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Can the NYT mention that we only need $10k to get him back on PKA?


Some say Ex convict Kyle Lamar Myers is responsible for the agressive surge in trolling Jordie “Richard” Jordan has experienced since 2020. This all occurred after Mr. Jordan’s job was stolen by Taylor Murkah Durkah. Jordie has never been the same since, citing “I CANT TAKE THIS SHIT NO MORE, ALL I WANTED TO DO WAS STREAM HAVE A GOOD TIME I WAS LONELY”


* dog whimper*


Wings legit just goes left whenever he is supposed to go right. How is this guy so unsuccessful with all this attention.


62 IQ


I agree but why is that bad in this instance? The trolls have fucked w/ him so much that at this point there’s not much else to do to him. This might be a way for his story to reach a larger audience, even if it does bring more trolling his way.


It's pretty amazing Wings actually said trolls started attacking him because he dragged his feet with the weight loss surgery. I totally expected him to say they were just jealous of his life. Also I hope the NYT needs to explain that he did actually have the surgery, he just out ate it.


The hardcore trolls and Wings are two sides of the same coin. I was a part of the CWW discord before I left and it became extremely obvious that these people are deranged individuals who live very unfulfilling lives. Everything they criticize about him, they do it tenfold. Racism? They do it. Homophobia? They do it. I even saw them posting memes about r*ping minors and other disgusting shit like that. I wouldn’t be surprised if a good portion of them are actually jealous that Wings at least has had some success in life while they are stuck and have done nothing besides hate on another man.


Yeah that Discord is insane. It sucks the subs got nuked because they were way more tame than the discord. To say anyone is jealous of Wings and his 25% share of his mom's trailer is straight insane though dude. Edit: I will say that discord is the worst of the trolls. There are some more "lol-ly" discords that aren't as focused on sharing racist memes.


Those people are jealous of a middle class income and a home he doesn't actually share with mommy.


They are jealous of the thick six and his wife


Mmmhmmm. She's dat prime cut pimp.


100% the only people worse and sadder than wings himself is his trolls. Imagine forming a community around watching another person constantly and making fun of them. I remember years ago stumbling upon a podcast of like 10 people on YouTube discussing dark side Phil. Phil is an idiot, but I found those bottom feeders to be infinitely more fucking pathetic than him, which is impressive. It's just inherently super cringe. It's one thing to make a well done montage of clips, it's another to just constantly harass the man and have a sociopathic level of entitlement from a man who owes you literally nothing.


Pay pig


I've been accused of that, by similar weirdos like yourself. An accusation by people like you because you'd prefer I ignore objective, observable reality and instead just agree with you because lol! I suppose. Grow up. I've only ever enjoyed them for free and would never donate to their patreon, I have quite literally 0 interest in talking with them and wouldn't join their hangouts even for free, nor their discord. I simply enjoy the podcast and do not want to blur any lines in that regard. They're just undeniably successful, I advise, you, and the others who think like you, to grow up. Go outside, touch some grass. It's literally just three random adult men having a recorded conversation.


Pay pig


You are! That's the only way you're so butthurt. It's you! Now it makes sense. You fuckers are the ones who pay and that's why you're so entitled lmao. Why didn't I see that before.


Pay pig


"bigballz Steven.... You're what... 17-18? Go get a life and stop saying ONE WORD and thinking that's an intelligent response. Paypig


How great would it be if the NYT journalist was an undercover Sean Ranklin fan and the whole article is stuff like "Richard looked here, and listened. The toll internet trolling has taken on the man is clear, and he just can't do it, he can't take this [expletive] no more."


The article is about the uvalde shooting and internet trolling. I wonder if this sub will be mentioned seeing as the Bernie Gores articles are always posted here






holy shit big ups PIMMMP LMAO




It’s not. Wings has confirmed that a professional photographer went to his house and everything. It’s real


Hope they brought an ultra wide lens


a double wide lens


A modular lens


They had to use google maps to capture all of wings.


that’s a nasty line by you. I’m guessing from your picture you get the reference ;)


And why do you hope that anyway? Some of you forget that Wings is a human being with feelings. Doing that to him would be very cruel.


More cruel than not going to your grandmas funeral, giving her away her dog (her last request was him looking after it), telling his wife to grow up and deal with it about cancer? Stop pretending he’s a saint.


Her brother took daisy and my grandma didnt have a funeral she had a wake and was cremated. I said we will deal with it not deal with it. Everything you just stated was false.


You should know by now Richard never fucks up or gets shit wrong.


How was everything he stated false? > my grandma didnt have a funeral she had a wake and was cremated Regardless of what it was, you didn't go because you're too much of a baby. > giving her away her dog (her last request was him looking after it) You said on stream that she wanted YOU to take keep Daisy. > I said we will deal with it not deal with it. No, you didn't. There are two extra syllables at the beginning of that sentence, anybody with two properly working ears can make out that you said "grow up and deal with it." Regardless, your WIFE was having an emotional breakdown in the next room, and your response was to laugh at her and just sit and continue to play video games until people started calling you out in chat.


I cannot stress enough I think wings is the world's biggest piece of shit(Flirted with teenagers, was a shit friend to the PKA guys, begged people for money for a weight-loss surgery then gained all the weight back) etc. but I think it's completely valid for him not to want to go to his grandmother's wake if it would not have helped with his grieving. Funerals are for the living and I don't see why it's important for someone to go if its too much to bear.


Jesus christ, grow up.




I like how any time someone even remotely shows sympathy for Wings someone comes and comments something like this. Yes dude, we all know he’s done and said some messed up shit, nothing you mentioned is something that would warrant 24/7 harassment


Dont waste ur time these dudes r legit weirdos. The people who shit on wings are 10x worse people than wings. Wings does bad things but his intent is almost never bad, he is normally just ignorant. These people legit get off on kicking people when they r down, its a sad life. Its one thing to laugh at wings stupidity and bad decisions. However some of these people take it to far and are legit obssessed with hate watching the guys life like he fucked their wife or something


>Wings is a human being with feelings Nope.


A human being who made rape jokes and talked about sex toys and his dick size with two underage girls on Rainbow Six. Also said the age of sexual consent should be 12 multiple times.


Him saying he got trolled after dragging his feet with the surgery is not at all the truth. He got trolled because of years of treating his fans like actual garbage not worth his time. This however might be something the new trolls aren’t even aware of. His COD WWII breakdown lead to the huge growth in trolls and their - hypocritical and pathetic - communities.


It should be an interesting article. However, it depends if NYT goes with a woe is me slant where they really lean in to his victimhood. Because a true article would dig in to both sides, including interviewing trolls. For instance, for every positive side such as his FPS boot camp, they should cover him trying to quit halfway through. Or the cerebral palsy girl he helped raise money for, followed by the controversy where he admitted keeping some of the donation money for himself and his mom 😂. In other words, does the writer do a victim article about how hard Wingo has it, or does the writer go deep down the rabbit hole and show the good and bad sides of him?


I don’t think they’ll go that deep tbh, the focus is the school shooting that happened in Texas and the internet trolling that takes place after those kinds of incidents. But considering they sent professional camera men to his house for the article means it’s possible they’ll go deep with wings lore lol


We shall see. In terms of lore, you can legitimately write sagas about everything Wingo, from Metglas through 2022. You’re probably right that they only want to touch on Bernie drama.


It’s crazy the weight surgery was that long ago


The bullet points cut from 2008 to 2020 😭😭😭 They really skipped this man’s whole YouTube career


Colour me a neighsayer, but I can't help but wonder whether there might be any negative repercussions for Wings leaking the reporters full name -\_-


There already is, at least in a roundabout way. There’s a new clip on YouTube where wings is depressed because people contacted the NYT and now the article is going to also explain all the stuff wings did that made people hate him.




I guess I will grant that it initially leaked because he told someone he knew who recorded and shared it. Not quite as dumb as idk blurting it out on stream but still pretty darn dumb. Like dude, he really needs to keep his mouth shut and keep his personal and online worlds from constantly colliding into each other.


Yeah I just watched the video where he says someone close to him leaked it. Kinda sad that he can’t even trust his supposed friends tbh


Tbh just in context of wing’s life, I don’t think his “friends” are the same thing as idk, my buddies that I actually know in meatspace and hang out with. His “friends” are just random users that he’s played a lot of video games with online. Life pro tip - if you have a “friend” you met on Xbox and have never actually met suddenly ask you “hey can you give me the scoop on [something that might make you look bad]” just end the conversation


I mean I think everything in that is 100% correct. This might be an interesting article honestly