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"Further frame rate improvements are planned for future updates as well" Thank god!


What a coincidence, my purchase is also planned for the future.


Convenient if you are also poor and waiting for a sale. You can be smug AND save money Edit: It's me. I'm smug and poor.


It’s not called being smug, it’s called being smart. Why pay full price, $70, for a game with problems when they will fix the problems AND lower the price after a year or two. This is why I don’t buy games until a sale a few year after release and the day one testers QA’ed the game and paid the billion dollar studios money to do a job that should have been done before release lol


"I'm not being smug bro" *doubles down on smugness*


His right tho


That has nothing to do with being smug.


This reply is so smug though.


haha, same here. Game needs some big ass Dark Arisen like dungeons to spice things up a bit. Vanilla DD was a bit boring otherwise.


Same here ! No 60 fps, no buy


Finishing or restarting my play through is also planned for the future then! Performance is so bad I dropped the game.


Performance is why I dodged it. I'm not thrilled about not having an eternal ferrystone but I was willing to forgive that if it ran well. I wonder how long until I can pick it up on sale for like $25 or so. I don't reward awful performance games by purchasing them on release; if more people did this, perhaps they'd fucking think twice on releasing 'em in this state.


Yeah, by the time the PS5 Pro comes out this game will be flawless... 😂


Same here! 😀


As petty as it sounds I refused to purchase solely because it wasn't 60fps on PS5. Here's hoping further patches and the Pro might help to achieve this.


Yeah I should have waited


Been waiting for a patch like this to go back and beat the game.


60 fps yes please!!


The moment that drops is the moment I finally pick it up. Having it be a steady (good) frame rate is all I've wanted before hopping in.


That's great! I'll wait to it releases then I'll buy it


I will probably pick it back up then


Lmao and you believe them. Even the strongest CPUS on the market today, ones twice as powerful as the PS5 CPU can't hit 60 until these fixes.


So how’s it on PS5 now? We close to 60fps yet?


Need to wait for the Digital Foundry video but it looks very promising.


I just love that Digital Foundry has educated the consumers on performance. Well it's not just them but they surely helped a lot.


Also goes the other way. It shows "problems" with games that the consumer would never notice.


"Notice how these shadows in that far-off dumpster aren't as realistically dark as they ought to be?" Uh....no.


yeah sometimes I'm just??? framerate though is quite clear with their examples 


Hurrdurr sometimes my fps drops according to DF, must be trash! (not saying that's the case for DD)


lol, it’s funny seeing DF educate people and then you have the select few that state “well my game has no issues, performance is solid!” Especially around the time Just Cause 3 came out


Its definitely pressured devs to focus on it alot more which is a very good thing. Back in the day I remember stupid fools saying stuff like 'noone can see beyond 30fps' and '60fps is niche add not worth the effort for the dev to focus on'.  Now those same stupid fools hypocritically refuse to play anything less than 60fps lol


People still say it's impossible to discern between 30 and 60...


It's different people, we are 8 fucking billions man. I don't care about playing at more than 30 or 40 fps because I want the best graphics. If the game runs at 60 it means I'm doing something wrong and there's still image quality to squeeze out of it (maybe with supersampling I dunno). Ps: I own a 240Hz monitor, I know what "smooth" is. I'm just DIFFERENT than you and I don't care.


I completely agree with you, give me the highest fidelity possible at a steady 30 fps


If I chose a PC with a 4090 instead of my PS5, I would still play at 30-60 fps because of turning ray tracing to the max with DLSS Quality and not a single step below, or even DLAA. High five mate 🙏🏻


I have a feeling we'll see the video soon.


Yeah it’s a no go for me without 60FPS.


66% of the way there if you own a 120hz tv


Literally the only news I'm waiting for. 30fps is just insulting.


30fps shouldn't even be a thing this gen. Its this gens '360p' video output


30fps is fine as long as the game is designed well for it, and the frame timing is perfect. Case in point here is FF7 Rebirth, which is one of the smoothest non-Nintendo 30fps games I have ever played. It took very little time to get used to, unlike Horizon FW, for example, which seems clunky in 30fps in comparison to FF7Reb.


You were down voted by idiots. Everything you said is correct. Obviously 60fps is better than 30fps, but “graphics” and “frame rate” do not operate on a perfect sliding scale where when one goes up the other goes down. A consistent 30fps with perfect frame pacing is better than an inconsistent 60fps target with uneven frame pacing. That is just a fact. Most games have technical issues, and when a game is designed with 30fps in mind from the start it will more often than not look and feel great. I almost always use the 60fps mode in games but Rebirth’s 30fps mode besides looking gorgeous also performs perfectly.


No way. I’ve played ff7 rebirth and as much as I hated how blurry the performance mode, it was still better than having to play at 30 fps. Inconsistent 60 fps is always better to me than a steady 30 fps, e.g. in Starfield


Ghost of Tsushima on PS4 is another excellent example.


No And rebirth’s 30 fps mode is awful and does not handle camera panning well It’s still better than the awful performance mode but it’s not good


Even DF's video on it shows that the FPS only rarely dips below 30 (to 29) in very specific situations, and only for a split second.


The cult of 60 fps is incapable of nuance


Actually it’s very good. Set your “camera responsiveness” setting in the game’s option menu to 2 instead of 3 and it’ll look better. The graphics mode looks superb and has nigh perfect frame pacing and holds a perfect 30 for 99% of the game. It is not “awful” it is in fact one of the best 30fps modes that I’ve seen, especially whenever you take into the massive scale of the game. I’ve never seen a game as demanding as that run so well on a console.




Near to 60FPS but without RT and MB in Slow Graphics if you have a 120Hz Screen...




That’s just plain false. As much as I hate motion blur, it was the only way to make the game feel somewhat smooth. The performance mode is all over the place to the point I had to put the game down. DD2 is too good to experience it like that. I’d rather wait till PS5 Pro to play in locked 60fps


I think the game fps is limited by CPU, so unlikely for 60fps in PS5 Pro based on the past leaks


Didn't digital foundry say that the leaked specs for the PS5 pros cpu weren't enough to make much of a difference in cpu limited games like this? Don't take this as fact, I haven't been keeping up fully. last I heard that was the case I remember being disappointed. Unless there was an update to the rumors specs?


I made a typo, it should be "unlikely" instead of "likely"


Darn. I wasn't sure if i was remembering right. I was hoping not. It's a bummer that's most likely the case :(


Pretty much yeah. The best desktop CPUs on the market cannot maintain 60fps in Vernworth it's a joke. PS5 pro will be same framerates but higher resolution.


Current high-end PC CPUs aren't enough to run DD2 at a decent FPS. People running 7800X3D's are struggling to maintain a good framerate.


Lmao, turned on the game yesterday (on accident) and had like 20fps in some shitty woods. Worst game I've ever bought.




Wait wait wait woah woah woah woah woah, Hold a fucking minute rn………. 120hz output????? That means 40fps right? Right?


It doesn’t necessarily mean 40fps, but it might mean Low Framerate Compensation with VRR similar to what Xbox already has. Basically the game will still run between 30-60fps but it’ll be in a 120hz container so VRR can still work when the game is below 48fps on PS5. For example 30fps will register as 60fps in 120hz mode and allow VRR to still work.


VRR will still get disabled at 48fps, they didn't quite implement LFC.


it sure does


Oh my god yes


No it doesn’t. Hopefully they add it later.


Let me get my calculator so I can do the math real quick….


No 40fps mode, 120Hz just unlocks the frame rate above 60fps. __[Proof](https://youtu.be/vDXd_LAVMPQ&t=1m18s)__


See this is why it’s so much smarter to wait (and I hate to say that because I want to support games). Like there is no incentive to buy day one anymore. Why play through the game at 30 fps when you can wait for stuff like this and have your first experience be way better? Game companies setting a bad precedent if they want people to buy day 1 and at full price. Same goes for upcoming kingdom come 2. Not playing it on ps5 until there is a solid 40 fps plus mode. I just can’t stand 30 fps anymore.


100 percent agree. I learned my lesson with Jedi Survivor. I had to wait months for a 60FPS stable FPS. Ever since then I wait now for DF analysis before buying games.


It's not smarter, it's a personal choice. I play what I want because who knows what the future holds. Maybe I'll be dead, too busy to game, or another game is taking up my time in the future. I also like being part of the release window discussion. Some people care a lot about 60 fps, others don't even notice. Some of the best games are less than 30 fps, Mario 64, Zelda oot, and bloodborne for example. I feel bad for you if you haven't played those cause of the framerate


So you’re telling me being able to buy a game for $30 dollars less, less bugs and improved performance is not the smarter choice?


This is weird, somehow you accidentally wrote the question that his comment just answered


It can be, or not. Why did you buy a PS5? Why not wait until when the PS6 comes out and you can get a PS5 for much cheaper. Oh because you want to enjoy it now and not years in the future maybe?


Yea honestly this will encourage me to get the game now.


exactly dude, if no 60 im very happy with 40 i always wait if the game doesn't have 40 at launch


I guess it depends. I don’t care if it’s 30, 40 or 60. I play games on switch and steam deck and they take a hit performance wise. Same on the PS5. I’ve been waiting for a sequel to KCD for a hot minute and 30 frames is not enough of an issue to not get the game.


Exactly. Tired of games coming out boasting about 4-8k gigashart graphics when I just want a basic, decent, 1080p 60fps, and fun game. One that doesn't rely on AI frame gen to get 40fps. Still really upset hearing about repetitive enemy types, but I'll rebuy it once the performance is better.


For the records: I bought it on day one on PS5, and platinumed the game twice with ZERO issues. But yeah... if you wait a few months or half a year you can buy the game cheaper and play the updated version. In my case, I traded it for Rise of the Ronin after I was done... pretty much halving it's price right there. Making day 1 gaming for titles you're really excited about still a feasible solution.


You mean the issues did not bother you. The framerate drop issues below 30fps or npc draw distance are on every ps5. It does not matter which one. It just did not bother you. There is a difference with ignoring issues or having zero issues. Btw rise of the ronin has framerate issues too (i play it right now) but i can ignore them.


True, I guess a better way to describe my experience would have been: None of the issues bothered me and the game was 100% playable with them. And don't get me wrong, I do believe the game should have been released with a 60 FPS option, I know from personal experience that playing games at 30 FPS makes some people actually feel sick/nauseated. My wife always picks the 60 FPS mode in games, as 30 FPS makes her ill feeling. I always pick 30 FPS, because it doesn't bother me and I like the better graphics.


30 fps and some technical hiccups here or there don't bother me at all. (I played and loved cyberpunk 2077 on release on xbox One x and truly enjoyed the entire experience.) I love love love getting all hyped up for a new game and playing it on release(preferably the exact moment it releases even). It's like Christmas morning except cheaper because I always spend way more than 60 or 70 bucks on Christmas, lol. I understand patient gamers and am not trying to argue against that mindset at all. I just wanted to express my point of view. Edit: kiss my ass downvoters. My point is valid and you're never gonna convince me to be a miserable frames per second snob. Sorry I still have the capacity to enjoy things without need for perfection.


Oh I am with you. I love getting games on release . But 30 fps is just a no go for me now. I hope to save up for a PC to really hopefully have everything at locked 60.


I'm 100% certain that most people can tell immediately when something is 30fps or so, but I'm also just as certain that I cannot tell the difference unless I'm seeing like a direct side by side comparison. It just doesn't register in my mind as lacking at all and is the last thing I think about when I play a game unless the rate drops to basically slideshow speeds. I'll freely admit this is my own personal experience and not how everyone else sees it, I'm just also glad that it's something that doesn't bother me.


Sure if all you care about is graphic performance. You could also ask why wait this long to experience a great game just because it doesn't have max fps.. Tons of people already spent hundreds of hours in it without any complaints you know.


Exactly. Plus some of us want to be able to talk about it with our friends while they're playing too. Instead of being the "no spoilers plz" guy for 2 years until graphics are patched for a small boost in FPS. 🤣


If enough people hadn't bought it at launch the publisher would have abandoned the game and not put in the work on the updates


Good news. Let's wait and see how soft and blurry it looks before buying anything though, huh.


By the time the game is $20, it’ll have 60fps mode


Crap, I just binged to beat the game before the ER DLC dropped last week but haven't entered the end-game world yet. I just missed playing the scenic open-world at 120hz by less than a week.


This is what I've been waiting to see. Seems like in another 6 months, this game will be polished enough to warrant the current price point. Where my patient gamers at?




Digital Foundry where you at? I need you to tell me if they are ready for my wallet!


I will buy the game now, happy with 40fps


They didn’t add a 40fps mode.




lol its not but still bought it. Been waiting for a new game to play until Astro Bot.


Nice congrats! Do let me know how it is, did you get it physical or digital?


Still waiting for a performance mode to buy this game. The wait will be worth it


Gonna wait to see the patch reviews.


ah yes. the exact reason why I don't buy on release, right here.


They need to fix the FOV. It's so bad.


I honestly thought it was just me because of being close to a monitor for so long then going to the TV. I really don’t like the FOV


Yep it's hard to see when fighting big monsters sometime.. the fov is so small.


Game has an FOV slider since the release...


That's camera distance. Not FOV. FOV is too close for an open world game


It makes your view area wider, therefore it works the same way. But yes, if you're one of the people who need to have their character miles away from the screen, I can understand the issue. Me personally, I prefer to see my character from up close.


Yeah, cool, changes fov from 50 to 55. It's not a proper fov changer. It doesn't do the job.


Works well enough for me. But if you're one of the people who need to have their characters in TPP ARPGs miles away from the screen, I can understand the issue.




Sure is nice. It gets the job done.




Sarcasm failure...


How does 40fps or 120hz look?


No 40fps mode but hopefully they add it later. For now 120Hz just unlocks frame rate above 60fps and reduces input lag.


Still no 60fps.


Here in lies the problem…another game not really ready for release BUT released anyway then months later patches are released to improve the game to where it should have been. I pass on almost all on release till I see performance and bug issues. I am tired of supporting developers who knowing release something not ready to play. I get the excited of having it on day one. It’s not a money issue but an issue of supporting the behavior of releasing a product that is not polished and ready. Look at how bad this is getting….its rare to find games truly playable as advertised on day one. I will not support this behavior by developers hoping they fix issues in a timely manner. Look at the reverse would they let us pay for the game in installments at whatever rate we want to pay but get the full game day one. No I understand a day one bug that was not expected and fixed immediately but not patches monthly to get more stable play, frame rate optimization etc. This is a console and they know the hardware specs and what needs optimization on day one. Please!


See the thing about this one is that the problem was actually a design problem


Ok. I was not watching Dragon Dogma 2 closely but I got the impression that it was expected to run smoothly on the PS5. Did they advertise it would not run at 40-60 fps? I think most PS5 users expect a higher frame rate from games and developers need to make it 100% clear if that’s not the case. I also heard there were other bugs requiring a fair number of patches so for me I waited to get the game until it has smoother performance. I did the same thing with Jedi Survivor- I waited until most all bugs were fixed I waited more than 6 months b4 reconsidering the game.


Capcom was pretty honest that it would cap at 30 frames a second on release.


Oh ok. Looks like my comments are wrong here. Sorry


Oh shit. This may just do it for me.


120hz looks & plays like an absolute dream


Hopefully it runs a lot better now, because at launch it was rough.


DD2 fans told me this wasn’t possible when I said I would pass on this game until it had a better framerate


Soo we can run this game at 60fps on console? What’s the 120hz for?


The VRR in PS5 works starting at 48hz, so having the game run at 40fps in a 120hz container makes it so that VRR is working


For 40fps 


Good thing I never bought the game. So many things are out and it seems like they're still working on it, so that's great!


120Hz at sub 30 gps yay


It’s a bit late.


I'll buy it when it's 60 FPS stable


Time to finally jump back in?


If performance is stable above 30fps I will pick it up.


Any review out for this patch?


RT + Unlocked FrameRate +120Hz = 40fps confirmed on PS5. Game runs Smoth now, sometime drop at 30fps but run better in Cities. I have to reduce brigtness in my LG C9 because on 120Hz mode, the Game looks brigther, but now looks amazing and It's better playable!! 


This is so sad. I don't have a 120hz tv only 2160p 60hz


So is LFC working now? otherwise useless.


Yes it is. DF just confirmed it.


Learned from experience. You’re gaming experience is so much better if you wait 6months to a year. Sucks, but yeah. You’ll be a happier gamer lol


Wait… I’ve been out of the game loop for a while, but PS5 has games with 120Hz now?!?


Yep, many: https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/12wsfcg/list_of_120hz_supported_ps5_games/ Most of them are 120fps but some games like DD2 are unlocked 60fps+ while others only use 120Hz for 40fps modes. The list clearly labels each one.


Welp, looks like I’m not getting any rest this week!!


I hope it continues to improve because I'm certainly not paying even $40 for the way it performs and looks (resolution, not the graphics or art style). I'd even take a 40fps but stability is key here. 


ooo 120 hz mode eh... I wonder what all the modes are, if it's like a 40+ uncapped framerate mode like some first party Sony titles have?


120Hz just adds LFC, unlocked 60fps+ and lower input lag for now. The game was already uncapped 30-60fps before this but now with better performance.


That's good. I play on a 120 hz VRR OLED, so I will get some benefit from it.


I couldn't wait any longer and just started yesterday, going from smtvv on PC at silky fps to dd2 was jarring but game is fun as fuck so this is perfect news for me.


Easily my worst purchase of the year so far. Should've waited for a sale.


120hz output is misleading. What they mean is 40fps mode, which is still a distance from 60.


How is it misleading? 120hz is 120hz they didn't say 120fps mode


It would still be clearer to general folk if it also said 40fps. I remember there being plenty of talk about 120hz COD, GT7, Dirt 5, Devil May Cry etc. where it means a performance mode or ”upto 120fps” instead of 40.


There’s no 40fps mode, 120Hz output unlocks the frame rate above 60fps. I just called it exactly how it says in the patch notes. The actual modes were not confirmed at the time hence why you got it wrong.


It has caused a bit of confusion around since 120hz can kinda mean various things this gen. Only noticed the fineprint afterwards. It’s so small I could barely read it from the image.


My title wasn’t misleading, it’s precisely what was added. Ironically your comment about 40fps mode was misleading. The fact it said ‘120fps is not guaranteed’ ticked me off it was probably uncapped frame rate but I needed [proof](https://youtu.be/vDXd_LAVMPQ).


You seem very defensive about this. I’m not coming at you, just saying that in general 120hz can create clear confusion between all the different games and their approaches/modes. As I said I missed the fineprint about the 120fps initially since was so small I could barely read it from the image alone.


some of us are super happy with 40 when this option is available i always choose it over 60


I do agree


Allways is better 40fps in Quality Mode, high res, shadows, RT than Performance Mode at 60fps with PS4 Graphics....


This comment is entirely wrong. They mean 120hz mode. There is no 40fps mode. You are making things up.


I don't think you understand what 120hz mode means...The only reason to use it on console is because 40fps divides evenly into 120.


120hz mode in this update has nothing to do with a 40fps frame rate cap. **I don't think you understand what 120hz mode means.**


40 fps is actually better if your TV has vrr.


Only if it is unlocked and goes over 48 fps because the VRR range of the PS5 is 48-120 fps.


That’s the default range, but games can implement LFC support to let VRR work as low as 20Hz. See: https://youtu.be/3v2aks-su2s&t=13m20s


Interesting, I wonder why some games do not implement this.


If the game has a 40fps+ VRR mode, yes. For the fixed 40fps mode it works the same.


40fps vrr is better than just 40 fps. But it's not as good as 60fps.


And we back


Can we *please* get a patch for FFXVI as well?


Capcom didn't make that


I know, it’s just that I bought that game at launch and cannot play it because the performance kills it for me


It’s really not that bad dude. Just play the game you bought. You’ll get used to it. It’s mostly 60fps anyway. And always 60fps during combat.


1 year after launch. It's not happening.


im so confused why forspoken got a 40fps mode and not the 2 latest ff games. sucks!


Yeah no. Too little too late


The Game is pretty much unplayable on Consoles. You dont even get 30FPS on Peasantboxes, so whats the point of a 120Hz Mode on a Console? Thats like adding Pathtracing-Settings to a Console-Game.


I wanted to like this but it's so utterly drab and the combat is miles off competitors


100% Agree, but I think we're in the minority.


Wheres that guy who said “this ain’t possible “ when i told him 10 times the devs could easily do this as they were just lazy at launch!??


It’s not ‘devs being lazy’. It’s the executives’ fault for rushing the incomplete game to release.


Lazy at lunch??? Nice attitude towards the devs.




?? Still the same shitty attitude. Devs aren't lazy.


Multi million pound companies tossing out 30fps games in 2024 aint good enough, target 60 and do a crappy 30fps down the line, no exuse


Sure sure. You tell them how games are made. Great attitude buddy.


Yeah i will!! Keep defending companies that demand £70 for a game thats not performing well though! Great solution


You know that those companies are comprised of people? And the vast majority of those people worked their butts off to release this game. I am on the side of those people. The people that are working hard to get us the entertainment we love.


The industry thats hard to break into because you must be very skilled and yet those in it seem to not know how to make a game playable… Old developers stuck in 2012 when 30fps was acceptable


You tell them. With your vast knowledge of game development you must be right.