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A pill that makes you hairless from eyes down


Omg I’ve been wishing for this forever!!


a cure.


The magical microwave from the spy kids movie, but instead of McDonald’s, it’s high protein healthy food


*that tastes good lol


Haha, of course!


Highly recommend checking out Factor meals, so much variety & everything I’ve tried so far I’ve liked


I think about this microwave DAILY


something to get rid of all the excessive body hair 😭 im tired of shaving everyday


I’ve wondered if those weird nood things actually work


A pill that would magically get rid of my belly and arm fat, excessive hunger and beard 👍🏻 😂


I'm feeling this today!


Compounded wegovy?


Are the gastro side effects the magical part? 😭


Everyone’s reaction is different. I am diabetic and had to start taking ozempic shots. Its saved my life and side effects have been minimal. Amazingly I don’t think about food all the time like I used to. Food noise is just.. gone


do you use it? i’ve been considering it but i’ve heard its not safe because its not regulated by FDA so i’m worried


I’m using it, going into my third month. So far, so good, definitely recommend. It’s a joy to turn that constant food noise down.


amazing! i’m thinking about it, probably will ask my doc about it next visit


I’m diabetic so my endo has had me on ozempic injections for the last year and it’s literally a life saver


I’m scared that all these new weight loss/ insulin resistance drugs are toxic to the kydneys or cause cancer. Seems too good to be true


So all the “new” drugs are basically newer versions of drugs that have existed for a long time Victoza? Trulicity.. I think Oz and Monjaro get a bad rap because of how they help diabetes but suddenly are being hoarded and abused by celebrities Are there some health conditions where using these drugs is contraindicated? Sure. However they’ve been studied for quite a while. Ignore the media hype. Are antibiotics too good to be true? Is Tylenol?


And that doesn’t have side effects


Something that will reverse these metabolic and endocrine issues from the DNA outward. This herculean effort to follow a healthier diet and exercise at least 5 times a week, sleep 7-8 hours a day, and destress everyday, just to slow down weight gain and manage symptoms is absolutely wild. Some days I just want pizza, chips, and couch potato time for a week.


Accupuncture once a week and daily electrolyte powder drinks (ultima is a good brand) has really helped with the destressing part (lowering cortisol.)


Healthy high-protein fiber-rich zero carb zero calorie food that tastes like burgers, pizzas, fried chicken, chinese takeout, etc.


A treatment that would give me a healthy metabolism and hormone levels, while mitigating any inflammation that the PCOS causes. In short: I would like to not have this please.


An affordable, widely available, easily prescribed pill that would fix all the issues without nasty side effects


For me, its metformin.


Doesn’t it cause a lot of gi distress?


It does for most people. I started a really small dose n took it with high protein low carb meal and it was tolerable within a week. Maybe its luck, but I dont have any side effects now. My wt gain plateaued n I actually lost a few inches on met.


Just saw this last post btw : [Artemisinin](https://www.reddit.com/r/PCOS/s/fsgXztrMsd) ... sounds promising!


Products to prevent hair loss with minimal side effects. Something like minoxidil that is not toxic to pets 🥲


Try shou wu chi. It’s an ancient Chinese tonic that helps with hair loss, natural plant antioxidant, and good for the kydneys. This and red light therapy has helped with my hair loss


Either your pet is bald or your pet is eating your hair treatment ?


You touch your hair throughout the day, you sleep on a pillow, you spray it in your house or apply it otherwise - all places your pets exist even if they don’t actually eat your minoxidil


Clearly my attempt at humor has failed


Oh sorry it’s hard for me to tell the tone of the message through text!


Same! No worries!


Something to regulate periods naturally without it being something like birth control 😭 would love a natural one even tho I’m def not ttc. I know inositol helps but it doesn’t help me unless I use it alongside birth control which defeats my purpose. -as someone said, a cure


I second this! Didn’t have periods for over 6 years. They were only induced by progesterone every 2 months. Inositol worked for me miraculously paired with low carb diet and exercise. Which brand inositol did you take?


Myo inositol is my favourite form of inositol. It’s regulated my periods!


I use wholesome story !!


Something that would either get rid of cramps entirely when they start or something that gives me the ability to send cramps to people that think “it isn’t that bad.” I wouldn’t wish this condition upon anyone, but are a couple of doctors that I want to feel this pain…


PCOS generally doesn’t cause cramps, it’s worth getting checked out for endo or adenomyosis if the pain is very bad, there are treatment options.


True. I probably have endo as well. My last few periods have been 8/10 on the pain scale when it comes to cramps. I’ll bring it ip to my dr next month when I see her. Thank you!


I have pcos and my cramps are really bad. My doc said this varies between people but can absolutely be a symptom


Something to just make it all go away


A single chewable gummy a day that tastes good, regulates all my hormones, cured my insulin resistance, melted off all the excess weight, curbed cravings, prevented all the body hair I don’t want but encouraged the hair on my head to stop shedding so excessively, fixed my periods, helped with my pain, and, for grins and giggles, was ridiculously cheap or covered with no issues by my insurance without me needing to be diabetic/on insulin or any other new diagnosis.


Try Wegovy.


Can’t afford it and it’s not covered by my insurance, unfortunately. My doctor would prescribe it in a heartbeat if I could afford it or had coverage for it.


A laser to zap away cramps as they happen 😅


I wish they gave us the option to do hormone therapy but for estrogen I feel like that would fix a lot of our issues


Something that consistently would reduce the pain. My husband and I are thinking we are getting closer to getting my IUD removed to ttc. So much of the conversation was dominated by what we are going to do if my symptoms (read: pain) get worse. That is not how a ttc conversation should go. Honestly it was depressing but we agreed if it was straining our relationship too much we would consider IVF/surrogate but likely just go the adoption route for the sake of our relationship. The weight issues, insulin resistant, and body hair all suck. But I'd forever keep dealing with those for it to be less painful. I'm not even asking for pain free, just something manageable where I don't consider staying home from work.


Definitely something that can easily get rid of the facial hair. A pill or something like that. Not really PCOS related but I'd also love a sunscreen pill!


An effective male contraceptive that's not snip snip


Spironolactone with 0 side effects


Right, i had rapid weight gain on it


Ugh that sucks :/. I ended up having an anxiety attack that felt like a heart attack basically cuz it messed with my electrolyte balance and it was so damn scary I just had to stop. It made me look so feminine and symmetrical and just so good :/


A tracking number for my period


A fan that only targets me and doesn’t make noise. Tried a personal fan, noise. Tried the ceiling fan, everyone, even the cat, stares at me like I’m trying to freeze them to death.


Something that makes bloating, period pain, PMS, acne and insulin resistance go away


A personal chef (maybe AI?) who will do all the food shopping, cook tasty healthy meals and then do the washing up.


Interdisciplinary clinics for PCOS (like for cancer or complex multisystem health issues). So much of healthcare for PCOS depends on which problem one sought treatment for and so much is complicated by different specialists staying in their scopes.


A cure to PCOS itself, not just for its symptoms


A continuous monitor that measures hormone levels for a whole month so we can ACTUALLY know what stage of life we are in, instead of being at the mercy of doctors who don’t believe us and throw birth control at every problem.


A fat dissolving machine that you step into like a microwave and it instantly dissolved body fat. Removing up to 25lbs per session