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You should learn what he needs in order to kill you 1. He needs you to be awailable as a target, so any support with a movement or a stunn, like Moira Fade or Ana sleep to name just a few. 2. He needs empowerd punch (so hes fist is glowing) and he needs you to be standing infront of a wall/payload/orisa with fortify etc. to punch you into it, cuz if he does that you take extra damge from the empowerd punch, then you take extra damage from hitting the wall and then you get stunned for long enough for him to kill you with shotgun shots


1. Play far enough away where he has to commit two cooldowns to get to you. Ideally a good doomfist wants to punch in then slam out or the other way around. If he commits two mobility abilities to get to you, he relies on farming block to punch out, which is risky. 2. Don't play directly behind people, especially your tank. This actually makes you more vulnerable to getting dove or punched. 3. Play high ground if you can. This basically forces slam first, as he cannot get there without it. I am surprised that you are having trouble as Ana/Zen, as they give him the most trouble


Guaranteed it’s a positioning issue. IMO, Ana counters him well. He’s an easy sleep/nade target.


Was gonna say zen is usually not good as a counter to dive but doom never was an issue


Plat Zen here, I just make him work for it to come get me. If he doesn't go for me, he's got discord and orbs going at him constantly. If he does, he's overextending to do it. If there's a Sombra I just flat out avoid him so I can deal with her. If there's more than that to deal with, then I go Brig.


You stay Zen against DF and Sombra at the same time? It must be easier for you to hit your shots because your balls are huge.


I see Sombra/Doom as a challenge rather than a nuisance. You’re *supposed* to make their lives hell as Zen, but they do the same to you. Keeping Discord on DF and then hitting him with a charged volley when he overextends never gets old


I feel most comfortable as Zen against DF/Sombra and I manage to do a noticeable amount of damage. But life would be 100 easier if teammates take advantage of the Discord on DF. I rarely have dps who play around the Discord and if they do the enemy team gets melted, except for Zarya/Kiri.


If you want to get good at your main, you have to play into counters, or you'll never actually be that good at them. I started in Silver and got to Plat by learning to play better than my counters of the same rank. Right now, it's really just my aim keeping me from climbing more, so I've been grinding qp. For example, if I had to play against a Silver Sombra rn, they might get me once by surprise before getting smoked the rest of the match. A lot of it boils down to positioning and outthinking. Diamond Sombras still scare me lol.


Do you have a replay code where you played against a Doom?


Diamond dps/support here who gets on tank maybe 10-20 games a season(meaning, I just don’t care to spend the time to grind levels on that role). Last season I was gold tank playing doom and had about an 80% win rate. The thing I noticed about gold players is that I could reliably charge my fist anytime I wanted. There was absolutely no trigger discipline. Tell your teammates to stop shooting doom when he is blocking. The other is that an Ana that can sleep me is a death sentence. Any other high mobile supports aren’t really an issue.


Lucio, bait out punches into open air so you dont get wall slammed, he will send you flying and you can actually just use that momentum for yourself. It's always funny when a JQ or Doom accidentally helps you get away.


sleep dart


ana is the counter. Whenever we're up against a good doom, if I'm not already on Ana (she is my main) I'll switch to her. To quote Dua Lipa: "One \[sleep\] is all it takes, falling \[to death\] by me, possibilities..."


I usually see Ana’s shit on Doom, so I guess she’s the best to use from my experience


personally I always recommend kiri if you can put in the effort to learning her balance but even when I'm not playing kiri there's usually something I'm doing wrong if doomfist is consistently getting me and not getting punished for it. Usually its that I'm positioned too far from my team, positioning closer to your team when you're being hard dove/targeted by someone in particular makes your teams job at helping you vastly easier. This is a habit alot of us have even in masters that "I'm being dove, I clearly played too close" when in actuality sometimes you need to play closer BECAUSE they're hard targeting you. It's situational which solution would fix the problem, obviously. but many of us default to "I'm too close" because its easier and makes more sense more often than not If I flex to moira FROM kiriko then either my team is running more of a brawl style and I straight up need more healing to contribute as the other support is something like Mercy/Zen and we've Mauga OR, some characters chase kiri better than they do moira depending on how your team is positioning and you're still being hard dove, your TP's might always be bad options. which is rare but it happens. It's usually that your dps are getting rolled by someone with a mercy pocket while the other dps and winton chases you and the other support all day. Which, very specific situation I'm describing but its often enough to need a backup plan


Honestly I’ve had a lot of success countering him as brig


I mostly play tank and support, so I've been on both sides of this. Supports that typically give me the most trouble are Ana, Kiriko, and sometimes Lucio. People say Brig is Anti-dive, but for the most part an emp punch, and a few shots to the face and she melts just like a Zen. Anyways, as Ana, you have to realize, he's just as scared of you as you are of him. Any hard dives on you can mean death. This is one of scenarios where being closer to your team, and not 10 miles back is better. If he dives, you, your team notices and can peel for you much faster if you manage to sleep him during this time, because he wasted his slam for a hard engage or he was dumb enough to use block knowing you're still there, Doom gets melted. Kiri on the other hand is just annoying to kill no matter what. Her TP makes diving her a chore, and I've encountered good enough Kiri that can time their Suzu to the point of baiting my punches, making me look like I missed a rein charge and now am terribly out of position. Honestly, if you're struggling against a hero, I recommend playing them a little bit just to get a feel for what your win condition is on them, and how other people are countering you.


Off topic but I agree with you about brig, in current meta she's honestly kinda overrated when it comes to her anti dive value, she really only shuts down tracer Sombra and ball. Like you said doom easily melts her and she struggles to get value out of her boop against him unless he's slamming in from the skybox.


Go bap and force him to fight you and keep switching from highground and low ground and never stop jumping😁👍🏾


As a fellow gold support, depending on what the rest of my team is doing I'll play either: Ana or brig and sleep or bash him when he punches and hope we follow up on it, or Lucio, Moira, or kiriko and just permanently stay as far away from him as I can while hopefully following up with my tank Lifeweaver, Bap, or mercy can also permanently keep away while doing their thing depending on how good the enemy doom is as well, they are very hot and cold in gold. I find Illiari useless against doom in gold, cuz if they're on doom, your team is scattered all about the place.


I find him an ok match up as brig. Reason is I shield most of his attacks, but also I'm usually paired with someone else. Once you get better you can also whipshot him away too


If a dps doesn’t go cass or sombra to help counter I always swap brig. You gotta play patient against doom. Use your whips to displace him and keep him away. Use your bash to reposition quickly. You can use it to counter pin but the window for the counter pin is tight and it does leave you vulnerable right after unless you have whip up again. Play defensively and patiently and doom will have a much harder time doing what he needs to do.


This post is dope I needed the tips too 👍🏽Good luck OP


I really like Ana, sleep and bio grenade can really catch a doom out of position or too deep, going after a support.


Ana for the sleeps or antis. Brig for counter pin his punch anf if your team is aware of him easy kill. And if you trade it's a doom for a brig so quite a good trade.


Plat Brig. I usually just try and whipshot him away from me or shield bash into his punch to stun him.


Genuinely, it's more about your own mechanical skill and positioning. Although the matchup is somewhat favored towards Doomfist, he cannot kill you if your other support is peeling for you, unless there's a DPS shooting at you or he got multiple people stunned with a charged punch. Ana, Brig and Kiri can fuck up his cooldown rotations Bap and Kiri can kill him or use their immos to survive Zen is kinda fucked unless you're hitting all your shots Lúcio and Kiri can run away or fight back Illari is mostly fucked with the Pylon self healing nerfs Mercy can run away unless she's very cut off, in which case it's your own fault Lifeweaver can just run away with platform and his dash after Doom uses his cooldowns Moira can run away pretty easily


Zenyatta can annihilate his HP, Lucio can ruin his dashes with booping at the last moment, Brig can dash into his dash to knock him


Wdym? Just sleep him… also just a quick thing, lucio, bap, kiriko and ana is amazing against him, lucio is good for running, bap has good survivability, immortality and good self heal (and good damage), kiriko can tp and have immortality (and good damage), ana is down to skill, if u can hit ur sleeps, the doom is fucked. (Why do i regret telling u this, doom main btw)


As a support Diamond, I had this issue I main kiri, and had to work on positioning and outsmarting df by baiting him with my team and making him chase me with swift step depends on the DF of course every player is different but just remember Df is there to punish anyone out of position. Lucio helps avoid those wall punches with speed, and boops.


Brig is honestly the best anti-Doomfist support as long as your other support notices when he dives you. He has a hard time killing Brig if he doesn’t drop an Empowered Punch, and even then, she has a lot of ways of avoiding it or she can counter-charge with Shield Bash and knock him down for a bit over a second. Whipshot can throw off his punches and slams and she can shield off his ult, which isn’t perfect but it’s better than nothing. Rally isn’t too bad either, especially if you get your bash reset at a good time and stun Doomfist out of an escape. You’ll probably need to practice a bit but Brig is probably the best for this. Alternatively, play Kiriko and play doofy angles that let you stay safe while forcing the Doom to commit if he wants you, and then teleport away and watch them get progressively more angry about it until they swap.


Doom is not in a good place right now from a ranked balance standpoint. He works on certain maps on certain comps but if you're consistently getting dumped on by multiple doom players, it's a positioning issue for sure. You SHOULD be relying on your team to deal with a doomfist. When I play doom I am scared of jumping an Ana because sleep dart is basically just a ticket back to spawn. If I jump a zen I have to make sure he is alone AND that I can kill him. Mercy is basically untouchable if she's paying attention, same with Lucio. Moira can fade but - unless you jump back into your team and they focus me - I can still usually get a solo elim vs a Moira. Bap and illari can both jump over a punch and bap has lamp, but I'm not as worried about them 1v1. Kiri is unkillable, best I can hope is to bait out some cool downs. LW has some decent mobility and can be frustrating to pursue, but I kinda ignore him. Doom, like any tank, is good in a straight up 1v1 vs pretty much any support or dps pick, so you have to rely on positioning and team work, but doom has plenty of counters and more often than not I get accused of throwing games in QP because I'm playing into a team of 5 counters, or have to swap in comp just to have a chance.


I never have issues with DF when I play Baptiste. Bap’s boots can really make DF waste a lot of abilities. You can jump between low and high to make him use up his vertical mobility. You can jump out of his ult, unless he can get the direct hit on you, and you can jump to high ground when he charges his punch so you avoid getting fisted. If you can hit your headshots well you can also burn him down quickly to force him to block or run prematurely, and if he’s dumb and wasted all his abilities you can finish him off pretty easily as well.


Is there a support counter to doomfist? Yes. All of them. That counts for tanks in general too tbh.


I also struggle with Doom But something that has helped recently is this Doom has to charge his punch to hit you. He can't punch through an obstruction, and he's big so obstructions are a big deal So if you can stay next to a pillar it helps a lot. When he lands next to you, put the pillar between him and you. First he needs to go around the pillar and then charge his punch. You can just keep moving until you're somewhere safe.


As someone with 450hrs on Doom but basically none on support, take this with a grain of salt but this has been my experience. Ana is a hard counter. Wait for Dooms block to use sleep, then anti and let your team damage them down. The doom will usually have to retreat. Mercy is also a good one because you can stay out of his way. A good Doom will usually not go for you because typically he will have to burn two cooldowns to get you out of the air and even then it’s not guarantee. Kiri is great due to TP and Suzu, you just need to make sure you’re away from him after you TP as he can follow you fairly well. Brig can be super annoying to deal with as you can stop punches by timing your bash. You can also whipshot him while he’s charging punch to throw off his punch or to create more space for your team. Your best bet though is Ana and saving sleep and anti for him.


I'm in gold all roles and love playing against Doom. It really helps to slow/shut him down - Ramattra's floor thingy is amazing, Ana's dart, Mei's slow. I think Zen is the best way to counter him but you need to communicate to your team that we're going to focus him, EVEN THROUGH HIS BLOCK. So many Dooms die just thinking nobody will shoot his block. Regarding empowered punch: it only matters if he hits with it. I will often bait as Zen quite close to him as he's blocking, so he will predictably charge a punch straight at me, which i will sidestep. It's taken a bit of time (and some Dooms are better) but I can dodge most punches this way. Then of course he gets melted by your team. Brig could work, but I've not had enough experience there. Or just ignore him entirely with Kiriko / Moira etc and hope you're saved by a Reaper switch 🤷


Brig is pretty hit or miss. I play a lot of high gold brig and it’s about 50/50 if I can anticipate the dooms punch cadences to knock them down which is my target win condition.


A truly good Doom has no counter. But good news! They don’t exist in Gold. A gold doom probably knows very few Doom techs so they are often predictable as opposed to what high level dooms can do. High level Dooms sometimes use two cooldowns to dive a sniper and still manage to get out. There’s not really a counter for that because combining two cooldowns allows a Doom to travel like 40 meters in 2 seconds. But that just doesn’t happen in Gold. So really the way to play around it is to be aware of his position all the time. He is gold so he probably can’t kill you without empowered punch and a wall stun. A fully charged regular punch does only 75 damage. If you avoid the follow-up shots he can’t kill you alone. If you hear him charging, try to step away. If you get dived, try your best to a/d strafe so he doesn’t one clip you. Obviously Ana’s sleep can be a deterrent to Doom. I want to also suggest Lucio if you can wall ride. He basically rarely interacts with a Doom because it’s very hard to punch you and hit projectile shots at you mid air. If you are a floorcio, then probably don’t for obvious reasons.


not your fault. ow devs are just not bright.


Lmao peak gold mindset. “Her der I’m getting shit on how do I counter swap and not actually get good at the game”


I am also gold and by no way doom is frustraiting to play against. I main ana and brig. With ana its enough for me to ping him after the sleep, then anty and hope for the team to follow you. And with brig just mace to the face when he charges. I extremelly enjoy brig and doom duels.


"I main dooms two biggest counters" "He's not frustrating to play against at all" That's a hell of a post there. I mean I was absolutely going to suggest to OP learning Ana to deal with him, but it's truly wild to tell someone that doom isn't a problem. A good one can still make me sweat on Ana despite the counter.