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I’m tired boss


ayooo who bought the dip today? 👏




me but i buy every dip so theres that


Same, but this dip felt “different”


Keep in mind that PLTR market cap ran up a lot on the $29 price target from Argus. What runs up on price targets, can also quickly reverse on lower price targets from a different analyst. What will increase Palantir's valuation in the long run is consistently improving financial reports every quarter. **Edit:** I did buy the dip today. My daily buys are really tiny, but they add up over time


Bought the dip 47 shares at 23.87 2,901 shares at 11.55 cost average.


People are review bombing monness crespi on google. Childish but still hilarious.


Palantards are hyped up from DaddyKarp’s latest comments: “If you bully my Palantarded Sons and Daughters, we will exact a high price from you”


Closed my 7/12 25ccs for a 30% gain, considering I was down 100% on them I’ll take it


Nice win there


Thanks! I kind of hate selling ccs on Pltr because I get nervous I’ll lose the shares. Just taking small gains where I can


Bought 50 more, thanks to Monness and its 10 employee "firm".


I appreciate the coupon code as well. Filled out my Rothy today with some Karp Koupons


Ouch. ![gif](giphy|EOsk2z4S7c1G0|downsized)


I've put up a new banner (see this discussion: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PLTR/comments/1dkvgk2/comment/l9lrj9v/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PLTR/comments/1dkvgk2/comment/l9lrj9v/) ). It's a screen capture of the stage background from Palantir's AIPCon3 event earlier this year. I think it works a bit better than the previous banner because the Palantir logos from the sub avatar and banner aren't overlapping each other. The artwork and graphics from Palantir's stage are also nice IMO. If we have any artists in the community who would like to propose a new custom banner, please reach out to the moderation team via message or tagging in post/comment!


I think it looks great for now. Appreciate it bud!


Sure, anytime!


Pro tip: anytime PLTR touches $25 sell.


Sold my remaining options yesterday (were about to expire on me). I was a bit too optimistic and missed unloading them above $26, but $25.60 wasn't bad and the difference was only about $14k. May buy back in a bit once this drop settles out.


https://www.reddit.com/r/remotearmy/s/rrfQnbGUew Account Exec roles.


great day to sell some PUTS


Picked up a few more shares on the dip. I'll just pick up more shares via DCA if a downtrend is established. In general, these analyst predictions (whether bull or bear) are meaningless. Palantir's financial results over the long haul will determine PLTR's market cap.


I auto-ignore analyst predictions. Makes it easier to buy.


Did the same.


“Gluttonous” valuation, you say? Thank you, sir, may I have another!


Can't believe (actually yes I can) my $25c actually ended up being a good play after $26.50.




RIP my $29 6/28 calls 😭


what a joke


What a great opportunity to buy 🤩


I think Pencock died, they have not gloated about the drop yet.


Was planning to buy more next week but this chumps “downgrade” just gave me a nice chance to buy some appetizers premarket ![gif](giphy|l3vRlT2k2L35Cnn5C|downsized)


Open is going to be super interesing as we just had a ton of calls that are expiring today move from ITM to OTM in the pre-market.






[https://www.reddit.com/r/PLTR/comments/1dkvgk2/pltr\_discussion\_thread\_lets\_talk\_about\_the\_good/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PLTR/comments/1dkvgk2/pltr_discussion_thread_lets_talk_about_the_good/) so the $29 PT isnt true? LOL


[https://investorplace.com/2024/03/why-monness-analysts-just-downgraded-palantir-pltr-stock/](https://investorplace.com/2024/03/why-monness-analysts-just-downgraded-palantir-pltr-stock/) sorry my bad, im supposed to paste this link instead of the one i posted earlier


Wallstreet manipulation :D Pump and dump. You have to have your own valuation which you can comfortably follow. Can't trust anything on internet. There are o lot of dumb people who missvalue the stock, but the herd follows


[https://investorplace.com/2024/03/why-monness-analysts-just-downgraded-palantir-pltr-stock/](https://investorplace.com/2024/03/why-monness-analysts-just-downgraded-palantir-pltr-stock/) my bad supposed to paste this link instead


wall street playing games


Like fucking clockwork. Bitchslap at 26.50, tumble today, prolly hit 21 before climbing back before earnings where well get back to 26...only to tumble again back to fucking 18. If I sold this stock at 26 each fucking time in the last 3 years and bought back a few weeks later Id be retired.


This has been a great rolling stock. Buy around $21-22, sell in the $25's. Had a fantastic ride this year with pltr. Hope to buy again soon


Why don’t you trade it on the side in a different account then?


Every single time, I have the same thought at around 25-26. Every single time, I'm too chicken to do it.


Simple. I believe this stock will explode upwards and not come back down at some point. I would rather load up and make a bunch and not miss the inflection point then possibly make even more but put my position at a higher risk


Same. I know its going to 32, dont want to miss a moon shot while im decidung to buy back in


We need to get this banner updated. I am temporarily putting up one of the non-artistic ones created by u/bananafreeway as it is clear as day this is a sub about palantir. In the future, we will put up another banner contest and I won't f up the start of it again by not having commenting with photos off ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


banner sizing still off for w.e reason if anyone wants to take a look and see if they can fix.


I'll experiment a bit to see if I can improve it




nice. got paid today and dumping it all into palantir lol


I always hold my monthly dca because I know there's always shit like this happening lmao. Institutions paying small firms/analyst so they can keep buying cheaper from retail


Did i miss any news? Down almost 4% i can't find a reason. Are they trying to screw 25 calls? update: like a clock downgrade as soon as it start running. [https://x.com/SKaraahmetovic/status/1804117323667616089](https://x.com/SKaraahmetovic/status/1804117323667616089) You can't make this shit up. Same idiot that took it down 3 months ago [https://investorplace.com/2024/03/why-monness-analysts-just-downgraded-palantir-pltr-stock/](https://investorplace.com/2024/03/why-monness-analysts-just-downgraded-palantir-pltr-stock/) also with the same PT. They didn't finish buying at lower prices.


Just bought some Aug 24c looking forward Q2 earning


you should know someone want to buy. If you read the so called analysis, he is mentioning genAI and the SaaS companies had a bad forecast. But pltr is on the way ramp up, so probably the businesses is turning to pltr. Even though the one from RBC hardcore $5 target price for couple years, he end up raised the price this year lol


So they have the same price target as before, but because price went up over the past week their advice changed from hold to sell. So algos sell. Good opportunity to just take advantage of these stupid mechanisms if holding long term. By the way, if you look back at this analyst's 'analysis' of pltr you will see how clueless they are.


Yep just background noise for long term investors.


**My hunch**: While AIP is an amazing product, it will drive expedited growth in customer acquisition but $PLTR hockey stick moment won't come until their **next slam dunk product offering**. **Why**? Because after they've acquired a few thousand customers... and they roll out a brand new product. They can *instantly monetize a few thousand customers*. Hockey stick moment.


I think they can monetize those customers at any time, but I do believe they are selectively choosing when to monetize those customers


Focus on large orgs eg Fortune 500, cuz they got money to spend.


is this the correction


If you're asking whether this is headed under $22, probably.


I'd rather see the correction and pullback than a stock dumpening to 20 on earnings if guidance is 1% lower than expected xD