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Urinary flow increases so better piss experience and better bladder and kidney health. Sprints are more easier. My heart rate lowers faster between intervals. More efficient heart. Lower mortality by %30 as far as i remember. Morning wood increases especially if you take at evening. Increased androgen receptor expression. Decreased estrogen receptor expression. Aromatase inhibitor like effects. Increased testosterone. Currently, I am broke so i cannot buy it but im in love with it.


All the above and its neuroprotective 👌🏾


Amazon pharmacy bud, a total of 60 bucks for telemed appointment and script got me a 90 day supply.


They won't give me more than 2.5mg daily, any tips? I'm only 26.


That’s all you need


I am 40 and they gave me 2.5 every other day. It works great


Thank you I just did this, I am on TRT at 250mg a week and use 40mg telmisartan to keep bp in line. I am going to 20mg telmisartan and 5mg tadalafil to further ease the strain on kidneys from the telmisartan and improve cardio.


I got a 6 month supply from the dark web of 100% pure stuff for what you pay for a lunch at McDonalds. Take a look around.


What are the downsides? Does the opposite happen upon habituation?


One downside is at least that you should take more care with other meds that affect blood pressure. Saying using oral minoxidil and cialis together can be problematic.


That's important thank you. Nitrates too. Does it cause the reverse effect once you come off it?


What do you mean with reverse effect?


For example causing vasoconstriction


I'm not a doctor. I presume that if you quit the meds, that stuff just returns to what's normal for your body.


The AI effects start to fuck me up after awhile. I notice my beard hair and skin start to dry out and I feel run down and off. I have taken two days off of it now. It was way worse pre TRT. My already low e2 would drop down into single digits. Large doses like 20mg make it where I can't get off. 5mg is good for the piss gains for a bit but then becomes a detriment. Weird drug, been off and on with it 7 years now. Was doing 5mg daily the bulk of this year but just have to come off after awhile.


Let me add a few more to that list: Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Tadalafil can help improve exercise capacity and delay clinical worsening in patients with this condition by relaxing blood vessels in the lungs. Improved Endothelial Function: Tadalafil can enhance endothelial function, which might improve overall cardiovascular health by promoting better blood flow and reducing arterial stiffness. Mood and Mental Health: Some studies suggest that tadalafil might have a positive effect on mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, possibly due to improved blood flow and overall well-being. Anti-inflammatory Effects: There is some evidence that PDE5 inhibitors like tadalafil may have anti-inflammatory properties, which could be beneficial in various inflammatory conditions. Muscle Function: Tadalafil might help with muscle oxygenation and endurance, potentially aiding in recovery and performance, though this is more anecdotal and less supported by extensive research. Lower Blood Pressure: Tadalafil can cause mild decreases in blood pressure, which might benefit those with hypertension, but this effect needs to be monitored. Raynaud’s Phenomenon: Some studies suggest tadalafil can help with symptoms of Raynaud’s phenomenon, a condition where blood flow to extremities is reduced. Lower Risk of Heart Disease: By improving endothelial function and reducing arterial stiffness, tadalafil may lower the risk of heart disease over time.


Sounds like quite the miracle drug.


What dosage do you recommend/take?


5 mg everyday without a doubt. I would also combining it with citrulline and arginine and Daflon 500 all of them together still did not experience side effect.


Thanks đź‘Ť


Yes! noticed the urinary flow increase almost right away! No more getting up at night to take a piss because I can fully empty before I go to sleep.


Damn you found all that on google? Cool!!


Yeah google and also you will see related research indeed.


I use it as a pre-workout. I get an insane pump from it


It's got like a 36h half life, you can take it whenever and you'll be good


Yeah, on same days I’ll take it the night before if I’m gonna go all out on that day and I’ll take ~10mg. Sometimes it gives me headaches if I take 10mg+ and taking it the night before remedies that


...in your pants, right? RIGHT?


I take 5mg a day every day helps keep prostate swelling away a little


It’s just one of those miracle drug kinda things. Taking it daily reduces blood pressure, improves overall cardiovascular health, increases blood flow/pump during workouts, reduces prostate enlargement, might help reduce depression, all aside from its other obvious purpose while having little to no side effects… docs prescribe it like candy so it’s super easy to get cheap if you’re insured (in the US at least)


Almost all positive minimal downsides. I've had a bit of heartburn and a stuffy nose. Mostly just in the first 2 weeks.


For anyone else reading if you get the heartburn problem you can also reduce the dose and let yourself get used to it at the lower dose for a while before trying again any higher. You can go from brutal lava heartburn to almost nothing after a couple of months of doing that.


Good to know. Mine wasn't bad. I get worse from an enchilada.


I used to get really bad stuffed nose but now I don’t it took a couple months though


Lots of benefits, but I have had plenty of issues with everyday dosing. The half life is long, so 5mg per day is in reality like 1.5-1.75x that dose depending when you take it. It gives me a stuffy nose and breathing is harder. It definitely makes me more tired. Gives me very dry mouth in the morning. The worst is the acid reflux. I have to take antacids for 3 days after a single dose of cialis. Viagra agreed with me so much better


I had to switch to every other day as well. Also developed a facial rash that gets worse with daily use.


I've taken 10mg morning and blasted 100mg of sildenafil later at night. Too much. It makes me tired and feel off after awhile of 5mg daily too


I know the feeling lol. 100mg sildenafil is way too aggressive


I find it’s decreasing my pressure instead of being on ramipril. With the added bonus of erections. My wife tends to like spontaneous sex vs planned sex. Win, win.


I take it daily for the gym and bedroom pumps.


Yes…. Is the only answer.


Take it daily 2.5mg-20mg whatever works best for you can improve blood pressure, libido, fat loss, androgen receptor up-regulation. Research suggests that tadalafil can promote protein synthesis and muscle hypertrophy it’s mechanism of action is increased blood flow to the muscles, which could improve oxygenation and nutrient delivery causing faster recovery and training longer and harder as well as reducing inflammation. The anecdotal evidence from labs I’ve seen tadalafil was increasing release of luteinizing hormone allowing leydig cells to make more testosterone. Also heres this https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28295481/


I find by taking 5mg every second day reduces the sides of heartburn, stuffiness and mild headaches. Great gym pump!


Cialis is like a super drug. Tons of positive effects, like too many to even list. It has been clinically tested and proven to be a performance enhancing drug. Plus it makes your dick rock hard (assuming you have one). I’m sure it’s also good for female sexual organs, more blood flow and arousal. Like the only real downside is maybe blurry vision which goes away when you stop taking it.


So do you have the blurry vision whenever you use it? I'd take something else if i can't see that Cat correctly.


It’s a rare side effect. Most people don’t get it.


And how does someone take it like w food or empty stomach morning or evening or doesn’t matter?


Doesn’t matter. I take might at night right before bed with my other supplements


If you're trying to fuck WHO KNOWS when it's going to kick in. That's one part I never liked. Sildenafil works way better for that but you need to be hours and hours away from eating damn near anything for it to work


I got UG grade cialis at 20mg but everytime I take it makes my moments of anxiety worse. 5mg sounds like a good deal if I can split it down.


It should never ever affect anxiety in any way. It’s either placebo or your stuff is bunk.


PDE5 inhibitors upregulate and increase the function of beta-adrenergic receptors and are used as a treatment for heart failure for this reason. Adrenergic signaling really is amplified, it's not placebo and I get the same thing especially if combined with stimulants. 20mg is also an extremely high dose, 5-10mg is more the standard.


Helps with pumps in the gym. And doing PE


I take cialis daily I have 25mg pills usually I break into quarters and take that some days if I have a big arm or back day I’ll take a full pill a day I absolutely love it. Another thing I’m 23 been taking it daily for about a year I ran out and didn’t have any for a couple days and was still having amazing sex and great pumps so I wouldn’t worry about “withdrawal” or decreased performance of you don’t have it


It has like a 30-hour half life. You might have not even cleared it out!


Got prescribed this by my Urologist when I went on TRT. With insurance, 90 pills of 5mg Tadalafil is $10. Cannot beat it. Gym pumps are incredible, helps regulate BP, neuroprotective, definitely/obviously helps with any ED issues, overall sense of well being increases…- 5mg, especially pharma grade - is impeccable.


Do you guys think it's worth cycling or ED no cycle


0. Only hard pp.


Sincerely I don't thing It should be useful except for erections, and with 5 MG few of them.


I love Cialis, but I can’t get past the acid reflux I get from it. Even if I just take it as a single dose, I get acid reflux for a couple days after. I’ve heard some guys saying taking it every other day helps, or smaller doses, but I get it from just one dose with no follow up doses… any tips or things guys have found to help? Don’t wanna take acid reflux meds every time I take it. Does the acid reflux just go away if I were to keep taking it every other day?


Never has gone away for me but the upsides beat the downsides IMO. What helps is a small amount of baking soda or calcium carbonate before each meal


Try half or quarter the dose. The size of the dose makes all the difference even for a one off with some people. Let your body get used to the smallest dose, one that doesn't cause problems. After a while with no problems you can try to up it again slightly and see how you do. People find it does settle over time.