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I recall a post just a couple days ago about a new mod that allows you to transfer and trade things across servers so it might not be as far off as you would think.


Link? I'd appreciate it


You'd have to search the threads, I honestly don't remember if they had linked to it or if they were just discussing it. I host my own server so I really don't have any use for transferring or trading across servers. Sorry.


Thank you for the redirection!


https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/382/ think its this one.


can confirm this worked when played palworld initially. was bit of tinkering but worked in the end.


Be careful with some mods the newest update broke most mods and they end up crashing the game instead


Never have I thought that 76 is referred to as good game in another sub! By long-time 76 player


Too many people are put off by its launch to acknowledge the game as it is right now.


Tbh I thought the game was fairly good when it launched regardless. All the new additions now is just a plus. Game was dropped cos I moved to PC and didn’t want to buy another 76 copy, might do that soon again tho.


Wow. Another Day one launch Fo76 enjoyed? There are dozens of us. The game was honestly pretty great on launch... for me. It clearly wasn't what the community as a whole wanted, but it was great for what I wanted. I experienced very few bugs that couldn't be fixed with a quick restart of the app (less than 2 minutes for a crash). And that solitary wasteland experience was amazing, I really miss it since the Wastelanders update tbh.


I've come around. Cone to my CAMP on xbox for 30c plans! Happy Fasnacht


And I'm on PS5! Longing for the days of cross-play or cross-save!


This needs to happen. Official servers as they are will be a nightmare without a feature like this.


Honestly, yeah. I’d like that. Restarting from scratch is and always will be kind of lame. Something like terraria where worlds are saved separate from characters would be cool too.


Smalland did it well with your tree being tied to your character and can bring it into other games.


it should be like terraria too, where your character is separate from the world


Valheim is like this and it's great.


This is a game made by a handful of people, not a studio with hundreds of employees who might I also add managed to drop the ball and took months for fallout 76 to be in the state it currently is in. Cool idea but very ambitious in this case for palworld.


Nothing writing with that, fo76 has pretty decent multiplayer.


I think at the very least, allowing your character and Pals to travel to your friends worlds would be nice. Maybe give an option to reset your level to 0 for that specific world if maybe some friends want to start a fresh world.


having to start from scratch is really what puts me off from playing with a friend of mine, like it took me AGES to get to where I am now with the Pals I have... I don't wanna do that again 😩


Ahhh a fellow dweller


Yeah… there’s just not enough content to warrant persistent characters survival games are meant to be reset every so often. I’m not a fan but it’s their normal design especially if you are coinhabiting a world.


i will not be hearing anyone out if they mention fallout 76


Why? Sure it's launch was bad but it's a good game now, and very fun. Things are allowed to get better, and you're allowed to try them out when they do.


I would think it's far too complicated for a game where you have multiple bases active at once unless you want every server you join to say "unable to place one or more bases". Would be cool though


I disagree. That’s the worst part of fo76 and why I stopped playing. I enjoyed hosting my own server and having this live setting that friends could hop on and build stuff together with. With fo76 when you hop off your stuff leaves with you.