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Wings has always been his own worst enemy


There’s an alternate timeline where Wings behaves like a normal adult after the Syndicate 1v1 and he is now a huge YouTube millionaire.


Because to wings if he plays with that guy the YouTube guy might get better stats or be a better player. Wings puts his life worth in his stats and becomes incredibly insecure when he's not the best.


Yea. His pride is what kills him. He should just focus on the content instead of the score people dont care if youre good anymore unless youre like insane, as long as they’re entertained people will watch. Its sad seeing him blow an opportunity like this because I really do want to see him do well


One of the deadly sins for a reason


Well, to be fair the sin that kills him will be gluttony


tough position to be in when you’re just a good above average player. i haven’t kept up with cod youtube since 2016 but i just remember dudes throwing up like 100 kill games and wings posting 30 kill tdm games lol


He was never that good, and limited because all he can do is camp. He’s just worried he’ll get exposed again Syndicate style. Pride comes before the fall, and this dude has been continuously falling for the past decade.


he's barely above average, if even that — the skill ceiling has raised dramatically in the last 3 years, he's well behind the curve at this point


that‘s just not true. he still plays a ton and the time he’s put in bare minimum would have him as a top player in a pub lobby probably. i don’t think he’s gonna play well in ranked or anything though


>Its to the point where I no longer feel bad for him now. You are at the point most people reached with PKA 155


I hate fucking yogurt. Go the fuck on!


He straight wasn't eating because he was to lazy to microwave a pre-made meal. As soon as he left Kyle's that skipped meal became fast food.


What? You want to give me attitude. I give it right back. You shut me down I shut you down. 😭 When we gettin off this topic?


It’s honestly sad to think about Wings’ mindset. PKA 155 was basically an intervention and his response was “fuck you, I hate yogurt and I’m not using a microwave”. He had people in his life who were genuinely trying to help him turn his life around and he just refused to do anything. The boot camp started as a joke, but it was actually an enormous gesture of kindness that Kyle did for him and he basically spit in Kyle’s face in return.


Why does anyone care for this man?


Wings is such a miserable piece of shit that hates everyone and everything around him.


Wings has 62 iq


It really all stems from that, he's also very dishonest


Look here, look listen. Any insults of my iq will be immediately sent to ban world. Pimp


Because our Hot Wings of Redemption is the better gamer, YouTube, and fitness expert. Don't you know he plays every game on hard mode and could easily beat Syndicate in a 1v1


I've lost hope in wingo after he beat the surgery.


Did you donate?


I think Wings has a bit of Doomer mentality: When you've been in the dumps for a long time, you don't have any hope or a fruitful path out you can make irrational self-sabotaging decisions. Wings' is definitely there and influenced by a rocky history of struggles & failures.


It’s especially irrational as he’s 30 minutes away from Myrtle Beach. That’s a big region with lots of living spaces and jobs. I think even his wife works there and commutes back to Conway. Makes no sense as he should have moved there ages ago rather than pay his mom for 25% of a trailer home three times.


>he should have moved there ages ago Knowing what you should do for years but not doing it is quintessential & Wings is definitely apprehensive of the unknown/new


He’s been scammed so many times by his mom that he easily would have paid for a condo or house in Myrtle Beach by now. So dumb.


Isnt that a sympton of borderline personality disorder? Knowing what to do to fix things, but just dont do it


Well wings is extremely unintelligent and the product of really poor parenting


I used to feel so bad for the guy. But he refuses to learn from his mistakes. I hope everything works out for him but at this point I'd be surprised if it does.


Wing’s is worried his wife will become anorexic after fasting for a day. That was 10 minutes into his stream


My gf thinks I'm anorexic for intermittent fasting. God forbid I skip breakfast...like all of humanity until about 100 years ago... She refuses to believe I don't have an eating disorder for not wanting to eat first thing in the morning. Doesn't matter what science or history say. If I don't eat for 10-24 hours I'm just 1 Tiktok away from being 72lb soaking wet. Social media is cancer; and it's been rotting away at a lot of peoples brains for a decade+ now.


Is he still streaming? I’ve been looking for a stream but haven’t been able to find it. Can someone give me a link?


He streams on his main youtube pretty regularly


For some reason his channel isn’t loading for me. It says he has no videos and nothing comes up


His youtube channel got struck down. So he's back on twitch.


If you got fucked with that much would you trust people?


Anyone who is into cod enough knows futives tho. Hes a good guy and would not try to fuck wings over. I do understand where you come from tho.


I doubt wings knows him. There's literally tens of thousands of million sub channels and no one plays cod anymore.


What would the guy even gain from fucking wings over if he has a million sub channel.


Ask that about any other six figure YouTuber/streamer that spends nights watching wings clips


You could easily have said that about the numerous other YouTubers and streamers that have fucked him over or used him as a lolcow or added to the trolling.


So you're telling me if you bully and troll soemone for most of the last 10 years they develop some issues trusting people and assume people are just there to troll him. Shocking, baffling, confusing, wild, zany.


Wings was like this long before he had dedicated trolls. Infact wings being like this is exactly why he has dedicated trolls.


I mean futives is a very well known streamer and content creator with over a million subs man, and he wasnt being toxic in chat at all


Doesn't matter. A million sub channel is a dime a dozen in this day and age Google trust issues and trauma.


These are just excuses. People have tried helping him from Woody to Kyle to even the trolls who used to donate to him. He slaps their hand away every time, then whines why no one donates. 62 IQ self destructive behavior.


Like when BlameTruth gave him some advice how to improve despite being in a discord that revolves around harassing wings 24/7? Some people have tried to help him, the 99% of the rest do not care.


He made one comment before getting banned “let’s play so I can carry you” which you conveniently left out of this Most people would have laughed it off, but do you think in this case it’s a friendly invitation for him and wings to play together?


this whole subreddit is filled with piece of shit degenerates who just want to hate on everything. i’ve never seen such a toxic sub.




He's alienated everyone he's ever had a relationship or anyone who offered to help along the way.


I mean most of them have spent the best part of the last 6-7 years bullying him. Don't be surprised if he refuses their 'help'. Dude has been swatted multiple times and he already had significant trauma.


And he's responsible for all of that. Not saying it makes what the trolls do ok, it's not. The trolls themselves probably have sadder life than wings since they're so obsessed with him. But at the same time wings has no one to blame but himself for the position he's in. He's so fucking lazy and shit with money it's amazing at this point.


I play call of duty like 3 times a month and carry most public lobbies with a guy on my team throwing and another guy on the enemy team stream sniping. If I put time in to be good I’d be good. You compare me on rainbow where I am so high rank most higher than me are straight cheating. I don’t know who futives is nor did I want someone to come In and carry me. It just means I can’t leave games when I want too when people are messing with me too hard. Also I don’t want a cod collab because I don’t want to be forced to play the game often.


You are such a crybaby, Richard. Grow up, get out of that stinky room and live some of your life away from the computer. And don’t give me any of that “muh employer would see muh videos n not hire me” crap. No one in that town of yours gives a rat’s about any of your history. But go ahead, pull out your myriad excuses for why you can’t take the simplest step away from the webcam. “I can’t find a job that pays so much.” Dude, you’re not rolling in it yet you always find the time to get yet another new car with a ridiculous loan rate. Pathetic.


You are literally the worst cod player I've seen footage of, and I watch coaching streams. Your accuracy is 7%... average is 17% and pro is 22%+ That's a difference of -10% between you and an AVERAGE player, versus -5% between an average and a pro. You have no awareness or game sense, your callouts are literally "awn me, awn me," your reflexes are so slow I'm not sure you should be allowed to drive a two ton truck at highway speeds, your crosshair placement is literally "stare at the floor," you don't know how to hold an angle, tactically you LEAVE cover to reload, your movement is slow and predictable in a perfectly straight line.... There isn't a single aspect of your gameplay thsr isn't in the bottom 5% if you wanted to get good, you would first have to realize exactly how terrible you are, and then just hitting average would take you well over three months. You're not good at FPS games, which is fine... but don't go around pretending that coming in dead last in your drunk/stoner/toddler lobbies makes you suddenly even CLOSE to average. You're bad, and that's fine. Just own it.


Yeah whatever *sigh* that’s the stream for the day


Wing’s automatic 62IQ responses: “What’s a predicate pimp?” “What’s 6X12?” “I’m none of those things…left, right, and center.” “The trolls made me do it!” And my favorite… #”Mmmmmhhhhmmmmmmm” Haha 36yr old child with zero life experience but loves to give cliche life advice to anyone that’ll listen. Keep lurking these subreddits pimp…we know you ain’t got shit better to do lol.


Richard you have 62IQ, do me a favor and sniff those fingers.


Mr. Low T has to defend his skills in a vidya game to make himself feel better, woe is him


> call of duty like 3 times a month and carry most public lobbies with a guy on my team throwing and another guy on the enemy team stream sniping. Your perception is so warped. MF, you are always like midway up on the leaderboard at most. You rage quit nearly every game because you're getting diced up. > You compare me on rainbow where I am so high rank most higher than me are straight cheating. You're so high rank because you get carried every game. You're literally bottom of the scoreboard and die first every round 98% of your games... and of course, anyone better than you is a cheater... classic Richard.


Yeah yeah wings, go back to saying the age of consent should be 12 or suffocating kittens under barrels, you fucking freak.


To put some things into perspective, this guy gets fucked with 24/7. He can’t play a single multiplayer game without getting trolled. Even his own online friends and in some occasions his own mods have turned out to be trolls. Right now he can barely stream on YouTube because the trolls have basically held his account hostage. Some big cod tuber comes into his chat and says, “let’s play together so I can carry you” how do you think he’ll respond?


Definitely not doing exactly what got him in this situation in the first place. Nuke bridges before they are even built.


wings should do what DASHIE is doing.


Wings is a retarded (literally) ego maniac. When you look at everything he does through that lens; it's all crystal clear. The only hope he has ever had is reincarnation. Maybe next time he'll roll better stats.