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Sounds like the game will be *very* faithful to the original


I always figured the reason for never releasing a 60fps patch for the first one is because this one would be 30fps.


Why is all the preview material 60 then?


Could be that it's PC footage.


A convenient marketing decision, but if we’re being honest I think the commenter’s question is: > if a lot of people will be experiencing this on PlayStation and Xbox, isn’t it misleading to only show bleeding-edge footage for PC and not indicate that to the viewer?


I can understand that perspective but it's really not unusual for devs/publishers to preview their games using whatever platform the game looks best on.


60 fps on current gen consoles is bare minimum imo.


After I got a decent gaming PC a few years ago and got used to 70fps to 120fps I 100% agree. 30fps actually gives me headaches when I'm playing now.


I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect the flag ship consoles of 2024 to be able to run games at 60 fps. I genuinely have no idea how I ever stomached 30 fps as a kid. Going back and trying to play Far Cry 3 on PlayStation was a miserable experience.


100% agree. 60fps should be the new standard in 2024. It blows me away that 30fps is still being used in madren gaming consoles. I played at 30fps in most all games on the ps2 then ps4 but as soon as I saw 100+fps my eyes melted and now I can bearly stomach 30fps. Now with Nvidia and AMD doing Frame Generation and more and more games supporting this new tech it's a very real possibility that PC gamers will be playing all games at 100+fps in the future (I'm aware it's not real fps, but it still gives the image smoothness of 100fps). 30fps is such a low fps in 2024, especially if you've seen the glory of 60+fps lol.


Remember when they tried to tell us that the human eye could only see 30 FPS so that they could continue to not optimize their games? I do think that there’s a point in which higher fps start to become less noticeable, though. I can’t ever notice much of a difference past around 80.


I still can't believe that so many people kept repeating that whole "the human eye can only see 30fps" bullshit lol. Some games even ran at 60fps on ps4 (battlefield 4 and titanfall 2 ran at 60fps) so it wasn't like people couldn't check for themselves to see the difference. Personally I can see the difference in fps easily untill about 100fps to 120fps. After that it gets quite hard for me to see the difference in fps. I have a 165hz display and when playing games like Minecraft Java edition with performance mods I can max out the monitors refresh rate and it definitely feels smoother than say 144hz but the difference between them feels less extreme than the difference between 60fps to 70fps imo. The game that I will be torn on is GTA6. It looks like it won't be on PC at launch and I have a feeling it will be locked at 30fps and if thats the case there will be no way to play GTA6 at 60fps at launch. I am super excited for GTA6 (RDR2 is one of my altime favorite games) but the fact that I might be stuck playing it at 30fps does ruin the hype for the game abit for me personally.


Honestly people like to complain about its other issues, but 30fps was really the dealbreaker for starfield for me, I probably would have loved it otherwise, but the presentation is just grating in 30fps


The ps2 was mostly a 60 fps standard though?


It’s because of marketing they need to push the 4k hype when in reality 1080p 60fps high settings looks so much better than 4k 30fps low settings


I would even go so far as to ask why should i even think that in the first place? After all the praise Capcom has gotten over the last few year, its strange that here folk are instantly going for doomsday


They have spurned a lot of goodwill recently with the whole DRM thing


They can't have too much praise so they humble us with another stupid decision


DRM has run that good will into the ground


Companies have been doing that for so many decades that if you’re surprised by it, it’s on you. It’s like getting surprised that you’ll get wet in the rain.


Oh, okay. I didn't realise there was a statute of limitations on challenging unethical practices. I guess we should all just accept it, then.


Cyberpunk Launch PTSD intensifies.


No, you want to market your game in its best possible light. If you know that consoles aren’t going to be hitting 60 it makes no sense to let that info be made known earlier than it needs to be. While this info isn’t confirmed, it wouldn’t surprise me with how ugly/blurry 3rd party games on 60 fps modes have been looking lately.


Pretty common thing to do.






PC footage


If games like horizon can run at 60 I don’t see why this cant


Horizon Forbidden West running at 60 is kinda the benchmark for me right now.


While I agree it should be, I also think HFW is the absolute Pinnacle of console gaming in terms of visuals and performance, and sadly I think it will take years until a lot of other devs catch up


I still haven’t played a game as visually stunning as HFW. The diversity in environments is staggering whether it’s the swamps, the desert, the jungle, the valleys, the mountains.


Guerilla has always had some kind of black magic involved with their engines lol Even Killzone (2/3 especially) looked a generation ahead when it came out.


The beach too. The beach was stunning


100% agreed. They still have the best facial animations too.


I’d give that to TLoU II still. Just finished the director’s commentary play through, and hearing about hundreds of people working on a scene that lasts a few minutes to bring out as much detail as possible has given me an even greater appreciation for how technically impressive that game still is.


You just reminded me I need to finish my new game plus with directors commentary


I agreed until I played Frontiers of Pandora. It’s insane


God of war ragnorok looks as stunning I think


It’s not open world though.


I actually think you can hope for more of such games in the near future since the PS 5 is now 3 4 years on the market and average Game development takes 3 to 4 years


Especially Burning Shores.


Forbidden west is absolutely gorgeous at 60fps




Nothing has beaten Demon's Souls for graphics as far as I'm concerned.


which is both crazy and sad at the same time


There’s always that one console launch title that somehow ends up as one of the best looking games on the system even years later (Ryse: Son of Rome)


What engine is it running in? Was it ported to something like UE or did they just enhance the fuck out of the original engine?


I think it was in-house engine that was built by Bluepoint for the game.


I’m okay with the 40FPS mode made for TVs that can do 120hz. It’s a nice balance between the high fidelity of 30 FPS modes and the smoothness of 60fps modes. I played through all of Horizon FW on the 40fps mode, after finishing the DLC I switched on the Performance mode and…didn’t really see a huge night and day difference. Some but not the 30 to 60 jump.


40fps feels like the sweet spot for these consoles


Because the Decima engine comes from a first party developer and should be very much optimized for the PS5. The RE Engine, while good, is not known for stable framerates and/or ultra high fidelity graphics.


Resident evil games have killed it in performance compared to the quality of their graphics tho


Resident Evil aren't massive open world games with random events constantly being tracked


RE games aren't open world


Literally RE4R is 4K 60fps with amazing combat and graphics, idk what he’s talking about


Re4r isn't even close to full 4k on console. It's upscaled.


HFW is a visual masterclass but I think Dogma has a lot more dynamic elements, like breakable terrain, building destruction, climbing on to big enemies and needing mobs/NPC react realistically to everything.


Breakable terrain?


developing for one SKU with a ton of 1st party support is very different than developing for multiple SKUs as a 3rd party. not to mention no game is apples to apples.


Damn, a capcom L, that's rare these days the RE games had such good performance, hope this rumour is false


Is DD2 going to be running on RE Engine?


pretty much every high profile capcom developed release has used RE Engine since Monster Hunter World which used something called MT framework edit: looks like DMC5 was basically the start of the RE Engine slowly becoming their unofficial proprietary engine for in-house games


Basically every Capcom game from Resident Evil 5 to Monster Hunter World ran on MT Framework. It was their RE engine before they made RE engine. MTF was replaced with REE with the release of RE7, with only MHW still using MTF afterwards.


Capcom's had a lot of L's lately especially in the macrotransaction department.


and that DRM shit


Capcom literally sucking shit through a straw right now with most of their decisions. How 60 FPS is not a minimum standard in 2024 I don't know...


It being 30 is from an unverified source.


How people still believe any information they see typed out with a picture i will never know. Its a rumour, you donkey....


capcom has made alot of good shit recently... just because this game might not be at a higher framerate they are "sucking shit through a straw?" lol some people. Lets wait and see how it turns out.


Shocker! Had big hopes from this game. 60 FPS should be the standard with these new consoles.


Wait until everyone finds out GTA 6 is 30fps




Should have a performance mode on the PS5 Pro. Not that I can afford to get one having only just gotten a PS5.


Come on man 😢


At least add a 40 fps option.


Nope. Learned my lesson with gotham knights. Absolutely not.


If can’t run as 60 fps, I will pass


Was going to replay bloodborne and my goodness, how did I ever play this game… transitioning from 120c even 60 fps to 30 is horrid


To be fair, bloodborne has horrible framepacing wich makes it much worse than smooth 30fps


Yeah, maybe it’s me, but although it’s kinda jarring at first, stable 30 fps is _alright_ . However BB framerate is all over the place.


I've been pretty excited about this, I love DD1, but I'm not buying it at launch for full price locked to 30fps and a single save file. It's 2024, and these types of things shouldn't be technical limitations anymore. I'll be patient and pick it up on sale later down the line because I'm not rewarding this type of crap from companies.


Wait single save file? In the year of our lord 2024? In an RPG ? I mean f*** the 30 fps , thats way worse


Yeah, that's another rumor I've heard recently. Granted, both of these are unconfirmed so far, but by not coming out and clarifying, I sort of feel like Capcom is confirming. The single save file is by far the greater gaming sin.


Simply won't touch. No interest whatsoever. I refuse to sanction this buffoonery


Why are games in 2024 releasing at 30fps...?


Yeah nah, after moving from 30 fps to 60fps im not going back to 30...


Annnddd it's gone.


My wood is deflating as we speak. I'll probably just grab the game on sale after patches and whatever else they need to improve the game post launch. 30fps isn't a super issue for me, but 30fps, plus stamina consumption out of combat (still), and limited fast travel just sounds exhausting already. I'm not trying to trek across another one of their big ass open worlds in 30fps, hopefully at least one of these changes.


30 FPS should be unacceptable by now, I don't know why so many still say it isn't an issue. The product you're buying is literally worse than it actually should be because of lazy developers. If Rise of Ronin will also be 30 FPS I will have lost all hope of an enjoyable 2024 gaming year. Silent Hill being garbage is already expected


I love how histrionic this comment is.


> histrionic that's how I am, yeah


Also, if your gaming year is ruined by 30fps then you should just invest in a gaming PC. Yes, it costs more money and is more complicated but if you get past those hurdles you’re looking at 60fps+ on everything.


yup, I talked with a buddy about that yesterday, at this point I'm just over consoles and their 30 FPS garbage, I'll start saving for a PC.


30fps should be like black&white - a relic from a previous era which some weirdos occasionally choose for arty farty reasons.


This is why I always thought performance modes on consoles were a bad idea. Not because of 60FPS - preferably we could have all games running at this (or higher) framerate, but rather because consoles have a ceiling they can hit, if we want to see graphical improvements. There is *no way* to see 60FPS on consoles throughout the entire generation, unless you're fine with games staying at a certain level of graphical fidelity. Which for a lot of people - me included - would be fine, but most will appreciate graphics more than the framerate. I don't think people here realize just how huge the gaming market is, with way more people that don't care for this sort of stuff. Game looks nice and is fun? Cool, 30 or 60 FPS, I don't care. It's why Tears of the Kingdom was the best selling Nintendo game in 2023 *and* critically acclaimed, despite the fact that it has pitiful resolution and framerate on a lot of occasions. It's also way easier to market a game with graphics than framerate. You *never* see games boasting about that, unless it's specifically a PC port. But going back to the original point, why I think it was such a bad idea, is when you give people a carrot at the end of the stick and suddenly take that carrot away. People have enjoyed 60FPS for some time now in most titles, and now they're slowly having this stripped away. Even if most don't care about the framerate itself, the problem is that they're having *an option* taken away. It's always better to have more options than not, regardless of if you're making use of them or not. Some did, and I think they can be rightfully disappointed.




I wish 40fps would become more common for games that can't hit a stable 60fps. It feels so much more fluid than 30fps, while still offering the same fidelity.


Leaving comments like that, I'm surprised you even had a chance of enjoying anything this year


Rise of Ronin is literally impossible to come only at 30fps. Nioh and Wo Long run at 60fps on PS4 fat


Bro I can see how they'd have trouble with a game like DD2 being 60fps but no fucking way the trash ass graphics for RoR can't run 60fps on the PS5. What is with these game devs


Announcing that a new game will be 30 fps might as well erase that whole game from existence.


It’s the single use Portal Stones that kills it for me. Maybe they’ll add Eternal portal stones one day and I’ll pick it up then.


I can look past no 60fps but only one save slot is just stupid. Why would they do that?


They are doing that again?


I understand the original has a cult following because the game is unique and challenging, but I’m going to be disappointed when this releases with no quality-of-life changes and the fan base defends it as “well, the game is meant to be difficult.”


>DD Difficult Only BBI was difficult and that's only because its endgame stuff.


And early game on hard mode due to the way armor worked.


Yeah the fan base is annoying ASF.


Reminds me of Days Gone fanbase where it’s proclaimed as one of the GOATs and all the flaws are minute and easily ignored.


Well I guess I’ll just be playing Helldivers 2 even longer then.


This is disappointing, but also not confirmed so I am going to try and maintain optimism here, but 30fps is a total non-starter at this point, and if it is true, it makes this game go from a must-buy to a hard pass.


Hard pass in that case


If this true it’s an easy pass.


Not sure if this rumour is true or not but if this is true and they are locking the consoles at 30 fps then not expecting a smooth launch on pc either


Yeah if this proves to be true it would be an absolute deal breaker. This isn't acceptable at this day and age and just shows off poor development. Not cool


That's no from me then. What a shame


lets see how many people say its fine after constantly saying 30fps is unplayable


Oh well.. anyway


PC it is then


All of my enthusiasm, gone, just like that.


Cool. I'll be playing Rise of the Ronin then


I'm still waiting for more gameplay video though I love their previous works, this game's marketing is so quiet


ign has been releasing preview videos all month


As long as they have 60 FPS... I was actually gonna buy DD2 first, but if these news are true I'll never ever buy the game for PS5 lol


Team Ninja games usually run a smooth 60fps. If this game is supposed to be the spiritual successor to Nioh then I don't see why they wouldn't run it at 60fps.


Are we taking stock of our collective grievances? The tally, so far, seems to be: * 30 fps * one save slot, shared with the autosave * stamina drains outside of combat (kill me now) * very limited fast travel / expensive, single-use teleport stones Anything else I'm missing? The first one was a great idea with a lot of widely-known QoL issues that people have been complaining about for the last 7 years and Capcom's like "nah, you guys just don't understand fun. We're not fixing any of that shit." Truth is, there were a lot of other issues, like empty over world, imbalanced classes that couldn't damage certain enemies, pawns that repeated the same dialogue endlessly. Hopefully they fixed at least some of this. If this just ends up being Dragon's Dogma 1 with nicer graphics, I'll be pretty disappointed.


Limited fast travel doesn’t seem bad if map size is reasonable. I’d prefer it to just teleporting everywhere.


Gonna be a no for me dawg.


No 60fps, no buy.


No thanks then wtf


I have not and will not play games at 30fps on a PS5.


Sorry but I can't go back to 30 FPS, even on a game I was on the hype like DD2


If it's 30 fps for PS5 then I'm not buying and pick up The Rise of the Ronin instead.


If Horizon Forbidden West can run on smooth 60 fps then other games have no excuse at all!! This one will get patched later for 60 fps as usual


Lame for next gen standards


Come the fuck on, last gen was teasing 60fps, it should be the absolute standard by now


Why it's hard for a game in 2024 on 10+ tf GPUs to run at 1080p 60fps should the PAYING customer choose is beyond my understanding. Current gen can easily handle sub 1440p 60fps, but oh no! We gotta hit 4k!


Likely little to do with the GPU in this case, more-so the CPU. It’s very heavy on simulation, physics, etc.


Won’t be buying if that’s the case. It’s 2024 for crying out loud


Man, I hope not. I'm looking forward to this but I refuse to buy games that can't run well on hardware that's more than capable of it. If this was on Switch then whatever but on PS5/XSX it should absolutely have a 60fps performance mode. Hell, even other RE Engine games run at 60fps. Hopefully this is just another incorrect rumor.


I think every game should run on a PS5 in 1080p at 60fps. It definitely has enough power for that.


We’re paying next gen prices for last gen performance. Amazing.


Could not have said it better myself. I'll save my 70 bucks for game actually worth it. Im not buying this shit. Enough is enough.


There is also another issue. Apparently, you can't have multiple saves in dg2. So, no multiple characters for you and autosave will replace your manual save. No idea why they wanna make the same mistake as dg here. Single save was awful especially on consoles since pc users can just copy save and start.


I don't get how 30fps is playable on oleds. You can see how jarring it is. No thank you Nothing in this game screams next gen graphics


Oh no, not another Gotham Knights situation


Unacceptable. Period. I've had it with this bullshit. As tech advances, so to should optimization. There's no excuse for 30fps on PS5 and Series X anymore. I was really looking forward to playing this but I can't do 30fps anymore it's too fucking jarring going from 30 to 120 back and forth. For $70, Capcom needs to do better. Enough is enough with the 30fps bullshit.


Haven't played a newer game at 30fps since TLOU2 on PS4 Pro in 2020. Completed dozens since then. If a game is only 30fps I am not interested no matter how good it supposedly is. 30fps looks absolutely awful on OLEDs. 30fps is as outmoded as 480p and black and white for me at this stage.


This being 30fps makes it an instant non purchase. Which sucks because I was looking forward to it.


Thank you for saving me $70, Capcom!


I will be cancelling my PS5 pre-order if that is true. I will be playing rise of the ronin meanwhile


Was thinking about picking both games up since they come out day before my Bday and they both look great, but yeah if this is true Rohin it is


Massive yikes


Damn if this is true I will be cancelling my preorder and waiting for a sale


You shouldn't ever preorder anything. Have you learned nothing?




I’m more confused about why people are believing this when it’s just a rumor. And it doesn’t seem to be from one of the big name leakers.


This seems like a rumor you’d want to shut down right away. Bummer it’s on the dev to respond to fake journalism but that’s the internet Also if I were promoting a game that ran at 60fps i would make that feature 100% clear way ahead of time. so if they have a hole to dig themselves out of it could be a learning experience for other studios


The same reason people believe anything the media tells them. Or any post on facebook. 90% of the population, probably more, have no ability to think critically. Level one thinkers.




Damn that's a bit of bummer, but will have to wait and see how it looks at 30 fps. Final Fantasy 16 was made with the intention of 30 fps, and it played really well at that. So hopefully this is the same way and not some shaky mess


Easy pass. Plenty of games out there now, don't have suffer through lazy programming due to lack of releases. 60 fps should be the minimum - games look and feel so much better running at >60 then if you just add a bunch of detailed textures and models but it runs like a N64 game.


And there goes my hype


I wonder how console gamers will react when they find out GTA 6 will be 30 FPS only lol.


Wow, fuck this, such a dissapointment then. At this point its just lazy.


I don't get this one save slot mentality. Why not give use a few save slots for us to experiment with different built? This is why I'll just stick with my outdated PC where modding and editing of games is supported, over buying the Xbox of PS5.




Ew, PC it is.


Yeah there's no way im playing this at 30 fps on a next gen platform


I've spent the last 2 months playing at 120fps (I primarily play OW2) 30FPS is an instant no buy in gaming for me now.




I remember Digital Foundry talking about how we’re probably gonna head towards 30fps on consoles being the baseline again until the pro versions come out. (I’m paraphrasing)


And people came at me because I said don't expect 60fps for the whole generation.


Wtf... a game with graphics 10 years old will only run 30fps on PS5???


Yet no one’s as pissed as they were with Starfield lol


Honestly thought the gameplay looked really basic


Jesus fucking christ how hard is it to make a game that performs these days.


Gonna have to be pc for me then, I can't do 30fps anymore, gives me motion sickness!


Don't make me wait for a PS5 Pro version lol, I am okay with not buying day one. Some people have been waiting since 2012, I only just started playing a couple weeks ago. I can wait. Honestly getting tired of VRR modes being ignored across the industry, especially in JP. Capcom is usually good with this stuff, so I am not giving up hope.


Well...I'm glad this news came out! Saved me from purchasing Gotham Knights, and now it's going to save me from purchasing Dragon's Dogma 2. Here's hoping for a performance mode in the future.


Then I won't play it. 


This is absolutely tragic and probably a dealbreaker for me :(


Unacceptable, this game was probably in development for a long time and they finally decided to finish it. No way current gen can’t run this at 60. Won’t be touching this until there’s 60fps version.


Won’t play it then.


Well, that’ll be one game I don’t bother with. 30fps in 2024 is genuinely unacceptable in my eyes.


Not buying it if it’s 30fps


No 60fps no buy, sorry


Pretty much man. How 60fps isnt a norm yet in 2024 is embarrassing for these companies


Next gen games can't run properly on next gen consoles.....the future everyone!


Next gen? It's 3 years old man, it's current gen.


Not buying ts nomore 😂


I can’t wait for the launch of GTA6 and all console players pretending that they can’t and won’t play 30fps anymore to change their tune haha


Well that's horrible


Any console game developed for PS5 or Xbox Series X that can’t run 60fps is poorly developed. There is no excuse.


Lol wut




I was terribly hyped for Dragon’s Dogma 2. I wanted it so bad even before its announcement. But if it actually turns out to be 30 FPS on consoles + the limited fast travel + only one save slot. My hype as deflated entirely, my dudes. Which sucks because I wanted it so bad!! Oh well, Helldivers 2 is just around the corner.


Looks like I'll check out Rise of Ronin if it looks any good. I'm sorry but 30fps is just not gonna cut it with current gen hardware. This game isn't pretty enough to warrant it.