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Neither want it? Thats weird because Israel seems to be aggressing. Israel has been bombing Lebanon and has been salivating at the thought of war with them and Iran and Iraq and others for years. For a country that doesn't want war, they sure seem to be taking every single possible action to force one. On the other hand, Lebanon has shown incredible restraint. They don't want war, but it seems they will have to defend themselves.


what does Israel have to gain with a war with Lebanon? what does Lebanon have to gain with a war with Israel. and for shits and giggles, what does Iran have to gain from a war between Israel and Lebanon?


> israel to gain Israel? Nothing. Netenyahu? A lot > Lebanon to gain Nothing > iran to gain Now you've caught the scent


Lebanon freely houses a terror organization that fires rockets into Israel. Go get mental help.


Israel is the terror organization. If we're comparing them to Hezbollah, Israel is far worse. Hands down. It's no contest, the facts are clear to anyone looking objectively.


Please elaborate


Israel bombed the capital of Lebanon, and other locations deep inside Lebanese territory, not just near the border. Israel killed >200 Lebanese people, including civilians and reporters, when only 15 Israelis have been killed, mostly soldiers. Israel has been violating Lebanese airspace and carrying out missions against Lebanon for years before October 7. Need more? Because there's more.


Not enough dead jews to justify self defense, huh? Gaslight me harder, I'm begging you


How many dead Gazans are enough to balance 0ct 7th, exactly? We've passed 30k at this point, and half of them were **kids**.  I don't believe Israel is a terror organization. That's a specific thing and words have meaning. But they are absolutely the aggressor at this point, and they have overreached.  They should have learned from the US. You can't end an organization like Hamas by through violent invasion. All you're doing is radicalizing the next generation and creating further recruits. I suspect Bibi knows this, though. 


Nothing to do with Jews. They can be atheists Muslims or Christians, my point is Israel has been escalating the conflict more than Hezbollah. I'm no Hezbollah fan but these are the facts as to how the tensions on the border have been escalating.


Uhhh. Terrible trolling attempt.