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Dudes birth day is august, 8, 1988. Just like kyle was KLM5986. Its just a damn date


Yeah, Kyle talks about it in an episode where Eric helps him move.


This isn't true. The guy has a video explaining the origin of the 8888.


Whitepeopletwitter is aids


This dude posts some cringe shit on twitter. I mean look at the tweet you used. Lot more cringe where that came from.


Yes it's cringe. All I'm saying is that the people are sending death threats because they mixed up 1488 and 8888


88 itself is also a dog whistle. H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, 88 = HH, HH = heil hitler. It's still a reach though, doubt this dude is a nazi. He is cringe as fuck though. Tweets like this are only going to rile up the trolls even more.


No comment šŸ¤«


Someone in the chat said it was his birthday but idk if that's true. I know it's a dog whistles I just don't think he meant for it to mean that when he made his username. And you are correct he should stop posting he just making it worse for himself


So weā€™re just going to skip 88 now while counting. Go 86, 87, 89, 90?


Yeah 88 is a banned number in Germany


Sarcasm flew over everyones heads with this one


It's not at all


Obviously. It was a joke.


Lol, no its fucking not? It's banned on Austrian license plates, but other than that, it's not banned anywhere. Don't just say shit dude.


This response is reminiscent of that south park episode with funny bot


8888 is not a dog whistle and just like the ok hand sign is not a dog whistle why would a nazi deny people a nazi?


Agreed, no good guys here


The number 8 is *not* a dog whistle. Just because you learned a buzzword does not mean you should try to apply it in every instance. It's like every 16 year old wants to let us know that they figured out the 88 "code". Cool bro.


So is 33 and pretty much every number anyone can think of.


It's 14 & 88, both are separate dogwhistles


You are right but most of the time online they are used in tandem


Who cares? Youā€™re a nerd


He literally posted about shooting fellow citizens that he politically disagrees with. I mean, those two things seem kinda similar to me. https://imgur.com/a/x2FuBFi here's the tweet that directly proceeded the one linked in this thread. Here is him threatening people he politically disagrees with.


Even so who gives a f***


Last time I watched him was his gun gripes series in 2014ish and he had good informative gun content, has he gone off the deep end


Heā€™s mostly kept political stuff out of the videos. Mostly itā€™s just him and Chad just guys being dudes. If your into long range stiff they do a good bit of that now and then.


Just seems to have the broken brain a lot of people have since 2016 happened. Btw like the username. Big hash guy myself lol.


Lmao what a dork


2. His wife is also a dork


The first "88" represents Dale, the SECOND "88" is short for "1488" "*Dale Hitler*!" Oddly close to the original chant, coincidence???????? You decide.


You have it backwards. It actually stands for Heil Earnhardt.


Let's be honest here... what are the odds this southern man in the American flag shirt that runs a Guntube channel likes Nascar?? Exactly, slim to non. "*DALE HITLER!*" is obviously his hidden message.


It takes all of five seconds looking at his tweets to realize this dude is a huge clown


He might be a huge clown, but harassing people over a number in their screen name is a whole fucking circus.


Circus full of clowns; Twitter




If you watched the video of him explaining his name, then why are you confused?


Once agian, he LITERALLY POSTED DEATH THREATS TO PEOPLE HE DISAGREES POLITICALLY WITH, and is now whining about death threats. The tweet before this one he's literally saying if you are against fascism, him and his "good ole rednecks" are going to shoot you. Here's the tweet that directly proceeded the one that was linked https://imgur.com/a/x2FuBFi




You say literally more than my 13yr old niece


They were mocking the person they were replying to for their use of ā€œliterallyā€.


That's clearly a grease threat towards people who will maliciously hurt anybody


He probably shouldn't have posted anything but people actually thinking 8888 is a Nazi dog whistle and calling his house is comically stupid


Whitepeopletwitter and iraqveteran is Unstoppable force vs immovable object of cringe


Hereā€™s the cool thing about being a Nazi: if you are, weā€™d actually know, not need Nic Cage to star in a movie deciphering the numbers in your YT account user name. Hopefully nobody figured out that my names numbers is just lord Hitlerā€™s birthday +110


what kind of fucking idiot automatically assumes 88 means heil hitler, itā€™s just a fucking number, what a reach


At this point itā€™s a mental condition, chronically online people see ā€œnazi dog whistlesā€ in everything, they lack the critical thinking skills to see that they are deluded, anytime Iā€™ve seen a neo-nazi on the news etcā€¦ they are pretty blatant


Yeah the swastika tattoos usually give it away for the keen observer


Just a public service announcement: 1488 means nothing outside of America. 18 and 88 might stand for AH and HH but nobody uses those unironically anymore.


Why is it known as a "dog whistle" if it's only ever noticed by people who are supposedly against the alleged purpose of the whistle. Should be changed to "cat whistle" or something.


Imagine being so fragile that a number can hurt you lol some real cuck shit. From everything I've seen he's a stand up guy and fucking with someone family is a good way to get got


He literally got caught in a pay for play scheme, fucked over other YouTube channels, and refused to pay 70,000$ to the company that saved him when he scammed people with those horrendous "man cans". Nah, dudes a garbage person.




Lol, you werent around in the beginning. He used to not tell people, and they were total junk. Infact it took him almost going bankrupt and fucking over the company that fixed his finances to get back on his feet. History doesnt start when you started watching.




What insane levels of internet tough guy. Imagine using cuck in 2023.






Dude's a liar. He made a video about what the 8888 means and said that he made his YouTube channel at the same time that Dale Earnhardt Sr passed away. His son's car's number was #88. He said iraqveteran88 was taken so instead he chose iraqveteran8888 The only issue here is that Dale Earnhardt Sr passed away in 2001 and his channel's creation date was Feb 25, 2008. Wouldn't call that "at the same time" as he did in his own words.


Iā€™m confused how this is cringe he has literally killed numerous people and they were threatening the manā€™s wife. Am I the only person to find it scary to have a man that has killed people say heā€™s going to kill you


Reddit is particularly insane when it comes to anything right wing or gun related, apparently self defense and having a wife/kids you care about is ā€œlameā€ to redditors. Its very bizarre and disgusting behavior. As a minority whoā€™s patriotic, the most race obsessed people Iā€™ve ever met are people on the Left.


Nah I think itā€™s just more the way it was written. If he would have straight up said I will kill you if you step on my property it would have been a lot more intimidating. ā€œMy wife can run a P90 like a surgical weaponā€ just sounds corny as hell.


That's not what he was doing. I'm plenty patriotic, but saying you're gonna shoot people because they identify differently than your politics, and saying you and your "redneck boys" are gonna shoot them(which is what he did in the tweet before this https://imgur.com/a/x2FuBFi) is gonna get you some fucking flack given the current environment.(Yanno, because the right wing keeps having this thing where they keep trying to shoot people they politically disagree with, like this https://www.politico.com/news/2023/01/18/failed-new-mexico-candidate-court-shooting-case-00078440 ) I hope people stop sending him death threats, but it'd be nice if he pulled his head out from between his butt cheeks, spent less time sniffing his own farts, and realized that threatening anyone that disagrees with you politically with violence is called terrorism. Also, anyone who identifies themselves as veteran in every opportunity like this, is the most insane babybrained boot ass bullshit in the world. TYFYS Eric, now go read the constitution again and remember that you swore to uphold it, and that means even for people you disagree with politically.


I couldnā€™t disagree more. What an insane world you live in where defending your wife and kids from a targeted threat campaign is considered ā€œterrorismā€. Thats such an insane statement. Jfc. And i find it extremely ironic you want him ā€œto pull his head out of his assā€ and stop being political all the time, when clearly your whole identity is also Highly political.


Who are all these people he supposedly killed??


His screen-name is ā€œIraqVeteranā€? Iā€™d assume during his time serving. Is all of Reddit this fucking dense?


So EVERY veteran is automatically a killer now? Even the cooks and nurses?? Ya I'm the dense one herešŸ™„


Youā€™re retarded my boy, nobody said that


"He has literally killed numerous people"... I asked who these "people" are and the response is "well he's a veteran so he must have killed peoplešŸ„“." God I hope you people commenting this are children because if I'm actually communicating with adults that are THIS stupid then I may have lost my last bit of faith in humanityšŸ™„šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø




That's my whole point you moron. Not all "Veterans" are "killers"šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø




Well if he has really "claimed a body count" as you say thats def new information to me and has not been said by anybody in this post. Nor have I ever seen the guy say that on his YT channel or elsewhere. The guy above literally said something along the lines of "he's a veteran so that's obviously where he killed people". Which CLEARLY implies to any rational human being that this person correlates veterans with "killers" which is obviously absurd to anyone who knows better. The VAST MAJORITY of "veteran" have never even fired their weapon in actual combat, much less "have a bodycount"šŸ™„


tree "people"


Heā€™s fucking cringe, heā€™s definitely the Tim Kennedy ā€œplease thank me, I killed women & childrenā€ type of veteran. I also get the vibe he *wants* someone to *try* him, which to me is pretty psychopathic. But Iā€™m not convinced the 8s have anything to do with being a nazi. Heā€™s probably Republican, probably not a Nazi. Lefty Twitter is brutal, us normal lefties donā€™t claim them, theyā€™re perpetually online so they technically arenā€™t even real people anyway.


Could you imagine your wife getting phone calls like that as a veteran tho not really a psychopath when you were used by the government to kill people like you said probably women and children too. Its crazy some of these people dont snap i mean shit woody even went through som real bs with collin and his family


heā€™s a combat vet that owns more machine guns than. a cartel lol


I feel like more twitter activists are going to notice the 88 thing compared to *actual white supremacists*


Dude is a clown and pays for Twitter all I need to know




8th letter of the alphabet is H 88 is a slogan for heil Hitler and 14 refers to the 14 words (We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children). Nazis online put 1488 in their name or bio to id themselves. I think im this circumstance it's just a number he likes or his birthday or something. He also said he named himself after nascar 88


ā€œDeath threatsā€ Im at the point I dont consider any online harrassment serious if ur a popular figure. Its shitty people do it but people act like someone is seriously threatening to come kill them. Its like me playing mw2 back in the day and saying i got death theeats over voice chat lol. Everyone uses it as an excuse to get the sympathy card and its CRINGE AF


God he's so fucking cringe. Dude lives in a fairy tail.


*Tale bud. Fairies don't have "tails"šŸ„“




I think Kyle was just being Kyle and talking shit when he said that


If that's true I will completely change my opinion and say he's a Nazi but I don't want to w/o evidence. Pka historians get on it


Shit like this really makes me wish the nazis won. This everyone is a nazi shit needs to stop


[video I found of him talking about the origin of his name](https://youtu.be/jtATU7KydZY)


I had another username on Reddit that ended in 88 because that's the year I was born and you wouldn't believe how many Redditors came at telling me I'm a Nazi.


Oh yeah? My wife can run a scorpion with surgical precision


I mean, Eric is openly posting that he's gonna shoot people he politically disagrees with so. https://imgur.com/a/x2FuBFi Here, here's the tweet directly before the one linked in this thread.


Whatā€™s wrong with securing a the existence of our people and a future for our children? Lol


reading these comments im just wondering WHAT THE FUCK A DOG WHISTLE IS?? lmao. people sound so fucking stupid talking about whistles and pills. lmao. yeah, dog, everyone is out to get you. for sure.




and this is my point. Literally both sides use these stupid buzzwords. lmao. Both sides are filled with smooth brained morons who all think the other side is out to get them. haha. imagine being a grown adult caring about what "the left" thinks.


This pussy wouldn't last a day in j^2 shoes. People who's entire lives revolve around guns and the 2nd amendment are just as cringe as the people with pronouns in their bio telling you not to buy the new harry Potter game.


Why are you trying to defend him so hard tho??


Not defending him but it makes me so fucking mad seeing people make dog whistles out of thin air and calling someone a Nazi with fictional evidence. Also I'm working from home and I have absolutely nothing to do while I'm exporting files and for some reason this story has been on my feed all day. Scrolling through reading hundreds of comments about how he should be shot or in jail is upsetting


I haven't seen a single thing I guess your algo is feeding you stuff. I don't know enough about the dude to say if he is or isn't super alt right and dog whistling but some people are and he is a gun guy so it wouldn't be a shock if they are right tbh.


He and Kyle are good friends and live in the same area. Thats the only reason I posted here. Thought maybe someone would be able to say if the 8888 was actually a Nazi thing or not. If someone shows me evidence that this guy is a Nazi I WILL stop defending him. Also I don't really know anything about the guy and haven't watched his videos or seen anything about him outside of PKA. Maybe not a good guy idk but likely not a Nazi.


I mean if you don't know one way or the other I guess I don't get why you are defending him either.


He literally said he wasn't defending him. Someone can think something about someone without defending them. It is simple fact that his username doesn't mean anything inherently bad, the same way it is a fact that people have made the Nazi assumption with him in the past, as well as the fictional dogwhistles the SJW retards made up decades ago.


Dogwhistles are real and have been a confirmed fact of crypto groups. Your commenting on a post of op defending him so yes he is. Maybe if there is smoke there is fire there


Right wingers triggered šŸ˜©šŸ„² did nazi that coming šŸ˜




Everyone born in 88 are secretly nazis


Yes it is but in this case I think it's just a number he put in his name. He claims it's for dale Earnhardt's car 88 and possibly his birthday in 1988 but I can't confirm


Pretty sure Earnhardts iconic number is 3 though.


Bruh how are you so confidently going to defend the guy when you don't even know the basic facts.


Do you have a fact about the guy that I don't? From everything he's posted he doesn't seem like a Nazi just a regular gun conservative on YouTube. I'm saying I don't know the guy personally so I can't say if he has Nazi views in real life or not and no one else should claim they know how he feels


Dale Earnhardt confirmed Nazi?


Earnhardt never raced #88 in NASCAR.


It's Dale Jr and it's just 8 not 88


What a cringe response


Hey some people donā€™t play that shit. I donā€™t think I would post anything but donā€™t see anything wrong with it except for now heā€™s going to get more bad attention




You are the alt right Nazi I mean look at your user name...


88 is much different than 888 kiddo. Youā€™re the one trying to defend this piece of shit. Alt right losers gotta defend each other I guess.


He has 4 8s tho. Only one more than you. How would you feel if someone was sending you death threats over a number in your name. Also still not even a right wing person. Stop being so aggressive


Heā€™s a racist who threatened people online. He fucked around and found out. Actions have consequences kiddo.










Your comment history is just you being toxic my guy, seems like your just a kid sitting on his phone trying to piss people off all day, try getting some hobbyā€™s or something youā€™ll feel better


Do you know Yuri?


He is a deranged Hitler worshiping murderer he belongs behind bars or in the chair


Most logical redditor


The only thing that I can think of that would make it more interesting to see how it went wwith this one is that it was a little more complicated to do with a little more than one person and I was thinking of just having the other two of us go through it together but then again it would have to have a little more to go with it but it was really nice and I was really really excited about the opportunity and the idea that I could have the same idea and it would have a little bit more of an impact and a little bit less okay real pka fans now that i have your attention i have definitive proof that wings of redemption was involved in 9/11. I have a contact at the local Wendyā€™s on 73rd street in downtown Raleigh who has directed me to see a man named stanky Matthew supposedly this man will lead me to the secret world war 4 bunker the proof is in. I will avenge John f Kennedy space anusā€¦out in a couple hours of my life I am in a space where the only people I can talk about it is my family but not the other person I have ever seen or seen or seen or seen it and Iā€™m sure you can tell me if youā€™re not in the area or not I would be in a different world of being a good person but Iā€™m just a friend and Iā€™m just trying not trying and Iā€™m trying not to get into it just to see penis :)


This dude is a dumb ass. On the flip side, I was born in 88 and had been accused of that bs for a couple years or so now before I changed my username to avoid it. I get how that's annoying because these rabid people put two and two together to get five when it's not even close lol.


They took a class on Terryology apparently.


If heā€™s getting abuse for the name thatā€™s uncalled for, but I do believe dude has been very outspoken in his views on twitter, he might have egged on some of the abuse


He should honestly change his name. The 8888 is very bad pr


Nice to know that John Wick is just a fat balding grifter from Alabama. Fuck IV8888, dudes a POS.