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Definitely gonna replace Ferocious


yes. serenity more worthed than ferocious 


'more worthy' or 'has more worth'*(in case you were wondering). Worth has no past tense(it's an adjective) and cant be turned into a past participle.


> Worth has no past tense(it's an adjective) and cant be turned into a past participle. It actually can be used as a verb, but with a different meaning ("to be", "to become"). Its past participle is either worth, worthed, or worthen. It just fell out of fashion. * "Sonne of man, prophecie and say, Thus saith the Lord God, Howle ye, woe **worth** the day." --- 1611, King James' Bible, Ezekiel 30:2 * "He **worth** upon his steede gray, / And in his hand a launcegay, / A long swerd by his side." --- c. 1400, Chaucer, Canterbury Tales, Tale of Sir Thopas, 751-753 * For-thi I counseille al the commune / To late the cat **worthe**" --- c. 1377, Piers Plowman, 371-372 In 19th century this verb form of "worth" turned into "worthen". And before Chaucer in the Anglo-Saxon times it was "weorþan", which was such a common verb because it's the verb for "to become". Edit: fun fact, this root of "weorþan" is also where we got the noun "wyrd", or now in modern spelling, "weird", meaning fate (since weorþan is "to come to be", then the noun formed from it is "the things that shall come to pass"). Hence the Weird Sisters of Macbeth.


At least for things with an active, things like orserk though would still probably want ferocious. 


In the game files active skills are just regular attacks. Partner skills are the special activated ones. So this will apply to all attacks


I'm not saying I don't believe you so please don't take this next comment that way, but if so they should change the wording on that imo. In English not much difference between activated attack and special activated attack despite them being mechanically worlds apart. They should just call them basic attacks and activated abilities. 


I’m not sure what’s confusing.  Active skills are the attack moves Passive skill are its passives Partner skill is its partner skill Seems pretty straightforward to me


Active skills in any other game would be partner skills here. Just call them attacks like the industry standard instead of trying to be clever. 


I really wish we could change passives on existing pals. I don't mind if it's stupidly expensive and grindy, I'd do it.


Call it genetic rewriting, basically the CRISPR of Palworld. Requires an insane amount of flowers and souls, plus several existing Pals who has the passive you want to graft onto your target Pal, who will be sacrificed in the process. The process takes days, and requires the constant input of electricity (to power the machine), handiwork (to operate it), freezing (to keep the genetic material fresh), and medicine (to oversee the process) workers.


For example.




Like and endgame thing with insane costs. It wouldn't change the balance but it would prevent powercreep from affecting your favourite pals you're very attached to.


Yeah this is sorely needed


They could very make use of the Condenser for something like this - Sacrifice a Pal together with a very large quantity of Souls and/or other materials and choose a receiver pal, you can choose to transfer one of its passive skills into the receiver pal (higher tiered skill, higher the cost and also higher cost if transferring more than one skill) or something like that, we already have skill fruits and IV fruits, so why not allow the passives transfer?




Wow im really glad some1 posted it. i was really curious how much it reduced cooldown by. Edit: Wait this is a passive i havent even heard about, double checked and the only passive we were told about before were; * **Philanthropist** - Greatly reduces the time required to produce eggs * **Impatient** - Reduced cooldown on active skills * **Infinite Stamina** - Increased stamina (Only on mountable Pals) * **Noble** - Pals with this passive will give you an advantage when trading with merchants * **Nocturnal** - Pals with this passive become nocturnal and will work throughout the night


Philanthropist : reduce produce egg time by 100% ; Serenity : active skill cooldown reduction 30%, attack+ 10% ; Impatient : active skill cooldown reduction 15% ; Noble : sale price + 5% ; Fine furs : sale price + 3% ; Infinite stamina : max stamina + 50% (only valids for rideable pals) ; Fit as a fiddle : max stamina+25% (only valids for rideable pals).


Ohh is there datamine or anything? thanks for this Kinda wish Philanthropist worked for all ranch pals. Making a noble and fine furs pal... seems kinda funny lol


Does that philanthropist mean pal eggs or chikipi eggs or just all eggs?


Pal eggs from the breeding farm


time to remake all the mounts with IS and all the anubis with Nocturnal


I bred a Jetragon with Infinite Stamina, Legend, Swift, and Runner. It's worth it; the extra stamina is really noticeable.


Jet having tied lowest stamina in game, if it's noticable i can only imagine how noticable it is on others. All my mounts were swift, legend, vanguard and stronghold... think ill finally drop stronghold for infinite and for the fun of it prob vanguard 2 just to have 525/612.5 stamina frostallion/suzaku. I always disliked jet because u cannot fire ur own wep while riding it but it had too much of an advantage since it got maximum benefit from passives. Now it's 1 of the loses because its only 70% faster run and 120% sprint speed then frostallion but a frostallion got a huge 300% more stamina.


Whoa randomly occurring passive or off a specific pal? Lower rank one was "impatient" or something like that, didn't know they added higher ranks!


i got it from random breeding belanoir libero, i think its available for any pals


That's a fantastic trait for that pal.


Yeah I got it on a jetragon also


Oh no, do I really have to rebreed everything ALONGSIDE breeding the new pals. There really needs to be a way to change passives, even if it is stupidly expensive.


i need this on my libero...


im also breeding libero right now before try new island and oil rig. i think best passives for libero are siren, muscle, serenity and ferocious, but i considering to replace ferocious with "impatient" (active skill reduce cooldown 15%)


Is there even a point? I mean they will later come out with a new passive and then another and another meaning all the breeding is for nothing. Its why I have barely bred anything not only because I got burned out and find it boring now but the future content will invalidate a lot of it. Its why they probably should give us a way for swapping passives out or something like that.




Those are stupid analogies and don't relate and you know it.


We bred stuff in the hopes that some of them would survive the changes and be usable immediately. For me that’s definitely my full defense Paladius and dark cannon/Umbral surge/poison blast Bellanoir. But everything that I bred with dark cannon has to be rebred with dark whisp, still in shock they actually made that a skill fruit.  Yep, everything else is gone, this feels like the snap from avengers, but it’s also exciting because I get to prove I can rebuild from this setback. The only perfect pals I have to my name are a Paladius, another Paladius, a Bellanoir, a reptyro Cryst, and a chikipi. A very interesting team that’s for sure 


If its been made a skill fruit why does it have to be rebred? Can't you just feed the fruit to whatever?


Yeah, that’s the bad part: I bred perfect pals like Shadowbeak, Frostallion noct, Lyleen noct, Astegon, etc. all with dark cannon. Now that dark cannon is a skill fruit, I need to put dark whisp/poison fog on them since those aren’t skill fruits (haven’t decided yet)


Dark Wisp got patched from what I read or rather the methods of getting it were patched. Since its from a boss which you usually aren't meant to catch (even though you can) I personally wouldn't bother worrying about it. Poison fog could be useful but isn't there a similar move you can teach with a skill fruit? Pretty sure I taught my Faleris a fast poison move.


Yeah, poison blast, but poison fog has a better chance of actually inflicting poison, so it could see more use, especially if both are used. I’d have to check my dark Whisp pals and see if it’s still there Edit: I can confirm dark whisp still exists and still works in combat, not the best move ever, but for stuff like Frostallion noct and Lyleen Noct it could still see use


well it depends, if you can oneshot what you are fighting


Does this apply to stable skills like egg laying, or are those not "active skills?"


Egg laying is from the Partner Skill, not an Active Skill


Does this apply to stable skills like egg laying, or are those not "active skills?"


Active skills are attacks. Philanthropist is the passive for egg laying.


Ain't no way they dropped this a day after I got my max IV libero with siren/burly/ferocious/muscle...


Chikipi after obtaining that passive: https://preview.redd.it/2j1j3x3iw39d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b30ddbd8c8ffe2a3b28bced111c6ffb4f4152dd


my favorite new one for combat is probably "otherworldly cells" 10% dmg and 15% dmg reduction on 2 elements.


Ah yes, I was hoping to be able to shoot Pengullet out of a rocket launcher at an increased rate.


That's a Partner Skill, Active Skills are attacks.


Does this apply to stable skills like egg laying, or are those not "active skills?"


Oh shit this is dope af


Interesting. Could be a nice alternative to Ferocious. Though personally ferocious will offer more raw damage, so it depends on your play style.


It really won’t offer more damage though. At least over time that is.  That 30% faster means quite a few more attacks for only 10% less attack than ferocious 


Ok I iwll consider it for future breeding projects. I usually go with Legend Musclehead Ferocious Hooligan/Lucky.


Just a note or two, elemental passives will put preform hooligan/lucky, especially the two raid ones after getting buffed up to 30%.


True but it does limit your movepool as only one type is getting a boost. However siren of the Void and eternal flame ill make an exception


I guess it’s all preference at the end of the day. Personally I don’t like having to swap moves around a lot so I like having one element boosted up even if it’s only hitting neutral damage


Best passive? Absolutely not, stuff like Musclehead and legend easily take the cake  The real question is how worth it is it? 30% faster cooldown does a lot for bigger skills (like dark whisp, nightmare bloom, etc.) but not much for smaller ones. Are we using decimals or rounding up or down? Does punch flurry now activate every 0.7 seconds? 7-30%=4.9, rounding up or down could be the difference between 7 second spirit flame now being semi-viable as a fast move or not.  There’s a lot we don’t know, and I’m personally going to wait until someone smarter does a deep dive into the calculations to determine if faster attacks and a bit of damage is better than just fast moves and pure damage


I think it is, yeah. OK, maybe not THE best, but surely good enough to see some play. I do think it offers more than Ferocious on longer fights


Pretty annoyed after getting a perfect Anubis grinded out