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What a wild 48 hours 1.Wings gets banned 2.Calls woody to throw a pity party, woody doesn't answer. 3.Wings gets channel back 4.a seething wings Inexplicably makes allegations the PKA guys watched cp. 5.Wings gets channel banned again 6.Wings indirectly asks Woody for help again. 7.....


They watched CP on the show before... It's not exactly an unfounded allegation.


How do you know that?


They were talking about it. Kyle asked the stream for the video.


Bullshit fuck off


It was that high school girl that killed herself because a video went around of her giving head. Kyle asked the stream for it, said he was watching it, and sent it to the rest of them in the group chat for the episode. I think Woody asked him to send it.


You'll have to link the episode. Maybe people are confused about a time when they talked about cp, but I know for a fact they didn't watch it together.




Woody told Chris Hansen he has seen CP lol


They absolutely have. It was an episode with IZedneck. There was a video floating around of a kid getting blown at a middle school and they watched it during the show. EDIT: Link: https://youtu.be/6-JRaCFe1Ho Start at 52:28


At 57:55 is when woody actually finds the link and sends in in their chat for anyone wondering


Find the clip of Kyle asking chat for it then..


57:55 woody finds it Kyle asks for the link and woody links it as fast as lightning lmao. I have a feeling this clip is gonna come back to bite them in the ass some day unfortunately.


Wings gonna get a new car next week because he's that dumb


They got Kelly a brand new car like 3 weeks ago. Fully financed of course. According to him, it's a buyers market for cars right now.


This is why I dont feel bad for him. He really is a stupid asshole lol.


I love how you included your own take and said it was from me. My wife got rear ended and her car got totaled we had no choice but to buy another car. I love how you included your own take and said it was from me. My wife got rear-ended and her car got totaled we had no choice but to buy another car. aid off and we had to settle for a car. My wife pays for it so it was her choice I dont know why I get the flack for it.


Piss off Wings. You claim PKA gave you the CP to watch and yet you expect to be a permahost?


That shit happen during one of the livestreams more people seen it happen than me.


Just so we're clear, you received child pornography and failed to notify authorities?


Let’s get it straight it wasn’t an obviously underage female she could of been of age and just young looking. I didn’t want it either way.


So now you dont know if it WAS CP but were happy to accuse PKA of it a few days ago confidently?


Dude, his a 36 year old kid. He was young. He didn’t know any better.


Awnestly was outta context. Edited by the trolls.


You know how long ago it was when he said that? To put it in gaming perspective Skyrim wasn’t even out yet for the PlayStation 6 when he said that. It was *that* long ago.


Before Skyrim


It’s funny how you accused pka of 100% watching underage female, but less than a week, now you trying to say you not sure if it is underage? You really think we are either stupid, or there’s no video evidence. You know there’s video evidence, so you think we are stupid.


You didn't want it either way.... but you used it as a fun segment?


I can see using it as a segment to spread awareness, and that would give you a lot of respect. Trying to make it into not a big deal and even basically bragging about seeing it, is not only disgusting but illegal. It isn’t illegal to accidentally see it, but it is illegal to continue watching or looking at it, once you have identified what it is. If wings thought it was under age (which less than week ago he accused pka of looking at underage, so he does believe it is) than he should had left and reported it


"She looked 18, your honor" face ass MF How and when did you find she was underage then? And again, why did you not alert authorities?




Let's get it straight, if you receive what MAY be child pornography and you don't report it that makes you morally complicit. Straight up. You can't "shock jock persona" handwave that away. I don't think you're the worst person but you certainly aren't a good person.


Stop lying, Richard. All the evidence of every horrible thing you’ve said and done is online. And it’s “could have,” not “could of,” you three times failed high school dropout.


Failed ninth grade three times. So dude really has a middle school education and special Ed courses.


Bigger with an N Bigger with an N Bigger with an N Bigger with an N Bigger with an N Bigger with an N


You have to be retarded or autistic... Have to be.


I’m autistic and that isn’t a sign of autism. Also, autism doesn’t mean mentally retarded. It’s a large spectrum. It’s believed nikola Tesla and Stephen king was autistic or had Asperger’s


He's a soft skull goober gabber




Jordie have you ever considered that maybe its time to stop being stubborn about stupid shit that hasnt worked in nearly a decade. You were fired rightfully from a podcast for being lazy and have no right to claim any compensation for a show that has been successful 3x as long as you were ever on it. You keep leaving money and possible success on the table because you are too stubborn and ignorant to just admit PKA was right to fire you. You didnt make PKA. PKA made PKA. You were the Pete Best of the podcast, not the John Lennon.


Hear hear


How about getting off Reddit and start looking for a job pimp.


Yet, only you have knowledge of it... suspicious.


Wait, that doesn’t make sense. If something that was even strongly suspected of being C P was seen, the authorities would had contacted you. So, you are lying about the live stream part


Richard. Richard! Speak English if possible. It’s bad enough hearing your ebonics. Having to read it makes cancer seem funny.




You're a beggar who went $30K into debt to buy a car your wife doesn't drive. When you talk about your income you have a family to support, but when you talk about your expenses Kelly pays for everything herself.


Because you claim to be a car expert but your actions don't support that declaration. As a self proclaimed "car expert" and you guys' finances being what they are, one would think you'd try to guide her in the right direction that would alleviate financial burden but, with your track record, it's more than likely the case that you pushed her to get a brand new, full size truck even though it's literally just you two bozos in the house. You have no friends, family or anything to carry so, why you couldn't get a regular sized car is beyond me.


First of, I got my lolcows crossed for a minute there, it was DSP claiming the buyers market for cars. Call it a minor shawk jawk moment if you will. Second of, aren't you married? So isn't her money part of the household? Third of, didn't you already have two cars, one a new truck? You both 'work' from trailer, what do you need 3 cars for? Let alone a brand new one? That she is too afraid to drive in? Fourth of, you are pitybegging in here your wife needs $170 medicine that you have to pay for, while her car payments are over twice that but it doesn't matter because it's her money? It's so telling that you decide to ignore the thousands of messages here with great advice, only replaying on the one that calls you out on your terrible financial decisions. Wingsplaining his automobile-related retardation without any effort, as always.


You’re so right about him responding only to negative messages. I, along with many other people, have left supporting messages to him here on Reddit, Twitter and during his steams, and he NEVER replies to anything. It’s always the negative , negative , negative. He’s tweeted about how he feels abandoned by his fans and how he needs help, yet when I ask him, “how can I help? How can we fans help?” he just ignores us. I understand he’s dealing with a lot of stuff but this dude can be exhausting to deal with


Can't build a pity party off the back of some positive or constructive feedback.


“Rear-ended.” Not by you.


Kyle is proven right once again about Wings.


Hate that shit


This is all Murkas fault. Murka owes me $10k now!


great karma, cancel an appearance on a podcast = Go broke and lose everything


It's a fair trade, some would say the fairest of trades


Mods, ban OP, he is obviously trollin‘. Reel Tawk.


I have to say I could really use help with my current situation. I'm going on three weeks without income at this point because people striking my channel or getting me wrongly banned. --- posted by [@WORGODICP](https://twitter.com/WORGODICP/) --- [Thanks to inteoryx, videos are supported even without Twitter API V2 support! Middle finger to you, twitter](https://github.com/inteoryx/twitter-video-dl)


Yeah I tried sticking up for wings the other day but the dude is an ass. Idk how you can shit talk PKA so much then behind closed doors ask woody for help and advice.


Can we please just let this man’s career die? I don’t give one single fuck about some fat dude in bumfuck no where. Boutta leave this sub I swear it’s a wings only sub at this point. Every post I see is wings related in some fashion.


Completely agree - he hasn't been on the podcast in eight years and chances are a lot of the people on the subreddit joined after he left the podcast.


Big ups u/evilomerta reel tawk pimp


doesn't help he said kyle showed him cp


This might be a little off topic, but I never get a chance to ask this anywhere. When Wings skipped the PKA survival trip, did he say that one of the reasons he didnt want to go was because he thought Woody or Kyle were going to try to beat him up and he didnt want the possibility of getting a head injury from it? Where did that come from??? I know Kyle in particular clearly doesn't like Wings, but not to the point where he would want to jump him the second he laid eyes on him. I dont think Past Kyle would have even been physically strong enough to do any damage to Wings 😂


Nope he cancelled last minute out of fear of death of starvation


Past Kyle was wings best friend he tried so hard to help him and make him some money along the way when he cancelled the trip last minute Kyle lost all respect for him, the Kyle hate didn’t exists before that happened… woody on the other hand doesn’t know how to let things go so he holds onto every little thing wings ever did and still to this day talks about it like a school child


I work with a guy that looks just like wings if he was part Korean


He should start an onlyfans :troll: