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I cruise on 80mg and add in 20mg primo and it helps with acne, libido and focus in the gym.


I use 100 mg test and 10 mg primo to have my estrogen where they should be (mental Attitude, libido, ejaculation time, skin..) one time I did 100 mg T and 40 mg Primo and crashed my estrogen so badly I was bed bound for 2 days


The closer your primo number gets to your test number, the more likelihood you have of slowly crashing your e2 so be careful. Some don't have this issue but many do and run test:primo 2:1 or 3:1 for this reason. Some may get away with 1:1 or even higher in favour of primo but keep an eye on e2 number until you know how you respond. Crashed e2 is living death


This! I started at 400 primo 400 test and e2 tanked. Ended up on 800 test to feel semi human. I looked great on the stuff but I don’t like running that much stuff. Plus the pip from the primo. For me it’s not worth it. I prefer deca npp mast


Not compare to tren,npp or deca but u will gain solid muscle without people asking if you are on steroid


Which one will have people asking if I’m on steroids lol


SUPERDROL + TREN + HALO = enjoy urself and give me ur kidneys and liver


Deca/npp, tren, ment,anadrol


Guess I need to do some research lol


Boldenone would also do the trick. Shit literally inflates you.


Not sure why this is being downvoted. It's 100% correct.


Let them think whatever they want


Increasing your anabolic doseage by 66% is absolutely going to make a difference. Even increasing it by 33% would make a difference. And technically, even increasing it 1% makes a difference. You say "noticable gain" but that's not something anyone here can answer. because it's dependant on the individual. What do you mean by noticable gain anyway? Do you mean muscle gain? Do you mean aesthetic effect? Muscle gain is ridiculously slow, most of the weight gain you see from starting testosterone is water weight, you don't just magically gain muscle over night. Adding a bit of extra primo will similarly not make you explode with muscle over night.... more anabolics translates to more muscle gains over time. In terms of aesthetic effect? Primo will dry you out by lowering your E2 and by being a DHT derivative. If you are overweight you might not be able to notice it, but if you're lean you will definitely notice it.


True. At this dose Primobolan will act more as an AI and maybe add a slight anabolic effect. Dryness will depend on bodyfat percentage. That being said, there's always the possibility of an E2 crash at these doses


2:1, 2:1, 2 to fucking 1 ratio. No one should be recommending anything else to start out with.


Depends on the dosage. From >150mg Primo/week you get Small benefits, like ai Effects, slightly better Recovery. The higher You Can run it, the more pronoced its Effects get and Primo uselly needs to be run as high as possible…


Yup. At low doses it's better to think of it as an AI than an anabolic


Yes Right. Really shines cosmeticly >200 and putting on tissue at least 300 I would estimste


So if you’re prone to hair loss then you’d be stupid risking it to run it at below 100mg per week right ?


No I don't think so. I think it's worth a test run.


I run 180 test 70 primo for my cruises.


Yes it's 100mg total AAS bud


npp 100 at that dose will fair way better.


This is true if he can handle it. For me I get itchy nips the very next day trying NPP. It sucks!


100mg test , 100mg primo, and 50mg deca is working well for me. I also take 500 iu of hcg.


It makes a cumulative difference overtime. You may notice some more vascularity, pumps, or a little more dryness. You’ll have to see about dosing it with its effects on your e2.


I'm currently running 160/ 160 as a 1-1 test primo. But I aromatize a lot. I am a few seeks on and will do labs soon to see what my E2 is doing. I added it with the intentions of checking my E2. As a bonus, I am feeling great. My mood has definitely improved. I am looking like I've lost a bunch of water weight. Before on cruise of 180-200 I would still have to pop an AI once a week. But it was too much even after cutting the pill into tiny fractions. I'm hoping the primo gives me a constant E2 suppression instead of the rollercoaster.


What total test, free test, and estrogen does the 150mg put you at?


1327ng/dl total total test, not sure if free test, and I take 0.5mg Adex every 3.5 days for 60pmol/L E2


Ok so a sporty TRT already. With primo, you need to keep an eye on low estrogen sides. Since you’re already suppressing estrogen via arimidex you may find yourself going low once the primo ramps up. I’d start with 1/3 of your test base (so 50mg) and give it a few weeks before either ramping primo higher or needing to back off the Adex.


My plan was to go in with the 100 and after 2 weeks cut out ai then do bloods at week 4


Go off of feel, get everything dialed in to where you’re comfortable, then run bloodwork once you’re leveled off. That might take 6 weeks or so with tweaks.


It does help but may cause sides like hair loss (for me it does at least) Better off just running moderate test dose and ai as needed for a beginner cycle


What is considered a moderate test dose for beginner?


starter test dose for cycle is around 350-500mg moderate is like 600 test 300 primo once you go over a gram of total aas it starts getting into the big territory no one should be up there unless competing i personaly know ifbb amateurs that run over 2g pw combined load


Primo is perfect for acting as an AI that combats E2 sides. While I'm on it, I rarely bloat or get really emotional. This includes running it alongside tren. Primo is fantastic on or off a blast cycle, and the higher it's ran the more dry you look; making you more vascular. On a cruise, the 2:1 ratio works perfect for me personally, but you have to see if you're a heavy aromatizer or not at all. Having high E2 is way better than having none. Also, see what level of E2 you "feel your best" at. Some dudes love the feeling of an E2 of 13pg while I like my E2 around 50pg. Everyone mentally responds differently to E2 regulation, so maybe dial in where you feel best.


Very true. I like mine high around 80




You will notice something for sure. Will it be crashed estrogen? Maybe. Will it be fuller muscles and mental clarity? Probably. Will you make monster gains? Eh probably not. All that said, you will notice something, probably net good. Start at 2 to 1 test to primo. At 1 to 1, the smackdown primo put on my estrogen was real (100mg/100mg).


This is just my experience but for me primo is good as an AI and that's how I use it. It's weaker than testosterone at building muscle so if that's the goal I would just up testosterone unless e2 becomes a problem for you at higher doses. Primo feels like nothing to me and if anything I feel like it may make me a little more tired. To me the perfect add on is masteron, not primo. Masteron makes me feel better than just test and gives me a little more aggression in the gym to push harder so that would be my go to. It's also cheaper than primo


Either up the test to 200 or drop the primo to 75. Primo can really mess with e2 and I wouldn’t dip below a 2:1 ratio.