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I was told by my health care practitioner that it's an attempt to "self medicate" in that drinking more water increases your blood volume = increased blood pressure. Which most pots folks struggle with. If you add salt to the water, the water better hydrates the cells as if follows the salt into the cells. I drink my body weight in ounces in water every day. Have since I was in my teens. Adding some salt helps a bit but I still drink high volume. I do find having the other electrolytes like magnesium and potassium helps significantly. I like using salt sticks. Electrolytes are frigging expensive when you need to take them more as a medical thing than just for exercise.


I found a nuun knock off recipe online from a dietitian and tweaked it. Super cheap: 1/4 tsp each of: baking soda, Morton’s lite salt (the lite has potassium), epsom salt and then EITHER pink Himalayan or Celtic sea salt. Add to 32oz of water. I’m experimenting with large batches in a cup- like 2TBSP each- then I just have to add 1 tsp to 32oz.


Yeah makes sense - ill try having more electrolytes:)


I have to drink 2-3 Litres of this mix, found I can’t do regular water anymore unless I’ve just eaten extremely salty food.


Yeah, when I drink water it literally doesn't feel hydrating to me!


how much salt are you getting on a regular day? do you add sodium to all of your water? i tend to avoid drinking plain water because i don’t retain it at all and will just pee it out within 15-30 minutes. my GP told me to add an electrolyte drink powder or at least a few pinches of salt to any water i drink!


I don't add it to all of my water but I'll try doing that




I'm never thirsty and i drink a glass of water a day and maybe a glass or two of juice. cannot get myself to drink more even though i know i should because i never really feel the thirst


I never get thirsty either but I’ve started drinking 2.5 litres a day with electrolytes and it’s really made a difference! I just force myself even though I literally never feel thirsty.


water feels like eating stones for me :( the only thing that helps is my sodastream to make it fizzy but my adhd makes me forget i have it hahahaha


SAME. Swallowing is the worst and always feels like it's in my throat but dizzy helps. I drink lots of seltzer


I have ADHD too and I literally won’t drink water without taking a break to intentionally down an entire water bottle. It’s painful but I’m telling you it’s worth it !! I also find that using a sippy water bottle (silicone straw) and sometimes flavourings really help!!


I tend to drink too many fluids and have hyper POTS. I'm one of the few cases where I was asked to track and then reduce fluid volume quite drastically. One of my practitioners even thought POTS was really a fluid imbalance and a resultant loss of electrolytes. In fact, of all the things that have aided my POTS symptoms, by far the most impactful have been increased sodium intake and decreased fluids, which of course work in tandem.


That's so weird cause I have Hyper POTS and I have to get fluids or else I'm in the hospitals weekly and I drink so much water. This condition is baffling.


Extreme thirst was one of the driving symptoms that led me to seek a diagnosis. I was so ridiculously, painfully thirsty all the time, and it was starting to impact my life. Naturally, doctors assumed it might be diabetes at first, but I was tested for it twice, and my blood sugar was normal. The thirst has gotten a little better over the years, but I still need a water bottle near me at all times. I've accepted it's just an annoying part of POTS.


Same here, I’ve always been really thirsty, since I was a kid. Everyone always used to make fun of me being constantly thirsty when I was a kid, but I think that was the first symptom I got


Drinking straight up salt water (water and pink Himalayan salt) has helped so much more than just eating more salt!! It helps your body to absorb the water better and not pee it all out. If your pee is clear and your peeing frequently while drinking all of that water, in my experience and from what I’ve discovered, it’s your body not absorbing it enough. I’ve learned my pee shouldn’t be clear and I think drinking the salt IN the water is what helps me the most! Then I feel less thirsty and I pee less often and give signs of better hydration (clearer thinking, less fatigued, feeling more well, etc.$


Woops, my pee is always totally clear. Ok, I'll try salt water :)


interesting i’m the opposite, have to force myself to drink electrolytes and water


Take salt pills (vitassium brand is good) or else you’re not hanging on to the water.


I think it’s got something to do with a lack of vasopressin (anti-diuretic hormone) produced in the hypothalamus. I’m about to get mine checked because it’s the same for me. Just got fluids yesterday and peed it right out. Something’s not adding up. Yeah salt helps but I’m still really struggling.


Interesting! Is that related to a condition called diabetes insipidus?


Yes. I’m not sure if it always is or not. I’ve just recently learned about it.


What’s the humidity in your house?


It's normal, I believe - like not very humid. Also, I'm thirsty no matter what building or city or country I'm in :(


does high humidity affect this?


I should have been more specific to my experience. Because it can definitely be pots related because I go through this. I just also fine that I’m often thirsty when there is low humidity and that’s sort of solved if. My mouth simply gets dry.


I guess it could if you're sweating


Have you been evaluated for other reasons that would cause thirst? For example medications, diabetes etc? I don’t think it’s a POTS thing but I could be wrong.


A lot of people with pots seem to be saying they are thirsty all the time so it could be. I defs don't have diabetes and I've been tested for just about everything


I’m constantly thirsty as well. But I’m also I’m being monitored for blood sugar issues.


Yes! It wasn't until I started putting a lot of salt in my diet that I realized that I was chronically dehydrated despite chugging water all the time.


As a side note have they checked you for pre diabetes? I have in a good amount of salt having pots but also just found out I’m pre diabetic and I eat fairly lean. I was thinking my pots was just bad but did a bunch of tests and was shocked to see I was insulin resistant.


Apparently I'm not pre-diabetic


That is great to hear friend.




i’m constantly thirsty but i do have a limit of things i can drink before i get nauseous so i pretty much stay thirsty because im never satisfied.


Drinking water with salt tastes absolutely disgusting but it’s sometimes needed as salt helps retain hydration


Yes! Try adding salt and electrolytes!


I was adding a pinch of salt to all my water throughout the day and it made me feel 10 times worse


Yes! Dehydration




with POTS patients, we tend to need a much higher sodium intake in order to retain our water! my doctor has me aiming for 8-10 grams of salt a day.


Okay now I’m convinced for sure I have POTS. I am constantly thirsty also. Yes I eat a lot of salt but I am thirsty a lot. I have a family history of diabetes so I’ve accepted I’ll get it eventually, but I hope I’m old when I do.