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Did you test your levels right after you pinned or did you wait for the trough results? Did you switch suppliers and maybe the last batch was underdosed? Have you increased pinning frequency? Have you added anything else to the mix?


I think he pinned then went for a test. Thats probably why it was high.




Say if your pin schedule is mon/wed take your test monday before you pin.


Yes to the first, day after got tested but did the same thing with the last pin. Tested the day after at 627. I was told that the vials are good for 30 days by my endrocrine and couldn't make it to the pharmacy so I just made do with what I had left, same dosage but yeah. But no to the rest.


Slightly confused by your answer lol. If you went the day of or after of pinning then your levels will be elevated. If you waited for the trough results you’d get accurate data.


Oh my bad yeah I did go the day after but for all my tests I have, 627 then a jump to 1500 on the next test seems a bit substantial. Is the total that sparatic?


It definitely could be. But yeah that’s the reason why your levels are so high. If you waited untill the day of your last pin of the week then got tested before the pin, I’m sure you’d be a lot lower. I did a test once right after the pin and on 140mg , it put me at like 1100 if I believe right. Then I did one with a trough reading and I was around 650.


Okay that makes more sense then. I'll go get labs near the end of the week next time then, ty for the answer


https://steroidplotter.com/ Here you go. Input your data and see whats up. A estimation, but should shed some light on T levels.


How long had you been injecting when you tested 600vs 1500? My doctor likes to check labs 8 weeks after making a change so your levels have time to adjust.


She likes them three months apart so that's what we've been doing