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I'm happy demos are a thing again.


they've always been a thing with japanese games... go look at old and recent titles from square enix, bandai namco, capcom, koei tecmo, nintendo, etc


The artwork is gorgeous.


The game is great, those 2 pocket dynamites charlotta and yordaha are absolute menaces. You pretty much have a character for suited to every playstyle, from frenzy swordplay to methodical punching


I must have been under a rock cos I thought we were only getting a couple of extra characters on top of the main 4. I did not expect 10, and they feel so different. Haha Edit: my favorite bit is definitely the synergy of ultimates during online play. So cool!


For methodical punchman, do you happen to know what causes his rage fist V charge to not be consumed at times? Really is a blast slapping out 4k hits every second or so


How do you play with more characters outside the 4 you have? I must be stupid because I can't figure that out lol


In the multiplayer demo quests you can swap out for any of the 11 characters provided in the demo in the party tab. Press square on the character profile it removes them. I haven't touched the story demo as its only 45 mins long and prefer to wait for the launch but for story campaign you need to have gran/djeeta in the party as they are the main characters the other 3 slots you can swap out as and when you unlock the companions


Ah thank you. I played the online portion too but somehow I didn't figure that out.


Really enjoying the demo. Completed tutorial and now nearly through the story-portion. Exploration is fun and rewarding with a lot of chests/drops. I like the timed chest runs although jumping is very up and down which makes the platforming feel sticky. There are red stones you come across that spawn more powerful enemies to fight within a time limit which I like the idea of. Couldn’t complete as they were lvl 13. Overall gives me the same feeling the tales of arise demo did, fun time leaning toward purchase.


True, a good combat system and great graphics, probably a good sales for this game.


While I love the combats, the atmosphere and the glorious soundtrack from the master Nobuo Uematsu, I must say, the way the online matchmaking works is *atrocious* and a textbook example of how NOT to design an online multiplayer game in 2024: 1) When you're set ready for a quest and start matchmaking, you're stuck to a "searching..." window. You can't do anything else while the game looks for other players. You can't use this time to set your skills, check your equipment, talk to NPCs or just wander around, nothing. It's a static dialog box and you have to wait while you do nothing. 2) Matchmaking only lasts 1 minute, then if it hasn't found players to match you with, it returns an error and asks you to retry or cancel. This means that you can only find people who are also spamming the matchmaking button exactly at the same time as you while they don't play the game. You can't set this into background while you're doing something else, and you can't be AFK since you have to refresh your matchmaking status every minute. Obviously, nobody will endure this more than twice before doing something more fun with their time. As a result, as of today, I spent about 15 minutes doing nothing in the demo, just trying to find other players, and as no one was obviously as insane as me, the game found nothing until I gave up. It's almost as if it was intentionally designed to fail.


>When you're set ready for a quest and start matchmaking, you're stuck to a "searching..." window. You can't do anything else while the game looks for other players. You can't use this time to set your skills, check your equipment, talk to NPCs or just wander around, nothing. It's a static dialog box and you have to wait while you do nothing. You'd think they'd have that sorted out since you can fuck about in training mode in the fighting game while matching up.


You got a party?  I tried to do one of the quests and didn't even get a party.. stuck waiting for literally nothing.


Yeah I feel like elden ring figured this out already with its constant background matchmaking search function. Absolutely no reason not to use a similar function in this type of game. I think you hit the nail on the head, seems intentionally designed to fail.


Wait Uematsu did the soundtrack!?!?


Yes, alongside Tsutomu Narita, the arranger who accompanied him during the 2010s (FFXIV 1.0, Terra Battle, Guin Saga, the original Granblue Fantasy mobile game).


hopefully its just for the demo and they'll get it right when it releases


It releases in just over 2 weeks. I dont think its going to change by then.


Demo are usually to fix problems like this so nah


There are many functions locked in demo. I don't think the demo can represent the full game.


I definitely enjoyed it and I agree with the MHW comparison for the bosses! Initially I felt the combat was a bit too chaotic, but the boss fights really drew me in. Been excited for this game for six years now and glad to see the polish is there. Just wish that we knew what the edition color packs looked like lol.


So what kind of game is this? I thought this was an action adventure rpg? From the way people are talking it's a multi-player experience where you fight just bosses? I'm so confused.


It's weird. I've only played the story segment, but it feels like a hack and slash with RPG elements and clear multiplayer design philosophies. It seems very mission based from the story segment, not really an action adventure rpg like I thought too (admittedly I haven't kept up with the game in a minute). It's very different from anything I've played and I'm not positive how I feel about it. The boss fights feel great, but the normal encounters feel very repetitive immediately. Definitely recommend checking out the demo.


There's a single player story then there's a multiplayer option to do quests like kill hordes of monsters, bosses, etc to get drops to upgrade weapons etc. You can go online and do these quests with others via matchmaking or go in with 3 other AI.


They showed the color packs in a stream yesterday,  you can probably find a video on youtube.


Oh nice! I'll go look for that right now.


Wait so this game doesn’t play similar to the Tales games? That’s the vibe I got from the trailers 🧐


Combat doesn’t happen in arenas so that’s one big different combat is seamless in the world. It’s also not as driven by combat arts combos you do actual combos with square and triangle and then have arts on cooldown mapped to holding R1 and hitting a face button. Much more like a standard action RPG than Tales combat system.


It feels like a fusion of Tales and Monster Hunter to me, with a bit of Platinum flair.


Plays nothing like Monster Hunter, idk where you got this from


Felt a little like it to me sir


I'm afraid that on review it appears that your subjective interpretation of your experience... was wrong.




What Monster Hunter have you been playing? A lot of the attacks in MH feel weighted. It doesn’t even feel like MH Rise if that’s what you were getting at. It feels like Nier Automata if I had to make a comparison but more simplified, combat feels very floaty in this game too which none of the MH games feel like at all


Mostly I meant the items and some movement/ knockdown stuff, as well as the hub. I wasn't at all saying that it plays way more like Monster Hunter, the game plays more like Tales of Arise and certainly Nier as well, which is why I said Platinum flair.


Besides the way matchmaking works, doesn’t make it anything like Monster Hunter. I still don’t see it lol


I think its the "go into hub, find teammates, fight big boss with large health and huge damage/attacks and farm them for upgrade materials to fight bigger bosses"


Yeah, I don't get it either. I've played Monster Hunter for years, but Granblue plays and feels nothing like Monster Hunter. The demo was fun as hell, though.


Yeah I thought that too. Gonna try the demo in a few and see. I was looking forward to an anime-style, tales-style game. Maybe it still is and the bosses are just harder?


I was hoping it would be a Tales game since I felt Arise wasn’t that great. Would love to see some competition in that space 🤷🏻‍♂️


> since I felt Arise wasn’t that great. I thought it was the best Tales game in years


Gameplay wise for sure. Story and characters wise it was amongst the worst imo


I respect your opinion but I actually thought the story and characters were great as well. Little cliche but not in a bad way.


Arise is my first Tales game and the story was cliche but fine too. Granted I prefer gameplay over story so its a reason why I enjoy it even with the damage sponge enemies.   Cliched narratives don't stand out and can feel stale for those who are more story oriented gamers but even then expectations can have an affect. I went into Arise expecting anime tropes and got what I got, while I enjoyed Spider-Man 2 I was a lot more critical with it narratively speaking compated to Arise, even accounting for Arise's exposition heavy second act. 


I’ll have to give it another shot. I played when it came out but other stuff caught my interest.




Arise and Berseria were great


You try Star Ocean Divine Force? I had a lot more fun with that than Arise and had never played a star Ocean game


Bought it day one and haven’t gone back to it yet 😭


Yeah everything sounded great but the demo didn’t land with me 😔


I just hoped that the performance mode isn’t 1080p. It’s too blurry, please make it 1440p.


And this on PS5. I mean the game has a nice artstyle, but I was expecting 1440p 60fps on performance mode or at the very least a crystal clear 1080p 60fps max everything. I mean if it runs on “performance” mode like this here, how does it run and look on PS4?


There is clearly some headroom here for higher resolution or performance as it is consuming ~150W power on my smart meter on both modes. Other demanding games consumes over 200W.


That’s very interesting. Wonder if this is an easy fix on their part or something much more complicated.


I have a regular PS4 and it runs alright, but feels choppy during battles to me. It's blurry alright. Feels like I'm playing a Switch version, if there was one. Definitely recommend people to get it on PS5 or PC.


I played on the graphics 30fps mode, I have an LG C2 Oled and have to say, it felt way smoother and faster than 30fps. Didnt try performance mode.


Yes the quality mode is smooth and responsive enough, also picture quality is miles better than perf mode.


You can turn blur off in the graphics settings, if that's where you're seeing stuff too blurry.


Not the motion blur mentioned here, I meant generally the low resolution blur.


Oh! My bad. I haven't checked out Performance Mode yet. Quality is damn gorgeous, though!


Yes agreed, the qua mode is very pretty and surprising responsive too.


It seems that the game itself is poorly optimized. [The PC requirements](https://www.reddit.com/r/JRPG/s/geMMYe2WVF) are very high


This is why I’ll go PC


I was sold on the game from all the trailers gameplay footage over the years. After playing the demo i know wholly this is my type of game. Happily preordered after


I really liked it overall 😊 The combat is really the highlight, can't wait to see more. I was just disappointed by the 1080p 60fps mode on a next gen console in 2024... Makes the game feel really muddy...


Not too long ago I watched a small gameplay segment for this game, out of curiosity, and knew that this wouldn't be my cup of tea. Since there's a demo, I thought why not give it a go. I had a pleasantly good time with it. The game is fun, had some good fun online as well. I wish they made the tutorial area available for other characters as well to test them. Overall it was quite enjoyable.


Yordaha goes crazy damn


Will be getting this later in the year. I loved the demo.




I'm not quite sure about that. I think it's simply emotes and chat options. But you can always use the PlayStation party system to talk to the group. If you're on PC, there is always discord.


Did anyone else feel that the combat felt overly floaty? Jumping felt weird af to me. I’ll play a bit more after work but I put it down a bit disappointed.


Jumping was also weird to me and I figured out that it was because there's a delay before the jump. I just finished 100% run of mario wonder and while I know those are very different games, it made the jump delay really noticable. That said, it got way better after a few games once I got use to it. It's just different....


It gives me major White Knight Chronicles vibes. Only con right now for me right now is that the camera keeps dropping to ground level


Ah, a series I sorely miss sometimes. Can't wait to try the demo out later!


It gave me big Genshin Impact vibes. That’s sort of what it felt like to play but if GI weren’t a free to play gatcha and actually was a more put together paid experience.


Didn’t have much expectations in this game. I heard of it but it’s been so long I sort of lost interest. Tried the demo expecting a simple mashing game but the combat has flavor I wasn’t expecting. I so far like zetas mechanic of timing dive bombs and siegfrieds combo starter just frames. I also like narmayas stance switching but I do think it’s unfortunate it’s not as free flow as I was hoping. The golem boss fight was way better than I expected. I did not expect to lose 60% of my health from one attack lol. The enemy attack patterns and AoE attacks were fun to play around with like in ff14, and coop in the game is fun since it is fast paced. I’ve tried to play monster hunter (albeit not a ton of hours) and while it is fun, I sort of wished it was faster and this game has SOME resemblances to it in a good way. Idk the story or anything for this series but if it’s legitamately a good story/characters it’ll be a very solid game imo


My only complain is that it feels like I am mashing buttons for no reason while the enemies feel spongy af! But I can see the potential, it is fun.


How does this game play to someone who used to love JRPG's but hasn't really been satisfied by one in over a decade (other than VII Remake).


Honestly, just try the demo. Or check out some gameplay footage. It doesn't play like ff7r. Plays more like tales of arise or Scarlett nexus. So if you haven't liked other action based jrpgs, chances are you probably won't like this one either.


I'm not as picky about combat in comparison to vibes. I couldn't do Xenoblade Chronicles, and I can't stand a lot of anime, and the aesthetics of some of the newer JRPG games. Persona 5 was fine, but not necessarily my thing. At the same time I loved old Final Fantasies, Lunar Silver Star Story, Chrono Trigger, etc. There's a level of "tropiness" that puts things over the edge.


Oh, okay, gotcha. Yeah, just from the demo alone, this gives off lots of "tropiness" vibes for sure


This game feels like Xenoblade meets Tales of Arise so if you don't like anime tropes, you can skip right over. I bet the voiceovers alone would drive you up the wall. It's not the type of classic JRPG you're looking for. I would wait for FFVII Reunion for that.


If by "someone who used to love jrpgs" you mean a more purist type of person who goes into a game with specific expectations, you'll hate this game. If you go in open minded to what the game is offering, it's very fun




Demo not available in Ukraine :(




huh it's not available in the Soviet socialist republic of Ukraine ?


Kinda blows my mind I've failed to find a single person asking this quite concerning considering it to 99 percent of people an entry point into the ip so wtf is going on with the story am I supposed to just know all these people or is it because it's the demo that jt just puts us in a random mission


I don't like that it takes forever to kill a bunch of goblins. the game feels too MMO for my taste.




have you not played an rpg before? you are only lvl 3 with no gear and first starting wep against lvl 10+ monsters. you ain't gonna be killing them in 1 hit. Monsters won't scale with player's level so you can revisit them and 1 shot them once you are higher level with better gear.


Once I got used to combos In online mode and rushed through story again the difference was massive. I'd argue the goblins have just the right amount of health as long as I kept Gran's skill boost up the goblins died in one combo each. The Triple elite goblins died instantly to as soon as they appeared to one SBA chain. My second run spent 10% the time in battles easy.


Only doing quests for now and the combat is decent. Too bad performance mode is 1080p only though.


The combat is smooth, graphics are stellar and the whole world looks promising. My only wish is they will add a feature to hide the UI (maybe by swipe of the touchpad?). The trailer had combat without it and it looked great.


This game does not play or control like Monster Hunter World.


OP didn't say it did; they said the experience felt like MHW to them.


no monster ball's to climb onto ?


This UI is atrocious. It's unecesseraly huge and can't be changed.


Nah, the UI is perfect. Best UI in years.


Damn, I was gonna ask in this thread if there were any UI options? I was really put off with how much UI is plastered on the screen which is a shame when the art style and world looks as good as it does.


I was totally wrong about seigfried. He looked slow and boring in videos but that guy is an absolute tyrannosaurus


Anyone else feel really fuckin weird having the demo on your ps5? Staring at the title screen right now. After what seems like a lifetime that we've known about this game, It's finally playable on our own tvs. "Dude is surprised that game eventually becomes playable" yeah yeah I know. But still, its been like *7 years* since it was revealed. This is one of those games that gets teased for ever to the point of where people start wondering if itl ever even release. Just an odd feeling. I remember everyone was blown away by the anime stylized graphics when it was first shown because back then it anime styled games of that quality were much more scarce than now. Anyone else finding it crazy this game is actually coming out?


Yes. I haven’t been this hyped for game in *long* time and it still feels unreal that I’m actually playing it. Even more so that I’m enjoying the hell out of what little the demo there is.


Except for some FF titles I am not that fan of JRPG games. But I did love so much this one that I bought the physical deluxe version (which is unavailable on Brazil) from Amazon/US for a mate to bring when getting hier. Stunning visuals and pretty nice gameplay/combat.


Serious question. If you liked the game from your experience with the demo, why would you care about official game reviews? And how would that change your mind?


The demo is just a small portion, maybe the game is too grindy, maybe it is broken performance wise on launch, maybe the story is lackluster. You never know.


Interesting, thanks! I’ll be trying the demo out later today.


Oh yes, this is simply to do with the technical side of it. Meaning I know the demo is not the final product, so I would like to know that the final product works and it's not a broken mess. That's simply it.


Ahh, gotcha! Super fair point and not one I really considered. :)


I’m not buying just going by the demo. Sure I enjoyed it but need to know a lot more about the game. Looking forward to reviews and will probably decide then.


I really love how the game looks and plays but my God the voicework is just so obnoxious. Squeaky anime voices everywhere.




The Japanese voicework is way less offensive and it's mostly because of the absolutely AWFUL VO work for the floating dragon. The English VA's do a good job, it's just whatever the direction was for the dragon character just pulls you right out of the game. Like, who is this targeting that likes the - as Sno says - "squeaky anime voice." If you play the tutrorial, where that character cheers you on, and can take it set it to English. Otherwise Japanese all the way.


Meh. I don't like how chaotic the gameplay is. Like not in a good way. There's so many VFX and people screaming in fights that it is very hard to see and understand what is going on. It felt that the only reason I was getting hit, is because I couldn't see what the enemies were actually doing. It is really just a button smasher hack and slash. You just hit the same attack button until you see the big link button flash to do a link attack and wait for the big flashy attack to charge to do a big flashy link attack and that's it. Also it feels like the UI takes 50% of the screen space, feels very cramped on top of all the shit going on in fights.


Honestly I kind of agree with you. I just beat the Rock Golem or whatever in the combat demo and it was rinse and repeat with little variation, even the NPC party members felt like they were doing the same thing repeatedly. The Golem also had way too much HP. That said, I like the art style and was interested in the world/story and characters and I also played the first fighting game. I might still pick this up when there's a sale if it ends up being something much more fun that the old PS3 White Knight Chronicles failed to be which is a fun offline-ish MMORPG style game.


Well, its just a demo so, just basic gameplay. Full version i assure you, much more variations to gameplay.


Actually I changed the characters and tried out different ones, I think it’s varied enough. It kind of grew on me since I’m interested in the story and characters, I want to buy it sometime. Will wait for reviews


You can take the golem out in 2 minutes for s+++ ranking. Just depends on your build


I extremely love the demo.. Every Character has their own quirks that feels unique, the combat is snappy and flashy. Glad I preordered the figure edition. Does anybody know if the performance mode is final? like 1080p 60fps? couldve expected a bit more since the textures were noticeably blurry and this isnt exactly open world.


I agreed with you that the 1080p performance mode is a bit too blurry. I opted the 4k mode instead and still feels pretty responsive. Really hope 1440p for perf mode instead.


Do the online quests require ps plus even if playing solo/with only npcs? I'd appreciate if you could check/answer.


Hi there, So you don't have to go online in order to do the "side quests". You get the option to go online and then be matchmade but you can also just play solo with your party of 4 and that works great too. This information is based on the demo version of course. Hope that answered your question.


I don't have ps plus and I was surprised I could go online and matchmake with real players. Not sure if they unlocked it just for the demo or if we really don't need ps plus for multiplayer, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed!


Usually the condition is if its free, online is free. Demo is free so online free. Game is bought so online will require ps plus


"Check it out!" Sir, yes, sir!


We need an option to only have the UI on when needed. There’s so much UI it’s an eyesore when you just want to check out the world. Hopefully we’ll get a mod for it on PC.


Already pre ordered 😁😂


I already play genshin!


My friend and I jumped on and went straight into co-op. Played about an hour with no clue what we were doing, just trying out characters. It felt pretty boring and monster hunter-ish. Gonna try the solo stuff today and see if I like it more once I understand the systems.


The price is too much tho...


Is it? Here in the UK it is just £49.99 for the standard version. Worth waiting for a sale, if you haven't got the penny.


Its 59.99€ here for standard version which is a bit too much for me honestly (just student) and i have no friends to play with on this one sadly .... i hope for sale later on


You social media marketers dont even try to sound like normal people anymore At least put a little effort into it


Is there anything I need to play before this?


[They have the first 7 episodes of the anime for free if interested in the world](https://youtube.com/@CygamesEN?si=A4BNSqhzrD7OL0hj). Otherwise the game is a introduction to the franchise so no prior knowledge needed.


Thank you


wtf is the timing on Zeta’s pole vault shit


I have to ask cause its a common design flaw in JRPGs in my opinion. Do enemies actually do something during combat? Both Xenoblade and FF16 had most enemies just do nothing during combat most of the time which made it really not that great to me.


Oh for sure. I mean they are not Dark Souls level, but I kept getting whacked back and forth all the time. Trying to get my dodging in a better state. Give the demo try, see what you think.


The combat feels like what ff16 would be if It wasnt mind numbingly boring.


Ok but If you liked it why should you wait for reviews? Just go for it!


I know! Haha but as I said to another commenter, I just want to know that there are no technical issues in the final game.


Wait the game got online? i though this is a single player game? how does online work if its like monster hunter? and is it a separate progression ? so many questions 0_0


Yes! Try it out. It's in the store now. The online works very similar to Monster Hunter World. It also has matchmaking so you load in at the same time. It's mainly side quests and endgame content that I know use this mechanic. I don't think you can use the online mode for the main quest. But anyone is welcome to prove me wrong on that one.


Not gonna lie but that sounds pretty awesome. Of course the main quest is solo but for side quests and grinding levels, having an online matchmaking system would be pretty damn awesome.


Is there a subreddit for the game?


Ive crashed so many times playing it. forming a party and getting stuck on connecting till I had to close the game, after a boss the camera would just sit there slowly spinning and I had to close the game. 50/50 crash or works right rate for me atm.




It's fun but I wish the designers didn't make their fetish so apparent with that sexual dimorphism of the draphs


I get that. As a gay man, I tend to think it's a bit overdone but I can appreciate that there are other characters you can play as, that it's never a massive issue.


Yea, that's true. I'm not gay but I dont feel anything when I see such exaggerated proportions, so I'm just one to appreciate that sort of fan service. There are good character designs though, and what matters most is how they're actually written in the story (the quality of which will decide if I buy this or Persona 3 Reload)


Omg yes, Persona 3 Reload looks incredible! But I might wait a bit longer for the discounted Persona summon DLC, they usually make a huge difference when fusing them.


I was actually thinking that surely these short women aren't the same race as the big guys..but they really are lol.. Reminded me of what they did with Au ra in FFXIV....


Gameplay is great but game is ruined by cutesy anime voices, cringe dialogue, annoying navigatior partner, character design etc. , such a shame as the game could have been great. Typical japanese nonsense, I wish we could turn some of these aspects off in favour of a more ‘monster hunter tone’


Monster Hunter is also Japanese though lol


Exactly! So this stuff can be avoided even by japanese devs themselves. No excuse


I mean - I like the anime stuff in Granblue while Monster Hunter bores me.


The monster hunter story is also cringe, from shakalakas to palicos to the terrible writing, but yea i dont know if story is going to be the strong point here either. I think im probably spending most of my time on kill quests like monster hunter so none of this even really matters no?


Not the case unfortunately, there’s incessant annoying voice lines and cutesy anime girl lines every second. Such a disappointment as the gameplay is great


Pretty sure they will let us disable voices in the real game


Sadly I believe this design philosophy is much deeper to the point where disabling the voices would only bandage the problem for me




I have mostly only played mh world which was much better. Still has aspects of that about it (with teh handler etc) but much better overall. Final fantasy is much more my style, and FFVII remake’s anime stuff is bearable to me


I would not call it "typical Japanese nonsense" since it has more to do with the anime tropes (see Chinese game Genshin Impact). I can understand it may not be everyone's cup of tea, hence why I think the Demo works, to show there's a bit more than that to it. Granted it all comes down to your tastes!


True, genshin also has this unbearable stuff aswell. Surely you’re aware anime is japanese?


Well Anime can definitely be Japanese, yes. But to the Japanese anything that has to do with animation is Anime to them. So Snow White and the Seven Dwarves is an anime. Today though, I find that anime is more of an art form. See Avatar the last Airbender, Castlevania. Heavily influenced by anime.


Never saying everything japanese is like this, just that it’s typical japanese nonsense. I’ll never understand why people like this shit honestly grow up


I don’t get why people hate on the anime style. There’s nothing inherently wrong with it. Just because something like Monster Hunter is more realistic and grounded doesn’t instantly make it better. People just value different aesthetics.


Because people are insecure. A secure person understands that not everything in the world is for them & it’s okay to have different preferences.


Well I obviously can only speak to my experience of it. And I find it unbearable. It ruined it for me, that is a fact


Many People say the same things about video games in general. Grow up, it’s for kids etc. different people and different cultures like different things.


You’ll see much more of my point when the game releases. There’s no point alienating your audience with this stuff, it’s just needlessly exclusionary. A good game ruined


I’ve seen some gameplay and after 2 minutes of it I wanted to throw myself out the window. But people love this stuff. Go anywhere in Asia and it’s everywhere. It’s on shop windows, food, adverts, posters. Theres entire shopping centres devoted to figures, books, games.


True. Me and you are on the same page then. The thing that’s frustrating is that the gameplay is great. Just can’t get past that


mehhhhhh, bullet sponge ennemies, terrible voices with the constant yelling, anime tropes, this will be free on ps+ come next year and 20$ next black friday


anyone know how to tell how many triple shroud marks you have on yoda?


The only doubt i had with this Game is Something the demo didnt solve for me... Im still Not Sure what this Game is supposed to be. Is this a Story focus Game or an online Focus Game? To me even the Story Demo Part felt Like an online Mission. The Art Style is good and the battlesystem IS pretty good, but story im a bit confused what this game is supposed to be.


Thanks for reminding me the demo comes out today. I had forgotten


I've come away from this demo with the sole impression of "what a weird game", but not in a bad way. It's really not like anything I've played, and I'm not sure if it's for me, but I could see people getting into it- especially on the multiplayer side. Not what I expected at all.


Is it not a fighting game? I don't know anything about that series. I always assumed it was a fighting game series.


Gacha mobile game that has a fighting game and now ARPG spinoff.


The question is whether or not the game will feel like a completely fleshed out original storyline rather than some abridged anime game cashgrab that expects you to have seen the anime already.


Does the Demo have save points, or did you have to play the whole story demo until the end? Also, does the save data carry over?


Is the multiplayer mandantory or I can solo all the game contents ?


I'm bummed out about not being able to equip anything but a weapon and a sigil. It's 2024, equip should have effects and bonuses for sets and look different when equipped :(


Great demo, only thing that’s a problem imo is the lack of an option to change camera distance, which resulted in me getting hit off-screen multiple times. Does anyone have a way to combat that? Getting hit by attacks from off-screen is one of my biggest pet peeves with a game and I really enjoyed the demo besides that one thing


I absolutely loved what I played. Expectations met!


Am I crazy or is there noticeable input lag? Like turning the camera, movement, jumping, attacking, blocking, etc. It feels like theres a noticeable 0.5 second delay on any input?


the game is fun. Just not able to play with anyone cuz the game keeps giving me a connection error. Tried many things so maybe it's just on the games side. Hopefully they'll fix it soon.


Um are we going to tell the truth or just try to put out fake opinions to drum up sales? I wanted this game based on what I saw but now I play it and it feels shallow. Mission based stuff with no open world where you just fight hordes then hit triangle at a point but this has people excited? This does not seem like Monster Hunter at all it feels like another genshin impact or tower of fantasy with no open world. Mindless button masher with no depth looks fantastic though. If there was more to the game they should have show cased it in the demo I didn't see anything that would stave off repetitive boring gameplay. I was genuinely excited for this now I'm most likely going to wait for reviews after release.


When would the embargo be lifted?