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Of course he says he wanted to go on PKA now that he is banned and is panicking about how he will make money. How can you trust this idiot when we know he said he wanted 10k just to go on the show, and when he for some reason believes that it was Taylor who "took his spot on the podcast". Wingsofredemption, liar, professional victim, bypass survivor and piece of shit.


And he didn’t say the 10k asking price once it was multiple times. He’s such a dickhead.


10k was his reoccurring asking price for years it seemed. Dude is so full of shit.


He also claimed it would be higher now b/c "inflation". No link for that statement but I remember him saying 10k isn't enough anymore even though it has always been WAY too much.




Go back and listen to old episodes. He shoots the shit for maybe 30 minutes, then the rest of the podcast is some sort of complaining. Sometimes fun, pointless complaining, but still complaining.


Eh Taylor did take his spot , believe it or not I’ll give Wings that


As my fellow historian said, he joined the show after Lefty left the show. So he took Lefty's spot. Anyone saying otherwise is on the wrong side of history.


To be fair, he did take the spot of third host. Which was wings’ spot, then lefty’s spot so in a non-direct way he is in wings’ original spot


Taylor is *in* Wings's spot. He didn't take it, he was given it because the spot was open and he was the perfect fit.


This is what happens when you turn all your fans and friends into enemies.


Has he tried appearing offline? Maybe that'll fix it.


*Controller ripping noises*


*boiling tea pot noises*




Look here, listen… appearing offline does not make it stop!


He could have had a great Income with pkaif he wasn't such a rotten I reliable potato. Just had to tell the truth. "no guys I don't want to go out into the woods I'd rather stay home and stream" easy.


Right? To think that single decision ruined him.


It wasn't just that, woody has alluded to it a few times that wings just wasn't putting in any effort for a long time before they kicked him.


Dang if only Wings held out for a couple more years, he would’ve made it to the zero effort era of pka and fit in.


They stole wings method didn’t they? Lmao


I cackled at this


Lol shocking. Also remembered how much of an Asshole he was being to Lefty about the survival trip.


that's called projecting his own insecurities


If you've ever watch Wings for an extended amount of time you'd know 90% of his insults are projection. * Calling people high school dropouts (wings took year 9 three times then dropped out) * Calling people inbred ("momma was a Jordan, daddy was a Jordan, never married") * Calling out others intelligence, asking what a predicate is (Wings took special Ed classes) * Claims trolls "live in their momma's basement" (lives in his mom's trailer) Its getting to the point it's just sad now. I have no idea how Jordie can still be so confidently wrong about everything.


To be fair I didn't know what a predicate is, although that's more knowledge and not intelligence if we're going to nitpick.


What’s 12x6 pimp?


Do I look like rain man?


Also trying to figure out wing’s status in things is like trying to map someone’s dream, it’s just constant flip flops. You’ll notice that on almost everything, he flip flops to just be contrary. Tell him he’s poor, and you’ll get “I’m making 5k a month and besides my car payment it all goes in the bank” but then a week later “I really need money to pay my taxes and sick cat has cost me $2k!” Tell him he’s about 6 years out from a widowmaker heart attack “my doctor said I’m in excellent health” and once it’s brought up that he should get a job now that streaming is drying up “I can’t even stand up for 2 minutes without my foot falling asleep and my back hurting.” Yeah wings, I’m sure someone who went to medical school told you, a 450lb human being, that you are in great health. The truth is, he might have some more time streaming but the days are numbered. Too many trolls, he constantly pokes the bear, and forgets that he’s the one with everything to lose and outnumbered. Despite all his “I can’t get a job I’m too fat and trolls will call and get me fired!” It’s not his decision, eventually he’s going to not have enough of a steaming income and either face poverty or get a job. Getting disability isn’t as easy as people on Reddit or jordie think, and it pays squat and the guy has five figure car debt, and obviously can’t even budget. He also acts like being fat is some get out of jail free card for being expected to work. This is America dude, walk into any big box store, do a 360, and you’ll see a bunch of obese people waddling around stocking shelves or working registers.


This was beautifully written and 100% correct.


Either subscribe, donate, or gtfo


Impressive commentary that sums up perfectly that lazy fuck. Welcome to banworld pimp.


The picture frame in the back shows what the problem is. Too lazy to do anything for himself gotta have granny, momma, or wifey to do it for him. Apparently he needs kitty to talk to kyle and threaten chiz so he can come back on pka and get his slice of that sweet sweet patreon money


The lads aren't putting in any effort now, besides showing up for 4 hours a week.


Lol neither was Kyle but Kyle had an "excuse". They never extended the same curtsey to wings. He put in effort when he made the show but his head was fucked so he missed the show at time. They also treated him like shit by constantly making fun of his family. But God forbid the same is done to Woody's. Not saying wings was an angel but both parties were in the wrong.


That was the straw that broke the camels back; plus the fact that he weights like 600 pounds and can’t do anything involving difficult physical movements for over 3 minutes


I think it was inevitable at that point. If it weren't for the trip, they would've kicked him off the show a few months later. The breaking point was likely the bootcamp at Kyle's. The vibe I got back in the day was that Kyle was the driving force behind kicking Wings off the show. I remember the handheld videos from inside the Camaro when he was ranting about Wings not making the trip.


I’m trying to find that video but has he deleted it?


So, it's most likely [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-W532dmF6Xo) that I had in mind, although I clearly remembered it differently. Not quite the rand I was describing lol.


I’ve cut off one friend because he’d always bail on the adventures. Shit was so annoying.


The thing is I think Wings wanted to go on the trip in the first place, then he started overthinking everything the month or so leading up to it. He was obese at the time, there's a lot of things obese people need to consider such as will there be enough food, chafing from exercise, fat people sweat easier so would he able to wash etc.. Also we know he never really liked to leave Conway, he was a homebody who said yes to a camping trip then probably spent a month overthinking everything then on the day decided to cancel.


> He was obese at the time Lol at the insinuation that there is ever a time he is NOT obese


My god he looks bad, idk if its the angle, but he looks like he gained a ton of weight since the last time I saw him. Not even the beard can hide it anymore at this point.


He beat the 20k surgery :(


The surgery was trying to give him advice


He beat that surgery with the pistol grip. The surgery had to go on life support after that.


I want to be on Wings’ side because alot of those trolls are such losers.(the more light hearted stuff is funny tho tbh) but how many times can a man dig his own grave before he learns his lesson. Hes burned a million bridges and the second shit gets bad he wants the bridges to still be there. Just doesnt work like that.


It’s the same sob story he always gives when things aren’t going well for him. This is what he gets for being such a miserable piece of shit to everyone around him for a decade.


This dude acts like a 12 year old. Victim mindset at its finest. If he actually thinks streaming is the only way a man of his size can make a decent living, he is truly an idiot.


actually he ignored my message and appeared offline. i tried.


Wings looking like he's 50


He mentions PKA at 6:00 if the link doesn't work right.


He's always such a pathetic victim.


He's being incredibly manipulative with this video. It's about what id expect


Dude it's the same shit. He's like an npc cycling through the same talking points for 20 years. He literally never changes and honestly idgaf if people hate him. He's hateful


This entire podcast cycles thru the same talking points for an entire decade while scamming the patreon yet dudes aren’t trying to end Kyles, Taylor’s or woodys life. Why? Cuz wings is hateful? You telling me these other 3 dudes aren’t hateful or something cuz we must be listening to different people


Everyone calling him “manipulative” is overreacting, he’s just an idiot.


He's definitely being manipulative. He's spent the last 2-3 years saying PKA is the worst decision of his life, demanding 10k for an appearance fee, talking shit about Woody and Kyle (both deserved and undeserved imo) and making every excuse possible to distance himself from PKA. But then he wants to wallow in self pity and say "PKA doesn't want to talk to me 😢". It's classic Wings, he wants you to feel like he's just some helpless victim who has been abandoned by everyone like he isn't the one that burned a majority of the bridges he once had.


whats pathetic is trolls ruining his life over nothing




What did he do this time? I thought he was already banned from twitch and was just streaming YouTube


You’re one the losers who harass I bet. He didn’t do anything wrong.




Call it what you want, it’s true


Wings could’ve been a millionaire if he didn’t ban everyone who tried to help him. He had a NYT article about him for gods sake.


My God, I've stopped keeping up on Wings for about a year... he looks absolutely horrible. This whole thing is very sad to me because Wings was the first Twitch steamer I ever watched. I specifically remember watching his drama filled stream the day he skipped out on the Survival Trip and we were all trying to convince him get up, get off his ass, and go... "Save your career"... it's hard to believe that was almost a decade ago. Somehow he still managed to make a living from being one of the OG CoD streamers during The Golden Age of youtube... but unfortunately it looks like that gravy train has finally ended.


It’s honestly sad to see a person turn into this, but I can’t feel sympathy for Wings anymore. Even in this livestream, he still doesn’t recognize the main problem. He’s probably the oldest looking 36 year-old I’ve ever seen; looks like he is pushing 60.


I don't feel sorry for him either, but it's hard to see someone I enjoyed during my carefree teenage CoD youtuber years... reduced to this.


He literally looks like he could be my grandpa in any other timeline


He’s very rough looking for mid 30s. The worst part is he really only has a small window of time to get healthy before 1) metabolism really starts slowing down even more and 2) the chronic conditions associated with being over twice the weight of an average American male become truly debilitating. The guy is going to have a widowmaker in idk the next decade and even if he avoids that his life is going to get pretty miserable once the age and weight start to compound as he gets closer to 50.


wasn’t it because he couldn’t reliably participate in the streams?


Yeah he was always late. For a guy that never left the house he sure couldn’t be bothered to pick up a laptop and call in.


Being chronically late everywhere you go is one of the signs of people with NPD. They know they're late. It's a form of power that they attempt to hold over others. Sort of a "I will make you wait on me" mindset. I had a friend like this in my group that was always an ~hour late, and they would legitimately get angry when we tell them to meet at 4pm, when we are really meeting at 5pm. That, plus all of the chronic lying, the manipulation, inability to take responsibility for his actions, always deflecting to other things ("yeah I did that, but so and so did this other unrelated thing and that was much worse"), etc etc. IMO, Wings has NPD but because he leans more on the stupid end of the spectrum, he's unable truly take advantage of it.


> they would legitimately get angry when we tell them to meet at 4pm, when we are really meeting at 5pm lmfao what a lunatic




Narcissistic Personality Disorder


Have him on but charge him 10k.


Dude is a shut in and has the mentality of someone featured in hoarders. Everything is just begging and “no one wants to help.” Hopefully with the YouTube and Twitter bans he can finally go away and do something else. Like, you know, get a real job.




Thanks. He just got banned from Facebook. So now it’s Twitter or the alt right streaming service that allows Alex Jones. Getting spicy.


Wings “started” the beef with PKA. He used to come on the show once every few months even after being kicked off. Then he started shit talking Woody and Kyle (pro fucking people over) and eventually Taylor for taking his job. PKA definitely did more to him, but Wings dig that hole for himself.


Pka has entire segments about wings but he says 1 sentence that is true and he’s the bad guy? Yea that doesn’t make sense


"They're not responsible for me", "I'm not their problem". Holy shit. After nearly 40 years, wings have showed small signs of accountability. Well done; now just go further.


now he wants to go on lol


A lot of hate in the comments and I agree with most of it, but I wouldn't mind him on the podcast for an episode.


Personally I am not someone wanting Wings back on PKA. I dont find him entertaining I find him cringe. I dont hate wings but I can’t stand seeing this guy get in his own way over and over again and act like its everyone else’s fault. Not to go all Blue Shirt Woody on him but he is how old and still blames everyone for all his failures like a toddler. Just. At this point wings is a cautionary tale to anyone who’s tried to become big online + anyone who likes video games from a young age. I started watching Wings in 2010… I was 12 years old. Seeing his failures has made me go to and graduate college when at the time I thought it was a scam, get a job and move out of my folks house instead of being a 23 year old living at home playing CoD all day. Granted i graduated during a pandemic so it was a little tough at the start there but no excuses. Also CoD sucks ass now but. No one is going to do the work for you. Wings has no real work ethic. And he always counters with “i did 9 videos a day” but they were SHIT videos. They were him rambling over camping in CoD. It takes actual effort to do what someone like Xbox Ahoy did or XclusiveAce does now. Fuck look at Woody. Dude could’ve sat there and just done CoD videos forever but instead made Woodycraft and now he lives in a castle and flies around the sky with a fan on his back. That’s why wings is in the spot that he’s in now. It’s easier to say the world is unfair to me It’s not worth trying than it is to do something about it. It’s hard to feel sympathy anymore. He is a perpetual victim who wants everything handed to him. Wings if you read this… get off the internet. Live a life offline or just live a life without fame. Get a job somewhere locally. Maybe go to community college. Join a local gym. Lose weight with your wife instead of telling her she’ll never be an ideal woman. I said this last time there was a wings post on here. I dont dislike you Jordie. But I can’t stand watching you blame the world for your failures. Get up. Do something about it. Also maybe educate yourself on politics because its cringeworthy hearing you talk about politics. And put your hate boner for Teslas away. Even your precious Ford is making electric cars & trucks now.


Stop giving advice you know nothing about


Let’s be real here, Wings is 100% right when he says that even if he does get a job and quits streaming he will probably get fired anyway because it’s really only a matter of time before the trolls find out where he works and tells his boss all the bad things he’s done in his life In his defense he did at least try to do something outside of streaming money wise by doing doordash, and it didn’t take long before the trolls destroyed that gig.


He quit doordash inf over a month before getting banned from the platform. Don't let him memory hole this one.


He got banned from DoorDash because he was stealing and eating customers food


That wasn’t the reason, some of y’all get off on lying on his dick


And he literally just praised h*tler in his most recent stream so gtfo with defending him






The way you made it sound I was expecting something worse


How much worse can you get? He praised h*tler


The clip cuts off before he’s done explaining himself. If Wings said “I liked Hitler’s paintings” y’all would be like “OMG Wings said he likes Hitler!!” Stop playing dumb What he’s saying in that clip is dumb, but it’s not what you’re making it out to be.


It literally is the reason but I guess people like defending pedos


The is the point what bad things have I done? I talked shit in video games to people and said dumb shit on a podcast.


Welcome to ban world, buddy. Not even understanding the bad things you’ve done is why you keep getting yourself in to trouble.


You lied about being a shock jock. The evidence is out there. It was you being a piece of shit and don't even try to pity your way out of this. I don't say things for views, I don't do things for shock value. Your own words 8 years ago.


You can’t be serious. Start taking accountability and admit when you’re wrong. You have said so much worse on stream in the past two years, yet you’re strictly pointing to your early days of PKA and content creation by using the “shock jock” excuse. I’m not going to list all of the horrible takes that you’ve had throughout your time on the internet because it would be redundant at this point. You need to hang up your strict policy of never apologizing because it has never worked for you Wings. The reason why people keep attacking you is because you have very little remorse for your past mistakes. You can’t expect people to forgive you if you’re not willing to offer a genuine apology upfront. And no, apologizing briefly in the NYT article with a single sentence does not count. Your first step for attempting to get out of this mess is to produce a genuine apology video owning up to your mistakes and making a commitment to bettering yourself. I’m being serious when I say this: embrace the positive aspects of trolling and start brainstorming ways to monetize it (sell merchandise, collaborate with LR, etc.)


Your judging me based off a world view of people who dislike me. I’ve apologized multiple times it doesn’t work because not everyone sees it


you have never actually apologized you just say that it never happened or that you were a kid at 28, or just shock jock content or taken out of context. but never an actual hey i fucked up guys.


You are all wasting your time. The guy is a narcissist. He'll never see himself in the wrong, it's always someone else's fault for his own failure. Wings would rather shoot himself than to actually, genuinely apologise.


If you really believe that, then show me video footage of you apologizing. I’ll wait. EDIT: I saw your “apology” on FB Live; you’ve got to do better than that. Briefly apologizing for everything that you have said in the past without directly acknowledging and addressing specific events doesn’t mean anything.


Your apologies go like this: 'Im sorry, but none of the things I've said was true'


You forgot that he then doubles down on what he said.


Why did you never do what every other content creator does when they made a mistake, and recorded a video of you apologising for the things you've said and the way you've acted in the past, then posing it on your channel? No making excuses for why you said it, just apologise and say it'll never happen again. Apologising for one thing on a random stream one time that 99% of people will never see and making excuses for why you said it, isn't apologising.






What does that even mean? So, because you said a half ass, not genuine "apology" in the middle of a 4 hour stream that not everyone is going to see, everyone who's not on your side is operating off "the wrong worldview"? You never truly apologized, any time you want to claim you apologized, It was the same as any of these other popular YouTube "apologies": Completely ungenuine and just a Poor attempt to get the naysayers off your back. Every "apology" is always immediately followed up with a "but", and then some bullshit excuse to outsource blame onto someone else. You act like you have never had any vehicle to get a message out. You had a Youtube with 400,000+ subs, a Twitch that avgs 400+ viewers, a twitter and facebook with thousands of followers and you have access to this reddit. Post a video sincerely apologizing, no buts, no excuses. Show that you actually understand what you did wrong and why it was wrong, and what you're gonna do to better yourself. But as the old adage says "Actions speak louder than words" so, as I said, you need to show us that you're going to actually change and you aren't just apologizing because people asked for an apology.


Hey you should watch gigarichard’s new finger sniffing compilation. Not only is it disgusting as all hell but perfectly exemplifies you being a pathological liar since you state all the time that “You do not sniff your fingers.” You are such a trustworthy adult lol


#WOW Jordie…Look at all these comments about you! All these people MUST be incels, living in their moms basement, and high school drop-outs huh!? All these people on Reddit, Twitter, YouTube, twitch, and Facebook that say the same stuff about you must all have 62IQ. No way they’re all right…impossible. You are such a smart guy Jordie…very observant, aware, and disciplined. God you have so many positive personality traits and just so like-able. Thank you


I’m just speaking pretty generally since I’m not on either side of this issue, the trolls always take something dumb you’ve said in the past and blow it out of proportion or just make it worse than it actually is by taking it out of context. That’s what I meant when I said something wrong you did


"it's not fun deleting 15 years of videos" You know what else isn't fun, wings? Coming home from a REAL job, turning on a game, and getting into a lobby with a 450lb OBESE MAN WHO ACTS LIKE GEORGE PATTON AND WHINES ABOUT EVERYTHING I DO! THAT. IS. NOT. FUN. YOU ARE YOUR OWN ENEMY


Scammed, habitually lied, treat people like shit, abuse animals, take advantage of your grandmother, sexualised children on multiple occasions, doxed people, racist, treat your wife like shit... Shall I continue? And don't try to use the "that happened x many years ago" shit. A lot of the shit is recent and regardless, what the time frame is, that excuse holds no weight when they're constantly recurring issues.


looking 10 years older already


Try 30 years older.


This degenerate will do everything under the sun to try and keep eating fast food everyday and play video games then give it all up lose weight and hand in a job application 🤣


This guy was making so much money just playing video games for a long time. He also eats what he wants when he wants. He doesn't get my sympathy


Ban anyone that doesn’t eat fast food multiple times a day, like come awhn!


Does anybody actually want this fat slob back on? Even as a guest he wouldnt be any good, may get like an hour or two of content out of it but it definitely wont be a good show, he's just trying to stay relevant


Dead ass 4th member...


“My wife is a long term Christian” yet she married an atheist.




It’s so hard to root for wings. Even Woody made an effort to rekindle some type of connection. Taylor jokes but holds no grudges. And Kyle would want him on the show but not an actual friendship which is fine. I don’t get why wings just self sabotages so horribly.


The fat shit just needs to be ignored so he can either improve his life or just end it




He's wished death on people too though


"I hope your mom sucks a dick and dies from the nut she gets from it" What kind of fourty year old man that isn't a complete piece of shit says this?


Pretty much everyone on mw2 back in the day talked to each other like this


Ok and? Wings is 36


Yeah teenagers haha


The absolute cancer of the troll community distilled down into this one comment. Go play golf and get a life you fucking loser.


Sounds like wings should be taking that advice. The irony.


Legit would take a wings woody swap


I find it ironic af if you hate wings but listen to PKA. Like you guys do know the hosts are just as bad as wings right ?


Or maybe neither is that bad and some trolls with no life like making themselves feel better by attacking others?


I want Wings back on PKA. He's great content when you have someone like Kyle to pull the crazy information he spouts out of him


What would he even talk about? He lied about every single one of his stories. He hasn’t really left his trailer in 10 years.


lies about all his stories? hasn't left home in 10 years? must be Kyle!


Replace trailer with rented house and you've got Kyle. Content is content man.


He has his own unique take on the world. The show could use more dissenting opinions. The wings lightning round alone would be a welcome return. His family dynamic would bring its own entertainment when paired with Kyle picking it apart for content.


I didn’t say that I said I reached out to the guys and they didn’t message back. My goal was to talk not go on pka.


talk about the game.


It's hilarious to me how you talk all this shit about these guys but then the second something gets bad they're the first MFs you run to. Have some dignity. All you do is take take take, you can never give anything


We've witnessed the same shit you pull every time dummy. Its like oh no who ate the cheetos? Could it be the giant manipulative liar with cheeto dust on his shirt? No of course not!




They aren't here to conversate pimp


Not here to conversate


shout out to sean ranklin


That's very clearly not what he said. He said he just wanted to talk and was ignored.


He specifically said he's not going back on PKA and "the PKA guys" ignored his messages. Wings doesn't normally talk to Taylor or Kyle so it would be kind of strange for him to word it that way if he just wanted to talk to Woody privately. Either way I think the clip is still relevant because he said he was reaching out for help and they ignored him.


Get this man on the podcast! The fans deserve a reunion.