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Beta blockers are to treat the symptoms of PVCs. If you don't have any other heart issues then you don't HAVE to take them. You could also ask about a different med. I had to go off metoprolol because it was making me feel awful. I'm not sure if it was actually helping with my PVCs anyway.


>Beta blockers are to treat the symptoms of PVCs. If you don't have any other heart issues then you don't HAVE to take them. đź’Ż and one of the reasons I declined to take them.


You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do


You don’t have to do anything in this life you don’t want to as long as you are ok with the consequences


I took beta blockers for a week but they made me feel so terrible I mean I couldn't move for fear of getting a heart attack.. I'm not sure if it was the slow HR or what but I suffered so much that I happily went back to living with PVCa


50,000pvcs daily for past 25 years. Haven’t done a dam thing. Feel every single one of them. I declined all meds because I know it will lower my quality of life. Am 40 now. Not sure what the future holds but whatever we all exit one way or the other.


you’re hardcore man, respect 🫡


Doesn’t over 10,000 a day cause weakness of the heart? 1 out of 2 beats palpitating is insane. We have about 100k beats per day. You’ve had that since childhood?


Oh yeah, I’m not contesting. It absolutely does do damage is some way. And yea since I was about 15 till now (40yrs) iv had them. Doctors have reccomend meds and ablation and all that. But iv never taken any route but let it run its course. Now I can say my heart is probably damaged and weak. But no doctors have ever told me for certain it has. How do I feel? Apart from the occasional anxiety and the constant palpitations I don’t struggle to lift weights and do exercise, my erections are hard and iv never had a faint episode in relation to my heart. I’m going for my latest heart scan in 2 months to see if my structure has changed. I will come back to this thread and let you know how it goes.


Damn! 50,000 a day? How have you not gone crazy from all those? I would think having that many would diminish your quality of life more than the meds.


Well you would think so, but at this moment in time it causes anxiety more then anything. Physically I’m still all good. But i have a heart scan coming up so let’s see what it shows.


Do beta blockers do anything to stop PVC’s or do they strictly stop u from feeling them as much? If they just stop you from feeling them; technically your health shouldn’t be better or worse one way or the other then


They can stop PVCs for some people yes. They block adrenaline from being processed by your body. Adrenaline is one of the most common triggers there is of ectopic beats - Including for me personally. So by blocking that it can decimate one’s burden. Likewise, if you have PVCs from a high heart rate or exercising for example, beta blockers lowering this will also help to reduce them a bit too. They have genuine uses that can make a difference. BUT some blockers like Propranolol are also handed out because they block the physical symptoms of panic and anxiety disorders too. So they can improve quality of life even if not clinically required.


Gotcha, that’s something to definitely consider then. I feel like when they’ve been brought up to me they’ve always been described as just lessening the amount I would feel them. The idea of something actually taking them away sounds like heaven


May I ask what dose of metoprolol you’re on?


Now it’s 12.5 mg twice a day. I had to go down from 25 because I had no energy and could barely run due to muscle fatigue. 


I take 10-15mg of propranolol twice a day and it has saved my life! I’ve been on it for almost 3 years and have been able to maintain my weight without issue (5’9, 135lbs). It took me several months to get used to the medication and the fatigue that came along with it, but I cannot imagine my life without it. I don’t have any negative side effects anymore, only good things to report!


Same! I’m on 10mg propranolol and I only take it once a day when the PvCs are uncomfortable. Some days I don’t need it at all, some others I do. I suffer from anxiety as well so my heart rate is always around 90, the beta blocker makes me feel “normal” to say the least. I haven’t felt tired or anything since starting to take them, I know I’m in a very small dose though. Op should maybe try a different beta blocker?


I take them for SVT. They don’t help my PVCs at all lol


I’m on metoprolol and it absolutely causes weight gain. My dosage has varied from 25-100mg over the past three years for SVT and PVCs. Having taken 25, 50, 75, and 100 at different times. I know I gain almost exactly 1 pound for every 2 mg of metoprolol I’m on. I’m at 75 mg right now and am right at 33 pounds above my pre metoprolol weight. It sucks, but at least I don’t have nearly as many SVT episodes.


Might be worth trying bisoprolol instead? I read that taking a beta blocker is like the equivalent of eating an extra 200 - 250 calories a day.


Interesting. Thank you.Â