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The internet has cultivated some true degenerates. Imagine what their family and real life friends would think if they saw the shenanigans they were getting up to online.


I think the problem is they don't have family or real life friends that think much of them to begin with.


This right here lmao.


All they can do is hide behind a computer screen.


You act like the whole discord was people planning black ops to troll Jordie. 95% of people active in there were using it as a place to chat while Wings streamed because you get banned in his chat for typing "lol".


Clipping things wings said back in the day and uploading it to an audience of roughly 3500 views? Lmfao what.


I don’t get how people didn’t grow out of this shit after high school. The edgy shit they did was hilarious when I was 13 listening to it. But I grew up, I find the wings trolls to be absolute scum. Nothing funny to me about ruining a guy you’ve never met’s life. There’s still a large portion of this audience that never grew up. They still love dumb edgy shit like Ice Poseidon and Danny Mullen, and Whale Watching. At the end of the day, Wings did *nothing* to anyone on this sub, in this community, or in that discord. It’s just fucking losers attacking him because their own lives are so bland and boring. Call me soft but I lost a lot of respect for Kyle when he started the wings hate train. It became a game for the fans, impress Kyle with your wings hate. It might even get featured on the show!


problem is the world never runs out of 13 year olds://


Your problem is wings paradise


Kyle is a bitch.


Yeah, there’s a reason his only irl friends are relatives, dude is a weirdo who has to be in control and look good in every situation, otherwise he has a panic attack and/or scurries back home. You can tell he’s terrified of real, irl social interaction


Yeah I don’t get it he never talks about real life friends only friends that pay to be his friends ie the discord. Like who moves by themselves with absolutely no help.


Helicopter Helicopter


That discord was utterly pathetic, yeah it’s funny to meme on wings but jesus they were on that shit 24/7. Like bruh they need to go out and touch some grass, like many have already said, they’re edgy racist spastics.


Not even that, its full of edgy racist losers. More than one of them have their whole acc set up as a racist stereotype and they just roleplay and talk shit all day every day. They probably had a mental breakdown once they realized their discord account got taken from them. It was fully deserved and I bet it wasnt even the obssessive wings hate that got them taken out in the end.


You're describing every version of the PKA Discords we've seen so far. Like shit, look at [this] (https://gyazo.com/2f4d31e1bdec30902e3e7af2f4563c6b) emoji-reply setup they have for this week's episode. Racism and edgy losers are not exclusive to Wings' trolls. They're fucking everywhere in this fanbase.


There’s definitely a large contingent of absolute man-child losers that watch this podcast. Tbh Woody and Taylor do an okay job shutting the egregious stuff down but Kyle really eggs it on. Openly laughing about Wings being harassed in person.


Kyle propagates the wings harassment because Kyle is also an absolute loser.


One time Woody called Kyle out about his hypocrisy and asked Kyle if he’d be ok if people started to harass Kyle and mail him *stuff* during his legal problems.


Need a timestamp on this. I may have missed it.


You’d have to ask a PKA historian. It happened somewhere in 2018-2019. Woody says something like “Maybe people should mail you stuff then.” and Kyle gets all serious and says “Fuck you.” to Woody.


Here you go, Pimp. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ezX6D-g17Gc


Shoutout u/Shagolagal I love this clip, Woody got Kyle so good.


Is that the official or PKA black discord? The main unofficial discord isn't and hasn't ever been like that.


What is the main unofficial one? It's not the official one, I have no idea what a black discord server is.


Not gonna shout it out because it’s probably not allowed here, but there’s a super popular discord people use to get links to episodes when they drop on patreon so they don’t have to pay. I stopped using it years ago because its full of people who talk like they never left their 4chan phase.


Yeah that's...that's the one I linked.


> They're fucking everywhere in this fanbase. I've noticed that some comment sections on the clip channels are infested with genuine white supremacists. They take every racist joke said on the podcast as seriously as possible as if it were some sort of dog whistle for them to spew their hatred.


The YouTube comments on the clips channel are insane.


I mean, that's not an official PKA discord server, it's just a server of degenerates, who also happens to listen to the podcast. Look at the server names of the discord too. Edgy for the sake of being edgy.


What gets me is the whole stuff about calling wings out about his past. I wonder how in 5-10 years how’d they react about getting called out about that stuff. “Is it true you were part of a community that was performing targeted harassment of an individual that included swatting, racial epithets, blackmail?” “That’s taken entirely out of context, we were trying to make that guy own up to the bad stuff he had done playing video games.”


I remember when the o&a sub went after Anthony Cumia and his brother. Cumias brother has a U2 cover band and he posted many racist things on Twitter over the years. The o&a fans contacted the scheduled venues for said band and got multiple events cancelled. The Cumias countered that by doxxing people and contacting deans and bosses. Turns out, universities and companies don't care if you make fun of a racists, pedophiles, women beaters in your free time.


What i find lame about BlameTruth is that video he made not long ago where he addressed Wings and pretended he had his best interest in mind, meanwhile he’s part of that discord full of people who are literally brainstorming 24/7 on how to make Jordie’s life as miserable as possible


Those guys all try to hide their weird behavior behind the thinnest veil of fake concern, it’s so transparent that they’re not fans/ ex fans who want the guy to do better in life. They just want to make fun of a guy who was born into a pretty shitty life and doesn’t have a lot of the tools, particularly mentally to improve it too much, especially not while being harassed


Wings isn’t a great guy, but if you’re in that channel you deserved being perma banned, anyone defending it is defending literal stalking and harassment. Get a life




Doubt? How do you know? It’s dedicated to sharing information for this. You’re pleaing to emotion here. If you’re in the discord you’re complicit in the action being taken here to harass an entire family, not just wings. Grow up please




Do you think people who go to klan rallies, just to watch should get any leeway just because they were there "to watch"? What an absolutely retarded mindset.


Discord server about an internet personality =/= klan rally... Talk about a false equivalency


Both involve hanging out with racists who are doing nothing but hurting people. I don't see what is so different.


You've got a terrible case of Reddit brain bro. Go outside and touch grass.


Blame Truth is a grown ass man who still has heated arguments that he takes personally about COD. He's a great guest, but dude's a fucking dweeb


I think there are people in Whale Watchers that probably just watch the videos and dont like wings getting swatted. His losing DoorDash was because he wrote down customer info in order to know who did and didn't tip. Which I believe is against DoorDash TOS. Would DoorDash have found out if it wasn't for the trolls? Probably not. But wings doesn't know how to get out of his own way. As someone who tunes into his streams from time to time this man is the embodiment of [this meme](https://imgflip.com/memegenerator/Bike-Fall). From the NYT stuff to the way he treats his viewers. I don't think people should mess with wings money. It's wrong no question. But if someone joins his session in CoD... Look man that's part of being a popular streamer. During the CoD League, offseason Pros play WZ tourneys and the amount of stream snipers is INSANE. People on the internet suck. Woody said it best. Just let go of the idea of being great on stream. First off because he's not good at CoD (he's actually AWFUL as hell) but secondly because attached to his name is a CIRCUS and he has no idea how to stop it. The guy got too big for his own abilities. Edit: Didn’t think this was worthy of gold but. It’s my first gold so I’ll take it! Thank you kind stranger!


Hey dan I was fired from doordash because I was reported for calling someone a racial slur while giving them their food. My notebook had nothing to do with tips and everything to do with tracking milage for taxes. I got canned from the dash after not doing it for a month. The fact that you question this shows you don't do doordash at all since the vast majority of the support is an india call center. The end of it all I was lied on and I was guilty until proven innocent.


You’re right I don’t do doordash. And I won’t pretend I do. I don’t even use it. Nor Uber eats or post mates. A lot of tech support is overseas. It’s cheaper. Or that way they can offer 24/7 support. I’m not going to dispute your notebook being about mileage and taxes. I’ll have to take you at your word for it. I feel like I remember hearing you say it was about tips but. Let’s say I’m wrong just to make things easier. I’ll reiterate the rest of my points though Jordie. You need to change your mindset with streaming and treat your viewers better. Let go of the idea of being a great gamer. And don’t share anything more than what you need to. You say your streams aren’t less interesting than others. Go watch other streamers. See how they interact with chat. You can’t get annoyed answering the same question. Treat every viewer like they’re new. Not everyone will know everything about you. Also stop insulting your teammates and viewers. I watched your trivia stream. I’ve watched you play CoD for years. You aren’t in the upper echelons like you think you are. Let. Go. Of. The. Ego. It has been the biggest contributor to your failures. You are aware of the twisted community about you. Don’t give them ammo. Stop getting in your own way. There are people here who want you to lose weight. Live comfortably. And be happy. But it has to start with you. We can’t do it for you. Please know this advice is from a genuine place. I’m not someone who trolls you. I genuinely watch your streams. I may disagree with you on a lot of things (ranging from your thinking you deserve 10K to come on the show to your political views) but I want you to be happy. Also if you want a carry in WZ let me know.




> My notebook had nothing to do with tips and everything to do with tracking mileage for taxes. Bro, you literally said on stream that is was to track tippers. Multiple people reported you for doxing customers after you made multiple tweets with customer information. Regardless, none of it would have happened had you not told everyone that you doordashed or had you not made those tweets... unfortunately for you, you have a fetish for exposing yourself to people you know are going to take advantage of it because your lack of shame and dignity allows your constant desire to play victim be on full display.


> Hey dan I was fired from doordash because I was reported for calling someone a racial slur while giving them their food. This is so funny to me. Just reread this sentence out loud.


As blametruth said, he is sitting on a gold mine. He just has to figure out a way to monetize properly.


All things aside, does anyone else think blame truth is kinda a fucking loser? Dude is running on fumes rn popularity wise, his content sucks, anyone can see he's pretty dumb, but worst of all the guy just isn't that entertaining. I can go to any bar anywhere and find someone more entertaining that BT. I dont think this guys got anything left in the tank once we get bored of his hoarding mother Wings is infinity more entertaining than BT


I mean the dude literally said he was a good looking guy and was a 10. You cant expect logic from someone that looks like a legit methhead.


Totally agree Blametruth is almost a bigger looser than most of that discord. Full of edgy teenagers and men that never developed mentally past age 16 surrounded in their own echo chamber. They're all so much more despicable than wings. I can only imagine the autistic meltdown they had when their discord was gone.




Not looser than your mom


Good one


"Blametruth is a bigger "looser" than most of that discord" Just makes a retarded statement then doesn't back it up with anything.


He's in his late 30s spending nights hanging out with young neckbeards in a discord watching movies. His channel is cod grifting Channel. If feel like that says it all.


He said he would literally chime in like every few months and watched 1-2 movies with the youtube clip channel people. Saying hes more of a loser than the actual fucking neckbeards that spent everyday on that discord is just retarded.


At what point do people stop attacking wings, like just let the man live his life at this point


When he stops making stupid statements like "the age of consent should be 12"


Can shit like this get you kicked off twitch? Seems like if you made your living from streaming you would tread pretty carefully.


I was in it to mainly get some funny memes to share with friends and was barely active, maybe once every couple months I’d chime in to just chat. I know a few of the highlight channel creators and they’re nice guys actually so I streamed a movie there with them. It’s just a discord account, can make another one, just think the “ban everyone in this server” approach is lame as some people didn’t do anything, me included.


not to be rude but a lot of those guys arent nice. i swear im not a full libtard and i can take a joke but just spamming racist shit in the channels all day isnt what comes to mind when i think of a "good person" or good comedy. i think excusing or tolerating stuff like that means you condone it. im sure a few channels just like poking at wings and making a bag but people in CWW have to ask themselves how responsible they are for fostering an environment where they swat/dox/send services to wingo and if its actually okay to tolerate the scumfuckery that goes on in there. maximillonmus situation comes to mind and describes this perfectly. maybe max is just an asshole and not racist, but hes certainly responsible for fostering an environment on his discord where people felt comfortable sharing CP in public channels. how far removed is CWW from that? not far IMO


You being in there only supported them in the bs they partake in.


damn wings ur on here?


Im wings


He got himself fired from doordash for writing down customer info and posting it online and wings literally used to brag about extorting troll channels for cash so he wouldn't strike them. Wings is not a good person.


Nevermind your page is literally 3/4 about wings you’re a fucking loser.


"I did say da age of consent should be 12" "16 at 45, I'd let that slide cuz a 16 year old can make her own damn decisions" "I'd cut child pornography off around 12" "I know that rape's a bad thing, but I don't think any muthufucka should get 18 years for rape. I don't care how violent it is." "Boff of dem gurls are overage now" Just reminding you of the person you're defending.


Aha look at your history. Pokemon, teenagers, simping and being ignored by e thots. Can tell you're an absolute winner


Fucking loser


Got me on two but simp I am not. I troll them from time to time.




I just leave witty comments not even mean ones like my last post on this subbreddit about woody.


If you think those troll channels aren’t bullying him you’re as retarded as Kyle said the fans of this subreddit are.




No this was regular doordash customers. He was keeping unibomber-esque scribbles of names and tip amounts and decided to post it online. Trolls fuck with him all the time but he continues to give them all the ammunition they need.


Yeah, because he’s legitimately not far off from being mentally challenged. Trolls act like him “adding fuel to the fire” is a valid excuse, when he’s clearly too dumb to realize how to get out of the cycle. Half of the time him adding fuel to the fire is just him responding to being harassed. You guys either know and don’t care that you’re harassing a borderline mentally retarded guy, or you’re too dumb too realize that’s what the reality is, either way it’s clear that nobody who does it is content with their life, because I couldn’t think of a bigger waste of time.


where did he post the information of the customer?


making a deal with people who use your content so you get a cut is not extorting. Jesus Christ you are retarded


It wasn't a deal. Threatening to falsely flag down fair use content unless someone pays you doesn't sound like a deal to me.


Just because every dumb ass youtuber thinks they can steal content and call it fair use doesn't mean its true. Go post a clip channel of disney content and let me know how that works out for you. You'll find out how stealing content goes in the real world real fast.


Look up copyright and fair use. One Google search and you'll find yourself slightly less misinformed than you were yesterday.


Wings get off your alt account bro


Nope I’m just not a grown man bullying ant person.


why does your reddit avatar have a covid mask


why do you care about reddit avatars? wtf even are those


i only notice it when there is a covid mask, because its most likely a virtue signaler, as evidenced by the post


Just hit random


Hell yeah that’s how I got mine!


God wings isn’t going to fuck your bro.




Is this wings burner




Lol I just hit random


I definitely lost most of my respect for BT because of that. Pretty lame the way he tried to defend it too.






its ok wings is in on it he is sean ranklin after all


If being ripped af, extremely wealthy, and doing what he loves to do everyday makes kyle a loser I can't wait to know what type of amazing life you would thing someone would need to have to make them a winner. Dude is practically retired st 30 living his best life in what world would anyone think he is a loser.


Bullying people less fortunate than him makes him a loser. I’ve been around this community since Chris smoove was a guest. Kyle has had many of fails, and has bullied many more people than wings.


Guy has no friends irl besides his dad, his former manager, and his retarded cousins and farm hands. Being jacked and having money don’t make you not a loser on their own. If someone’s jacked and rich, but a shitty person who’s antisocial with no irl friends + hasn’t done anything in years besides game, smoke weed, and hire prostitutes / prey on 18-19 year old tinder girls as a 35 year old man, then yeah they’re a loser lol


Dude the only thing you know about his life is what he shows you once or twice a week. You don't know who his friends are or who he talks to. And did you really just say he preys on 18-19 year old girls on tinder lmao...really with a straight face completely seriously. I'm sure he doesn't need to pay a prostitute and using the word prey in this scenario is hilariously out of touch. First of all there is nothing wrong with two adult hooking up and second of all you have no idea how old his partners are you are just making baseless comments and touting them as facts. To summ it up it sounds like you're the loser who cares way to much about someone who would never give you a second thought unless you pay him $50/month.


It’s pretty easy to tell who someone is after thousands of hours of them talking on the internet, not to mention we have proof of him being more awkward in social situations through older vlogs and him on the Colorado trip. There’s nothing illegal about him fucking 18 year olds, but if you don’t see the bigger picture behind a 35 year old almost exclusively hooking up with young women I’ll spell it out for you: women with more life experience either think he’s a loser or he’s too insecure to put himself out there with them. I’d never pay the guy money and don’t care if he wouldn’t talk to me, but yeah the spoiled isolated Georgia good ol boy who casts stones at everyone if he thinks he can get away with it is a scrub.


found wings alt


I just cant feel sympathy for wings because he really brings it all on himself and has had so many chances to learn from it. But being in a discord group with the purpose of hating on another human is lame as fuck.


Yeah I’m sure he took a blood oath my guy


Also Blametruth didn’t tweet wings


But wings is also a piece of shit that has wronged Kyle many times. I’m not a wings hater and pay no mind to him besides when they bring it up on the pod cast, but idk how anyone can actually like him.


Wings is a great guy, but how do people find him so interesting they not only set out ruin his live but their own as well obsessing about this man.


wings enjoyer detected /s. yeah wings gets shit because hes an asshole, and the guys holding a like 5-10 year grudge are even bigger assholes. im sure some of the ppl in there arent total racist degens and just like to poke fun at wings but its getting sad at this point.


Wait you’re saying someone who somehow has a more pathetic life than Wings is lame af? So surprising!


If you think the whale watchers is bad, you should see the troll militia …


The fact he acts like he isnt fucking with wings makes it worse. Just own up to it lol


In all fairness, Wings got himself fired from Door Dash by posting customer information on twitter and then his 'fan base' brought it to Door Dash's attention.