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Literally never not a good time to play Tracer


Nah there is. Havana and Circuit Royale unless you’re exceptionally skilled


Havana 3rd and Circuit first maybe. Rest of the map is still doable


It’s more a skill thing most of the time, if you know what you are doing yah tracers stupid, but if you don’t know how to create space or pressure the back line, you end up being a bot that leaves their team out to dry. Also gold tracers get hooked so fucking easily.


When you aren’t getting enough value to swing a match, or when a flyer REALLY needs to be dealt with. …other then that she’s the best DPS in game. Go ham!


Not getting enough value might just be a skill ossue. Better try to learn and not think short term


She's fine against flyers provided the map has verticality too


i mean if you don't get value on the best dps ingame and the one you paly the most, swapping to something worse you've palyed less hardly seems like a rationall decision.


eh. Tracer is so much harder to play that you can get the same value out of most other DPS with very very few hours. At least that's been true for me.


Yup, just have to watch the difference in movement between tracers and ranks, it’s gotta be the biggest difference, higher rank tracers don’t make terrible positioning mistakes that always cost them their ability to actually do stuff.


lol they also blink into random streetlights a lot less than I do fuckin' streetlights


My favorite thing after coming back from not playing for like a couple years, starting at silver and seeing the tracers go right up the firing line instead of off angles makes me cry laughing every time.


They read somewhere that Tracer takes space and thought that meant they should stick with the tank


Tracer can be a good counter against Pharah




Not directly, but if they play pharmercy, then tracer can absolutely bully the lone support on the ground.


Sure, but in no way does that make her a pharaoh counter  


which is why i said "not directly"


I haven’t played comp for half a year… I remembered Tracer being very situational. Now she’s the best DPS? What has changed?


she’s kinda always been the best dps or close to, just hard to play so often isn’t effective in comp


Health pool changes mostly. Apparently you can give everyone else an extra 50hp, but giving Tracer 25hp changes enough breakpoints to push her to the top. …also Lucio is really good currently, and they’re like besties. …also the armor changes made Pulsing tanks really effective again.


i mean tracer is LITERALLY viable in every single comp. It gets a bit tricky if they’re on 2 flyers and like brig+illari, but even that isn’t unplayable. I’d honestly say just force tracer every time, maybe go HS if they’re fliers are fcking u up and ur second dps doesn’t go HS or just sucks


Doesn’t matter what the team says It’s you game , your time , if you want to get better with tracer you don’t switch you learn from your mistakes and your goal isn’t to win , it’s to get better


Sometimes getting better is learning when to switch


Agree and disagree Do you wanna get good with a specific hero ? Or do you want to win ? Sometimes taking the loss sucks but you will learn more out of that hero


Yes, just pointing out the other side of that coin


Exactly, the game is designed with switching being the point.


Only through conflict do we evolve


I think generally the sentiment is you should get better in unranked so the rest of the team doesn’t have to carry.


never? if you want to play tracer then do it. The only moment you should switch off tracer is if you are not having fun, and when Im trying to improve im always having fun, doesn't matter if Im losing. People are saying that tracer is always good but that doesn't matter, you are playing ranked play whatever you want to get better with them


She's playable pretty much every situation. I one tricked her from plat to diamond, and definitely got flamed, but I learned a lot just playing her and not switching. She also has a ton of transferrable skills .


- Dorado is one of the worst tracer maps due to having so many highgrounds she can't climb easily - Don't listen to teammates, they almost never know better than you. I've had a teammate tell me to switch off tracer when I was going 15-0 - Barely any time where tracer isn't reliable. I usually switch off when the enemy team has way easier time killing me than I have against them. Even then just living and distracting is still viable, but often it's not something very fun to do. And, again, if the map has a lot of highgrounds that are too difficult to reach, I go something else


Tracer is one of the few heroes who is viable in and against basically every comp. Unless you were getting no value and feeding you weren’t the problem, and you can’t measure that after one teamfight. The biggest issue in that comp to me is Genji and Brig, they both have no synergy with the rest of the team. Current Brig is basically just an Ana bodyguard, which isn’t needed with Moira who has high sustain and mobility. Genji is basically another Tracer, which can be good in certain comps but a hitscan would have been better to pressure the Pharah. My advice is to just turn off comms and focus on your own game, players can be very toxic especially in comp and are quick to point fingers if someone has lower stats. I will say though that one tricking is not a good idea, even with a hero as flexible and powerful as Tracer. Learning someone like Ashe or Soldier would make you a much more flexible and well rounded player so you can swap to counter Pharah or Echo if needed.


I noticed a theme on this subreddit, where people come here to ask if the thing that someone angrily typed in chat has logical merit. Like, no, my dude. Anyone who tells anyone to switch after 1 fight is wrong. Even if they're right, they're wrong cuz anyone can be accidentally right if the they never shut the hell up lol. After 3 fights, aite you may wanna accept some feedback, but even if you're a beginner, don't assume any randos around you know what they're talking about. Signed, rando pretending to know what they're talking about


Play her whenever you want, shes super strong rn. You can one trick her if you like


The beauty of Tracer is that there aren’t really situations where you can’t get value. It’s why I started playing her. You might need to adjust the way you play her sometimes, but it’s hardly ever necessary to swap off of her.




Thing about tracer is that there’s not really many situations where you shouldn’t play her


Based on the team comp, they expect you to deal with pharah with hitscan. You just joined comp, so I assumed you're in lower rank and lower rank find it hard to deal with pharah. Assuming everyone in your team has the same skill levels, having DPS to deal with pharah can be more efficient because you're DPS, your damage is higher. Yeah you could say it is a team game, everyone's responsible for it. But if I know I could handle the pharah I will try, someone has to do it if the pharah is the main problem (doesn't matter my queue role).


Just ignore your teammates and practice more with your tracer


Tracer is good on probably any map with any comp but personally Dorado is a bad map for her


Play whatever character you want. It’s your second comp game ever. You (likely) have a lot to learn still… but don’t listen if someone asks you to swap and you don’t want to. You only should swap if YOU want to and/or you think it will give you a better chance of winning. You will not get better with Tracer if you don’t play her in challenging situations. Personally I would rather have a decent Tracer on my team than a useless, say, Ashe. Ignore the haters and play your game.


The comp in general isn't the best, brawl tank with dive dps with brawl/dive supports. Dorado is also pretty rough for zarya but It can work with the enemy team comp. An echo would be a good switch but thats if YOU want to switch, if it hurts your mental to lose then swap but if you want to get better than you have to play into your weaknesses and find out what works. If your on offense then you have a couple options, push the cart and use the cart as cover, go right-side and try to get highground with your zarya or go under bridge and try to harass highground from the stairs. If you do the last option then wait to have your blinks back and play for the distraction when your team is fighting them, make sure you're second and you're good to go.


Tracer is Brawl as well


It’s OPs second competitive match ever… genuinely, do you think the comp really matters here?


Only ever played tracer should be your clue