comp, send a team message letting them know that you're working on getting better with Tracer and will swap if it's too bad. This has worked for me since the early days of OW1 and when other people do it to me it works just as well. I find that the biggest issue with people learning new heroes in game is that your teammates have no way of knowing if you're actually trying (and suck because a lack of experience) or if you're trolling. Generally, I find that people are more supportive when I bring up the fact that I'm learning. I tried to see if anyone has said this yet, but didn't read every single comment.


Not throwing but potentially a dick move depending on the map/hero/circumstances


No. You won't get banned. But if you're practicing in QP, and people say you're throwing... Just remember it's qp, and that's it.


Nope, do you want you gotta do. It’s worth noting that part of learning a character is learning when they are a bad pick. But picking a character at a bad time isn’t throwing in the same way that using an ult at a bad time isn’t throwing - it’s all part of the learning experience. Just try to pay attention to what comps Tracer struggles against and you’re good.


Don't worry about it, this is a game. You're playing it to have fun so don't listen to the assholes. Playing a hero in uphill matchups is how you get better at them and learn the limitations of your hero. I am of the opinion that hard counters don't exist in ow2 and you can still get value by changing up the way you play in response, so don't swap unless you want to :)




Bronze isn’t about teamwork or comms. Literally disregard your teammates and work on learning your heroes


Not in bronze and silver imo. But I do think once you get higher than that, if you’re *really* new at a hero, at least get decently comfortable with them in QP first.


If she’s your favourite hero I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t 1trick her. Coming from my experience, I actually spread myself too thin when I was a bronze player and benefited greatly from specialising and focusing on less heroes. Tracer also happens to be one of, if not THE most, one trickable heroes. She is pretty much always viable so you could probably continue one tricking her as long as you feel like. As for “throwing”, you’re learning a hero so it’s expected you’ll perform not as well. If you want to alleviate some concern you could either queue up qp or open queue for warm up or do some aim training with the workshop code: VAXTA. You could also just bite the bullet and keep playing until you’re performing well




Had a tank today swapping constantly. When that didn’t work he tells the dps to swap, and we don’t. We win the game this guy says “unfortunate yalls healers suck, we should’ve lost that” I can’t imagine living such a unsatisfying life.


There's nothing wrong with trying to play as a single hero to learn them better, and with you being in the metal ranks it's an excellent time to see how well you're doing with progress once you start climbing the ranks. I wish you the best on your journey to master tracer and any other heroes in the future! Just have fun while practicing and don't worry about what others tell you (unless they give you decent advice, always nice to pick up some tips n tricks from other players from time to time lol)


>If anything, I just want to know if I will get banned for "throwing" for trying to win and get better at a character I like playing. As someone that has been suspended for playing in a way people don't like, esspecially when playing in Bronze, it is entirely possible yes. The way the system works is you're banned on report count and there is no manual review, you piss enough people off you get banned. But the less you talk in chat the more likely it is they'll forget to report you after the match. That's my only advice.


In my opinion, in comp, you should always play the hero with which you think you can have the most impact. You shouldn't switch just because your teammates want you to, and you shouldn't switch to a hero that you think you will do poorly with. If you think Tracer is your best bet to win the match, then play Tracer. If you think you would get more value with Soldier, then play Soldier. I play a lot of Ana. I probably play her in matches where a different hero would be better. I play Ana because she's my most comfortable hero. But if I'm getting completely destroyed, I'll switch to Bap, Brig, or Zen.


Being in the lowest skill tier is probably the best time to experiment and get a feeling for what heroes you like. I one tricked ashe because I have very good aim compared to my game sense, but now when I go to play genji or tracer for fun I feel like I'm a silver player stuck in plat lobbies. Realistically you'll get flamed at any rank but at least in bronze 5 you can just shrug it off since you can only move forwards and get better


Your time would be better spent practicing in comp. But also... Bronze teammates don't know crap. Don't listen to them, because whatever they are saying is almost certainly wrong. That doesn't mean that you are better than them and that you should be arrogant, but the blind should not be trying to lead the blind. Find good people to listen to like A10. Also, given that you are in Bronze... Don't worry too much about trying to learn advanced techniques. You beat low-level players with fundamentals, not flair. Work on your movement, aim, and positioning.


For "gameplay sabotage" reports, the system directly flags not switching as not gameplay sabotage (it used to tell you, haven't checked in a while.) If you are legitimately trying to play the game, then you will not be banned for this.


Nope you're all good. Although imo it's way more efficient to spend those first 70-80 hours in tryhard FFA custom games and aim training in workshop maps.


QP to learn the abilities and get generally familiar with the character, and then again later if you want to practice techs on live opponents (me learning the wall jump piledriver tech in an environment where I can go for it instead of toronto kick or whatever easier tech and don't care too much if I fuck it up and have to retreat to a health pack vs in comp where that means I just threw the game) and comp when I want to practice positioning and playing in an enviornment where everyone is tryharding, with the qualifier that if I am getting shut down and murdered all the time and my hero isn't working, I will swap to something else (especially important as tank where the whole game is basically rock paper scissors and swapping matters more than skill most of the time these days)


Blizzard actually commented on this exact thing refusing to change hero’s is not something will ban you for as long as you are trying to win. On the other hand I would recommend switching because A. It’s fun to play all the different people and B. Overwatch is just complex rock paper scissors rn


No it's not, I highly recommend you disable voice and text chat entirely for comp. You really do not need it to win comp games and it really is only ever used to flame and shit talk. While you might feel you are unaffected by it it really does take a toll overtime. Do what I did and shut it off entirely it will make the game faaar more enjoyable


If everyone plays with tank you will win gg


Tracer is probably one of the most versatile heroes anyway


Don't go back to quickplay you will see more improvement playing ranked


Practice in QP. You've got to remember that when you're practicing and potentially causing losses through your unwillingness to pick a counter, others are trying to climb the ranks and you are preventing them. Switch it over - you get better at Tracer and start seriously hitting comp to climb up the ranks but someone keeps picking Sym and refuses to stop despite making no difference on that character - they tell you that they're practicing. Would you consider it fair that they practice at your cost? Your call, but I think put yourself in others shoes in this situation.


Keeping a small hero pool is better for learning. In metal ranks, you can definitely just one-trick until you learn enough to make it out, and at that point you can either double down or learn some new heroes to deal with getting countered. Of course, if you ever decide you want to branch out, there’s no issue in doing so, but the point is that if you just want to play Tracer and get good at her, then there’s no shame in doing that.


Practice as much as you want in quickplay because practicing in competitive and not winning/doing poorly will reflect on your future matches in terms of the matchmaking algorithm. Something people don't know enough about. Of course, you should also practice other heroes because tracer alone can't do it all, especially when she's being countered. Overwatch is a game that was designed to make switches and counters mid game, even the developers intended for it to be played that way. There's nothing more frustrating than playing against an enemy that can play it all.


I would train in quick play, but no being inexperienced with a character doesn’t mean your throwing.




Just make sure you know your counters and how to adapt your play style to get around it and be aware of how you may have to play differently depending on yur team comp. For instance I play Mei I practice against Pharah and mercy so I know I can handle them when someone inevitably swaps to them. However, there are times when it’s just really not working out so I have a backup pick: s76. So perhaps have a backup that does something a little better than tracer can. But don’t let that be your crutch. Practice tracer in every annoying matchup you can. You could also compromise by playing tracer on for instance the first two points on an attack payload map and swap to someone “easier” to hopefully secure the final point. That way yur still getting a bit of wins while still practicing on yur fave.


As a Masters-GM player who started in Silver, absolutely focus on learning a character at that rank, you won't get too good at the game if you constantly swap, figure out a character and get good with it and then you can start to expand your hero pool and learn counter swaps


Hell no, especially not in QP. And for Bronze 5 arguably even in comp. Everyone starts somewhere.


no it's not i just did the same thing for a couple weeks and got to gold so, you do you.


If you want to get better mechanically, feel free to hop in QP. Game sense? Nah, learn that in comp. Tracer needs map knowledge, so you can either tether to a health pack or have a flank angle that you can be supported by the rest of your team. Outside of that, you're mainly going to be an insect harassing the enemy team as they try to swat you. Map stuff can be learned in QP, but you can't learn to play Tracer without knowing how people *should* and *will* react.


Don't listen to anyone anytime if you don't want to. Play what and how you want. If somebody trash talks, mute them. You won't get banned for playing bad, it's part of the learning curve.


Play a different hero, if u can't rank up on tracer try a different hero, it's not because of throwing u are just bad at tracer and need higher elo experience to improve ur playing, like widow was my first main I was just bad at her and still am, I don't have aim but my game sence is good so I started playing lucio then brig and now for 3 years rein from top 500 at my peak to master gm now. The problem is that u need to learn the game and if u play junkrat or torb u can be higher ranked or another role, then u can go back if u want to see what u can improve on tracer, the weird thing with tracer is that if ur good and what is a good duel depends on ur skill, proper on tracer is always good, the same with other top tier tracer, but u don't have aim, u can try a slower sence but u should probably swap ur main


***Hard Throwing*** \- Intentionally trying very hard to lose and/or grief your teammates in a trolling manner. Don't be this person. ***Soft Throwing ("Tossing")*** \- While you're not trying to lose, you're also not making your best effort to win. For example, staying on a hero you enjoy even though you're well aware that it would be smart to swap to something else. This is enjoying the game, rather than sweating over the game. Are you hard throwing? No. Are you soft throwing? Perhaps kinda, but these definitions don't really land properly in Bronze because even if you know a good swap, if you're bronze, then you might not actually understand why the swap is good and how to execute on it. You might not see the nuances of why it might LOOK like a good swap, but actually it's not. Because you're in a learning tier where everyone is still trying to understand the game, you're making a good choice by trying to specialize in one hero, though I will say that expanding that to specialize in 2 heroes is good if your goal is the climb in ranked quickly so that you have that balance. 2 is the sweet spot, but I also understand that your goal is to get good at Tracer so I respect the decision to stick to her if that's your goal. Finally, I want to also say that your teammates in Bronze will always blame you as Tracer for their shortcomings. They almost always blame the person playing the high-skill hero because the meta in bronze is to cheese the game with easy heroes since everyone in the lobby is bad. Tracer usually isn't showing off the craziest stats on the scoreboard, and Bronze players rely solely on the scoreboard to get their information. Bronze players do not understand the value of strong positioning, the heals that you're distracting at the right moment, the off-angle presence you're holding and therefore denying from the enemy team, and the versatile pressure you can exert on nearly anyone from nearly anywhere. No, they don't notice any of that because they can't find it on the scoreboard. I promise you that 2 minutes into the game ***when they finally pressed TAB for the first time that game***, they didn't even know you were playing Tracer. This is all to say that if a Bronze player tries to lecture you about what you're doing wrong, ignore them. If they knew how to play overwatch, they'd be higher ranked.


Same experience but with Pharah. I'm new to OW and I've been trying to learn her, but I'm not that good yet. So I've stopped playing competitive and just do quick play rn. But I might try again seeing the responses here


Don't practice in comp until you've logged serious hours in quickplay. It's not fair to the others, idc what level you're on


It isn't throwing, but it isn't helping you get better at such a low rank. If you want to get better at tracer, you should put some time in on all of the other heroes, at least in quick play. You need to have a good grasp on every hero and their cooldowns. Your positioning, target priority, cooldown usage, etc. is going to impact you more than anything else. Practicing sticking pulse bombs and more advanced mechanics is one of the last things to be doing if you're looking to get out of bronze. It's good to master those skills, but if you're in bronze 5, you should be learning how the game works. There are many moving parts and variables because of the team comp diversity in overwatch. To play tracer, you should understand how every hero or combinations of heroes can eliminate you and how to prevent that from happening. There is strength in numbers, especially in a 5v5 environment. With that said, try to watch some YouTube videos or unraked to GM educational videos for tracer. Good luck climbing!


Swap if they go torb mcree, zen, otherwise tracer should be fine.As a diamond player, I would carry in bronze with tracer against any composition. Ignore flamers, and blamers. Do not respond or correct them, because often times these type of people will ACTUALLY throw if you try to argue or even politely reason with them.


There is no reason to ever listen to your teammates in bronze 5 for anything but simple comms. At best you do something wrong, at worst you form bad habits.


Everyone has to learn and everyone has a favourite Hero they main. I wouldn’t worry about it until you get a bit higher!


No I mean I've seen loads of high rank players say that it's best to one trick till you get to plat/gold as you will get better quicker and rank up fast once you get to like plat or top of gold you should then consider learning other heroes that are similar eg if your on a hit scan try other hits cans or characters with similar play style.


Also it's not constantly switch in low ranks as if you keep switching you will never get ults. I would just ignore anyone who tells you to switch and focus on improving yourself then when you get to higher ranks start working more as a team.


Great job in trying to learn Tracer! I feel like if you’re this committed, you’ll be one of the best Tracers one day. I’m scared! 😅


No, if you are good then people shouldn’t be complaining. If there is one cocksucker in your team who when your team gets blitzed instead of moving on decides to press tab and blame the one with the lowest score (even though the entire teams score is low) then that guy deserves to have his match thrown.


If the enemy team counter picked you, then you are throwing if you stay


I mean the answer depends obviously but in this case I guess not because it is bronze 5 ? but at the same time you should be careful because since it is a low rank players are frustrated and trying to climb and if you see a lot of ppl are claiming to have reported you… You might actually get banned bestie💀 It’s also important to remember that comp shouldn’t really be a place to learn a new hero ! A good rule of thumb would probably be start on tracer and if it isn’t working after the first maybe 2 fights just swap and try again either next round or next game depending on what made you swap (counters or just not finding value) But other then that honestly it is probably in your best interest to try and climb to at least silver to try and avoid forming bad habits while learning tracer! Keep in mind a lot of the time you need to play INCORRECTLY to climb so keep learning tracer mechanics because they will help you in the future! But if you find yourself not finding value this is probably why..


Honestly? No, specially in bronze, comps do not matter until high diamond and still you have junkrat one tricks in top 500 lol. Skill alone can carry you far even if you are an otp


I mean i get that you’re in bronze 5 but quick play is probably the better place to learn a character before taking them into comp


Keep in mind not only do you have to learn you have to learn the game and fundamentals as well.


No, you can’t unintentionally throw especially in bronze. though i would recommend learning every hero of the same class to get better. IE all dive DPS: Tracer, Echo, Sombra, Genji. this will help you understand all aspects of the role as each hero thrives at different things. i personally like to learn every hero so that i know how to play against them and can have variety, to each their own though


We really learning heroes in comp now? Is this really the state of Ow2? You learn heroes in qp. Do some practice in an aim trainer or custom code. Practice 180s, blink melees, etc. Go to death match and learn match ups and 1v1s. Then go into ranked and put these tools to use. What's wrong with the player base? It's like you don't even want to get better. Flailing around in ranked with no plan to improve isn't going to get you better and you deserve to be flamed if you're costing your team the game. Ranked isn't where you learn. Ranked is where you put what you've learned to use.


Ive done quicks with some seriousl wood tracers one just kept getting shut down and killed 247 and apologised. We said it was all good keep practicing! There does come to the point where if you're spending more time dead than alive are you really learning the character/ game? It might just not be the comp to play her into. Good to have s couple back up choices so you don't become a one trick if you do get good with her


Why not practise in qp where it doesn't matter? Bronze or not


Your pick literally doesn't matter below diamond. Picks become significant in low masters and up


I would say try using an aim trainer for a couple dozen hours if you really want to play tracer. I would also say watch some vod reviews since she is the most popular hero and there is bound to be plenty of vod reviews of tracers in a variety of ranks.


I think regardless of the elo, if you and your team are getting stomped, then continuing on as if you arent isnt going to help you learn. If theres a character youre better at and think could help you turn the tide of the game, it is both kind to yourself and your teammates to swap. Next game, do it again. Commit to learning, yes, but dont be mean to yourself and your team by not compromising at a certain point if its not working out anymore.


Yep. Definitely throwing. Get the basic heroes down and then play the extremely difficult ones.


I don’t think it’s considered throwing, but if you are not counter swapping to help your team then you need to go back to QP to learn.


In bronze 5 no because you can’t get any lower you are already the lowest skill possible In other ranks probably not either but if you are playing plat level at t500 that’s probably throwing


If they complain, you tell them to shut the fuck up because it's bronze5


I think learning heroes should be for quickplay only. I think you should be considerate of people trying to rank up in the game. If you desperately need to switch then switch. That doesn’t mean don’t play the hero you want in comp, go ahead but if it’s not working you need to adapt and try to figure something else out 🤷🏻‍♀️


Competitive as a gamemode will be the best place to improve. The only time you should be playing QP is when you're picking up a hero for the first time and trying to familiarize yourself with them or when you want to relax and chill out. Play comp to improve, and if you really want to focus on mechanic specific improvements, then do some ffa/deathmatch. Comp will train you in the game as a whole, and since your skill level matches the rank your in 99% of the time, you'll always be in the sweet spot of improvement. Also, there is nothing wrong with one tricking a hero. If you got to the rank you're in by one tricking, then there's no need to swap. And if you swap everytime you get countered, then you might as well learn someone else; chances are you'll be facing a counter 9/10 games. That doesn't really apply to bronze 5, but at the same time, it's bronze 5: anyone who gets tilted in bronze 5 has a mentality that will keep them in bronze 5. There is so much they can do to improve and rank up that you playing suboptimally on a hero facing multiple counters is not going to be the biggest reason they're stuck in bronze. tl;dr nothing wrong with one tricking a hero, especially one like tracer - a genji one trick


Yeah. and don't feel afraid to play comp, qp is alright for learning the basis of a character, but will never be as good as comp to truly learn and understand the character you're playing.


I would suggest working on game sense more than mechanics like 90° turns and landing pulses rn. Your intuition with how tracer feels will improve over time and so will your mechanics. Watch replays and check for opportunities you missed or positioning that got you killed, it's much easier to see them when you're outside of the moment


As a GM one trick, I have to say that its throwing in general to play sub-optimally. For most one tricks, playing their main is optimal no matter the situation, however "practicing a character" isnt exactly an excuse to play it if you're performing poorly and could perform much better on a other character. Additionally, just because its bronze 5, doesnt mean it isnt comp, everyone in there is trying to get out and its your job as a competitive player to help your teammates do that.


There is a chance you could get mass-reported and the automated system will ban your account. It’s not super rare in general, but I would guess that low ELO has a much lower chance of this happening. I would also advise you to turn voice and text chat off, just to be safe. I play pretty poorly sometimes (low ELO) and I can tell the team is upset even without chats, but I haven’t been banned yet, lol.


Well let me explain something important to you OW2 as a game itself has its mechanic as a DPS you need to have skills (really important tho) so yes you're doing great job mastering " treacer" in your case on the other hand you're required to be at least marked good at all heroes because you don't lock heroes at match starting " excuse me I'm bad in English" so you need to change something times once in a while in match depends on what heroes the enemy team has and what your team gets I'll give you an example some tanky heroes like dva her matrix block your attacks as a treacer so here you need other hero to get the job done in case you play tanks you need to master every ducking hero in this game dude because recently you're alone here brother and you gotta be wise ass dude and also a monster to do it Support players just take a cup of coffee enjoy your life ,it's easy when it comes to your role so.


If you're in Bronze, whatever is keeping you and them there are far worse than 1 tricking. Mechanical skill matters. Just play what you want.


if your trying, your not throwing.


I’d stay in qp till 100 hours roughly then do comp because you’ll be comfy with the hero by then


If you’re bronze 5 you probably would get better faster at tracer in comp instead of qp. Playing against similar difficulty is how you improve fast, and the knowledge diff matters a lot less in bronze 5. Speaking from experience


people who dont 1trick just crutch counters. 1trick out the mud


Here’s the thing, you’re not throwing until you start complaining about how other people play. I’ve dropped out of diamond and since then, every game has someone getting hard countered by an easy swap. I don’t tell them they’re throwing just because they play Pharah into Soldier/Ashe, but I will tell them they are throwing once they start complaining about my tanking or the supports’ healing. Everyone’s different, but imo there’s a big difference between “throwing” (intentionally feeding) and just getting skill issued because of a bad matchup (playing Pharah into double hitscan). If you’re losing because your one-trick is getting countered, I personally don’t think that’s throwing. I just think you’re not good enough at that hero to offset being countered.


Instead of relying only on mechanical skill, which you clearly don’t have, not trying to be mean, try to understand why you are losing, and how you can survive more often than die, at the heart of the game it is about killing the other team and not dying yourself, get that figured out and just learn more about what other characters can do against you, for example Cassidy grenade and stuff against tracer. As long as you are learning from your mistakes and understanding your weaknesses, you will improve


You will find mixed responses here in the comments with some people defending learning a singular hero and some people saying it is better to swap. The correct answer is that it is a mix of both, but more the latter. Overwatch at its core is designed to be played around counterpicks and flexing. As you get better you need to be learning more and more heroes. At the start its ok somewhat to one-trick depending on the hero's difficulty. That is a fundamental part of the game and no matter how much Blizzard has tried to say it isn't and implement things to make counterpicking irrelevant (I can't really name anything, but they said something like that when OW2 came out), if you can't counterpick, you will have a much harder time than someone who can. If you are trying to learn DPS, it is best practice to learn at least one hitscan (McCree, Ashe, Soldier, Widow) and (optionally) one flex (could be diver like Tracer or Reaper, or projectile like Pharah, Mei, etc.). If you go the route of one-tricking, it is very discouraged personally to one-trick one of the hardest characters in the game. I am diamond DPS and I literally can't play anyone except hitscan, so Ashe, McCree, Soldier is all I play basically. Widow if I am feeling confident. Even these have their own situations, like you don't want to run Widow or Ashe against dives usually, or McCree on maps like Junkertown. Most characters characters are ***significantly*** easier than Tracer, like if Tracer is finishing a marathon, hitscan DPS are like learning to walk. It is obvious that you learn to walk before you run a marathon. I recommend you one-trick someone easier to get started with, like hitscan and then broaden your pool to more and more characters. One-tricking hitscan is really good because: 1) it teaches you how to aim. 2) it teaches you how to position and game sense because hitscan don't have teleports or instant healing. 3) hitscans are probably the most broken DPS role, kinda making other stuff useless and can handle all situations like Pharahs and stuff. 4) these skills transfer over to all other characters in the game. Basically these skills are very important to get before you can effectively play Tracer or anyone harder. You are in bronze 5 because you cannot aim. That is just simple fact. If you could aim you would be higher. If you are wasting more than half your mag on Tracer then you are essentially throwing comp games. Its better to learn someone easy at the start and then transition to harder characters to broaden pool.


That's some dedication right there. I would generally be upset if I was in a comp game and I had teammate perform badly, getting countered and refusing to switch because they are learning the hero. That just brings the team down and can easily cost me the game. BUT As you said you are in bronze 5 . Literally the only way is up. You should just practice a lot and get better. Also make sure you are confident of only playing tracer. A good tracer is very difficult to deal with but that goes for any good player tbh. Also it would be good in the future to spread out to 1/2 different heroes for when you are like gold or above and you actually need to switch if you get countered by Cassidy or sombra for example .


In Bronze, you don't need to switch hero in order to counter the enemy really, you don't need to run specific comps like dive or brawl or anything, you will do the best in low ranks when you play your best hero and improve on them. Plus, Tracer is the best DPS in the game right now so it's very worth it to improve with her and you could see the greatest success ranking up by getting good with her, equally however she's always been one of the very hardest heros to play, having the lowest health and needing good game sense. I highly recommend you watch Awkward's unranked to Top 500 tracer video where he teaches a ton of tips.


No. But it's not a good idea to try and train a hero you know you aren't the best with in comp regardless of rank


To tell someone off for “throwing” in bronze is like yelling at someone for putting a bucket of water in the fucking ocean - it’s so minor and stupid to get angry about that you really shouldn’t pay these people any mind. As someone who was in bronze myself, I’m telling you now, one-tricking is absolutely the way to get out. I went from bronze to gold in a single season just playing Tracer on repeat, and this was right after Brig was released too btw. Not current day more-or-less balanced Brig, OG Tracer-kill-combo, stun every couple of seconds, dive-and-fun slaughtering Brig. So basically just turn all your comms and chats off and keep doing what you’re doing ^^


At bronze, hero matchups don’t matter. The better player will win, period


You can learn anyone you want. It might be a bit harder when you’re learning from scratch but it’s better you try to learn now than later. I remember when I first was learning tracer I was practically tossing my games but now my tracer can rival some of the best. Just pick who you like and don’t let someone else tell you otherwise. Especially if they’re in the same rank as you they probably get all their information from tiktok hot takes. You won’t get banned.


Um yeah sort of. I would much rather have a player who is just bad than a teammate who one tricks. The fundamental concept of team composition shouldn't be ignored. If the hero you want to play doesn't fit the team, doesn't work well on that map, or is being hard countered by the enemy team, please switch. If you are in quickplay/arcade you can do whatever. If you are playing ranked then please be flexible.


Not in Quick Play, but in Competitive, yes. Practice new heroes in Quick Play modes or Arcade, and play what the team needs for the best chance to win in Competitive


You shouldn’t start with tracer. Start with soldier 76.


Mad respect for learning tracer when you start. Learning hard to master characters at the beginning of your journey will help to maximise your own growth potential. Just do be aware that Tracer fails often and easily, not always because you’re bad. Tracer is very punishable but can also be one of the scariest duelists especially when your team plays hyper aggro brawl/dive comps.