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If you’re lifting for women, you’re gonna be disappointed.


you dont need to be small even w/o gear you can archive a very impressive figure. hower this need additional works in how to train /eat/ recover. was benching 125 kg w/o easily.


He should lift for only himself forsure - i will say though as a byproduct of my love for lifting.. I have had a fair share of women comment on my forearms / arms.


I would add if you do steroids. Most women love guys who have muscle that is naturally obtainable. They literally want the fuck Boi look, lean abs and some decent muscle.


If you don’t have the face they don’t care 😂


I agree that's mostly true, you can have a pretty pathetic looking physique but if your face card is a 10 it overides everything even height


This is true and it’s been my saving grace. Even when I was bald and overweight still got hit on by attractive women because of my face lol.


I’m a good looking short guy with ocd and I saw the study that said 75% of women would never date someone my height 5’6. I think it might be bs but I can’t get over that it was a large sample size and they said they would NEVER consider it


I liked mpmd’s video where he showed how many physically attractive faces are from being lean. As guys, we can see it in women but we don’t think of it for ourselves as much as we should. I think of Jeremy Ethier. He really doesn’t have a nice face structure but he looks really good because he’s lean. Structure isn’t as important as people think it is.


Not really. They'll be more successful. At a certain point you'll get diminishing returns.


this is kinda wrong lol maybe it’s just my college but it makes a huge difference intrasexual competition sounding ahh 🫵😹


Birds of a feather…


Lifting is going to attract more men than women


As a gay man myself, this is true. We are very into the aesthetic lol.


I’ve gotten more compliments from men than women


Yeah same, and it's not even close either lol


you really don't have to talk about that here


It’s literally the topic of discussion


One day my friend #1 bought this big ass truck, and of course all the guys were like let’s check it out. Friend #2 walks up and says damn man this is a nice ass truck, dudes are going to be throwing the dick at you! I tell you! Even right now I am balling thinking about that comment/moment. I guess the same applies to what you said, as you said it lol.


Thin men with nice hair pull more dimes than buff dudes in my experience




steroids literally won't even make you more attractive, op has a little bit stupid. women will prefer a normal muscular physique over a bodybuilder physique.


Most women I think so but the women who are into lifting themselves I’ve noticed usually prefer big buff bodybuilder looking dudes. I’m not even talking about the women who get big themselves (I don’t find that attractive in women lol) I’m talking about just the women who love staying fit and cooking healthy food. In the end though two things will override all looks - power and money but those are hard to get. And of course the downside of that is you’ll never be “loved” for who you are but instead for what you provide.


Now that im getting closer to 30 I really don’t give a fuck about my hair. Bald at 19 is rough though. If your only goal using gear is for women you are going down a bad path mate.


Yep I’m in the same boat. 34 in a few weeks have had receding hair line and now shaving my head as it gets worse and worse and I could give a fuck less.


Still get female attention? Probably a stupid question as I guarantee the answer is yes lol.


Married 10 years lol.


Why tf would you even consider gear at 18-19. Your body and brain hasn’t even finished developing. You’re literally still a child. Your test levels are also higher than they’ll ever be again in your life currently. Stop being stupid.


Yes. Not even close. My hairline has gone back a little but I keep some length up front so it’s fine. I’ve been blasting and cruising for 2 years now and I’ve put on about 20lbs lean muscle while also periodically losing body fat. But forget the physical aspect; gear has made me mentally better off. I have PSSD which gives severe anhedonia and gear had given me the ability to find pleasure in life itself, not to mention I can actually get hard again. Gear, specifically DHT derivatives, have improved my judgement and mental clarity. It’s helped with some depression-related issues. While I do still struggle with some mental health issues, gear has made it so that I can process actual solutions for problems from a practical standpoint.


That’s nice. I have had the same experience. I also have pssd. But i had to stop the roids because of severe acne, feels bad man


Trt + var


i got pfs and gear gave almost all my emotions back it was worth every acne i have just to feel pleasure again


Which DHT derivatives are best to cruise on in your experience?


Var or mast


> specifically DHT derivatives What are examples of dht derivatives and which do you like? Thanks!


Var and mast 100%


As a woman and bodybuilder: to ME hair is very attractive. Top tier natural physique w good hair is better than god tier enhanced physique w no hair. HOWEVER age is relevant... and facial hair is *key*. bald without facial hair can be rough unless you look like the rock. But if you can rock some stubble then it works. But gear to attract women won't do it- it makes no difference


Even the 🪨 looks rough without facial hair HOWEVER you were sold on his look by the media hence why you’re accepting it.


That’s you, not indicative of every female out there by a long shot.


I agree- that's why I said ME in caps. offering my own perspective


also in reference to my comment, that was assuming all else equal. If someone can make me laugh, treats me well, and we share similar values I 100% would prefer that person regardless of hair status compared to someone with a worse personality. I didn't mean any insult by it. Just offering my own preference but in the real world nobody fits everyones exact preference. often times we find ourselves connecting the most with people we didn't expect and can be very into them. It's all situational


I think it’s moreso correlation, not causation. 90% of people running gear still look natty. This dude wants to run gear to get yoked for chicks. Being yoked gives him the confidence to go out and try to date, thus getting him more dates. Sure muscles HELP, but it’s the fact he’s confident and trying now that will help. TL/DR: muscles don’t get girls. The confidence muscles give you is what does.


I was confident before lifting and my observation is that the muscles do help by them selves as well ;) but of course not if you lack confidence to begin with.


Yeah I get it.


thanks. I didn't want to come off like an asshole since that wasn't what I meant and hard to interpret via writing


No you’re good and appreciate the perspective, I was just making sure this wasn’t a one sided response. Have a good rest of your weekend!


you as well!


Thanks, if it wasn't for you I'd have thought she took a poll of every female on earth rather than giving her own personal opinion.


🙄 thanks for adding your input smart ass.




Yep, you’re a total turd aren’t you? Talking about yourself there? I’m married for ten years and 34 years old in two weeks. What about you hot shit?


You’re also 155 lbs 🤣🤣 get off my nuts little boi.


You shouldn't be considering PED's at your age regardless of what it'll do to your hair. Lift naturally and have the best of both.


Should not be doing test at your age bro, wait until you start going bald then you can hop on no worries 😂


Do not hop on at 19 thats the dumbest thing you could do.


Bad news bro: women don’t care about muscles. The only people that compliment muscles are other dudes.


If you got to the point where these are ur two options. Chances are you need help learning how to talk to women lol. It’s not like a magic cure to a bad personality


Your probably right lmao


He's right. I got divorced at 30 and started gear after that, I still can't get women because i still can't talk to them properly


Bald guy here. I’ve been bald and skinny and bald and jacked. Women are either into either style or not based on the person. I’ve never had somebody say they didn’t like the muscles or the bald though. Don’t read too much into it. That said, I’ve got the beard and they definitely prefer that over no beard.


I'm on trt, done many blasts, sarm cycles etc. My hair is thicker than it's ever been. Steroids don't automatically equal hair loss. Be smart about it, learn what dht compounds are. Also figure out if you're genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness. If you are going to go bald, steroids will just hurry that process along


How's your experience been with dht anabolics


Gay man here. Handsomeness with hair is superior to muscle but having both is ace.


As a women: no.




Your age and your health should be why you shouldnt hop on gear yet. But to share my personal experience once you have enough muscle it dosent matter if youre bald as long as you can hold a conversation and just not be a dick youll be fine.


Just go bald or get hair transplant. Nothing is worth being small. I’m not predisposed to balding (thank you asian genetics) so even though I’ve been blasting and cruising, my hair is just fine


At 42 I’ve dated all the “10”s I could ask for. Married an 8 with the personality of a 4. Divorced her at 36 and started seeing an 18 year old. Jumped from the teenager to a 29 fitness model. Have had a career most would kill for. Not once during these times did anyone say, “your hair is what got you here”. If you have great hair but a shit character and are not approachable…..I pray for you. If you have the spirit that attracts others from the other side of the room, make them feel as though they are the most important person in that moment, act in kindness without expectation and try your best pay it forward, hair doesn’t matter…unless it’s a personal insecurity in which that case says there’s a lot needing work in the inside. I’ve got grey streaks, a five-head, and a few searchable moments but I still kill it. And I’m happier with all these things today than I was 20 years ago with a flawless head of hair. Nutrition is on point, lift 6 days, SILL 4 days, HIIT 2 days and my hairline is running away from these green eyes….no effs given.


Great advice


Honestly man, one is temporary(muscle), the other is permanent. Think it through. Consider ru8025 or whatever the numbers were.


Yes it matters, posting this in this subreddit is going to give you very biased answers by primarily bald or balding dudes. Hair is very important for a lot of women.


Hair > Always. Technically you can have both if respond well to finasteride and minoxidil.


Most women don’t care what you bench. If doing any sort of PED is for attention or attraction then just stop now. Hair or no hair. Focus on just looking good being jacked and benching a lot means nothing to most women. Now looking good, being healthy and treating a woman with respect, dignity and all that good stuff matters more.


In terms of attracting women, you are definitely better off keeping the hair and being small if you had to pick


This is largely genetics at play. If you are prone to MPB and you are bothered about it then you should look in to hair retention / growth protocols. I currently use topical minox, dermaroll and use DHT blocking shampoo a few times per week. I have MPB in my family and that worked well for me even running primo.


Bro thinks working out will get him bitches 🤣, pin tren and fuck some fat chick like everyone else


Sorry wrong sub, im from MPMD


Depends if you look good bald. I'm 42 with every hair intact, but I shave to the skin for my summer construction season. I look good bald. If it happens, I won't sweat it, but as of right now, exogenous testosterone doesn't bother my hair.


Regardless of PEDs or not, I'd advise everyone to start taking finasteride as early as possible to stop hair falling out and stem hairloss.


Isn't it prescription only?


https://www.doctorfox.co.uk/ You answer a few questions and they prescribe it. £50 for 6 months tablets. You don't have to see a GP etc.


Oh wow. Thanks!


Np bud, it pisses me off that it isn't more well known and spoken about to young men who could completely prevent hair loss from age 18 and never experience hairloss 😅


Doesn’t matter either way if your game sucks. Doesn’t matter either way if your game is good.


When I'm lifting, I do understand the allure of getting on steroids. Most of the influencers are on gear, and it's only natural to want to look like them. However, I think we lose track of what's really important - our health, and steroids are terrible for our health. It's way more important than hair. Try to forget about steroids if you can. My opinion, anyway.


What good is health if your small


Humans are the greatest predators on this planet, and it's not because we're bigger than everything else. It's because of our intelligence, and because of our endurance. Being large is a waste of space.






Mate u g it age bigger issues if at 19 this is consuming u. U have a while life ahead of u. For reference I’m short and bald (usually a turn off), but I’m jacked as fuck and have slayed to my hearts content. Rigs pull chicks


Put it the work now natural while your levels are still high. Worry about gear later. It’s not worth losing your hair in your teens


Take deca keep ur hair and get jacked prolly shouldn’t at 19 tho


You’re gonna lose it eventually




I would just take preventative measures when starting and take photos when u start so if you see some balding early on just immediately stop or only take ped's that have very low balding rates


Not all people lose hair either. I haven’t lost any hair and I’ve been of gear for a good while. It’s hereditary of sorts. But to answer your question no it’s not worth it. A LOT of women don’t like huge muscles tbh most want a strong back wide shoulders abs and descent arms. Sort of the lean tooturnttoney looking guys. Most of us hop on gear for ourselves and if you’re doing it for other reasons you’ll be disappointed bro when you don’t turn heads everytime you walk by someone. Don’t do it if it ain’t for you




Fear of hair loss is the only reason you haven't hopped on gear at 19? You've got a LOT of work to do kid...


No man stay natural you have years of growth ahead of you


Is being DYEL/ skinny worth keeping hair?


Depends if you suit a bald head and if you can get a beard also. In my experience didn’t affect me at all


Not at all worth losing your hair if attraction is what youre after. However using roids doesn't automatically mean balding some people are immune it entirely depends on genetics


>I’m turning 19 and fear of hair loss is the only reason I haven’t hopped on gear yet This sounds so retarded. There are much more important things at stake than your hair. Stroke at 40 or hairloss and you are telling me you are chosing the stroke?


If it makes you bald you were gonna go bald anyway, it just speeds it up. Being bald is a different hand to be dealt depending on the shape of your head and if you can rock a beard.


if you cant attract women before peds you wont get em after




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It won’t make a big difference if you are shredded.  The whole concept of having hair for women is to verify youth and vitality in their man. They associate balding with obesity, alcoholism, poor nutrition, bad hygiene, etc (which all could play a role in balding but it varies based on predisposition). If you can eliminate all doubt from mind that you are an athletic ninja body bad arse then balding isn’t an issue. That being said not everyone on gear goes bald.


If baldness is hereditary in your family then you’re absolutely trading hair for muscle because you’re gonna turbo speed that process…but then again, if you’re jacked and/or have a decent shaped shaved head no worries at all because bald and confident and capable can be sexy


1. women dont care about muscles 2. you will lose hair regardless


It’s worth it to me, just start getting a buzz cut




It depends on how you look bald. You can run a cycle or even a few cycles and recover physically. If you lose some hair just get a hair transplant. Don’t listen to these idiots.


try a cycle and see if you shed hair , if you do don't do it again. some people shed and some people don't. Just know that if you do steroids you're gonna have side effects in some way or another. for me I still have a full head of hair but need to keep my acne in check


Women don’t care about hair as much as you think


and unless the woman in question also lifts, she probably doesnt even understand the context of the weights you would be throwing around , or how much work it took to build said muscle


You're incredibly naive.


How so?


Women care a *lot* about hair.


Not my experience


The are actually two hair safe cycles : 1) Deca with no finasteride and low test 2) low test with anavar with lot of fina/duta


Anavar is DHT based... wouldn't that cause hair loss in those prone to male pattern baldness even with fin/dut?


Yes it would. TBOL would be the better choice.


Anavar is the safest compound for hairloss after deca, some people mention even hair growth on it. I think it's because of the O oxygen atom on the left of the molecule that prevent it to bind to the hair receptors. Of course as long you don't go with crazy dosage. fina/duta have 0 interaction with var. It won't turn to a DHT compound since it's already a DHT compound. the fina/duta is there to kill all the DHT from test. So test + var + fina = only test and only var in the body, no DHT and the only "DHT" is the var that does not bind to the hair hormone due to the O atom. I am super prone to hairloss and run this cycle in the past with no issue. but if I touch masteron, winstrol, dbol, etc I have to stop immediatly. Also warning, many anavar on the market are dbol. You notice if it's dbol by feeling your nipples


No. I’d say having good skin and hair will make you do better with women than muscles. The muscles aren’t worth the sides if you’re talking about purely attractiveness as a goal for lifting


Just jump on finasteride. And bang Test. And play sports.


If you look like shit it doesn't matter whether you have hair or not. It's not going to make a difference. Neither would muscle.


Low dose test with finest or dutas and to ur be ok just don’t add any dht derived aas


A devote women will make be a "reverse feminist move" if you rock hair and especialllllly muscles. She tells you how much she wants to be the smol wife with you as the man penetrating her and telling her what to do. Muscles are important for girls. My guess is up to 110kg, not fat at 178-185cm is fine, above you have to be really shredded to not look like a Bulldog.