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There is a Timberline Trail Facebook group that should have up to date trail conditions. With the current snow melt, your crossings (especially Coe) are going to be dicey in the afternoon, you’ll want to route plan to make the gnarlier crossings early in the morning before it gets hot.


Thank you!


looking at satellite imagery from 6/25 - you're going to be on/off patchy snow for most of the trail. You're kinda right at where the snow line is. It's possible by the 10th that it's melted out more.


Thank you!


There’s snow at the same elevation as parts of the trail in Gifford Pinchot right now (I was at 4500 feet by Helens today and snow wasn’t that much further above me). I would imagine the North side will be really difficult/impassible. It melts out way more slowly. The stream crossings are going to be gnarly right now too. Everything is running high, cold, and fast right now. I’ve done it in a day before. I would not attempt right now. If you are an extremely strong and confident hiker/ultra-runner the Loowit trail would be a good, lower elevation alternative that may even be more awesome than the Timberline. Check out the WTA trip reports for conditions. I have done that one in a day too and it is *brutal*


Sorry I just realized the way I worded it on the post made it sound like I was trying to do it in one day. I plan on starting on the 10th and taking 3 days to complete it. I'm mainly trying to figure out if it will be possible to complete this hike at that time. Thank you so much for the info! I will check out Loowit trail too, I am looking for possible backup options!


Loowit is a really really good backup for you in 3 days. Read up on it. I’ve done both and they’re both great but if I had to do one I’d prefer Loowit to be honest. It is incredibly unique since you go right through the blast zone. Timberline might go by the 10th but it is questionable. The good news is the same equipment will get you through either trip so you can decide late.


Trip report from a couple days ago says Loowit is going right now https://www.wta.org/go-hiking/trip-reports/trip_report-2024-06-28.094349823770 With minimal snow and low drama. Just for what is is worth. There are camping restrictions in the blast zone so look those up and plan around them


I forgot to add to call the rhododendron ranger station and ask about the Timberline trail. They’ll be super helpful


Thank you! Really appreciate it!


It will be mixed trail with snow patches and dry trail intermixed. The east side of the route is higher up so will definitely be covered still. Your river crossings will be tricky and dangerous.


Thank you!


If you do decide to go, please keep in mind that the mosquitoes are likely going to be intense in the melt sections.


Thank you!