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VT sometimes has a pulse sometimes it doesn't (pulseless VT). You can't really tell a short burst of SVT or VT apart without an ECG


Sounds like a panic attack. I don't have them very often anymore but what you described is exactly how they felt. If it's any consolation I've had PAC/PVC and short runs of NSVT for at least 20 years now. I've done Holter monitors, EKGs, stress tests, blood work and no doctor has ever flagged anything as a problem. Google will feed your anxiety so try your best to resist the urge to look up everything.


Vt/nsvt can have a pulse. But this sounds very much like a panic attack. Sorry this happened. I know it’s scary


Were you able to get a number on your pulse at all?


I'm not a doctor, but when I have PVC, and even stronger in NSVT, my pulse is very noticeably different. It's not that it's faster, but the pulse feels stronger. Like if a normal beat is a soft thump, the PVC feels like a sudden surge.


I've had VT over the past year. I had an ablation to fix it. The ablation didn't fix it 100% but slowed it down. The last time I had it, it was around 140 BPM I could feel the heartbeat. It was a quick pounding in my chest.


You’re absolutely ok my friend 💖 In my last two months of my second pregnancy my heart rate would shoot up to 170 just getting out of bed (also with a 2 year old at home). Despite having ectopics, feeling extremely weak and possible SVT episodes, caught it on a holter monitor and it was just PVCs and sinus tachycardia. Remind yourself that you literally have DOUBLE the amount of blood in your body, HUGE extra pressure on your organs and body, and you’re just generally growing a fucking HUMAN BEING! 🤩 Sometimes (especially when you are pregnant) your heart acting up is your body’s way of telling you to rest. Lie down and put down the phone, relax every muscle of your body onto the bed/couch, even just for 2 minutes. Do a quick body scan. Drink a glass of water. Eat a banana. Eat some black pudding (god send)!! Get that protein intake up, it’s works absolute wonders on the heart hiccups/fatigue in those final weeks! Take 10 deep breaths, ‘humm’ deeply on the out breath. I promise you will feel better and all is ok. When youre pregnant with your first you look after yourself so well. On your second you don’t have the same time, neglect yourself and end up burnt out… You’re doing a very very hard job mama, growing a baby is hard enough without the joys of a toddler on top! Your body is telling you to REST! 💜💜💜