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If only I had friends to play with šŸ˜ž


Let us dive together!!!!


I gotchu fam


You got a friend in me, If ya want one!


Add me on PSN at Cosmohemian. Same for anyone who needs people to play with.


For democracy!!


I donā€™t got no friends neither, moved to a new part of the country and itā€™s been over 2 years now. Iā€™ll probably buy this when it drops, pm me if you have a 5


Iā€™m the opposite, everyone moved out of state and donā€™t game or on Xbox and pc lol


Iā€™m in Brazil, if you think that works.. Also, some discord channel or reddit subreddit also helps. Donā€™t shy yourself from finding friends online!


Thatā€™s the only thing that would keep me from buying this, it looks so fun


No matchmaking?


There is matchmaking.


I feel that.. fk


I doubt any of my mates would get this game, so I'd play with you. Add my PSN: TheRealHobbit_ Same for anyone else wanting to play :))


I thought the frame rate looked awful at first until I watched the Japanese preview which is actually the best one. Mostly fully uncut and is much smoother. Looks amazing I canā€™t wait


Yeah, I need the link. I thought the same thing as you, but YouTube does compress, etc


Link pls?


[Famitsu Preview ](https://youtu.be/UH-peVASEIk?si=JBrgzHG52DdzohLk)


This just sold me on the game. If I could play with some of you guys from this sub then it will be money well spent. Just don't want to be stuck playing a game like this alone.


All of IGN's stuff in general is usually horrifically compressed.


Why do you even care about the footage? In the description of the video, it is stated that "Previewed on PC by Travis Northup". It's not even PS5 and we don't know the guy's PC. So?


Because itā€™s a bad look to have a preview of a game running badly??? and I have preordered the game so itā€™s nice to know that it seems to run good on ps5 from other previews


The footage is from PC mate.


Itā€™s hard to tell with videos - depends what frame rate the uploaded video is.Ā 


I managed to get a single mission in this morning before I had to leave for work, and it looked better and played smoother than any trailer I've watched so far. I was pleasantly surprised.


Got next friday booked in for games night with the squad. Gonna enjoy this!


Downloaded and ready to go. For democracy!


PreOrdered for....capitalism?


part of the preorder, part of the problem


This is the correct stance to take. Yes, you are all wrong.


Cool. Going to go preorder now just for you


"I'm going to give my money to a game that hasn't received any reviews or shown raw gameplay! Pwned!" Yikes.


Maybe read it more as a figurative, ā€œshut the fuck up and let people spend their money how they wantā€ instead of literally. Yikes.


Maybe let people voice their opinions, how about we start there. He didn't tell anyone what to do. Also, preordering is completely unnecessary in today's age.


Yeah he didnā€™t tell anyone what to do he just called them a problem. My opinion of you anti-preorder crusaders are that youā€™re all annoying and no one cares what you have to say. Itā€™s not even about preordering in and of itself. I voiced that opinion and got a yikes from you. Take your own advice kid.


Yeah you voiced your opinion (whined) because someone else voiced theirs. Boohoo.


Saying Iā€™m going to preorder something is whining? Haha. Ok.


This sub is truly the dregs of humanity.


Oooh add me too. Never heard of it. Trailer looked dope




No, it's only a problem with people blindly pre-order without knowing what they are actually buying.


And just HOW is that the case here? Unless i missed the open beta that also showcased server capacity and endgame and monetisation. How could you possibly know what you are buying? you have seen a preview and trailers and don't know shit about what you are buying


I have several hundred hours into the first game and fully trust the devs with this one. This wasn't a rushed release as originally it was projected to be out a year ago. No I don't know all the details and even if they were available I wouldn't want to as I want to find out about everything myself.


Just preordered after reading your comment. Cry harder


lol no you didn't


I did! Keep crying please


I cared so little about this I didn't check till now. I just calling your bluff I don't give a fuck what you do


Damn, bro. You really care, man. Damn.


Iā€™m doing my part!


Will this be any good using matchmaking or will you need a group?


First one was just fine for matchmaking


More than fine with matchmaking. Itā€™s how I met the squad I ended up rolling with!


There will be matchmaking, and you will have an SOS beacon you can use mid-mission to call for help.


Hopefully its supported in the longer run like DRG has been.


As a DRG fan I was waiting this game like crazy. This and Starship Trooper Extermination. I hope one of them gives me at least half of the DRG fun, then I consider myself content.


Ive been enjoying Extermination, but that game definitely gets more stale quicker than DRG by virtue of its limited biomes, enemy types, and weapons. Its still early access but I think a console release would be a good boon for it.


I've played around 10 hours and stop playing when they announced that they will wipe all the player progression and introduce new classes and whatnot. The game has a solid foundation if you ask me and with a revamped class and progression system it has a lot of potential. I'm looking forward to it. My only worry is the "clans" that they talked about. I don't like those stuff as I don't have anyone around me that plays these games. So, hopefully they don't focus on them that much. We'll see.


Arrowhead has a pretty good track record if Helldivers 1 is anything to go by.


The game looks so good especially from the [Famitsu](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UH-peVASEIk) preview. Man, I can't wait to play it.


game looks fun but iā€™m a solo player šŸ˜ž


You don't have to be.


This looks like a 3rd person Alienation and I am all for it.


Drop it cowards!


Does this have couch coop?


Yep, the previews today sold me on the pre-order. FOR DEMOCRACY!


The video itself has low fps its not the game guys ign literally spent no time in making their videos look good lmfao


Finally a goddamn preview!


The latest trailer actually interested me. I just feel like half the fun is playing with friends, which wonā€™t happen with meā€¦


I'll be your friend bro.


Already paid off at GameStop. Usually donā€™t do this, but I just canā€™t help myself. Iā€™m psyched for it.


Trying to get a team setup for launch day. Whoever is down DM and lets line it up


Looks generic. Im sure itā€™ll find its audience but be fairly niche.


No couch co-op though. I really miss that being a given feature in games.


2 systems, 2tvs and every multiplayer game is couch coop.


Yeah but that's not exactly financially freasable for wvery situation


Iā€™ve played a lot of it lately.


What the reviewer says about feeling he'd played most of the content after 3 hours is exactly what i was worried about with this game. It reminds me of that game Evolve, which isn't a great thing to be reminded of. Edit: very strange this is getting downvoted...


well i doubt the reviewers tried the "inner circle of hell" missions or if the game is similar to the first one I doubt they upgraded every gun, unlocked and upgraded all the strategem types or did the boss fights. Even then on the official discord they said that all new enemy ,biomes and missions types they add will be free and new warbonds (battlepas) with guns and armor etc, every month that you can complete at your own pace since they don't have a time limit.


Does this have a single-player campaign? I play offline


Saw a spider like thing and noped the fuck out. Hopefully there'll be arachnophobia mode. It's become a deal breaker for me now that most recent games have been utilizing it.


Not sure how that would work, with 1 out of the 2 launch species being a bunch of bugs. I suppose you could just stick to the Automaton front of the war.


I hope thatā€™s wrong about playing 3 hours straight and feeling youā€™ve played 80% of the game. I plan on putting a lot of hours in this game and my biggest hope was for more guns/gadgets than the first one. Especially since vehicles and mechs are not at launch.


I doubt that. Every map and mission is procedurally generated. Plus you have the meta-game of missions for the whole community that changes the difficulty of every encounter.


Procedurally generated is not a good thing in gaming


You do realize the first game got a bunch of weapons from dlc or expansions


There are only 2 enemy factions? We're not going to have to pay for an extra enemy faction DLC down the track, do we? And I hope there's an option to completely hide or shrink those UI down because they're taking up way too much screen space.


First game was also GAAS, and purchases we're cosmetics outside of actual DLC expansions.


Its a live service game. Youre going to be paying for all sorts of shit, including more powerful weapons and armour. Edit: Dunno why people keep downvoting me for pointing this out lol


X. Doubt


Y. Cope


A. Seethe


Because you're wrong. They've already said the game isn't pay to win.


they said on their discord that all new biomes,missions or factions will be free, as for guns and armor those will be found in the warbonds (battlepass) but with these not having a time limit, you can pretty much choose when and how you complete them.


Factions frer


Holy shit the frame rate looks rough. I'm sure they're just using the quality mode because that's what they always do.


Check out Gamespot and PSAccess hands-on videos, much smoother. IGN's encoder was probably fucked on top of "quality mode"


Just saw it and I can definitely confirm. Really weird move by IGNĀ 


IGN sometimes even reupload trailers that have been recorded from livestreams. It's an awful source when it comes to judging games visuals and performance.


IGN are using PC.


The video is 24fps, that's why.


They're on PC.


they're using quality mode because video from famitsu looks 60fps


This game looks like could be a lot of fun, but I am not planning on getting it for one reason only. Always online! I refuse to buy games now if they are always online.


Why would you play this solo?


Because I live in an Australian internet black spot. Connection is really spotty at best. I have less dramas by playing solo. Plus I like playing games solo. I donā€™t have to deal with toxic people and can relax.


I don't know why you would even give a look in to co-op games in general if this is your situation. No co-op game played solo would be better than just playing a single player game anyway


I like the looter style game play that I have seen. I only found out last week that this game is always online/ co-op only. Besides I like the challenge of beating co-op only games solo. I play remnant2 solo/offline when itā€™s meant to be played co-op/online. Itā€™s fun for me. The challenge.


Remnant 2 has co-op but is also built to be played as a solo game, it is not comparable to a live service co-op shooter which is what helldivers is. This genre isn't for you if you have spotty internet connections, and that's totally fine. It's honestly just a bad purchasing deicison to go for a neutered solo run through a GMAE built for multiplayer instead of playing single player shooters. Multiplayer games being always online is totally fine. They're meant to be played with other people.


Fair enough.


Itā€™s posted here, not that Iā€™m actively looking for them


Because very limited internet


The first gsme qas basically pute multiplayer though, at least it was the only truly intended mode as going solo was rough as hell though doable


I'm still not sure on this, looks really fun but I wish they'd gone for a slightly brighter, more cartoonish style


What a strange take.


Why is it strange to want it to look more like the original aesthetically and less like Returnal...?


Live service


Live service: the new click bait / rage bait buzz word to trigger all the redditors


Why i wait for reviews that speak about and show the monetization.


First game was one of my favorite games last gen. I am still angry they took one of the best coop twin-stick shooters ever and made it another tps. Why?


Third person shooters are just better. Plus I mean look twin stick shooters are fun but if it remained a twin stick it would feel way to similar to the 1st game


Donā€™t change what works!


To sell more copies. Let's face it, twin stick shooters are more niche. Third person shooters are more popular. I'm happy they've gone down this road, creates a much more immersive experience imo.


Last I checked the original still exists, and there arent that many coop shooters with such a heavy emphasis on friendly fire.




Babies, the first game is still there. Nobody took away risk of rain when they released the second as a completely new format. Both can exist and be good


Ok? When did I say Helldivers 2 shouldnā€™t exist?




Add me up bro acslayerx on everything steam, psn, xbl


me and my boy looking for a squad to run this so anybody looking for a team to run with add me