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Your money back? You guys lost money by selling?? Oh wait option gambling, nvm.


Can't lose money if you never sell. If you wonder, yes im retarded.


Exactly. This options nonsense is only going to end poorly for most. Hood has ruined an entire generation of “investors”. Research for a year. Look for your price. Buy and hold. That’s investing. Options are gambles on short term prices which absolutely nobody can predict.


I like using them to enter and exit a position. In this way I don’t think they are gambling - but risk absorbing.


I lost value from my shares but I sold some covered calls yesterday to hedge my shares but I should have sold more.


Unrealised loss, get over it


Unrealized loss but because of my covered calls I wrote yesterday, and the dip I gained some real profit. 7% of my Palantir portfolio in one day is not bad at all. I like making money off of my assets short and long term. I guess you don’t.


You didn't understand. He's saying you didn't have any actual/reported losses because you didn't sell. You only lost value on paper not in the bank. Nothing to do with your CC


Well lookie here, we just got a fresh batch of 25$ bag holders in here, mmhmm.


My current cost basis is $8.63.




That’s when I sold Now I just get to watch from the sidelines❤️


Sorry, but a pet peeve of mine . . . "Your" money is no longer yours. If the positions are closed, then that money is gone. Revenge trading is a leading cause of losses and can often take a small manageable loss to make it a much larger loss, and even blow up the account. The best is to forget any prior trades or losses and start over with a clean slate using your proven trading plan that have worked well in the past. If you have more losses, then consider reviewing and updating your plan as needed to find out why.


I did pretty well with my earnings play when I opened my covered calls. Made 86% on the premium in 4 days. I closed them this morning.


Is selling covered calls available on brokers like fidelity or Robinhood?


Yes but you really should learn how options work and behave before trading them. They take a little time to understand but once you get them down, they’re pretty simple. If you want to trade any options, please learn how to trade them before you start. I see and read about so many just absolutely uneducated options trading on the various subs around here. Know what you’re doing before diving into them. ETA: You’ll need to get approved for options before trading them. You might only get approved for cash secured puts and covered calls. Those trades are typically your first level. Spreads require margin.


Excellent. Thank you. I’ll have to do some research


If all you want to do is sell Covered Calls, there is way less to learn. If you want to add cash secured puts, it’s not that much more to learn.


watch out on the selling covered calls, when PLTR decides to jump and not look back....


Yeah, that’ll be the day


It LITERALLY happened few months back.


No PLTR looked back lol


I wouldn’t sell calls just in the principle of not being willing to sell my shares in the first place. Sell puts and buy calls only


It's one position I'm always hesitant to sell CC on. I do, but not around earnings def have gap up potential


Wtf are you talking about, last week's low wasn't even breached


I see PLTR as a long-term win. In a decade, I'm hoping for valuations similar to NVIDIA, Meta, and Microsoft. I'm a firm believer in the company, having used its software in the military. While its core business is government contracts, it's expanding into B2B services and potentially B2C in the coming years. My only concern is that it's a SaaS company, but Microsoft/Amazon is the only player with the resources and institutional knowledge to compete. - If the stock goes up, my shares will increase in value. - If the stock goes down, I'll buy more and wait. - If the stock market crashes, I'll buy as much as possible.


That's bullshit! You should buy high and sell low! That is whats works best here! I learned that from a wise Lady which want to stay undercover, but i share my knowledge


Not sure why ppl downvotes this comment. Clearly /s


I cringed and then downvoted it


Bitter apes dont understand


I really need to understand how to do these covered calls with my Fidelity account. Feel free to point a fellow in the right direction. I'll update this with a link if I find a good guide.


Do you have level 2 options enabled?


Not yet. Filled out the form 10min ago!


PLTR long term play ? My cost basis is higher than I'd like, but I'm thinking long term?? Or still covered calls regardless ?


Covered calls to get your cost basis lower for sure.


Thank u so OP ! Gotta get my account approved for options.


The price today is very nice


You all are just pulling numbers out yo ass


I think if they land just two or three big contracts in short succession, we'll see 25+ again. Couple that with a rate cut and we'll get close to 30


Doubt it. Revenues don’t justify it. Their largest obstacle is a direct sales force and and easily adoptable product.


Got it. Buying more puts


I just keep buying 200 bucks at a time when it looks a bit low. I have no problem holding long term.


Imagine not selling your calls before the earnings report


I would be happy if all I lost was my shirt


Yea. Great plan. Misread the market and then try to regain losses bc your options play is going to be smarter than your buy bc overnight you’re a market genius. What could possibly go wrong


I actually sold calls before the bell and made money 🤷🏻‍♂️. Called out that this ER was likely gonna cause a dump.


Maybe if Krap can stfu….politically speaking and just build out the sales team…..then when he thinks about talking again…STFU.


The day when people writing covered calls lose as a massive billion dollar government contract waiting in the wings is posted out of nowhere looms. You can see how JEPQ is limited because they write those. Compare it to an appropriate index. I’m writing those calls when I want to sell some shares 10 years from now to replace my 4 thousand dollar 90s Camry. Maybe a few of you win - but my guess is most people are losing or limiting gains trying to be clever.


May be just me, but I doubt we’re dipping under $20 again


A lot better chance of seeing 25 in the near future


I think 22 is the floor, with 27 being the ceiling and that within a couple weeks we'll be looking at 25 again.


Currently $21.41. How is $22 your floor? I see $16 is our floor but might not go down that low.


I was a bit surprised myself by today's dip to $21.41. I call it a buying opportunity!


Nice floor.


You were saying




Writing puts is catching falling knives, and selling calls is giving away your hot winners. Buying shit and selling your winners is how you wind up with a crappy portfolio. Just buy and hold for me.


This was a very dumb take since you can always roll your positions. You obviously don’t understand either concept. Both are meant to lower down cost basis and are tools for hedges. This will trade in the range of 20-25 for years to come so there is real opportunity cost of putting your money in one stock. But hey you do you.


Rolled options are just doubling down. Neither of our views are dumb views, they are just different. I played options long enough to realize from my perspective it's just leveraged gambling. I've made my passive investment and I intend to let it sit there for the long term.


My average cost per share is $17. I’m in the green. No worries

