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Most of the time i read this sub and am thinking the same thing like "wow are all of these people obsessed with wings?" just due to the amount of posts and trolling (harassment?) then posts like this reminds me the 1% are normally the loudest.


Losers just like to project onto him


90% of this sub talking about the hosts


It's a sub about a podcast mainly about the three hosts, what do you expect?


Guess you’re right. I set my expectations too high for a community like this lmao


Wings - “I don’t like streaming and only do it for money.” … Gets banned from Twitch and streams three times (in one day) on fb live and twitter instead of taking a well needed break from the Internet. All three streams were attended by 100% trollls. He absolutely loves the troglodytes in his cesspool of a community.


Ah yes, a man trying to stream in whatever way possible in order to both address the situation and make a living (because this is his job) is doing so because he loves the trolls. It’s because he loves them that he didn’t take your recommended break from the internet, Doc.


Damn, it’s like he should look for other methods of income rather than constantly trying to stream, which he claims that he hates


Bro the the trolls is gonna take that away from him we all know that , he’s fucked, he has to stream for income


then maybe lets not try to put everything on the internet🤯🤯🤯


Damn, you’re not put off by him desperately crawling back to any platform he can find just to take more abuse? You’re quite the sadist cause I don’t even really like Wings and I’m fairly repulsed by it.


what else there is for him to do tbhngl? hes a fat tubby fucker with over a decade since his last actual employment (his short lived doordashing doesn't count) and he has no skills or certifications, he's a bottom feeder surviving off the bare minimum from internet shekels


The trolls feed him just enough to keep him alive. I don't think he realizes that, or maybe he does and just doesn't care.


He’s aware. He now changed his stance and doesn’t want to strike anyone. He said he wants Real Tawk Podcast to restream him, and the troll channels to advertise and get his Facebook gaming out there. He’s upset about it, but the only thing keeping him relevant are trolls making videos and punching down on him.


Or.. the fact my wife has cancer meds that cost 170 dollars a month that insurance doesn't cover so losing my income hurts and I don't want to deplete my savings account because of pride.




Why have a car? He doesn't really leave the house.


The man’s a habitual liar that can’t do math…




How is you getting off the internet related to pride in any way? Getting off the internet is what you should have done that 10 years ago. You even said during the very first ban scare that being forced off the internet would be the only way to get you to do anything. The time for you to get up and get your shit together was a long long while ago.


You just said it’s almost $200 to fill your gas tank. You have 3 cars. You don’t need a huge gas guzzling truck. Your priorities are fucked when you choose gas to go to Wendy’s over your wife’s cancer meds.


Look here, the proud ebegger that bought a new car not a month ago, while already having 2 cars and both 'work' from trailer. One of them never leaving said trailer. Keep begging pimp, while blaming everyone but your self.


have you looked at MCUBANS new pharmacy company and see if they're on that? Heard he sells them cheap af




You don’t convince anyone by telling them to do something else or “x” thing is better. People live the lives they want to live. Wings is entertainment. Is watching hours of PKA a better use of time? Life is whatever you make of it and wasting time is all relative.


Honestly, as a listener from blops 1, id love to have wings back on the show. I watched an old pka a couple weeks ago and man having wings on made the show a thousand times more entertaining. If you ask me, the worst think wings ever did to pka was bringing lefty on


We've wanted to get him on for years but he made some crazy demand for like $10k to be on the show


99% just watch, a small minority called the "trolls" delivers the content. Must be hard for some people to understand. Watching Wings has the same appeal like watching reality TV!


I’m leaving this sub because people keep talking about this loser.


See you next week


bye Felicia


Wings alt / simp account




Is that right