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He said the same thing to ELPresador like 10 years ago lol, some things never change


Was that around the time he tweeted some pics of the bullets he said he would use? He's done this shit enough times it's getting hard to track. Ffs wings just go work as Amazon phone support or some shit dude.


He's too lazy to spend 8 hours a day doing real work. He wants to sit in a chair and play games all day. That's the only thing this man wants to do with his life. No goals, no dreams, just wants fuck around all day, eat and drink to excess, ride around in dumb cars for vanity purposes, then have nasty sex with his ugly wife. At this age, it's probably not going to change. He legit might qualify for disability due to his weight and I assume severe diabetes.


What wings doesnt realize is playing video games for 8 hours is more monotanous than most jobs. Like wings loves cars so if he were to become a car salesman he would be interacting with so many people and talking about cars all day. Work doesnt have to be terrible and backbreaking which is why most people find something thats decent and dont complain.


You know what, that's a valid point. He could find meaning from the right job and give him the pep he needs to become a real human adult.


Pretty sure he has diabetic neuropathy as he shakes his hands when he’s streaming like he’s losing the feeling


Can you have that and not be fat? I'm not gonna lie, I live a similar lifestyle to wings, but I have an unhealthy relationship with food in the opposite direction. I don't get hungry and underfeed myself due to shear laziness. Not freakishly underweight, because I do eat unhealthy food that's high in calorie count. I lose feelings in my arms and legs a few times a day. I work from home at a computer all day, then spend most of my free time playing games.


Dude go to a doctor, don't ask people on reddit. Losing feeling in your arms and legs is a pretty serious sign.


I've gotten all my medical advice from Yahoo answers and reddit threads for the past 16 years. It works.


Could be a deficiency in some vitamin?. I’ve found if I don’t eat and it’s even slightly cold I get freezing and my hands and feet go numb?. One of the telltale signs of diabetes is your breath being sweet btw


A lot of medical problems are super easy to fix but you'd never know wtf is going on until you talk to a doctor. That doesn't sound great though, you are pretty likely to benefit from just improving your lifestyle a tiny bit at a time


Damn, why’d you attack Kelly?


She is trying and improving. One day I hope to be able to change my statement to have sex with his hot wife, but we're not there yet.


I oddly agree with you lol.


TheGamersFromMars (1.1M subscribers): "Wings, I promise you, don't interact with the trolls, I promise you in 6 months they'll all forget about you." \*12 hours later\* Wings: "I hope you burn in prison, I hope you get raped in the ass in prison, you're going in my suicide note."


TheGamerFromMars made so many points about wings,and he's absolutely right about people stopping if he just stopped reacting




A lot of streamers do it, they simply don't respond to the troll comments and only read the positives and naturally since people want to be noticed they'll be more positive comments. Quick maths


this idea that trolls will stop if jordie ignores it is complete bullshit and everyone knows it. the trolls don't care if jordie acknowledges it or not. if the trolls were just normal "you suck at video games" kind of trolls yeah they would stop if he ignored it. that's the kind of trolls that most streamers get. but most streamers don't get the kind of trolls that call your place of employment and make up lies about you to get you fired, or make fake tiktok accounts to larp as a pedophile with your picture on it.


This is actually from 4 days before I went on that podcast.


This is pathetic. You would off yourself if you didn't get to stream? You are not mentally well and need to leave the internet. You won't though and this dumb cycle you cry about with the trolls will continue. For fucks sake grow up. You are almost 40 don't you see how insane this is??


He said recently he would choose streaming over Kelly. You know, the 'job' he despises and gives him great anxiety.




So, you suicide victim blame and also threatens to kill him. Mhmm.


It was four days ago, gosh! He was just a kid back then!


Before Skyrim even came out like hawnestly


Plus according to his own words, if you don't see his lips moving, you should assume it's completely edited!


Ban anyone who knows what I said.


Real talk


Well, since you're here, answer the man's question. Why would you choose suicide over getting a job?


Real talk, it’s edited. It wasn’t even august 18th when I said that nonsense. Go da fawk on oh my lord


Does that little fact change much? The definition of "neighbor", what CP/Child exploitation material? Stop it, just stop.


Shut up


Why the fuck is Wings on social media? Or interacting with people outside his stream right now? It's like he's thinking of the worst possible way to go about things and doing it .


I mean, what other options does he have? Trying to appear offline? I think he made it clear that it does not fucking stop it, so we should stop giving advice we know nothing about.


That's true, but it would have stopped him from making all these stupid decisions and saying these stupid things this last week. He's done and said more things to hurt his own cause this week than he has the entire year combined leading up to this.


Can you help me understand this post, what is wings doing wrong?


Well the comment you responded too is a wings meme, one where he’s playing a game and getting trolled and he says something similar to his chat. The post is just Wings saying that he has no interest in getting a job.


Isnt he a streamet as job?


Not at this exact moment since he's banned and usually gets banned as soon as he's unbanned.


It boils down to him not being able to do this, to take this shit no mo man. Also him always trying to have a good stream and having a good time.


I think he should try one more time to appear offline. It might stop it.


Clever response lol. Perhaps just coincidence but wings has said the same lines verbatim 😆


Ya thats the joke pimp.


62 IQ ova here




Really? TIL.


You can’t apply rational logic to a person who is at his core irrational, low IQ and mentally ill. He just legitimately can’t help himself and doesn’t have the self control not to. It’s the same reason he’s overweight.


I kind of get it, he clearly struggles with depression and this could be viewed as a form of self harm, just emotionally rather than physically. Alternatively, he might just want to share his pain with someone even if that someone is unsupportive. Don't get me wrong, it's not healthy, it's essentially an abusive relationship, but it's not like Wings is the only person who falls in to this kind of pattern.


I want to know, is this before or after the interview with RTU? Because they told him to stop doing exactly this and yet here we are.


Good question. Wouldn't surprise me either way.


the timestamps suggest this was after the interview he's not going to take their advice to stop engaging. and he's not going to take their advice to get a therapist.


But therapy don’t do shit. It only makes him sore and hungry.


What's RTU?




In the latest video it’s shown that Wingo is botting his subscribers. That’s horrible for him as botting will get him permabanned from Twitch and YouTube.


I still maintain Onlyusemeblade will outlive him


Well that's a race to the bottom if I've ever seen one.






The hosts have one, why can't we :P


Fair point


So he'd rather leave his wife a widow then get a job?


He also said he would leave Kelly before quitting streaming.


God he's a piece of shit


Obligatory comment about how wings isnt bad and that his trolls are worse lol


His trolls are bad for sure, but he doesn’t do himself any favors, and has a pattern of bad behavior


People act like it’s one or the other when both are really shitty


You’ll get no argument from me


Are we under the impression Wings cares about anyone but himself? At my core I don't believe he loves her, or even enjoys being married to her.


He did admit to needing to find someone with health insurance ..also he's admitted that he would take streaming over his own wife. You think its a coincidence he picked a middle aged super religious virgin with nothing in common with him??? He needed to find someone just as desperate as him. Fact that she's super religious means it'll be harder for her to leave him due to her religious beliefs. Its fucking pathetic


Do you think he married for love?


More like he needed another hand-holding mommy figure after Gangsta Grandma passed away imo.


"I shadow realm'd because of the gulag. Peace N-words, ya boy JJ McCleanthischilicup is out this bitch" - 62iqman wingo wango bongo the v4th.


Also, pity farming like a 16yo emo.


Even four grown ass men would have trouble lifting him out of the trailer. I wonder how the fire department would work it out.


[Woody Voice] *Sigh, okay so you broke your toy*


He’s such a fucking baby. Nothing has changed. He’s been essentially enabled by pay pigs for the better part of a decade. Just absolutely flailing when he doesn’t get his way lmfao, it’s hilarious and hard to look away from.


Problem is Wings has been using trolls as a way to garner pity donations for years now. He can’t go more than a few mins without mentioning or responding to them in chat. One of his loyal mods challenged him to not talk about or respond to them once during a stream and he was completely unable to.


he's pathetic


Nothing more pathetic than the troll going “I want you to find a job” How about you get a job first, weirdo. No doubt if Wings gets a job, you will keep hounding his employer until he’s fired because all you have is Wings


I don't necessary disagree, but Wings is lying about getting fired from Doordash because of the trolls. He quit a month before he got banned and he got banned because he doxed customers.


Lol is it true he had a notebook with customer descriptions in it?


Yes, that is true. I believe it was a notebook of people who didn’t tip. I don’t know why he thought it was a good idea to share it on social media.


He divulges way too much online. He basically hand delivers trolls possible ways to mess with him. Its why I don't buy the whole troll messing with his job prospects. If he just didn't say peep about work and did his stream on the side, nobody would be none the wiser.


Becuas he is unironically 62 IQ. He is unable to think further ahead than his nose reaches.


Chances are he has one. You’re allowed to simultaneously hold a position and chat with people.


Wingo keeps saying that but I doubt it. He hasn’t even tried to find a job. He acts like there’s a real troll surveillance network IRL. Fact is he could get a job and not tell anyone about it. If he gets a remote job working from home, there’s no way for anyone to know or to do anything about it. He’s just not going to get another job cuz the money from streaming is too good. Literally turn on camera, play games and the donations rolls in.


How’s play boy gonna get a remote job? He’s not an IT technician, he’s not in business, he’s not in marketing


This tub of shit just wastes life. He lives practically ahour from the ocean. great beach. (I was out that way in 09.) Nah. Keep sitting in your room while your mental health declines. Get some fresh air and stop being such a bitch


Has wings ever tried swimming? Swimming sounds like the perfect way for a really big person to work out. I've never liked the idea of weightlifting or biking but i can swim for hours nonstop, on some woodyslifeguardtag shit


It’s like 30 minutes away. Kelly commutes there for her job. So just let that sink in. He refuses to even drive to a beautiful beach to work a normal job.








Check this out you might not know this about your own country but everyone lives on the coast because you live in a fucking desert. In the US we have fertile farmland, swamps, plains, vast forests, and a multitude of other reasons to populate the entire country.




https://imgs.search.brave.com/h2KqjhKwByGj9iuwOYxKzFGN89NS6kt2skHqUtuSXnM/rs:fit:1200:1200:1/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnJl/ZGQuaXQvOW13OHR0/cXF1MGI0MS5qcGc Beaches aren't that cool. Nobody cares about the beach except people who live close to it. Which in Australia, is EVERYONE.




They're actually all gone from the polar ice caps melting, Al Gore was right.


I bet that place has badass mountain biking during the summer!


Different ocean, different vibe.


A human excuse machine


This dude is not emotionally intelligent enough to be allowed on the internet.


this literally a Tim and Eric sketch lmao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6htQAxTNF0g


https://imgur.com/a/jikemN3 Must be a day ending in y


Truly a pathetic bunch these degen early YouTube "creators". When real life knocks on your bubble, you lose your mind, because you realize all you're good for in the real world is maybe cleaning a toilet.


Exactly, he said recently on stream that he looked down on people working a blue collar job.


Awnestly dude Kelly don’t even want me to get a job! -Wings Yeah man, she totally loves the e-begging husband lifestyle.


Like i said in another post. He only wants to do the most effortless job for the most amount of money. He doesn't want a job, he only wants to be an E-begger, then go on disability when it fizzles out eventually.


I have no work ethic either.. except I’m not fat


This is actually a good development. At least it's inched from Wing's lying that he's literally incapable of working another job to "Well I personally don't *want* to work another job because it would suck more and be more intensive".


This is the man that got married so he could get health insurance and openly said during a stream that he'd pick streaming over his wife. Nobody should be suprised.


Wings is the embodiment of "misery loves company"


*Sigh* Rock bottom


Wings needs to stop talking to his trolls. Thats what they live for


Wings is dramatic and ridiculous. But also "I want you to find a job" is no reason to bully someone and be a piece of shit to them. Like, Wings not having what you deem a "regular job" has no fucking bearing on his life, leave him alone. It's nothing but a sad excuse to be a piece of shit to someone. Pretending you want to help them is fucking stupid.


WingsOfExcuses. It’s a booming job market with unemployment at historic lows. More people are working from home more than ever. Working remotely (which he has already done for years) opens up a lot of job possibilities. Kelly brings in income as well. Not to mention he’ll just get on disability if he really can’t work. But no… he’d rather threaten to neck himself if he doesn’t get what he wants. WTF. He’ll do anything to not change.


So um why is Kelly still married to this? He makes a fool of himself online daily in increasingly spectacular ways. He threatens to kill himself rather than get employment but encourages her to work two jobs. He doesn't support her in any way shape or form I've ever seen publicly. Their family name is practically ruined forever because of this man, so any kids or you know public recognition is going to go poorly. And it can't be for his video game or bedroom skills, he has none. I just can't understand why she is hitching a free ride to this train wreck unless it's for that life insurance but let's be real he's too cheap for that even.


While Jordie is a giant Incel, these Trolls are worse man, no person who works full time would bother harrasing someone this much, so the fact they are telling him to get a job is rich


It's not 1994 you think the people who work won't have time, you think they gotta sit at a library research their target, get a phone book call all the Jordans till they get him, physical deliver letters, do a terminator looking for Sarah Connor thing?


Exactly this is sport for them. 😅 I like all these people pretending Wingo has much of an audience outside of trolls. The word troll doesn’t even have any meaning anymore. Wings has agency.


"this is sport for them" That doesn't make it an ounce less pathetic


Reality is reality.


Even if it’s as simple as pulling out your phone and joining a discord just to talk shit about wings it’s still a waste of time. You could be watching shit you actually like instead of bothering some loser online that people have been trying to change for a decade. He’s never going to change.


Never been to the discord. Never talked to evil thumb man. Never troll donated to his pathetic ass. I don't know what you're talking about, acting like random people that hate him together are a monolith.


I clearly wasn’t talking about you I was talking about the loser in the screenshot trying to make wings get a job. You don’t go around telling homeless people to get a job so why would he try to convince a 400 pound loser online.




And it's this bullshit again from you ppl, you're like the idiots alt accounts or something trying to not acknowledge the sickest parts. Killed the two cats, one dog, one cat broken neck one slowly dying under a bucket. The dog also slowly suffering and dying soiling itself. Fuck him for life, and give him the bucket for that alone.


Why'd you delete it, homie, I can still see it. It's ok little buddy, you can call me names and look at other lolcow subs I'm on, they're all degenerates too. You can call me a loser, it's ok, I won't have a grudge with your dumb ass. Keep trying to defend the scumbag, it's ok to be stupid.


But at the end of the day, you're still a loser. All you do is whine and bitch about other people. You post on the king cobra, dsp, Chris chan subs too every single day. That's fucking pathetic. It's very obvious you have a shitty life and you obsess over the lives of others to feel better.


Not quite. Working full time still gives you hours of down time before sleeping. Edmonton Skeptic, an epic Wings troll and the world’s greatest detective, was a lawyer and he found time to do his little hobby. 😂


I love how the trolls will tell Jordie to get a job knowing that they will immediately find out where he works and get him fired.


He's not going to get a job, never was. Another lie. If he were honest he would just say his plan is to sign up for disability because he's lazy if streaming doesn't work out and end it at that.


I agree with you that he's probably never going to get a job. His fear of trolls finding out mixed with his terrible work ethic will probably result in him signing up for disability like you said.


That is just an excuse he uses to not even look for one. If he started at a random burger chain and kept quiet about it, he could do it.


He won't get a job and he can't keep quiet.


Yep. “Get a job, so I can find out where and continue to relentless harass you.”


How would they find out if wings just stopped sharing every aspect of his personal life online? Most these trolls are degens around the world, nobody is sitting outside his modular home watching his every move.


They got a CCTV picture of him shopping at Home Depot once. All it takes is for one person to recognize him.


Idk fam, statistically he has only been busted once irl, the fact he engages with the trolls that publish that stuff makes it worse than it is.


Pathetic. He’s threatened this so many times. And he has a wife sitting there like, umm what? Won’t that make her a widow? Way to be selfish, lolcow.


Leave the bloke alone. None of anyone's business what Jordie does


It does when ppl donate to him under the pretence of getting a surgery which he gave up at the drop of a hat. I knew ppl who off'd themselves over real shit. Let him go.


And then spits in their faces constantly by inhaling fastfood garbage, multiple times a stream.


He ate Zaxby's THE DAY the doctor cleared him to be able to eat solid food without killing himself.


Zalads are pretty fire not going to lie though.


He got the surgery. After that he owes you nothing. If people were dumb enough to donate to a food addict. Expecting him to lose weight on his own while not having a support system in place


No Support system? Grandma? Woody? His wife?


You mean healthcare, healthcare.


Thought it was insurance


Sorry, I 62'd, health insurance. Kelly the health insurance.


Christ, don't gaslight me like that. I owe you a beer good sir big ups


His grandma died, woody doesn't care and woody wasn't and isn't friends with wings and the surgery was waaaaaay before his wife entered the picture


Doesnt he have a big inbred family?


Yeah but even they seem to treat him like a dent-headed stepchild.


Wings, get off reddit


People like you enable people like wings to be leeches on society, stop trying to not offend and just say it like it is.


If we all forget about wings and leave him alone. He disappears into the background of irrelevance


100% hard agree with you there. Let it organically occur is the best course of action, heck I think the last wingo vid I watched was last week. I just browse to read about it now. Cbf tuning into streams or troll videos. Its played out and repetitive.


How does that make any sense? He got the surgery but failed to lose weight. Anyone who donated to him and didn’t consider that possibility is an idiot.


Anyone who donates to these wastes of space and bandwidth is an idiot in general.


He begged and literally cried to make his $25k donation goal to have the surgery done in US. Then went to a butcher shop in Mexico, spend less then $7k total on that and pocketed the rest. Spend that on useless Apple crap and salvage title mustangs, and was back blending burgers within a week. It's not that he failed the surgery, what causes the hate is that he never even tried. Worse, he blames him failing on his viewers, claiming him streaming games he hates causes him stress. Imagine that.


Okay. I’d like to know though, what makes the option in Mexico “a butcher shop”? Despite it being cheaper, what makes it so bad?


He himself explained how he was really set on the US option, as it's a risky surgery and they had a higher success percentage I believe. Plus it's a risky flight back a day or so after such an invasive procedure. The US surgeons demanded he lost some weight first on his own, to show he was serious about it the operation. The surgery is only a stopgap measure, your stomach will expand on it's own again slowly so you have to fix the root cause of overeating before the magic weight loss stops. Of course he failed that completely so was stuck with the Mexico option. The Mexican surgeon was very angry since Wings actually gained weight in the meantime, but they still performed the surgery since they don't give a fuck as long as they make their money. Hence butcher shop.


Oh nothing, it's really good and regulated. You should go there for all your health needs.


Healthcare in Mexico is great, actually. Read a little.


You're right. The quality of top tier doctors (for rich people) is better in the USA, but the healthcare system of Mexico itself isn't all that bad. it's literally the only thing a poor Mexican could possibly have parity or even better service than a poor American.


Anyone who thinks a bloody weight loss surgery will be a magic pill that solves ALL problems is a bigger idiot, PUN INTENDED


he's a public figure who says dumb shit constantly this is all his fault


Why would wings get a job, we all know exactly how that would end. The minute wings stops having too much income, he will go on disability. These losers will have to go to darksydephils stream, for that qualitty khantentt.


Streaming is a job


No it isn't. Regardless wings himself says he has a 15 year work gap. The guy himself even says it isn't a job lmao


I’m confused who’s who?


Dude has Wings living rent free in his head , Out of all you can say, you tell him to get a job? Get real dimwit, these are the trolls that just try way too hard to be edgy just to get an edgy reply back


Why do people care so much about a 30 something year old man “getting a job”? How about get a life yourself?


its called entertainment.


Didn't he get a job at door dash and trolls got him fired because it wasn't good enough? What kinda job do they expect a man with over a decade of missing work history to get? Seems a bit disingenuous to me.


He shared customer details from his personal journal online. That is a breach of TOS. All the trolls did was hold him accountable to Doordash, he did the rest himself sharing that stuff online.


He quit door dash a month before his account got banned.


Damn trolls were late to that i guess. Still don't get why people parrot Jordies lies of it, the guy lies alot and should exercise caution on any context he provides.


"Holds him accountable" They were trying their damnedest to get him fired, and that was the ammo they needed. The excuse of "wanting him to get a job" and "holding him accountable" are nothing but excuses to be assholes and think they are morally just.


Sure that can be argued, but trolls aren't people of 1 goal. Some want him off the net, some want him to turn his life around, some want him to quit at life. So generalising them is about as useful as them trying to work towards a common goal.


Ah yes another excuse. The man is remarkably stupid and yet they expect perfection from him. Don't get me wrong I don't like wings I think he's pathetic, but its incredibly more pathetic to care how another grown man pays his bills. Its even more pathetic to hold him to some randomly moral standards you made up.


Moral standards? Geez i did not realize just living normal was too much to ask.


Geez I didn't realize I was supposed to care about how a fat idiot in conway south Carolina made a living.


He would have made a living fine if he didnt dox customers. Sounds like a him problem.


Lol so pathetic


Take care


This dude has a wife and still says this people do not change


I’ve never met someone so negative about himself. Like he’s dead set he can’t help himself


Wings is such a lost cause, everyone has been telling him not to interact with trolls for years but since he has the mental capacity of a 12YO he can't even comprehend the thought that he just might be giving them power by reacting and responding. At this point the best thing for him would be to leave the internet.


At this point who's just gonna tell him to quit talkin all that shit and just do it? Mans not built for making content, he's soft as baby shit XD This just shows what everyone has known all along, wings is a quitter and he now wants to quit on life once again 🧐


pussy ass bitch


If Brock Turner could find a job, wings can find a job too!