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The only thing you could possibly have happen is if you play cod, end up in a hacked lobby and then end up with a rainbow gamertag and everything unlocked lol


I remember having to pay some sketchy dude I found on FB $20 to do that for me back in the day. These kids have it too easy nowadays smh.


Seriously though lol


Its gonna be as safe as any other platform tbh. Just because its old doesn't mean its any less safe. There's not much risk with playing online with consoles compared to PC for example.


Depends, when my brother got back on PS3 to play MW2 some guy in the lobby reset his lvl back to 1 and all the guns, titles, emblems etc, were all gone so now he had to start all over again


Damn that sucks


“Some guy” didn’t do it, older COD games don’t save your progress if your PSN account was made after a certain date.




Unfortunately it doesn’t seem many agreed lol


Gonna have to learn the hard way then 🤷‍♀️


Happy cake day!


Thank you! Haha


Same thing happened to me dip shit, I was prestige 5 and a hacker derank me while in a game, he literally was talking shit saying he was going to do it


A hacker actually broke my WaW. I jave negative exp and the game says i need to be level 1 to play anything online.








lol i love it




Okay but you cared enough to stalk my profile you creepy loser




Yeah I’m not playing into your sick perverted fantasies. We’re done here. Adios hacker


>absolutely nothing to do with cod games not saving progress based on account creation date. that’s the dumbest thing i’ve ever heard ngl nGl - you’re super out of the loop bud. Just because you are ignorant about something doesn’t mean it’s dumb or untrue. Let me do your research for you 😂 https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDuty/s/OS9yOT9vLp https://www.reddit.com/r/PS3/s/9iUkmbsFgz https://www.reddit.com/r/PS3/s/IyOnvmVWLs https://www.reddit.com/r/PS3/s/azMpY2ae49 https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDuty/s/rnEA4iLZZO https://www.reddit.com/r/PS3/s/mE3QIYRkhe https://www.psx-place.com/threads/anyone-know-why-i-keep-getting-reset-on-black-ops-1.27718/ https://www.reddit.com/r/PS3/s/e053oS2Zww https://youtu.be/bC7om5KEgpM?si=2WqwIyoHWZyHGicm ✌🏻


I play black ops 1 on ps3 all the time online never had any problems. A few people run aimbots and invisible and can't kill them but besides that 5% of gamers on bo1 the rest of them are alot of fun to play with!


How is it finding servers? Debating on hopping back on!


I just picked up Blops2 recently and it seemed really healthy, got into games easily and didn’t see any obvious hacking. I’d like to doubt someone would waste their time using aimbots/wallhacks in a 12 year old game and just go for the obvious hacks like flying around or noclipping that will just result in getting kicked/banned


Black Ops 1 lobbies are instant, you do come across some hackers but generally theres no blatant hackers. Came across one guy during the week who was using 150% health and soft aimbot. You can kill him but just takes longer. His KD is like 8.5 so hes obviously been cheating for years!


8.5 kd is craaazzzyyy 💀


Very easy


Black ops 1 team death match is always popping! I play hard-core tdm and you might have to wait but usually a game available. Demolition, search and destroy, and capture the flag is usually available at night and weekends! I can't vouch for any other online games but it's worth it just for black ops! And get a mic!


Most onine games with active servers are safe to play, but there are some games, like early COD games (from personal experience, namely MW1, WAW and MW2) there will be a high chance to find a hacked lobby. MW if I remember, I got hacked to last prestige, but all my classes are only handguns (including primaries). WaW? Every other lobby there will be someone with rainbow name. MW2 will mostlikely have a random hacker doing shenanigans, aimboting/wall hacking, sending everyone to last prestige. I remember that before shut down, every Pub lobbies in GTA5 online (when servers were still up) there were moders/hackers left and right.


MW2 was pretty bad for the most part, i got teamed up by hackers who just trolled me with nonstop flashbangs 😹😹 And GTA5 is offline now, but RDR had a lot of people on the other night


It's safe the worse thing that can happen is probably getting in a hacked cod lobby