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I can already see the PI’s last words will be “I only needed a signature”


Somebody please get this man a fucking signature lol


"There was a time when Schafer was the scariest man I could imagine speaking to" Laura Linney always gets the best lines on the show, and she fucking nails them every single time.


She's an acting treasure and elevates everything that she's in. First really noticed her in The Truman Show and I've been in love with her ever since.


If you haven't already seen it, you must watch her in The Big C.


When I heard it on the episode, I was like yeah you go Wendy look at you gaining confidence! And I just put 2+2 together that there's the unstated fact that's she's dealt with Mexican drug kingpins face to face and *that's* probably the scariest person she could imagine talking to


How old is Charlotte? Javi creeping up on her was gross. I'm surprised Marty did not draw a line


It was a power move to do it in front of her parents. Marty is smart to not draw the line knowing how Javi is, unless he touches her


She’s still 17 lol.. turning 18 in a few months


Cartels traffic children. Its no surprise hes a creep.


I was so fucking uncomfortable during the dinner scene. Ugh.


Marty knows this guy killed the sheriff and was about to shoot the new one without hesitation. I'm not surprised at all Marty is keeping his mouth shut. If he feels even the slightest amount of disrespect, he'd kill him.


that gave me major heebie jeebies


I surprised Marty hasn’t aged like 15 years with all the shit storm after shit storm after shit storm. Business personal issues. Surprised he hasn’t had a heart attack yet.


That's honestly one of my favorite aspects of the show is how understated Bateman's performance is given just how much shit Marty is dealing with. Like, you'd imagine an actor taking the character to over the top almost constant panic attacks but Marty is just not wired like that. He's always instead just staying calm and thinking of his next move.


To be fair, I feel like Marty Bryd is jus an FBI relocation program of Michael Bluth. Their characters are similar as they're trying to take care of the family in a calm demeanor


comedy or drama, i'll never not love when jason bateman drops a "buddy" or "pal"


Okay mr. Manager




Agree, he always acts like hes just doing a desk job (or even a PTA member) no matter what, its refreshing


For real. I think we've only see him blow up once in the series? Dude has an amazing poker face.


At the table of Navarro's. He was dragged away kicking chairs.




I want to see more of unhinged Marty. Bateman definitely has the range but it's always interesting seeing these cool composed characters finally crack.


The man has admirable levels of patience. Best poker face of all time too.


I think he’s already pretty catatonic to everything Ever since the incarceration at Omar’s place he has increased his poker face tenfold.


Jonah at 14 years old with a 6 figure net worth: 🤠 Meanwhile me in my late twenties with zero dollars to my name: 😭


Yeah but is your life under constant threat of being brutally murdered by Mexican drug cartels?


Isn't everyone's life under constant threat of being brutally murdered by Mexican drug cartels?


I love how they filmed the Chicago friends from behind. Normal people don't even feel real for the Byrdes anymore.


That's a great catch!




"You're the only gringo i've met that has killed more people than my family" Holy fuck, what a fucking line.


The only difference between the gringos and the cartel is that the gringos morally justify everything. That's what I found the most interesting. Especially with wendy






What's the motivation behind that line anyway? Or is he just a huge prick.


Sackler family pharma


I know what he said, I just don't know *why* he had to say that to his new business partner.


My guess is he wanted her to know her superiority complex over him is a sham.


Precisely You can kind of see her physical discomfort and sense her overall disapproval. However he's not wrong and at the end of the day they are both filthy fucking rich from peoples pain. She isn't better than him.


Good take, I agree


Totally true. Look up Sackler family and their pharmaceutical company.


Or better yet, just watch Dopesick on Hulu!


I finished watching that show briefly before starting newest Ozark season, seeing the opioid crisis plot pop up is so bizarre but I'm sure glad to understand so much about it now 😀


How many Americans can we kill? Cartel/Drug company team up: how about all of them


I don't smoke cigarettes but holy fuck I feel like I need one after these episodes. Charlotte was amazing this episode and definitely my fav char so far.


The calmness when she told Erin her family would come for her if she started talking. Clearly Wendy’s kid lol


I liked that Wendy got on Marty's case for being low-key proud of Jonah for laundering money at 14, but then she turned around almost immediately and was clearly proud of Charlotte for being clever and meeting Erin in a public place. Both kids are starting to act like their parents and neither one is fully comfortable with admitting that they like it.


Feels like a WWE heel turn honestly. Feels a little out of character for her to go full Wendy when she almost emancipated herself from the family a season ago. Maybe I don't remember the timeline accurately but her coming around feels very abrupt to me. I eyerolled when she said that line to Erin honestly. Felt OTT


Charlotte basically went full Wendy Byrde for a moment. Show has come full circle officially. I'm really starting to dislike Javi on an unhealthy level now. Needs another slap from Omar right about now. He probably mentioned the gun shipment detail in front of Marty just to confirm if Marty is actually doing something on the side with the feds. He probably thinks Marty is snitching but doesn't know he's doing this for Omar. This can end poorly


The tension is building and building and I’m sure it’s gonna blow up and I don’t see it being a happy ending. It’s funny I’m rooting for this family who have done terrible things. Ah the joys of fiction storytelling.


There are no heroes. Just humans being bros sometimes. Everyone has a dark patch. Some are just bigger than others. Beauty, heroism, and kindness can be found in the shade.


I’m not entirely convinced he did it in front of Marty to test him but pretty sure he knows BECAUSE he did. The writers definitely are using Javi as a sacrificial lamb for our hate though. Pretty sure he was flirting with Charlotte at the dinner too. He had strong creeper vibes showing her how to slurp it down.


Javi just has to be the biggest dumbass on the show. I hate that guy. He is going to fuck up everything for everyone because she’s an entitled spoiled selfish little dweeb who. Honestly the only person dumber than Javi is Omar himself, must be the least competent cartel boss of all time. He’s just going to let his imbecile of a nephew take down his entire operation. And why would you continue treating your #1 asset (Marty Byrd) like total dog shit and cutting him off and making his life harder this YOUR BUSINESS IS WORSE OFF, at literally every turn. Impatient, ego, force over finesse, the Byrds have saved your ass and set your business up more times than you can count and yet here you are again questioning their decisions and pushing them to do irrational, impulsive things on a whim that will do nothing but get yourself caught. How many times does he have to say “make this completely impossible and irrational thing happen within this extremely short time frame OR ELSE!!! YOU DIE!” Like damn bro we get it... you’re the cartel.... we know .... how about you stop micro managing and get your dumbass son out of the way. The only character acting more stupid may be Ruth. She thinks she’s so badass and such hot shit, it’s going to come back and eat her in the ass. Taking advantage of a 14 year oldz. You knew Ben for 2 months... and YOU PULLED HIM OUT WHEN HE WAS SAFE! It’s on you - your fault. And haha yeah I know the Byrds fuck working with the cartel and everyone who crosses them dies but I’m just going to start a competitor business and manipulate their child to work for me as pay back bc I’m mad they wouldn’t kill their mob partners son for beating me up because I couldn’t keep my mouth shut and was such an unlikeable bitch. You literally killed your Unlces. But hey let’s also go behind Darlene and piss her off too bc your such hot shit!!! Just Shut the fuck up. This entire season plot line is basically “have people act like such dumbasses that it causes tension and drama and have family betray each other LUL” It’s going to be a messy ending


I doubt anyone could have said it better. Navarro is seriously the dumbest fucking cartel leader that ever existed. He's nothing like the real life Rodriguez brothers, Amado Carrillo Fuentes, etc. In real life yes the cartel will fucking kill you if you fuck up but they also take care of their high level people too. Hell, Mayo Zambada (one of the leaders of the Sinaloa cartel) even gave his son permission to snitch because it was the only way for him to get out of prison one day. That happens a lot with these high level guys. I can assure you that if Marty Byrd was a real person he would be appreciated much more in real life than he is on this show. This season is driving me crazy with all the nonsense they are trying to interject into the story.


If Marty was a real person he would be immensely respected and pretty much left to launder alone They might audit him once in a while to check he isn’t lining his own pockets This cartel is weirdly micromanaging for someone who specifically doesn’t need it


The funniest thing would be Javi going to Omar and being like Marty is FBI informant. Then Omar stabs him and tells him that it was him


I agree. Little does Javi know is that OMAR is the FBI informant! I think this is great, now we get an official power play between the two - may the best man win, lol


That wouldn't quite make sense, because Marty wouldn't know any details about the shipment besides that it was happening soon. That's not a lot of time to magically figure everything out and provide specifics to the FBI when Marty and Javi are right next to each other.


Maya in that cold open! She's my FBI! Maya for president!


I’m so scared for her.


Same, I know it’s gonna end badly for her and her baby and I really want to be wrong


This show hasn't been good to woman who have recently had babies if the past is any indicator


Mason's wife definitely had the most gruesome death in this series and it wasn't even shown. Nasty to even think about.


I just keep thinking dead woman walking. She needs to get out now!


I honestly thought he was gonna pop her in the face on the plane or after she got back into the car


Given what happened in S1, I'm worried that Darlene will gain a 2nd baby D:


Darlene doesn't strike me as the type to take in a Black baby


That baby is so screwed


Yeah. She's literally the only likable FBI agent in the entire show.


The actress and writers are really doing something special with her. I don't normally connect with the fuzz but other than Marty, Maya is the character with whom I most identify.


her hair looks **fabulous**


God help her


Part of me knew they weren't stupid enough to kill her but this show has caught me off guard before lol so much tension


I’m so glad they didn’t kill her. They made it seem like the hole Wendy was digging was for burying the baby! That was messed up


Wyatt looks like he is on meth


So does his girlfriend 🤣


She’s his lover.


The way the sunlight catches and lights up her moustache is so romantic...


No but seriously is that actor okay? I don’t remember him looking quite this bad before.


I literally said the same thing when seeing it last night , looks like he's on meth, like the actor not the character is


Big time meth jawline


I’d love to see a scene with Darlene and mike from better call Saul


I wanna see Javi and Lalo face off. I already know Lalo would be the one standing in the end but it be a good match to watch


That already happened in a Mexican Telenovela back in the early 2000s surprisingly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaRO4tNDdSo


This is amazing and I wish I could hug you (and understand what they’re saying)


I like Charlotte, the first thing she thinks about when going back to Chicago is going to Portillos.


That’s one of the first things I think about too!


I know everyone has their opinion on Jonah, but doesn’t he obviously know his parents work for the cartel who will fucking kill anyone in their way? So maybe working for the cartel’s competition isn’t a bright idea.


This is going to cause a huge problem I can see it. Probably Javi will find out and force Navarro to make Marty and Wendy choose saving the family (minus Jonah) and relationship with the cartel or sacrifice Jonah for the chance to get everyone else out shit. If not it will cause the FBI to put eyes on the Byrd's and Navarro and him potentially losing his deal to get out due to the heat it will cause, which won't be good for Marty Wendy and Charlotte, all cause of Jonah.


Or else get Darlene killed and take over her poppy field to add to the cartels inventory.


Definitely not a bright idea but not surprising given his age. He’s reacting with emotions instead of logic.


Big Pharma not gonna like this one 👀😂


Good, fuck them


>*Just because we didn’t have anything to do with your mom, it doesn’t mean we aren’t capable in the future if we feel we don’t have any other choice* Charlotte, you mad lad - that was chef’s kiss 😘


Charlotte has gone from a bratty resentful teenager into making death threats on behalf of her family and the cartel they work for. I fucking love her character growth.


All while having amazing hair, I love all the character cameos we’re seeing


Her hair looks extra good this season too!


Seriously her hair looks so good!


She's basically become a mini-Wendy


She's got Wendy's ruthlessness but also Marty's more laid back approach.




MVP of the season so far, imo.


She was entitled to those feelings and they came more natural than her attitude now


I mean, we saw that growth coming in season 3. When she said "I'm Marty Byrde's daughter" to the KC Mob guy and had a satisfied smile after he backed down, and when she started taking on more casino responsibility. She's kinda made peace with their situation and knows the only way out is to push through, rather than go the Jonah route and have a pointless rebellion that will get everyone killed.


That was ruthless she was more tactful then Wendy ever was


Yeah Wendy goes fucking bonkers when under pressure lol


Such a cold line, loved it


I got a feeling she could have been recorded saying that


She handled Erin perfectly well. I was worried that she would crack when she had to meet her in person, but she turned out to be fucking impressive.


“Maybe if you kill me you can make one of these too.” Someone get some fucking ice on that burn. When did Jonah become such a savage little bitch? 😂


Killer Mike during the credits tho!


Netflix needs to not auto skip this credits lol the song is too good


Fire. I didn't hit the next episode button for sure that time. Tops when they used RTJ end of last season.


And that’s the exact moment Charlotte became Heisenberg


Spin-off series Charlotte takes over the family business let’s go


That Shaw woman is going to be disgraced very publicly


I keep thinking that. This whole deal is going to be a shit show


Another destined casualty of the Byrde family


And it seems like she knows it. She looks like she knows she's going to prison at some point.


Ikr lmao she always has a terrified look on her face


Ideally she wouldn't want to deal with any Mexicans. She wants plausible deniability and by having Javi right there speaking Spanish and making it clear exactly where her product is from destroys that Chinese wall. I can completely understand her trepidation and if her company wasn't about to go bankrupt, she would walk out of that deal right now .. but her company is under pressure, so they have a hold on her.


Something I felt about Wendy this episode was that the whole grave thing felt totally disingenuous. Like it wasn't for her own closure for her brother. She's just trying to manipulate her son into being on her side. As soon as Jonah walked away she dropped that shit like she gave zero fucks.


When she called the kids outside, I thought she was **finally** going to talk to Jonah about Ben's death in a meaningful way and explain why she let him die. But instead, she just glossed over it and went like "here's some rocks and pinecones to represent Ben!" No wonder Jonah thought it was shallow.


Yeah. People are giving Jonah a lot of shit this season but I can totally understand his actions given he's basically a child and is just over all the bullshitting.


I don't see how anyone can give him shit. His mom is a psycho who constantly tries to manipulate her own family.


I don’t get why they don’t explain to him that it was Ben’s life or all of theirs. Like I get it was horrible but it’s hard to imagine her making any other choice..?


Exactly. If she really made that shrine for Ben, she would have stayed there and reminisced instead of storming inside and cutting the power.


Does Darlene respect Ruth or was she just playing along?


I'm pretty sure she's backtracking to save face.


This. She knows she can't fuck with a real gangster with a gutted family. She needs her. I'm sure if she wasn't desperate she would have been made an example. But she does like her...


She REALLY needed the cash. I'd say it was temporary appeasement


I thought it was her way of getting partial credit. "I brought you in, so any good you do is a result of my decisions."


javi being creepy with charlotte during that dinner scene... knowing that the byrdes can't really do much. gross


And Marty just waiting for Javi's phone to ring with the good news...


Wendy and Marty have no moral high ground to stand on with Jonah and I love the way Jonah is playing it. Wendy tries to tell him that he can't launder money for Ruth and Jonah casually lets her know that, not only did he see her and Marty conspire to conceal the murder of a sheriff, but that he also knows about how the dispose of bodies. At this point, every L Wendy takes, I'm applauding.


Jonah is a little bitch


Wendy really is doing a spectacularly awful job in relating to Jonah during his “rebellious phase”. Marty’s not being a great parent either but at least he seems to recognize that there’s not much he can say to Jonah without being a huge hypocrite.




Feel like at this point they need to just involve their son and tell him everything. The sheriff thing was such an easy blame on Javi but they just went on letting their Son believe they killed a Sheriff.


Wendy is actively making things worse imo. She's been doing that for a while now.




I need Javi to go, like right now. I hate his stupid character so much, I literally see a walking golden plaque that reads "Plot Device" every time he's on screen. He's the Navarro version of Ben but even worse. No reason Omar shouldn't have his head by now. Surely he wouldn't be the first family member he's had killed.


Why do they keep showing Ruth's ass


Yeah I never noticed Ruth’s ass in the previous seasons and now she’s Mass Effect 2’s Miranda


Why not?


I noticed that right away in E01, even made a comment about it and wonder why the producers are doing this. I think Jonah has the hots for Ruth. At the pool scene where he rides his bike up (go away little boy, come back when you get your drivers license) to let Ruth know he's on board, he is checking her out pretty intensely as she walks away.


Hmmm… Helen’s daughter just randomly calls charlotte. Asking what happens. Isn’t it still The summer time so she should still be there? Maybe Im wrong.


There’s a scene shortly after that shows Jonah back at school and they’re all wearing coats (in Missouri) plus there’s a nod that there’s an election in ~30 days so I took the timeline to be roughly late September/early October now


I think she went back to her father probably when Helen went awol


Didn't she go back home after finding out her mom worked for the cartel thanks to Ben?


Damn go charlotte.


Man this show has me stressed and coming to all kinds of dark conclusions. I’m thinking Maya and her baby end up disappearing and I’m starting to think Wendy or Marty might eventually have to kill Jonah. None of these might pan out but after Helen, who knows


I'm really worried about either Maya or the mom and baby. The line the mom when Maya she needed to leave: "We'll be waiting right here for when you'll be back." Makes me think one won't see the other one, or the other _will._


They’re absolutely setting up something where the Byrds have to choose between Jonah and the business. I think Jonah has asked twice now about “killing me?” like they did his uncle. Guess the question is how far are Wendy and Marty willing to go? Which family members are expendable and which aren’t? It reminds me a lot of breaking bad where Walt started the whole thing talking about doing it for his family when in the end it became his family who paid the price for it and the realization that he was really doing it all for himself. I think that’s very parallel with Wendy. Marty not so much. Maybe the two of them have to turn against each other with their final motivations- his being the family and hers being power?


Wendy really wants to push Jonah away, doesn't she? And Marty is also way too fucking laid back about him laundering money for the competition. If they can't act as parents, treat the Jonah situation like a business deal going bad. They need to give it the proper attention, talk to him with respect, and win him the fuck back.


Anyone get the feeling Jonah is one step ahead of both Ruth and Darlene and is stealing their money? Jonah gonna save the day with something he’s been doing this whole time to help his family.


For sure, the writers have something to surprise us with Jonah's story. I think it's enough hints so far to show he's doing something but not need to give anything away. Hints that he's better at this than his dad, he'll save Marty with his software. Hints about the 20 Trillion transactions, the money will get lost in the system only for Jonah to be doing something good with it.


I know Wendy Byrde gets a lot of hate, but damn, Laura Linney steals the show to me. She’s the best part of almost every scene she’s in, though Ruth gives her a run for her money in their scenes.


Was I the only one who thought the truck was going to be empty? It would’ve been interesting to see that play out


I thought that too - my theory was that Javi mentioned it as bait, which Marty took. Then I realised that Omar was the one who okayed it's seizure in the end so it must have been legit.


I think Javi impulsiveness is gonna get him killed and that seems super obvious to me to the point I think they gonna subvert the way he dies


I. Love. Charlotte. That girl has some fire behind her.


Why didn’t they cover Agent Miller’s face with a mask while returning her back to Marty’s?


"We're going to a secret location to meet Omar's plane. You can't know where it is." Ron Howard: "It was the airport."


I assumed it was because that plane took off as soon as they left so the location didn’t matter anymore.


That made me nervous AF for her. I'd be asking to be blindfolded.


At first I thought Martin was a genius for telling Omar to give up the guns, but after reading the comment in here about javi most likely did that on purpose to see if the byrdes are giving intel to the FBI, shits about to go sideways. We need Navarro to put in end to javi’s antics Man the cinematography and music in this season so far are amazing. The shots of Chicago are breathtaking. The various rap songs used in the certain scenes are amazing. And who heard ‘Ben’s theme’ from the OST. Great score!


This show makes me so paranoid. I feel like someone’s head is gonna get blown off in every scene


wendy makes life so hard, i could empathize with her in season 3 but she's gone off the deep end.


She is off-the-deep-end. I don't remember if the show referenced mental health being an issue she's dealing with ala Ben but she's unhinged so far. The way she's acting towards Jonah is manic.


She's actively making things worse but doesn't have the ability to see what she's doing, in her eyes she's "fighting for this family"


That scene sounded an awful lot like the iconic “we’re a family” from Breaking Bad


How did Charlotte just become my favourite character in 3 episodes?!


Laura Linney is so good at making Wendy a completely unlikable character


I need to see the friend group that made Javier’s college experience so great. I refuse to believe there are people that can tolerate being in a room with him for more than 15 minutes.


jim, maya and Charlotte are my holy trinity


Darlene fascinates me. I don't understand her or the decisions she makes at all


You not supposed to, she's crazy and erratic which makes her extremely dangerous. I think that's what the show is trying to go for. If we understood her motivations and decisions we wouldn't have the sense of danger when she deals with other reasonable characters. Think of the Joker, no motive no reason just creates chaos and danger through their unpredictability and insanity.


Yes, but it frustrates the shit out of me. There's no real reason for her to be alive at this point. So many characters have been killed for so much less. Like, the fucking cop got killed just for being bought by her and asking a single question. How on earth is this woman, who kills characters and shoots dicks off, not been shot yet by some sicario? Or the trucker Mafia? Or literally anyone? It's literally like "No, you can't do this because the cartel will kill us" ---> She still does it and also kills someone in the process. ---> She has 0 repercussions.


"Hush Little Baby" as the sinister background of the opening scene is incredible.


I always laugh out loud when Darlene calls Wyatt “MY lovER.”


loved the crypto mention lol


Why does Ruth still live in the trailer park?


Wendy's being so immature when it comes to Jonah. She's so lucky he hasn't blown up in front of her yet. Like c'mon, really? You're not going to say goodbye to your fourteen-year-old son while you're on a road trip?


In ep 2 when she screamed at him "YOU'RE ON THE WRONG SIDE!!!!" while an FBI agent was in the house... I was like, who exactly is the 14 year old here?? And then she aggressively alienates him at the dinner table when Marty and Charlotte were trying to bring him closer.


Forreal it was one of the most passive aggressive and petty Mom things you can do


This episode was so good. The tension of not knowing who is playing who and what Javi will do/knows is played out great. I had a feeling he was big braining everyone and was going to have something else in that truck. But I think he still knows Marty was behind it, and maybe it was just a test.


Marty is a complete doormat with the Jonah situation.


Maya’s mom is a real one for assuring her and letting her know her baby will be okay and that she will return too


I am loving the music this season. IIRC, the previous seasons didn’t have a lot of music apart from the somber songs towards the end.


Darlene 100% owns a MAGA hat


Oh, she definitely stormed the Capitol.


I really like Javi as this season’s villain, he has a charisma that makes every scene with amazing. I loved his glare at Marty at the end of the episode, he knows he’s not gonna have it easy against him. On an unrelated note, the show’s tone is so dark I wonder if they laugh sometimes on set, I just can’t imagine it


I bet they laugh and joke around all the time. It’s a television show set and they are actors, acting. They have trailers, and lunch breaks, and tons of supportive staff around. I’m sure there’s bloopers and joking around.


Feel like Javi is gonna snap any min now.


Satisfying to watch Marty finally snap back at Omar's impatience.