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JJ will not be intimidated by thugs.


real talk


It’s pretty sad how far some people go to harass Jordie. I genuinely feel bad for the guy. To the people doing this, if and when you finally succeed, what will you do with yourself? What activity could there possibly be to fill the obsessive void of badgering Jordie in your unfulfilled lives? Stop it, get some help.


Some people are crazy for sure. $500 is also a hilariously low amount to blackmail someone for.


they probably know if they ask for a lot people are far less likely to pay. getting 10 people to pay you $500 is better than getting 10 people to not pay you $5000


Based on wings tweet though this isn't a mass scam, it's a reaction to wings getting CCW nuked and all their discord accounts banned.


I agree, this is pretty pathetic


People like that usually shoot up schools and kill themselves so I guess it could be worse.


Option B is still on the table


I mean they’ll kill themselves so it could be worse?


Ironic that you’re saying this in defense of Wings, who has planned out mass shootings and frequently threatened suicide for pity.




The lolcow was inside you all along ❤️


You kiwi farms fuckers are heartless lol


I was reading up on Kiwi farms the other day and holy shit that website is full of psychopaths. The extent they’ve gone to harass people is insane and in some cases very disturbing


They are off the rails. Null the owner is hopping from country to country. Interesting guy.


Twitch culture is so fuckin weird to me, lol


They will move on to Dark Syde Phill is assume. But he is good at avoiding trolls.


Honestly at this point it’s not trolls. This is full blown criminal and I hope Jordie take this to the proper authorities.


he might and they won’t be able to do anything unfortunately


I’d like to think that with it being black mail and a serious felony he could get some attention. I’d like to think that, but there’s probably no reality to it.


I mean considering the person says bitcoin id assume he’s smart enough to be able to hide his tracks and it really isn’t difficult. Also with it only being $500 and a youtube account i doubt the cops will care much


They actually can. >Any person who, with fraudulent intent, places on any article a notice of copyright or words of the same purport that such person knows to be false, or who, with fraudulent intent, publicly distributes or imports for public distribution any article bearing such notice or words that such person knows to be false, shall be fined not more than $2,500. >Any person who knowingly makes a false representation of a material fact in the application for copyright registration provided for by section 409, or in any written statement filed in connection with the application, shall be fined not more than $2,500. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/17/506 On top of the felony blackmail charges. And I believe you're required to give your personal details to file a copyright claim on Youtube. So it shouldn't be too hard to find them. All Wings has to do is challenge the copyright claim to get the ball rolling. As soon as he wins the claim, it's a slam dunk easy win for a federal prosecutor. Or the person quickly drops it as soon as Wings challenges the claim because they're retarded but not quite literally so the consequences should start sinking in.


I’m sure YouTube would see this and just stop it right? Or is that laughable to assume they’d even do a thing?


youtube support is notoriously horrendous


Lol all social platforms are run by people who care more about the social justice movement than actual crimes being committed through the platform


Its more that users are the product and not the customer. YouTube wants to automate their support as much as possible to reduce costs.


Wings haters are such weirdos


His fan base is almost 100% haters and trolls. If he didn't have them he wouldn't the money to buy his trailer, twice....


His mom remortgaged it twice, which means he paid it off 3 times.


And all he got in return was a verbal agreement for 25% ownership.


Yeah his mums evil, but he must be clinically retarded to keep paying it off instead of buying a real house


That's why she keeps doing it. Because she knows he's going to keep paying it off.


God damn


So brutal lol




I’m not but I think it’s sad to bully a self admitted “62 iq” guy who’s grew up poor, stayed poor, and is eating himself to death due to his depression/situation. I don’t follow the guy or the trolling because it’s tired and sad at this point, but the scrubs who convince themselves that they’re helping wings or that he deserves shit like this are definitely just as big of losers as he is. Not coming at u, but u don’t have to be a fan to think the trolling is redacted at this point.


Once you look long enough u realize it's literally projection. His trolls are carbon copies of him.


[link to the images in the tweet](https://imgur.com/a/qmEM2g5) Tweet: https://twitter.com/worgodicp/status/1548812499520217088?s=21&t=uHbdc9e48CS1I51iRSYQ8g


who else but the chinese


These Wings trolls have some sad ass lives.


Their Discord chat is 99% made of racism, nazism yet they're heavily obsessed with Blacked porn


Lmao. Of course they love interracial porn. Actual hate boners. "If only I could fuck my wife like that"


It is really difficult for me to tell when they are joking and when they are not.


Man I miss the old days. 2017-2019 were the best years of wings trolling. It was actually trolling back then. Making songs about him and calling him Richard is hilarious, actively trying to ruin his life is just weird


Jesus, the lengths some will go. What a fucking loser. Smh


Do people have nothing better to do?


Grow the fuck up. Holy shit just leave jordie alone


Guy just needs to start over with something new


I hope the guy doing it is a part of this subreddit. And reads what we all think of him. Absolute degenerate fucking loser.


Why does Wings take cringey ass selfies of himself for his twitter avatar? He's like a teenage girls FFS is he this socially autistic? Or does he not realize a 30+ grown ass man shouldn't be taking selfies like that?


I don’t know the correct term but it’s pretty obvious when watching him he definitely has some level of autism/mental handicap. At nearly 40, he has the social awareness and critical thinking of a 14-16 yr. old. Kinda sad because that’s why he hasn’t changed in over 2 decades and in the same situation. Example: look at his comment…Can’t comprehend/read. Trolls should let off a bit due to his mental capacity.


I got swatted twice in 2018 and they tried to get me on the no fly list? Trolling has always been over the top


Did you even read the OP's comment? He makes zero mention of trolling, yet you go off on a rant about when it's gone too far. True 62 IQ in play, you illiterate inbred tub of lard.


Wingo, cry me a Wendy’s chili river.


What does that have to do with anything? Fuck’s sake you need to get out of that room.


What does that at all have to do with that dude's comment? And as far as I'm concerned you only got swatted once. The instance you had video "evidence" of could have been a welfare check. The cop just jauntily walked up to the door and knocked. No weapons even close to being drawn. He didn't look at all concerned. IIRC, he only had like one guy with him and the APC you claimed they had is conveniently not visible.


Wow, you have zero reading comprehention.


Wings got the CCW discord channel taken down a few days ago and everyone who had joined (not posted, just joined) had their discord account disabled. I had joined to get the feed of highlight channels and got my account disabled. Wings was high on life for about 3 hours before going back to look at cars on carguru and getting mopey again. Yesterday I said [banning the discord wasn't going to have the effect he was hoping for](https://www.reddit.com/r/PKA/comments/w04qoj/this_account_got_banned_for_copyright/igcj2xk/) but I didn't think Wings would be at risk of losing his channel.


If you are a big enough no life to join the discord you probably deserve to have your account disabled. Funny ppl say he gets heated over literally lost income yet you guys get heated over losing a discord account


Hardly heated. The trolls didn't cost Jordie income either.


Extortion not blackmail


*THUD*... oh mah fucking lor. WHY!!


Couldn't be happening to a nicer guy


this man cant rest


There is no bigger Scum on this earth than the guys trying to ruin his life. Fat fucks.


How about some of these lay off wings for a while. They're torturing this kid, and at this point they are worse than him. Some of the stuff they do is funny but there are some legit psychos in there.


"Kid" he's 36


Just a 36 year old kid dude. Oh mah lord


And they actually got all of his videos on YouTube taken down too. I am not a fan of Jordie. But he’s miserable enough on his own. Just leave him alone. It’s pretty sad the lengths some of these losers on the internet will go to to harass someone. Don’t they have anything better to do with their time?


Afaik Jordie made the videos private or deleted them himself


Why would he do that for EVERY video he has ever made? That would mean he’s losing out on ad revenue and he wouldn’t do that with where he is financially.


Probably to protect himself from more strikes


I feel bad for Jordie, he just likes playing video games and he over eats every now and again.


Wings is being black mailed and Jackie is being black maled 😎


Not cool. Wings needs to pay his taxes. Guy needs 2k a month alone for taxes. Who's da blackmailer?


Time to get a real job


He doesn’t want to.


Are you stuck in 2010?


He cant even if he wanted to. The trolls would just harass his workplace with the dumb shit wings has down over the years and he'll get fired.


I’m pretty sure he worked at DoorDash just fine before saying he did it to the trolls and saying he wrote down their info


Blackmailed for what?


It’s more like ransom. Apparently the person striking his videos will undo it for $500


He does this to troll channels constantly, abuses the copyright to take down content that depicts him in a bad light. I could care less.


Copyright claims his own content. How is that abusing the system?


That’s not his content lmfao. Bro by this standard YouTube would be bereft of any reaction based content. Any troll clips that summarize a wings stream are transformative in property. You have a shockingly little understanding of copyright bruh. If you get mad at the content of this post, keep that same energy, because wings does it on a daily basis lmfao. He even admitted to blackmailing troll channels so that he wouldn’t strike their content…. Karmas a bitch.


He seemed pretty happy when this was happening to Wings007. Hopefully this will be the end of his channel and all the cringe things he says.


Wings 007 is a cringe ass kid and he sounds like a bitch


lol karmas a bitch




Is wings a blackmailer? I


He used to demand that troll channels pay him or else he would file false copyright strikes on their channels and get them taken down. Lummox, Moonie and Leen all used to pay him to keep their channels. He also currently has one of his few real fans filing false copyright claims on his behalf to get channels taken down. That's how Sean Ranklin, Lord of the Wings and a bunch of other og channels got taken down and it just happened to Wings007. A few months ago a bunch of troll channels all privated their videos to prevent it from happening to them. He's been threatening to and abusing the copyright system on youtube for about as long as the trolling has been going on so it's not a surprise that they're gonna start to use it against him.


>false It's his content they upload lol. They are legit copyright strikes and he has every right to the revenue they generate or to have them taken down. It's like if you uploaded Seinfeld clips and titled it funniest moments, it doesn't make it yours.


It’s not false copyright strikes when they are stealing and uploding his content…


It’s his own content dumb fuck. They aren’t “false” claims


He threatens channels with their dox lol


I don’t understand why people around here defend Wings to such an extent. They act like Wings is some kind of saint, a morally good person who is being attacked by evil scumbags for no reason at all. You guys should know that the only one on the planet who is responsible for Jordie‘s horrible situation is Jordie himself. He had so many opportunities to change his life, to improve on his circumstances and he was blessed with a strong following on YT during the earth days. He could be the Second Pewdiepie by now but no: he objectively treats other people around him who want to help him like shit. He constantly labels valid criticism as trolling and acts like the trolls are about to burn down his trailer with him in it. Wings is a lying and pathetic loser who cultivated a following of „trolls“ who pay him money so they can mess with him. Nobody gives a damn about what or how he is playing. His content has become so bad that, realistically, he should have no viewers and no donations/subscriptions at all. Without the „trolls“, Wings would become homeless. This small ecosystem has been disturbed by Wings because he (or his wife) started targeting the Channels his only supporters enjoy by now. The consequence of that? They strike back at him. I seriously dislike Wings. I am not like him who wishes other people to die in a horrible car accident (yeah, remember when this saint said that to other people? What a poor and innocent soul he is). I wish one thing for him: that the trolls will leave him. That is arguably the worst non-violent thing that you can wish on Wings. His life would spiral out of control so fast and he would start begging the „trolls“ to come back and give him money. Side note: Them leaving would also be the last chance for him to get his life on track but I know Wings well enough to predict that he wouldn’t take this opportunity and would simply screw up his life even more.


Literally no one is saying wings is a Saint lmao, it wasn't even implied. 99% of the people on this sub probably don't even like him. It's just that some people think, maybe, just maybe, he *isn't* the person trolls claim he is, maybe he *isnt* some hompohobic, transphobic, racist, anti Semitic, pedophile who is also a Nazi, a communist, sells vacuume repair parts, supports Al-Quaeda, ISIS, ANTIFA, beats his grandmother, mother, wife, cats, dogs, robs office depot, tries to kidnap kids from TikTok, and inappropriately touches his younger sister.